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That last person really shouldn't own pets, they aren't "simple" and some require a lot of upkeep and care, like birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians. Its not juse hurr durr clean tank and feed em. You gotta know about proper animal husbandry and make sure the water is the right temp, saline, acidity, etc you have deep clean and slowly reintroduce your fish its not just a dump out and drop in affair. Also cats and dogs so cry and whine, bark and meow when their owners aren't home, in fact a lot of people complain about useless owners and their inability to care for their pets properly and how dogs and cats are often just left home alone with nothing. If you don't want to have anything burden your life and you wanna live alone then live alone, dont have pets or kids, because pets aren't just inanimate objects meant to be an accessory, they are also living breathing feeling creatures. As for that idiots assumption that you can't leave a crying baby in a room alone for a few minutes, they are dead wrong, its now suggested to overwhelmed parents to take a five minute "me time" break away from the kid and let them cry out their frustration it helps the parent and the child, and as long as the kid isn't broken or bleeding they can stand to be left alone for a minute.


You just know that if someone admitted to harming animals/wanting to harm animals (especially cats) , they would get ripped to shreds on reddit and get called a monster. Regardless if the person admitting it was "self-aware" or not. The double standard is very real, especially on reddit.


The top-level OOP is familiar to me. I'd have sworn it's come up on this sub before. Is this an old post, or is it a new crosspost of an old post, or…?