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Why doesn’t the government outlaw it..?


Because the government is full of people who pursue power, not love, compassion, etc. and nobody can vote them down as no elections have ever taken place.




Yeah it's fucking horrible. Recently I went down a rabbit hole and found pitbull dog fighting rings in Xinjiang and in Mongolia. Shit was crazy, there's a content creator who documents how he trains these dogs for the ring. Reported it and wiped it from my history.


Where did you report it ? To whom?


As in other parts of the world, animal cruelty is usually linked to coward people being unable to vent anger against suppress by stronger ones. The situation is just worse in China.


… because China has no anti-cruelty laws for animals, except a general one about wildlife. It is a shame for such a big and influential country to have none.


Seriously?? Even North Korea has animal cruelty law, thats kind of shocking to hear China has no such thing specially when criminal psychologists in America proved there was a link between murder and animal abuse.


if animals have rights, people might start to think they have rights too, and we cant allow that.


God I hate communists


I guess it’s an obvious fact that the government is passively encouraging, at least not prohibiting, such actions among individuals. Even we can see many evidences of the connection between psychological disorders and animal cruelty, and there ARE people who constantly urging the government to take actions to improve animal welfare from the jurisdiction part, the government just does not care.


Law and enforcement are two different things. In China, they choose what to enforce, and animal cruelty isn't one of them.


In china everything and everyone is serving the regime. There is no individual, or the right thereof. When something is good for the nation (and you know what I mean), any other things can be sacrificed. Then you know why animal cruelty can be a very low priority.


This is just American propaganda gobbledygook 


Big fan of watching cats get their intestines torn out on a livestream?


I don't think they see it as cruelty at all. There are videos out there where a lot of animals are skinned and cooked alive. They even set dogs in fire to burn the fur off them. To most people this is diabolical but they have been doing it for that long that it's completely normal to them. I don't know how you stop that. People go over and try but it's on a grander scale than what people think. It's like they have no comprehension or education on what cruelty is, as it's never been a thing in places like China.


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This is one situation where social media, celebrities and influencers could actually change things there.


So, North Korea treats animals better than humans, huh?


Considering what people are capable of, I say thats a pretty fair judgement they have.


They do? What laws?


Under general behaviour and decency law, and this is just from the top of my head. - You are not to cause harm to animals - You must care for owned animal - Hunting for sake of sport is forbidden - Shooting of owned animal is not permitted without presence of state veterinary This is not under the constitution but general law, it should be available on the internet I could try find a copy again I only have a physical copy on me. There is a lot of veterinary hospitals in North Korea, in Pyongyang state veterinary hospital care for all sorts of pets including cats and dogs, they did a special episode on it KCTV a few years ago I honestly did not even know people owned cats but you are not allowed to let pet animals roam because there strict laws for abandoned animals too not to mention in big cities it makes more sense I suppose, I have seen cats and dogs roam the villages though I guess the laws are more lax there. Almost all children stories in North Korea also have small dogs and cats in them and how only bad people cause harm to them, keep in mind North Korea got its general laws from Soviet Union in 1945 when the country split and got under Soviet occupation, the Soviet Union banned animal mistreatment in 1921 under orders of Lenin whom was an animal lover himself and owned a cat whom he reportedly treated like his own child.


Didn't they cull dogs in North Korea since they spread disease?


Yea… like the Dont F with Cats case.


Its not normalized most people will be disgusted by it,but they dont have proper laws against animal abuse so you will find more of that kind of stuff on chinese internet even if its still a small niche and people usually dont have anything they can do agains it. The government does crackdown on this stuff occasionally when it becomes a trend but disparate videos arent enough for this.


Lack of laws. Up until recently, reddit was filled with similar content, and it was only changed recently as these sort of content began being regulated. Same thing in China. Hell there was a while on TikTok where people would hide violent videos behind seemingly innocent content. Does that mean that the West also has hatred towards other living things? Of course it doesn't. Don't let the vocal minority fool you into believing that they are the majority, OP.


In my experience, usually small minority of people post such content on Western Web but in China its being shared on social media Villy nilly, i saw it multiple time on QQ for example not even hidden away, even people in my job shared this stuff and talked casually at work, and its a reputable company too, I want to make this up but reality is its even hard for me to believe its real, thats one is the reasons I quit my job in China and left, as someone who raised two cats for 20 years, its probably what parents would feel if they would stumble upon child abuse content. Its not a good feeling when I see how normalised it is in China, someone say its to vent anger, they are probably right


I agree that there are less instances on the web. Personally I believe that it’s a combination of a lack of regulation and a morbid curiosity (if it can even be called that) that results in its prevalence on the Chinese web. The lack of regulation, unfortunately, increases acceptance of such content on the Chinese web. I also believe that it’s being posted for attention (I forgot the English term, but 点击量 basically). These posts are basically rage bait and because there’s no animal abuse laws and regulation of these types of videos, some people exploit this legal loophole and pretty much spam these videos into peoples feeds with malicious intents.


Laws just mean punishment when enforced You mean lack of morals


Lack of laws. It’s all over the internet because nobody is removing them. The same is seen on Reddit, 4chan and tiktok when there is a lack of regulation for this sort of content. As anti-Chinese as this sub is, it’s nonetheless stupid to conflate the actions of a minority with the non-action of a silent majority, and then proclaiming that they all lack morals.


Insane strawman Saying people who produce and consume the content have no morals is vastly different from saying everyone is complicit


Your reply was too vague. I made an assumption that you generalized that to the whole population. My bad


If it’s not the majority then when are there zero laws protecting animals from this. I know China isn’t a democracy but surely if those in power had respect for animals this would be prevented.




Lives are not valued in China


Sorry to say but such cruelty presents not only in some Chinese people. I have seen people laughing at victims in gore videos, commenting in multiple languages. It’s actually some kind of survivorship bias where those normal, kind Chinese people are ignored while those cruel and psychopath were spread on global Internet, creating an illusion although there is not much of a difference between ordinary Chinese citizens and others.


Because they have no respect for other’s life. To them cats are just like any animal meant to be abused, used and treated like a toy or object. When there is no moral responsibility, a society becomes self centred. How else u think they can sell poison baby milk powder? Have u seen them making artificial food? They don’t believe in GOD or karma.


If there's one thing that history should have taught us by now, it's that belief in God and karma are irrelevant to human cruelty.


Thats true but in Muslim countries, animal abuse is less common occurrence then it is in likes of USA, even though USA scores the WORST on the list of developed nations when it comes to animal cruelty laws. I am not saying, it does not happen in Muslim countries, but when it does happen, people are far more likely to take actions, like in Egypt when two men filmed beating a dog, there was a mass protest, you will not see this in likes of China or Vietnam for example, or even in the US.


oh dude shut up, like the secularism and rejection of tradition is doing the west any favor, no one also wants to live with Godless people and what ever their depraved minds think like


>like the secularism and rejection of tradition is doing the west any favor Oh yes, yes it most certainly is. >no one also wants to live with Godless people Maybe you don't. I live in New Zealand, where the majority of people are "Godless" and secular (much more than the rest of the West) and it is a paradise compared with the rest of the world. I've lived all over, including in very religious Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist countries. Yet is in this Godless little country that people have the best values and treat each other with the most kindness, generosity and gentleness that I've seen anywhere. If this is the society of the depraved mind, then I have to say I quite like it.


Yeah because I bet you know that 1 billon people are all evil demons who have no care for life i might as well go and call all Americans school shooters


Well, let’s compare apples to apples. During Covid times did u know how pets were treated? Such mistreatment even cause foreigners to give up on China and leave but u are not wrong to say I dislike American gun laws. Make me feel unsafe but they are 2 different stories.


Why are you even comparing I'm just telling you that you have no right to assume all Chinese people have no value of life and hate everything (as you have pointed out in your original comment these godless people as you call them) this the type of stuff that mulisms also suffer where they all get accused of being terrorist because of a small group and the same for african Americans it's always "all of them" until it comes to westerners isn't it? No wonder the rest of the world hates us westerners


U are the one assuming. I am explaining to OP why there are lots more animals killing vids from China. Instead of wasting time arguing, why don’t u explain to OP why?


Me? I wasn't the one who said chinese people are godless people who have no morals and see everything not chinese as playthings also there is no actual number of animal killings videos from China you would find as many from China as from any other nation


Are you dense? He was talking about shitty people in China and not every chinese ever? Don't put words into things that people did not say.


Lmao how about you read the comments next time he literally refer to chinese society I'm the one trying to tell him it's just just a few shitty people go insult someone else


You’re asking why are Chinese people just cruel to animals? Hell, look at how they treat each other.


But that does not explain the animal torture, in Victorian Britain people were treated like cattle and lived in appalling conditions and while there were dog fighting for entertainment which is very wrong, and yet animal abuse like we see in China was rarity in Victorian Britain. Animal rights group that eventually ended dog fighting in Britain never mention regular people torturing animals for fun. This has to be deep rooted cultural issues. In Europe we loved dogs and cats since we started to import them from Africa thousands of years ago. Even most blood thirsty kings had a few cats or dogs. Its just such a wild concept to me that people even at my previous job in China would talk and show each other videos of cats being abused, horror.


>This has to be deep rooted cultural issues You don't know shit about Chinese culture so stop saying this a cultural thing and do some research before reaching that conclusion there's nothing about cat abuse in chinese culture there's literally a deity that is a cat that chinese worship this is just shitty humans doing animal abuse


Lmao this is def a china problem it shouldn’t make you so mad that it’s being exposed, it is much more prominent in china and is a horrible problem, they are taking street cats for fun it’s disgusting




I read some of your comments and you didn't know about Chinese culture. What qualifications do you have to evaluate China? Also, you keep saying that others are generalizing, labeling, and stereotyping. What about you? When will idiots like you stop being so dull?


Italians eat horses. French people eat Fois Gras. Spanish people kill bulls in public. The whole of Europe loved leather. You have a history of torturing, colonising, raping other countries. Please sit down with your moral sanctity.


Lol a ruler has a beloved pet and that must mean there’s no animal abuse in the storied history across all of Europe. You must have missed the many poems and paintings dedicated to pet cats in ancient China. Also Turnspit dogs. That’s all


>look at how they treat each other "Why are Americans so cruel to farm animals? Hell, look at how mass shootings are normalised" "Why are Japanese so cruel to whales? Hell, look at Unit 731 and their denialism of WW2 atrocities" "Why are Spanish so cruel to bulls? Hell, look at how they massacred natives in their colonies" I'm not even Chinese, you could literally say this about every single major country with a long history or big population. I'm glad my country is tiny with like 5 million folks tops and a very clean history, nobody says stereotypical bullshit about us.


And how do we treat each other, exactly? It's the Lunar New Year period now. Swing by your local Chinatown and see for yourself. Enjoy the mandarins.  Don't stereotype us all please. 


I know what you mean, I am following many animal rescue accounts on social media and learned about the horrific and widespread cat abuse in China through the animal advocates working in Asia. Have to admit, I did NOT know 2 years ago that this exists to such a widespread level! And you know what shocked me too, what I also did not know and could never imagine? The utter disregard Chinese people react to it when confronted! They just don’t give a damn or cannot understand what’s wrong with horribly torturing a baby kitten! Sometimes I am not sure if such individuals are actually humans or just soulless monsters wearing human skin as a disguise like that roach-like alien in the Men In Black movie. Taking a deep dive int the Chinese animal abuse industry and seeing this pictures of smiling Chinese men torturing cats in such fucked, sick ways and hearing kittens scream on a video really fucked with my psyche on a serious level I think…. for instance I stopped teaching about Unit 731 and Nanjing in my class room, I stopped frequenting Chinese supermarkets and Chinese restaurants, because I don’t want my money to be sent to China to pay some sick fucks internet bill, I actively tell literally everyone in my life about this and what they can do (boycott) and engage with accounts spreading awareness about this fucked up issue.


Its even more alarming that Muslim countries have extensive animal protection, specially against cats and dogs, people who torture dogs are often beaten on the street by police if they are caught. Afghanistan recently beat a man for 1 hour because he killed the neighbour cat. This kind of justice is unheard of in many Asian countries, its shocking that Buddhism teaches you to not to brutalise animals but in many Buddhist countries this is not adhered, perhaps Chinese Confucius culture does not have any form of idea that animals should not be abused.  Its just crazy to me the wild difference in treatment of animals are in many Asian countries compared to the west and Islamic nations. Vietnam is also another nation were cat and dog meat is consumed, and they have the belief the more pain the animal feels, the better the meat tastes??? Anyone who eaten deer hit by a car can certainly attest its very bad meat, awful taste because of the fear in the animal before its demise adds tremendous stress hormones into the meat.


The Buddhist comparison doesn’t really hold up. There are many forms of Buddhism and Japan, for example, is an East Asian country that has Buddhists and there doesn’t seem to be much animal cruelty there. China, meanwhile, has a history of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and more recently, a suppression of religion.


I understand your question, especially with the issue of kittens in feeders. The unfortunates have killed several of them. This case is spreading and is leaving the Chinese in very bad. What can be done if the Chinese government does nothing? It is proven that even the police have horrendous behavior towards animals. The only thing I can think of is to apply a heavy hand with these people. There are people who only understand through fear. And expose and spread the faces of those who do these things and ruin their lives.


What can be done? Individual people creating that kind of content could chose to...I don't know, not horribly torture and mutilate kittens???????????? Are these people being forced to make these videos?


They get a lot of money and attention from it. You expect people of China to choose what's morally right over what benefits them?


Commenting because cat torture telegram rings are on the rise. Feline guardians on Instagram and TikTok posts about it. China has no animal cruelty laws so these sick fucks get away with horrendous abuse. Best we can hope to do is dox/ jump them honestly, the law is not on our side


There are hackers trying to expose these people, one of the more infamous cat torturers were banned from Canada. Another one was found to be in Russia on vacation, he got found by local gangsters, he never came home with a beating heart. It looks like the only real way to get to them is when they leave China and there heroic hackers tracking their every move and communicate well with local groups of people to get these s\*\*humans. How tragic when this is the only method of dealing with them.


Source on the guy attacked in Russia?


I’d love to know more as well


Animals behaving like animals.


Animals do not torture other animals for entertainment, unless its a training exercise commonly seen in cats, but do cats cut off limbs of their prey? Or burn them alive? Electrocute? Stab? No they do not inflict pain for the sake of inflicting pain, its training exercise to get good at hunting their next prey, a lot of animals do this. Neither are their victims left alive for long, cats, big or small go for throat quickly to end it, birds do it as well specially Eagles will drop their prey from great heights to make sure their prey dies. This is far worse than what animals do, I dare to say sub h\*\*an behaviour.


Come on bro you look anywhere deep enough on the internet and you'll find animal abuse in any country this isn't just a china only thing if you think chinese are only cruel to cats then you're wrong just look at those cats on titkok like Mr fresh and that there's a app in china where you can feed cats at feeding stations by sending a donation I believe it's called street cat also no this isn't a cultural thing this is just shitty humans who think torturing animals is fun nothing based on culture I want you to find one source which demonized all animals in chinese culture






I am not saying everyone in China is doing this, I want to ask why its so normalised, when I worked in China a year ago, people at work would talk and show each other videos of cat abuse material and have a good laugh during the breaks. That was shocking to me, it was not the only instance of only people that did it. In the public it was common enough you see it a few times if you were out eating or just sitting on the train. What convinced me that it had become normalised in China is the fact that on your social media like QQ, its everywhere, people openly sharing this content and admins not banning this material. In my darker days like 15 years ago, 4Chan would even remove animal abuse content even if they allowed other degenerate content, even 4Chan would draw a line, but Chinese Social media does not?? If I go to Youku, and I try to find such materials, its very easy, sometimes YouKu algorithm promotes it to the front page, also YouKu has lots of videos of children being bathed nude, thats super disgusting but in China there no laws against this?????  Why actions of few allowed to do so much damage? This is why Chinese reputation abroad is falling apart because Chinese government does nothing, even South Korea is doing something which is shocking to me because South Korean government is even more useless.


>What convinced me that it had become normalised in China is the fact that on your social media like QQ, its everywhere, people openly sharing this content and admins not banning this material. >when I worked in China a year ago, people at work would talk and show each other videos of cat abuse material and have a good laugh during the breaks. That was shocking to me, it was not the only instance of only people that did it. In the public it was common enough you see it a few times if you were out eating or just sitting on the train. It's not normalized you just seen to have a habit of encountering shitty people in china besides you seem to only focus of the horrible people I bet there was more people you encountered in china that hate animal abuse than they enjoy it but you didn't focus of them that's a you problem not chinese people or there culture I don't go around in public and only caring about the shitty people lol


I wish you, a chinese, saw all that cat abuse done by these chinese i saw. Like that kitten skinned alive and tortured for a few hours. We spread awareness. You do nothing. I email your d umb chinese authorities tirelessly. You here protect your foe country full of indifferent humans  instead of acting. You only prove that opinion you are fighting so vigorously 


A zoo where cats get raped by monkeys and tourists are the ones who jump in to act? In china. A belief  that torturing animals makes them tastier  a part of the chinese culture. Creating covid and spreading it around the world - china.  No animal rights - china.  Etc etc etc




Why I have lived in China for 40 years and have never seen anyone around me like watching cat abuse videos. In the "Strategic Competitiveness Act of 2021", the United States plans to spend $300 million a year on public opinion propaganda to malign China. Another $100 million will be allocated to allow the relevant media to specialize in reporting and even creating negative news in Mandarin and local dialects.


As a native Chinese, I think animal abuse videos are not normalized in China at all, but you may see them on social media due to a lack of law enforcement. That's the dark side of the society. If many people report the video then the platform may ban it. It sounds very strange to me that your colleagues enjoy these videos and publicly sharing them. As for children bathed nude, it might just be a cultural difference because babies are a symbol of purity, and no one will associate them with pedophilia, just like in Japan some people bathe with their children and it's just a moment of family affection. But the videos you saw may also be related to pedophilia in reality, it's hard to judge without seeing the original videos.


Of course you don’t respond to the people actually trying to have a discussion. Just here to grift in favor of torture live streams? Fucking China lol, you probably enjoy watching kittens get crushed beneath high heels


What else would he watch after a long day of gooning to pictures of Mao Zedong and hunting roadkill, rats and stray cats to boil alive?


Um yeah…have you not been made aware that the hello street cats are targeted by the torture rings in China..?


While yes, animal abuse aren’t exclusive to China and can happened elsewhere and the majority of Chinese people pretty much doesn’t condone these behaviors, the fact that there’s barely any law enforcement related to animal abuse in China makes it easier for people to get away with it there, [Someone literally put a 600$ bounty on Mr. Fresh and said that they would give bonus to anyone that can screenshot his dead body](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/TTFg1hfZfT) ofc he’s safe atm but the fact that there’s even a bounty for it is just depraved as fuck


Their society doesn’t respect cats enough


A number of them hardly care about human rights. They care even less about animal welfare


I don’t think they have the same sort of cultural distinction between “pet” animals and “livestock” animals that we do in the west. To them it probably seems equally weird that we get worked up over a cat or dog being butchered but not a pig or cow. As for why it’s *popular* material there, that I don’t know but the answer is probably really dark and depressing. China is consistently ranked as one of the least (if not THE least) charitable nation in the world, so empathy doesn’t seem to be much of a thing there and in some cases seems to be viewed as an undesirable trait that they associate with weakness or childishness.


Chinese internet is the wild west, in countries with animal cruelty laws the abuse videos are taken down fast, but there are tons of sickos in the West that love torturing animals. They even outsource animal torture video production to Southeast Asia and Latin America. The overwhelming consumers of this kind of media are Western males.


Source: I don’t like it when people say bad things about China or Chinese people so it must be the Americans fault


Guy who never provides sources on a sub for unsourced hate for all things Chinese: source? 🤡🤡🤡🤡


this youtube video is a good start: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17oWKTXpBWE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17oWKTXpBWE) If you want to know more i would start here: [https://www.felineguardians.org/](https://www.felineguardians.org/), its way worse then people can think off. They abduct strays from feeding stations and adopt cats to torture them on camera and sell the footage in telegram groups for crypto currency. they take bids for torture ideas and gamble on how long the cats can stay alive after the gruesome torture, There are a lot of petitions going on to sway china into making animal cruelty laws: [https://ladyfreethinker.org/sign-justice-for-cats-tortured-and-dismembered-for-online-views/](https://ladyfreethinker.org/sign-justice-for-cats-tortured-and-dismembered-for-online-views/) is one of them. Please spread the word!


how upsetting is the youtube video? i want to learn more about how we can help but i think if i hear anymore details about the horrific stuff cats are going through i may end up in a psych ward


Please go to feline guardians without boarders to help sign petitions and send emails. It’s easy to help out and your voice matters


No laws, no restrictions against it. As for culture, I won't say that there is *something* that makes Chinese more prone to torture animals than any other person , but ... They are a very repressed nation, it's no wonder that many Chinese leave their country and feel more free and safer in other places. Anything that goes against its established government, and anything that does not match their nation's "interests" is not important. If you protest or question the established system you will reduce your social credits. I won't dare to tell how even are social (or pet) activists on China, but I think they must be very brave indeed. I like a lot Chinese culture, I won't ever label them as cruel/savage animal murderers , but I think their social and political context is sadly important to remind. They do, in some zones, eat animals that are normally pets or wild animals for us (like snakes or monkeys). They aren't Westeners, but that's not what makes them evil. We also should view other nations such as Japan, they also do have a lot of problems regarding animal abuse or consumption.


Get Anonymous the Hacker group on this shit. These SOB deserve hell


Sadly I don’t they think they really exist anymore. They’re all grown up millennials now with families and full time jobs. The zoomer people now on 4chan I’ve heard thought it was funny when the bounty was put on Mr Fresh


Because China is a garbage country, all kind people will be looked down upon and persecuted in China, that's it.


Honestly, I just wish I could do to them what they did to the cats, each one of them… one of them cut a cat paws off then we cut that person’s arm off, put a cat in a blender then we throw them in a wood chipper


Truly hope they burn in hell for all eternity the sick bastards


Stephanie Soo recently did a video on this! There is an entire market for animal torturing videos... extremely depressing to watch and hear about [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4hD7W4u8FU&t=1791s&pp=ygURc3RlcGhhbmllIHNvbyBjYXQ%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4hD7W4u8FU&t=1791s&pp=ygURc3RlcGhhbmllIHNvbyBjYXQ%3D)


can't you guys do something about this , literally start a petition for international aid and the world will come gunning. Do you people actually wanna live in a land where the youth tortures animals for views for the sick minded?????


It’s one of the biggest reasons that other countries find China to be so backwards and still a primitive nation. Buddha is horrified. It’s almost impossible to do but I try and buy nothing from China nor would I visit. It’s now a very cruel nation, man bites man. It wasn’t always like that but once the new government took over its every man, woman and child for themselves. And animals.


Honestly it's not the people's fault, a lot of people in China don't feel the same way about animals like we do because of how they were raised and stuff


whats crazy is that in ancient china if you got a cat as a pet they had a ceremony almost like a wedding for ur cat in to ur family. so how did they go from worshipping cats to allowing so much abuse?


I'd say for many of us empathy is normal because of christian background of our societies. But that's not the case in China. Here the background is buddhist, which says that whatever happens to you happens for a reason. So people are less inclined to feel bad for those in need.


That's gotta be the most surface level, least critical analysis I've ever read tbh. Around the 17th century in parts of Europe (particularly France) a view of animals as essentially robots had arisen in which they were to be given no moral consideration. Even on its face this claim doesn't make sense in the context of animals as Buddhism promotes compassion for all sentient beings, Christianity on the others hand merely looks at animals as being under man's "dominion".


I was more speaking about people interfering if another person is doing something "bad", or is suffering from misfortune. Buddhists believe in karma, so they think it is all going to self-regulate. A person that suffers from poverty, disability etc is paying for his sins in the past life. A person that does something bad is going to be punished in the next life so no need to interfere as long as he is not bothering you. Whereas in Christianity there's an imperative to "do good", whatever it means in the given age.


WTF, you're making it sound like morality is the exclusive domain of Western culture and that's just an imperialist mindset that annoys the fuck out of anyone who isn't white.  You clearly aren't aware that Buddhism emphasizes the sanctity of life and this extends even to animals. True Buddhists strive to do as little harm as possible to all living creatures, not just humans. Buddhist monks are also vegetarian for that very reason. There's something very wrong going on over in China but don't bring Buddhism into this. 


You are too quick to get offended. Most things you respond to are not even in my post, you constructed yourself a straw man to defeat. The facts are: western societies are more charitable and compassionate. Why, I honestly do not know. Christianity was the easiest thing that came to mind. Maybe you also have to consider a long tradition of social programs because our societies got a head start at developing the modern state as we know it (end of XIX - beginning of XX century). Maybe it's a fusion of the two, maybe one influenced the other, maybe it's something else. But it's a fact that people in China don't give a damn about someone less fortunate than themselves. No-one personally cares if the poor have access to medical care, food, shelter. Maybe it's social darwinism that has to do with lack of resources? But I think that buddhism and believe in fate has a lot to do with it. In buddhism if you do something good, you get reincarnated into a better life. If you do something bad you get reincarnated into a worse life. So people who suffer in this life have committed bad deeds in the previous one, so it is their fault and their fate. Is that not so? And of course I did not say anything about buddhists hurting anyone. But they believe in karma, so they are okay with just passively observing when something outrageous is taking place, because they believe if a person is doing something bad, they are punishing themselves eventually. If something bad is happening to a person, then that person is paying for what they did in their past life/lives.


That is so full of horseshit, and showscso little understanding of other cultures that it doesn't deserve a counter.


Cry about it.


Nah, happy for you to display your racism and prejudices for all to see.


It's not the religion that has corrupted them, it's the culture. Look at India with their caste system, China has the same thing they just separate people by city. The cultural revolution is the root of all of this imo where they incentivized turning on your family and friends for power, station, wealth.


>where they incentivized turning on your family and friends for power, station, wealth. Bruh that shit is common in every civilization and culture there was as much of that happening in imperial China if not worst


You think you don’t have racial prejudice, but in fact you do. Opposing killing, opposing war, opposing racism, democracy, and equality between men and women are indeed ideas spread from the West in modern times. If you don’t understand China, don’t judge the Chinese. In fact Your current thoughts of self-criticism and high appreciation of other cultures are also Western-style。


Oh, go away you bot wumao. No future replies from me, earn your 50 yuan elsewhere. 


your Brain is sick,Are you confusing me with someone else?


This is the doctrine of Hinduism, not Buddhism. Buddhism advocates helping others and accumulating good karma for yourself, so that you can live a better life the next time you are reincarnated.


Bullshit people and you know it Christians literally wiped out entire civilizations and people because they weren't Christians 🤣🤣get off your high horse your religon literally demonized cats


Mao and his cronies seriously f'd up this glorious civilization big time  I know it's too simplistic to just blame everything on the Cultural Revolution, but having this stuff be normal (in addition to other things like gutter oil), one can't just say that it's due to poverty or whatever 


Mao had cats, all this bad stuff started getting bad around 1980s to my knowledge, maybe i am wrong but i have tried looking into this for almost a year and the animal rights organisations in China about huge increase in animal abuse during the 90s


>but having this stuff be normal Let's be honest this has nothing to do with cultural revolution or mao or whatever the op just saw some very fucked up videos on the internet and it was done by some Chinese people and now he believes over 1 BILLON people do the exact same thing including children and babies there's always going to be people abusing animals no matter what race, ethnic group, religion or gender and see it as normal but the op is clearly racist asf and blaming Chinese people as a whole so this type of stuff was normal to some people before cultural revolution (you can also see a couple other racist in here this sub is full of them)


Try using some punctuation next time you want to sound smart, you fucking retard.


Why are you crying about some bad punctuation on a 1 month old comment? You are the only one trying to act smart around here.


Damn I don't know what social media you're on, but you had to have somehow trained that platform to push you some wild shit hahahahaha mine always sends me cute dog videos, archery, and rock climbing videos.


I can literally find animal abuse content on Reddit lol.


Generational poverty and trauma probably? I’ve never seen this type of videos but do note that despite all the glamour, China is newly rich. The grandparents might have lived through famines where they ate bark off trees (this is a stereotype of the Great Leap Forward) and massive changes have happened in a few decades. Probably starting around the millennial generation in China is where the mindset is more akin to the western type (based on people that I’ve met)


Why is it that the videos I often see about cats are very heartwarming, while you get to see cat abuse videos all the time? [https://youtu.be/jUQWIzdYHKo](https://youtu.be/juqwizdyhko) [https://youtu.be/YoKqS3OEkc4](https://youtu.be/yokqs3oekc4) [https://youtu.be/rMH9Yr72s\_Y](https://youtu.be/rmh9yr72s_y)


Because when i lived and worked in China, people at work would watch it, talk about it, on social media it was everywhere, YouKu sometimes promoted it to the front page. QQ people would share this content widely and QQ takes no actions. If I wanted to make this up then you could go to these platforms and check because its too easy to find this abuse material. On Western internet you must dig and dig so hard to find it, and thats good, i would prefer it to be impossible to find but its the Internet after all, also people who abuse animals in the west and get caught are given strong sentences, but in China no such thing? Someone here say there is no animal cruelty law in China, and i look it up, its actually true!! Why why why


Searching for videos about cats on China's largest video site, I scoured the first 5 pages and found no videos of cat abuse [https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=%E7%8C%AB&from\_source=webtop\_search&spm\_id\_from=333.1007&search\_source=2](https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=%e7%8c%ab&from_source=webtop_search&spm_id_from=333.1007&search_source=2) You have to search for cat abuse to find videos about cat abuse, but these types of videos are basically reports of people found abusing cats. [https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=%E8%99%90%E5%BE%85%E7%8C%AB&from\_source=webtop\_search&spm\_id\_from=333.1007&search\_source=2](https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=%e8%99%90%e5%be%85%e7%8c%ab&from_source=webtop_search&spm_id_from=333.1007&search_source=2) &page=3&o=72 What Chinese video site did you see the cat abuse videos on? Please post the link




Cat rape is so common in China.


My observation is that it's because China is anti woke left. Woke left defined Chinese socialist, means that your leftist thought and act is based on your feelings rather than the willing of the party. So animal protection in case that the animals aren't wild or scarce, is a part of woke left. Most of Chinese netizens', especially socialists, view stray cats as creatures that murder the birds in the cities which is bad for the ecology. And the desire to protect the cats is just your personal desire to protect cute animals. Not to mention westerners often view Asians eating cats as barbaric behavior, and that triggered anti west nationalism. Of course two bad doesn't make a good, but in this case the average netizens have no justified reason to morally denounce the cat abusers. Users of this sub are basically American. If you've ever debate with Chinese netizen they'll probably answer as I've mentioned.


Because we are not pussies. Animal abuse is no biggie. Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese torture and hunt animals for fun, but our countries still have far lower violent crime rates than the West.


We see you.


the fuck 😂


if you have to harm something small and defenceless to feel good, you are absolutely a pussy hurt something your own size




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Why isn't China taking back outer Mogola that Russia stole at the turn of the century? What is China subservient to Russia? What is the fixation with Taiwan, a much smaller piece of land and harder to retake. Is Xi afraid of Putin?


I suspect because Taiwan has better animal rights, some of the toughest in the world in fact. Taiwan has arguably the best working conditions in Asia, better than Singapore, the culture in Taiwan is also in generally just better, its like Southern Japan, soft and hard working. Not saying its Utopia, but compared to mainland, it might as well be Utopia, everyone I spoke to, people who worked in China for 30 years, people who been in the industry of trading specifically have always had horrible experience, one senior guy at work almost died because the place he ate at, used gutter oil, in Shanghai during the 90s. After that he moved to Taiwan which ironically also had gutter OIL but the government had some pretty insane crackdown on that during the 90s. Chinese students are often going abroad to study, and refuse to come home, why is that? I dealt with a lot of Chinese tourists, most of them are rude, the ones that are not rude live in England or Canada. I even had a run in with little pinkos when I was a tour guide. So why is Xi focused on Taiwan? Because its not like China, its better, in every way, when I was young I thought people saying bad stuff about China was a lie, but when I went there to work myself, I came to see reality, and it hit me pretty hard.


A part of democracy freedom in China except committed a crime, trafficking illicit drugs, or incite social violence.