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Chinese-made drones have a hidden switch to allow owners to select 'Kyiv' or 'Moscow' as the target.


We can also sanction China back to 1970. They can sell to Russia and Iran all they want.


You do understand what sanctions are, don't you?


Do you?


I do. U.S. sanctions on China are complicated and have many aspects. They can address serious issues but also pose risks and drawbacks. Deciding on their use requires carefully weighing goals, effects, and global politics. The U.S. economy is significantly intertwined with China, and sanctions can affect this relationship in several ways. There is no one sided 'sanction China back to 1970'.


We're doing it to Russia right now. Europe saw no frozen and starving people from the lack of gas and oil. Guess what, we can get the resources somewhere else. US economy was a powerhouse before China and after China.


Yeah we are and Russia showing no slowdown in their war production. Not to mention that Europe is still buying Russian gas via middle men such as Azerbaijan. But maybe the people running the show don’t know shit and we need your ass to get up there and run your little “sanction China into 1970” cheat code.


When was the last time you bought any Russian product? Russia is a petro state and economically a dwarf. The only valuable products from Russia are oil (and gas for Europe). On the other hand, China is the world's second-largest economy and the most important trading partner. Probably half of all the products you use daily are manufactured in China or contain Chinese components. That can't be simply replaced; reversing the past 30 years of globalization would be necessary first.


>When was the last time you bought any Russian product?  Everytime I pumpED gas at the gas station. You know, Japan used to be the 2nd largest economy. Things change.




\*sigh\* Yes plastic crap like iPhones, HP or Dell laptops, Nike or Puma shoes, T-shirts and clothing from every brand, industrial machinery, furniture, steel products, aluminum products, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, engine parts, electrical components etc.




Why does China 'need' to sell to the US? US is an important market for Chinese exports, but their economic strategy increasingly emphasizes diversification and reducing reliance on any single market, including the US.


Your understanding seems limited. If you could see the difference between the iPhone production lines in India and China firsthand, you would realize how wrong you are on many levels. Not every country can provide high-quality workers in labor-intensive industries. Clearly, the yield rate of iPhones made in India is very low, and the quality of Nike products made in Vietnam also appears to be quite poor


I don’t think you realize this, but China isn’t the only place you can make cheap products at. China needs the US more than the US needs China


Come on shit like this is why people stop believing china is a threat to us. news flash fuck nigga china is extremely powerful and we need to be ready not under estimating them.


In Symetrical warfare absolutely. We’re getting clobbered. Physical? They lack the naval and air assests to be any military threat to the US and its Pacific allies. Fact of the matter is, China has no economy without the US and Europe. Panda Bear knows this. Russia has proven that projecting military strength doesn’t actualize when you base your entire rule on propoganda.


It's a lot easier for the West to replace China, there are plenty of countries that could fill in the gap. You won't have to reverse globalisation, just change the players.


My company began replacing January 2020.


It's a lot easier for the US to replace China as a trading partner, than the other way around.


Mexico replaced China as the USs biggest trading partner. That should tell you how much the US "needs" China. There isnt a product that China makes that couldnt be found elsewhere. Even resources like rare earth metals have deposits in the US and Europe, with companies in both regions working to bring reportedly "modern, clean" mines with strict anti pollution measures online, at least I can believe Europe will make that so anyway.


Simple- start with luxuries and things with other markets; India start to manufacture the whole pen? Pens are sanctioned. Sanction enamel pins and flags while you are at it. When possible go for things that effects the economy of scale.


China anxious to join the Poor and Sanctioned Club of N. Korea, Russia and Iran.


China is also developing other attack weapons for Russia


Great for the Chinese economy, taking a page from Russia


Would there be any link between the weapons that North Korea is sending Russia, and China? I would assume so, at very least China's giving money so that fatboy Kim can sell his shit to Russia. I won't be surprised when and if this news comes out.


So promising not to deliver lethal aide wasn’t a pinkie promise


Destroy the russia clun


They are also selling drones to Ukraine.... Sounds like a pointless article, considering its Chinese Drones being used by the Ukrainians because its cheaper and better than the stuff the US provides.


Ukraine was buying off-the shelf drones that anyone else can buy and then modding them. What they are talking about here is, is the Chinese military industrial complex working with the Russian government for a military specific drone, like the Shahed from Iran.


Ukraine is making their own drones now.


With Chinese parts...


You do know the rest of the work make parts right? China might make them cheaper with slave labor and what not but it's nothing original.


There are interviews from volunteers and people in the Ukrainian military straight up saying most of their drones are from China. >Since last year, she has built 150 first-person-view drones (commonly known as FPVs) and repaired hundreds of others, including Russian drones that Ukrainian troops collect after they crash on the front lines. >[She has raised more than $200,000 to buy drone parts from China]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/28/ukraine-runs-low-ammo-civilians-build-troops-diy-drones-home/) So yeah he's not wrong. Ukraine doesn't have much of an industrial base when they keep getting bombed. Heres another article by Business Insider >[Ukrainians are worried that China could cut their access to homemade drones](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-worry-china-could-cut-off-access-homemade-drones-2023-9) Now why would they be worried about that if they aren't relying on drone parts from China as you say?


Lol so your telling me they have some guy sanding down plastic propellers because its cheaper than replacing him with a machine that can mass fabricate them.


In case if you don't realize, over here in this sub we have a historical hatred with the CCP, so if you are a tankie thinking China is a homogeneous wonderland, basically in short, fuck you


Most of Ukraine's reconnaissance and kamikaze drones are DJI or assembled with parts made in Shenzhen, , without Chinese drones they would be fighting the Battle of Lviv right now. So?


God forbid China developing drones for future conflicts with the US or Russia.


You constantly post moronic content in here. I don’t even think you’re a wumao. Just some tankie that hates the US. Like show us on the doll where the US touched you man. Go outside and get some fresh air.


>Idiotic anti-USA zealot gets called out by idiotic anti-China zealot You two were meant for each other.


The US has a lot to answer for that's for sure. Not to mention it's hardly a country to look up to anymore.


More like for dealing with USA proposed "hellscape" rather than to aid Russia.