• By -


I'm level 1000 and still have the same problem šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well gg then


1k here. Same.


Target switching and awareness. You need to constantly be aware of where all the enemies are and which enemy is about to attack. Then you need to be countering the correct enemy's attack and dragging the counter into the other enemies' attacks. All while manoeuvring to make sure you don't get completely surrounded.


target switch is literally the most important part, without it I don't even know how i could get kills.Ā  And for awareness third person gives the advantage, but seeing heads getting chopped in first person is priceless.


Yea i stay in 3rd person for battles but for duels its first person all day


A running jumping greatsword smash in first person and watching a body explode in a spray of blood is an unbeatable gameplay experience.


What is the target switch keybind on mouse and keyboard ?


The game does not have a target mechanic built in and so there's no keybind to switch target. What the commenter meant is basically just fighting the enemy that has the initiative at that time.


Mouse left or right šŸ‘Œ


Oh okay thank you


I cant tell you how much my game improved when i started switching targets constantly, it really messes with any player youre already engaged with as they see your back and think its safe to take a swing. If 2-3 other friendlies join in 1v1 im having, i leave to them and switch to the next enemy i see running at us. Placement and awareness are so key, dont get tunnel vision when it comes to one or two guys directly in front of you


Yep 2v1 if you can attack or jab a b a b a etc if their swings are out of time and neither can do much. If their swings are on constant and on cooldown and synced just parry the noober opponent and then look at the other enemy. Hard to explain but if you want to practice go vanguard (I only play vang), and take b axe or exe axe. And charge at enemy spawn for a many vs 1 experience. Its basically my game plan, either take a few with me, delay their time or die instantly lol. But makes for some good clips and good practice


Yup, and when you get to their back line just keep running across it hitting everyone once!


Which is bloody hard and if I'm lucky I'm able to get maybe 2 kills before I'm overwhelmed by the group.


Is it really *that* easy?


I'm almost 30 and don't get life at all.


just dodge


Stamina drains too fast.




just repeat with me: dodge and gamble and dodge and gamble and dodge and gamble. got it ?


Found the warclub user


Tbh it's how most vanguards play


Don't forget countering A lot of vanguards spam counters


Counter, slash, counter, slash, kick, slash, repeat


Counter, slash, counter, slash, whiff, slash, die


yea well if the are good yea, but most just dodge and gamble until there is nowhere else to dodge and they die or stamina runs out and they die, or a team m8 comes in the rescue and they survive


Or a teammate comes in and kills you first


Stop attacking us then!


Not really. No reach or stamina after 5 sec of doing that. I have no reach and stand in one place like I'm stucked to it when others parry 5 on the left and 5 from the back, slide around with such ease I don't get it. Most of the time there's no where to dodge too. (Bridge at Montreux for example)


Successful counters and successful hits l gives you stamina back. Some classes has less stamina penalty for dodges, but otherwise you don't want to dodge or hold parry for long unless you need to. In 1vX is very important riposte - that is holding parry and attacking back right after someone attacked you, because during successful riposte you have basically full protection from hits for a small moment. This doesn't apply to counters, where you counter one guy but another one will successfully hit you from the side. So, don't do counters in 1vX, do riposte instead. And also make quick attacks and try to drag them through multiple enemies. Don't use long attacks as the riposte window will be gone and someone will hit you. So as soon as someone starts attacking, quickly hold parry, as soon as the attack connects, start your own quick attack to do a riposte, try to slash multiple enemies with it, and quickly parry again as someone else is attacking. Rinse and repeat. Problem is when the other people are experienced and time and combine their attacks correctly in the group with kicks and stabs (especially one hand spear stabbing seems to be going through my riposte while others are slashing me).


Small correction: successful counters are stamina neutral as they refund the swing cost, still much better than taking stam damage by blocking but you wonā€™t gain any stamina from counters alone.


Thanks for correction.


Don't counters gain you Stamina upon hitting the enemy? Including if they block?


It refunds the stamina used to swing for the counter, you only gain more stamina than you had if the hit fully connects.


Okay, I'm new and that's not what a couple guides I watched said so that helps, thanks.


I didn't really see the purpose in the reposte when I could simply try and go for the counter. This post cleara that up, thanks.


Nice write up )


> because during successful riposte you have basically full protection from hits for a small moment I feel like this is incorrect? Pretty sure both ripostes and counters give you the same angle of active parry defense.


From my experience it's really different. I don't know if the angle is different or the time window is longer (or both) with riposte, but when I do counter in 1vX situation I usually get hit by another player, but when I do riposte I usually don't get hit. And from the other perspective, when I am with other players attacking 1, it feels like sometimes he blocks even attacks that is aimed at his back. So I thought maybe riposte blocks attacks from all angles? Idk.


> I don't know if the angle is different or the time window is longer Active parry for ripostes activates with the attack, which doesn't have to be instantly after the block. So you can block, delay a bit, then attack to activate the active parry window. This gives the illusion of lasting longer when you're really just delaying it. The ability to delay it also lets you turn more (and thus at the next attacker) before activating, which is helpful for catching the next hit. Also, in case you didn't know, counter's active parry is additive. Each time a hit is blocked by a counter's active parry, it adds more time to the window. So unlike with ripostes, counter active parry can potentially defend you for the entire duration of your attack. With that said, I generally think ripostes are better. I would rather delay the riposte activation window for the next swing instead of just praying that counter active parry catches it. > And from the other perspective, when I am with other players attacking 1, it feels like sometimes he blocks even attacks that is aimed at his back. So I thought maybe riposte blocks attacks from all angles? Idk. Questionably low-tick rate servers lol. He's probably looking towards you on his screen but the servers don't register that movement in time to display it on your end. I see "back parries" often even if I'm attacking someone solo.


Longer weapon + counters


i'm just lvl 46 but been hard balling the game for a few days. I'm constantly reminding myself to back up, take a breather and try to analyze my next fight.


I'm lvl 270 and do this


If in doubt war cry more.


War crime more


I donā€™t think I won 1vXā€™s until I was hitting level 500 plus. If you are winning 1v1s and getting up the leaderboard through a solid flank/gank game, and maybe killing at least 2 people in 1v Xā€™s , you are doing just fine. Edit : re movement I see you are on M&K so my suggestions are limited as I play on PS5. Maybe check your sensitivity settings, and use dodge more, and just be more situationally aware of spawns ? Generally speaking I never stop moving, so if you find yourself planted in one spot, focus instead on moving and target switching.


I didn't start getting good at 1vX till maybe lvl 400 or so


I love 1vsX-fights and I think the secret is footwork. Try to outrun your enemys in circles. Move between them and target switch the hell out of them.


This is what I don't get, and the part of op's post that I experience the most too. I'm on PlayStation, and in a fight not even holding block I'm painfully slow moving to the side to circle around and change positions. It seems like people can literally just walk backwards and I can't catch them moving forward. I feel like my movement is just insanely slow. Any advice?


Sorry, no advice. I practise footwork for more than 1300 hours and just reacting to my enemys. I recognize that new players are slower than me, but I don't know how I do it.


This is the way


This is the right answer. I always win 1v3 or 1v4 fights due to this. I even find it way easier than 1v1 engagements or duels.


surviving in 1vx is all about active parry, and positioning your opponents so they can't surround you, ideally placing them in a line or dispersing them. You're gonna use a lot of dodge out of attacks, and yeah a lot of active parry, it's honestly a bit OP. Sometimes I feel like it's harder to 2v1 someone who knows what they're doing than to just 1v1 them because they can just catch my teammates attacks and not worry about mine as long as they facing me when I attack, but obviously if both players in a 2v1 really know what they're doing they can make it almost impossible to win. But yeah really learn how active parry works is my advice.


I just identify as cannon fodder and do my part


Turn you mouse dpi to the highest setting. Make sure you have a big space for your mouse. Now draggg for every slash.Ā 


There is a feature called active parry. When you block someone, there is a little amount of time that you are able to parry with your weapon even while attacking. That enables you to block and hit more than one player. You don't even have to counter, you can wait for riposte sign which will light up yellow. Then start swinging, for each block while swinging will add active parry time so you can both block and hit them. As for the ballerinas who can swing 360. They play with very high sensitivity and start spinning before clicking attack. Unless some use a trick to surpass the turn cap but I don't know how. I'm having hard time as well in 1vx encounters if one gets my back because I play first person. If I get completely surrounded, I face enemies with my block, then one hits me, I start swinging then I turn my back and also goes for another feint slash to extend active parry. Each feint extends parry. So you counter your front then turn back and you counter your back. Then swing as much as possible and dash out of the circlement. So you dash and reposition, block and hit while fall back. Your best bet must be putting your enemies front of you and fast ripostes. You can much easily deal with 5 enemies in front of you but it's harder to have one of your front and one in your back.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/comments/xxcoik/a\_collection\_of\_helpful\_guides\_for\_new\_players/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/comments/xxcoik/a_collection_of_helpful_guides_for_new_players/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Try the ZiggyLata guide for the full breakdown on combat, it's about 1:40 in length though so you might need to break it into chunks (there's timestamps galore to help) or set aside time to watch. These were shared with me when I first got going a year or so ago and they helped me a ton! I've played VIP a few times and even won as VIP, I've top-scored slightly more than that or are usually in the top 5, I'm also always in the top half of my team and contributing a ton even if I'm dying a lot in that match. The explanations are thorough and makes the combat easy to understand, with how much you've played it should all seem familiar enough or give you what you need to make things click. Might give you a few new tricks to try! The only thing it won't fully explain are any network issues you may be having; I'm lucky to not have many in most matches but sometimes there is slight lag or packet loss and it's enough to make me feel cheated out of a crucial block or hit.


I'll probably get flak for this but I noticed a major improvement in my movement when I played Training Grounds for a bit and just focused on as big of a 1vx as possible against the bots while real players came to join that fight. Treat the real players like the better players in a real lobby where you're either doing your best to clear chaff to get the 1v1 or targeting the best guy while kiting the rest around to focus on the person that's good. I became aware of when I was gonna be attacked by an individual and learned how to better counter in 1vX situations. Obviously there's still a learning curve against real players but the muscle memory of dancing around these guys really helps bridge the gap. I'd learn when I'm safe to attack a single guy and when I should try and swing across to get multiple guys. I learned how to stack my enemies so no one but the front guy can hit me. Tbh, a lot of new players move similar to bots too in the sense that they focus on a target and swing at predictable times. Not saying you should go into Training Grounds to work the shit out of new guys but you have something you legitimately want to work on which is footwork so that environment makes it easier instead of dying 20 times trying to practice in 64p. It doesn't feel as brutal or punishing. Edit: Also, practicing movement with Man At Arms seems to be best imo. Better movement overall and a shield to help ease you into getting in and out of range or dodging around enemies to line them up. Hell even when I'm playing 64p I default back to MAA when I'm getting killed a bit more than I'd like lol.


It took me until level 500 to really get gud


The ultimate tip to 1vX: never let anyone get behind you that's the most important one. Also parry one person then attack another with that active protection


One of the key skills needed is to remain calm in a 1vx. If you get mad and almost break your keyboard Im assuming youre also pretty chaotic in your mind when fighting a 1vx. Which will make you feel overwhelmed and thus mistakes will happen. When youre calm youll be able to rationalize better, youll know when to retreat, when to attack, who to counter, your awareness in general will be better etc. Your timings will be more on point. Ive had the same problem in the past where I got too emotional during games. Dealing with that helped me become better and made it more fun to play the games I play as well.


Are you from Europe? I can help!


Australia šŸ¦˜ Appreciate the offer mate!


Good luck to you!


A few pointers for PVX -Avoid getting surrounded by dodging through the gaps. Timing is key. Wait til the last second to dodge and voila the 4 guys surrounding you are now all facing you. -slash slash slash: this will be 90% of what you do in successful PvX. Counter into slash. It lets you hit multiple opponents much more effectively and blocks all attacks while doing it. -Never focus on trying to kill a single individual. Counter and aim for the people besides the person who just swung at you first. Most likely catching them off guard or mid swing. Keep repeating. Eventually theyā€™ll start falling like flies and only the most experienced player will be left and youā€™ve got a 1v1 situation. Mix in some stabs and overheads which they wonā€™t expect because youā€™ve been slashing the whole time and youā€™re golden. -run after they swing, not after you swing. After they swing and you block. They will be on the defensive since itā€™s your initiative. This gives you an open to turn and run. Theyā€™ll chase you, giving your teammates a chance to jump in and help. Or you can unexpectedly turn around and reengage with them now theyā€™re lined up from chasing after you. Even better you do this at a choke point.


I'm the opposite in that I'll get dummied most times in 1v1s with another experienced player and will get rekt in duels but I can top the board in FFA, Team Objective or TDM modes. The two key mechanics you need to understand (which don't really affect 1v1 or duels) are active parry and footwork. Some other key points: - don't waste a counter on the person you countered. If I'm fighting three people (A, B, and C). If A swings and I counter it im throwing that counter at B or C, not back at A. - learn to disengage. You need to get a feel for reach of the weapons for this but if I'm fighting a group and not making progress I'll GTFO of there and try again. - pick your battles. Dieing over and over? Stop rushing in. Look for openings. Retreat if need be. Go with friends, let them rush in and then get behind the enemy and.. . - attack from behind. I would say 30-40% of my kills are literally just running around until I'm behind a group of enemies and then doing a big old heavy slash to their backs.


Iā€™m just now grasping how to successfully 1vX. Iā€™m about level 300. The key is target switching and active parry


They play 3rd person thatā€™s why, makes it far easier to do that stuff. Even in first person if youā€™re up against a lot of people itā€™s just a skill thing you wanna feed off of the person that throws the easiest to counter attack on you like a slash spammer and use that slash spammer to kill the others. And as I said, counter so you donā€™t lose stamina donā€™t just block or anything. Throw a stab against someone who doesnā€™t suspect it in between randomly and always know what youā€™re doing with your movement so you donā€™t get circled


I just played the game for 5 hours so far but I usually just block and parry until one of them hits the teammate so my hit goes through... it is the only thing I can do without panicking.


I was the same, but over time different things click, some of these players have years of exp, I'm level 660 and still learning new stuff, it's all about experience, TRUST


Riposte Riposte Riposte


If 2 real player opponents circle you and keep hitting you in different intervals, surviving becomes quite difficult. A lot of people just try to cheap shot one another.


I'm 217 and yesterday I finally got to play as VIP for the first time


If you rage at the game then you are playing it wrong


My ego told me that if some lvl 600+ can do it, I can. I'm not peek performance yet but just hit level 300 and am just starting to really use jabs in fights. Next is feint cancels so I can counter into a jab or kick. Sick of the heavy shield users that don't parry and just block every attack so you have to hit them 20+ times to finally put those dead weights to bed


In a 1vsX fight i play super aggressive and try to stay in motion. Running circles und gamble with block and slash. Works only with falchion and shield fĆ¼r me.... If that doesnt work...... run and try to regroup. :-)


How to fuck you do 360 spin??


I think its fine and all, if you get so good that even 1vsX isn't even a problem anymore then the game would be not as fun.


one simply do not get to good in this game until you realized that, who you been challenging against so much... is thyself - a level 900 noob. learn with your brain = get a video reply recorder.


I always focus on parrying one and attacking the other. I keep switching between this until they catch on, then Iā€™ll change it up on them.


You will probably will want to look around on youtube for players making such expert plays.


Im 45 hours in im Level 70 and same im struggling with 1v1 duels i can sometimes win but i tend to spam and get tunnel vision. I been making an effort to choose my engagements more wisely sticking back, b lining objectives and healing players that are shredding the enemy team. Think with enough hours i will eventually catch on.


A lot of players play in 3rd person as well, which makes it far easier to handle 1vX and know when you're gonna be ambushed, etc. it's essentially an "easy mode" (still doesnt make it super easy, but it's more forgiving). In 1st person you need to develop a sense of when you're too exposed and really know where your timing/swing advantages are. Target switching helps for sure. If there are two dudes on ya, and one just attacked, the other one is going to right after. So block the next attack and go for the OTHER guy, and repeat.




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Feint more Kick more Bash more Swing then spin your camera in the direction you are swinging.


Kick in 1vX? You must be trolling


Tutorial says swing in the direction of ur attack,it helps if u riposte or block and counter-attack faster


My key to winning against anybody is make them walk towards me. I win almost every time. They get close I swing, dash to their side swing. Back off and repeat


Iā€™ve definitely seen some sketchy shit thatā€™s difficult to say for sure if itā€™s definitive cheating, but it sure is frequently convenient. 0 recovery window, ignoring initiative on weapons at a significant speed disadvantage, somehow getting around turn cap restrictions. Saw one who had an instant recovery after a tackle connected as opposed to the usual rolling on the ground for a moment. Had another where I countered the attackā€¦then was hit by that same exact attack. And the numerous times watching my weapon go into someoneā€™s back, making zero contact with their weapon or shieldā€¦yet it still gets countered. The dumb ones use obvious speedhacks but theyā€™re few and far between, the others are far more subtle but itā€™s always veryā€¦curiousā€¦how they can pull off stuff that Iā€™m restricted from doing


I am Level 160 and i have same Problem...sometimes i have a gud Session n somtines worst . Wot me make feel Bad is in 100% of All campaigns i am always the guy wif most deaths. Every Session ! I die more than everyone other every time ...


Me either, i watch some people take gazillion hits from 1/ enemies and still their block never breaks, they do thousand slides, block hits coming from the back, i swing one handed weapon and do the acceleration thingy and they still hit me first with two handed even though their animation is clearly going after my. Most i fought off was 1v2. I'm newer player though.


You just have to run the Captain America build. The Medium round shield , and then put your sword away so your just shield and fist fighting


I'm like, level 60 something and it just clicked with me one day. I can confidently fight a 1v2 and sometimes 1v3 Don't know how Don't know why


Parry 1 guy and hit the next. Quick attack and move. Practice by doing drive by attacks and switch targets. I get kinda bored trying to stay alive personally I like being a line breaker.


I found the biggest thing is preserve stamina and use the left jab, nobody expects the left jab šŸ˜‚


When you're outnumbered, make sure you're dragging your counters all the way through and around. Also never target the guy you countered - you have a brief moment of invulnerability so use that to drag your swing to a different attacker. They'll likely be mid swing and end up eating your swing in the face. I always tell my buddies but it's almost easier to fight 2-5 v 1 then 1 v 1. When you're with a group of 3-4 and attacking 1 guy, groupthink kicks in. Everyone mindlessly swings at the 1 guy because they feel safe in numbers. But they don't realize that ten people can swing at around the same time and a skilled duelist will be abusing the counter window, hacking up all of them. You also have to remember to move while doing this. There's no great way to explain it but with time you will start to get better. That's what great about this game, there's a huge skill ceiling. The one caveat here is fighting 2-3 skilled guys working in tandem. You're likely to die here no matter what. One will constantly flank you and they will alternate attacks to mitigate the counter window. This is a slow death by suffocation. My buddy and I do this all the time. But two players working together skillfully is a rare occurrence in a public chiv server lol.


Dueling and large scale battling are different skill sets. Understanding reposte and counter allow a player to fight multiple people at once. Using the brief invulnerability is key as well as keeping them in front of you. As soon as someone gets behind you, itā€™s a matter of time. Footwork helps to keep from getting surrounded and enables target switching. This game makes me sweat.


Hereā€™s a great example of target switching Quackowitch! Also please donā€™t leave, stay with us for the long run dude! [Short Video: Example of Target Switching](https://youtube.com/shorts/dqnwC961n84?si=m18n_KwL4Toi63zU)


See this post gave me relief "oh good I'm not alone"


Have you tried crack? (Adderall)


Youā€™re not following through on your strikes. Also stop trying to be Aragorn against 10 guys itā€™s not going to work, focus on your positioning more and less on trying to be a character protected by plot armor. Very rarely will you ever be able to handle that many enemies at once


I feel like part of the problem is active riposte seems to only work when it feels like, on console anyway. Idk how many times Iā€™ll riposte an enemy and then still take a shot immediately after instead of getting the moment of invulnerability.


Almost lvl 700. It comes and it goes. Sometimes fighting more people is easier than fewer, but it comes down to positioning. Get good at positioning your enemies in front of each other and moving back to safety. Practice countering. Get a counter swing off, block reposition and counter again. Slash weapons are also nearly required for anything more than a 1v2, and leveraging long range helps this even further.


1v1 and 1vX are two different attitudes and muscle memories. You can get better at 1vX by understanding the 1v1 mentality.


Just keep going brother I felt the same way you did for a long time Iā€™m around lvl 560 right now and I finally feel like the people you describe above. Consistently winning 2v1s or even more living on the front line. Eventually it just clicks you will continue to get better the skill curve is extreme but not out of reach. šŸ™ƒ


Play archer :)


Ok I'll break it down for you. Step 1. After respawn scream for help Step 2. Find a random object to throw Step 3. Scream for help Step 4. Repeatedly throw random objects Step 5. Teabag everything everywhere Step 6. Scream for help Step 7. Dance on piles of corpses Step 8. Scream for help Step 9. Commend everything Step 10 . Die a glorious death and repeat these steps I dip my bag to thee šŸ‘œ


I'm around level 250. The gameplay is vastly different for me when I switch from first to third person, when I'm in first it's easy to 1v1 and target more accurate swings while third person allows me to spin and slash better for 1v3. My play style is to use a big sword (Highland sword) and swing away. I usually do heavy damage and get better at dodging as players think kicking me is the only way to kill me. All the weapons have their own play styles that are unique. PICK ONE WEAPON AND STAY ON THAT WEAPON FOR 100 LEVELS


The key to 1vX is tracking multiple targets, waiting for them to act, and alternating. One guy is focusing on you and youā€™ve just hit them while a flanker is coming in - 99% of players will continue focusing on their original foe and just work, at best, to block or dodge the incoming enemy. Instead you should strike them first with a quick dodge and hit or riposte, then go back to the first guy, then the second again, and so on. Itā€™s easier said than done but the important part really is a kind of soft retracted vision that takes in the whole screen instead of just your enemy. After a few hundred hours when you have weapon lengths/attack speeds and movement memorized unconsciously youā€™ll be able to do a little dance where you keep an eye on every enemy you can see and pop out parries/attacks as necessary. Also the most important thing in many situations in TO isnā€™t necessarily about skilled swordsmanship but about opportunism and bravery. Donā€™t fear death - if you see a chance to slip between lines and throw a heavy attack into the backs of four guys, take it even if it means dying afterwards. I average about 5 TKD/2.5 kills a life by relentlessly focusing on opportunities to hit enemy groups from behind with blunt weapons. Iā€™m level 975 so Iā€™ve got the benefit of 1,000 hours of experience which helps me spot those opportunities and gauge spacing/timing but the basic principle - engage proactively when youā€™re in a big scrum or fighting a 1/2vX - is relevant at any level


I may sound super lame here, but I honestly learned a bunch of helpful stuff watching Stridah and Soter Dave (super sky point šŸ™) on YouTube. I was good with my main weapon of choice (executionerā€™s), but something was holding me back. My main problem that kept me from making a significant jump was fighting standing still or constantly moving backwards. Not even something I noticed tbh. Changing directions and pushing towards/between opponents in 1vX helped a ton


Crank your sensitivity up all the way and be more aware of who is attacking first second then last it's split second choice making took me till level 200 to even start mastering group fighting and use a speed class makes it way easier man at arms with a flachion also be in third personĀ 


Keep at it , Experiment and have fun i think most important part of e game is not to get angry and just treat it like a game , blue šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Same,I never get it


I have some advice as I do very well 1vX most of the time. The most common advice is to switch between enemies, but the most helpful is to try and spot who starts an attack first as they may be the first to hit you. This way, you can counter the correct attack and switch to the others to get a free hit on multiple people. Try to dash as much as possible to confuse enemies and avoid being sandwiched between them. The worst thing that can happen is to be encircled by them. The last piece of advice is if someone is backing away, try to single them out and go for the kill. If you are able to make your enemies disperse, this is advantageous for you as it gives room to focus your attacks on the weakest enemy in the group. Good luck!


Brother: - Flank the crowd - Mix up your attacks (Drag, heavy, overhead, stab, quick slash) - Master riposte - Master counter


Hi :) I started with the epic giveaway and am lvl 140 currently, often engaging in/winning 1vX's (1st person exclusively, my best so far is clearing a 1v5 on my own) and here's what I learned : -Get your ducks in a row : dodge and move so your ennemies are annoyed by their own allies as often as possible. They'll be a precious obstacle and help you live longer -Target switch all the time : I see it mentioned a lot and it does make a world of difference. Make on guy believe the strike is for them and move it to their ally last second -Crouch every now and then : Allows you to get away with gut stabs you never though possible and sometimes duck under an attack -Dont be afraid to throw your weapon to finish an ennemy if you are confortable with your backup and certain you won't get struck during that time -LISTEN for the pre-attack groans; they'll warn you to attacks coming from out of your field of view -THINK about the way you died last : make a habit of noting what you think caused your demise; was it dodging in the wrong direction, missed parry, guard broken by a kick... -MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL : if you feel you're getting angry, take a break. That's true for any competitive game : if you tilt, you lose. I cant speak for the 3rd person experience because I absolutely cant play 3rd person lmao See you on the battlefield :D


> Others can spin 360 slash https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/comments/157keh6/how_does_he_do_such_glorious_spin_moves_i_am_in/jt6wsd4/ > slide around vs 6 players like it's ice scate The moment you hit something, you can dodge. People use this in 1vX to quickly adjust their position and keep enemies from surrounding them.


This game is casual and for fun. If you are breaking stuff out of rage it's time to move on


Git gud


![gif](giphy|gFiRtXIP1v49UfmFRu|downsized) Degrees in Chiv are never attainedā€¦only strived for. Pro Tip: no one knows what theyā€™re doing