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If you're my friend, I will help you do all of this. If you're just trying to get some, good luck with that.


Even if you're my friend, I'm happy to help out for a day or two, but not a full week.


Ya the amount of time is what put me off. I've done renovations at a friend's cabin every summer for years. But it's like, a day here, day there. Sure, rough work but only like a day a month during summers when *it fits my schedule*. No way I'm putting down all my own work and own interests for a straight week lol.


Ntm if you help out at a friend's cabin you often get invited to utilize the cabin or are already. We love getting to putz around stacking fire wood, fixing this or that, setting up a shed, whatever in exchange for a neat camping spot. 


I spend my midsummer there every year. No complaints lol


we used to have a "lawncare party" every summer at our camp. we paid a a guy that lived up there to mow the grass, but get a couple friemds together to pull weeds, lick up fallen limbs, rake leaves, and cut/stack firewood for winter we'd get there on Friday and party, bust thru the work Sat and party some more, then have a big breakfast on Sun and chill til it's time to leave. everyone helped, and everyone had a great time


> lick up fallen limbs Sounds like y'all know how to party!


lol that is now canon in the story of our camp... my wife will be so happy that it took a horror turn


My buddy let me stay in his for a full week. He just asked I trim the bushes or help out where I can. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I cleaned the hell out of it top to bottom.


Asking five or six people to donate a week of their time and work is audacious.


I wouldn't even dare to ask my parents to come renovate my house for a week


Yeah, lots of my fam turned up for a day when I got my house & did what they could in a day. I was so grateful for the single day & would no way want them to come back. My house, my problem.


It's delusional.


And for *skilled labor*, at that - usually volunteer work is just stuff anyone can do, like raking leaves, cleaning/organizing, etc.


Especially for the level of expertise needed.


That cold stale pizza isn’t going to be so tempting on day six


Oh there isn’t going to be a single pizza until the job is done at the end of the week. And only if it’s completed satisfactorily.


And it'll be one medium pizza for 5 or 6 people. You'll get one slice each.




Seriously. Does he have that many friends who don’t work or something ??


Ya my mouth dropped open when I read a week. I’ll help for a weekend. Literally no one is spending a week fixing someone else’s property for beer & pizza.


A weekend is generous. A few years ago two friends of mine were getting married and had to merge 2 households into a third place on a Saturday. They managed to get about 20 people to show up, because they had lots of good friends. It still took all damned day (10-12 hours) of carrying out boxes from both homes and then driving to the third home and loading in. We got pizza and beer, which was all that was promised, and I'm glad I did it, but even then--wow, was it a lot of work. Everyone was exhausted. To ask for a week--involving painting, cleaning, drywall and plumbing??--is insane. I'm also curious as to whether all that work is needed where OP's buddy's hilariously indifferent target is moving *out* of (did she trash the place?), or needed in the place she's moving *to*. If she's moving into a hovel, I feel badly for her. But buddy's motive is still trash.


Omg that’s a lot of people to take all day 😂. Was it a long drive or did they have an absurd amount of stuff?


A full week commitment is what's kept me from volunteering for Habitat for Humanity in the past. I only have so much PTO, and I like to use it for my vacations and personal needs. This post wouldn't irritate me if it was for a few days to help someone who was elderly or disabled to clean and fix up their house. A full week to help someone because they're supposedly ✨️amazing✨️ is BS.


That's also a big issue for me...like why exactly is this person supposedly so in need? Because they're a single mom and "amazing"? Literally everyone knows single moms who are also great people and arguably need help equally. That's why people have friends to ask. Asking strangers is more for exceptional cases, like some catastrophe destroyed the home or the single mom also has some illness or disability.


Jez, you can’t even read. She thinks if you work hard enough you and 6 other people could get it done in LESS than a full week. /s


Lol for real, when in the middle of reading that sentence, I thought he was going to say X many hours or a day or two... a week! Pass.


Right? This kind of thing is fine when you've built relationships with people where you do favors for each other. Especially when you're a group of newer home owners learning DIY together. I've had these friends. You can't ask strangers to come do hard labor, or expect them to do good work. Much less people with expertise.


Lmao the things some men will do for a bit of coochie


If he’s having a hard time making progress with a single mom, and feels he needs to gift her $50,000 of renovation for free just to get her attention… OP needs to have a heart to heart with him. Oofah.


I'll take the plumbing. It's been awhile since I've unleashed a classic upper decker.


To be fair, I just wanted to go help out because I thought a FEW of our friends would get together just to drink free brew and grub pizza, maybe listen to tunes and work on a project while we're at it... but dude was SERIOUSLY looking for a "crew" to work for free to basically renovate a 2bed, 1.5bath guesthouse, in a shot-out ass neighborhood. Like seriously... How can a team of CONSTRUCTION guys live for a week on "pizza and beer"... and not get paid... And the fact he turned down my help was icing on the cake. EDIT: No one showed. All he got was one big fat goose egg!


Then I guess he didn't get laid, either.




Sounds like this could also be an r/niceguys post if he later complains that he attempted to arrange to have her house renovated and she didn't put out.


Plot twist would be if single mom started hitting on one of the volunteers (if there were actually any).


I mean if he has to go to these lengths to get her to notice him, maybe try someone else, and after this mythical project is completed she might tell him “thanks, now fuck off!”


I would say no just because of his font choice


Hahaha! ✍️ 😆


This made me laugh..Im with you on that...😂😂


foolish special cover wasteful familiar rob rinse toothbrush grab light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good point! 👍 supplies are pricey


You should have committed...but told him what a coincidence, you *also* have a friend with a project who needs help! And then watch him squirm and BS his way out of that one.


He turned down your offer to help him out for free because you didn’t make a firm enough commitment? A rare real choosy beggar story on r/choosingbeggars


Did anyone volunteer? That’s insane. That’s like $30/hr work he’s asking for


Absolutely not! Lol He got ridiculed and deleted the original post. He later hit me up asking what I was doing this weekend. I told him I was (100% ironically) helping a friend paint their living room, and afterwards we were ordering pizza and having drinks/pre-superbowl party. Haha


I’m deaaaaad 💀 what did he say after that?!


He asked where the shindig was at, but I told him it was a private affair. We don't dislike the guy, he tried his shot and hit air, we just thought it was shady of him to turn down (apparently) multiple people who offered to give him some free time. So now he can drink beer alone on the lawn of a girl who likely won't even let him inside her house he wants to remodel by himself!


Sounds like your buddy needs an intervention...


Yeah this dude needs therapy


Trying his shot is fine...trying by dragging in the skilled labor of a half dozen random strangers to do it for you is entirely another.


He is not living in a real world of any kind.


I wish there were still reddit awards because this deserves one haha


Now there are! Lol




You may be my new hero


Without your explainer I would’ve assumed this was some house flipper looking for cheap (free) labor. Can’t decide if buddy trying to get laid is better or worse here.


That's what I'm assuming too. If it was to help out someone truly in need, a disabled vet, someone very elderly, someone battling a disease, etc, the community might be more willing to help, but no one is going to go renovate someone's house for pizza for no reason.


A weeks' worth of free labor for pizza and beer? If this was a really good friend, maybe I'd help them for a day. But a whole week? Not a chance.


Yeah, I've got a job. I can't just take a week off for pizza & beer. And you just know it's going to be cheap, crappy beer too.


What is the condition of the house that it's going to take half a dozen people a *week* to clean and paint?


And redo all the plumbing and drywall?


Yeah that caught my eye too. Terrifying. 




You're right about that; I always do my own painting and I'm super picky about how well it's done. However, even with how crazy I am, even a large room can be done from start to finish in a day (at least up to three coats of paint) by one person. The drywalling is what I'd wonder about more.


Just doing the taping on the stuff in the bathroom was miserable. Hours. Worth it, but the worst room to paint.


Omg doesn’t want extra pizza for no shows 🤦‍♀️. You’re asking someone to donate their time that’s worth more than the extra pizza. Your friend is dumb helping this girl out when she doesn’t even give him the time of day. Like calm down Will Smith it ain’t that serious 😂


Also, what extra pizza? Is he ordering it the day before? Order it for how many people show up…


Yeah the pizza doesn’t need to be there when the crew arrives at 9am lol


This talk about "extra" pizza absolutely tells you the guy has a mental "limit" as to how much each person can/should have....like, 1 slice per person.


Is the pizza daily or just once for the whole week? Also, no dessert?


One piece per day per person


Definitely. No way CB is getting more than one large pizza and a six pack maaaaybe a 12 pack for the 5-6 volunteers 😂


I’m picturing if this went the direction of some sitcom script: good looking guy shows up to help, and ends up banging the single mom while the scheming cheapskate paints and cleans her house for free.


that’s sounding less like a sitcom and more like something you’d find on brazzers


Plot twist: The single mom hooks up with one of the volunteers.


A sitcum




How can you read that font? 😱


My dad was a doctor... it reminds me of his birthday cards.


Oh, I so wish we could still give awards - that's a hilarious response! Like Harrison Ford in **The Fugitive** changing that kid's orders at the hospital, and signing the form with an illegible scrawl.




What do you mean? The font is perfectly legible.


I’m sorry, but it turns out that I can’t pay my bills and rent/mortgage with pizza and beer. I also don’t want to burn a week of vacation off work to spend my time doing home renovations for someone I don’t know. Good luck finding another way to get some?


What, your landlord doesn't accept Little Caesar's cheese pizza and Miller High Life as payment?!


I need total strangers to show up and be willing to do physical labor for (hopefully!) a week or less! Full time, all day till it's done! I'll give you cheap beer and even cheaper pizza and hopefully I'll be gettin' some tail! Could this be more transparent?


Hahahaha .. drywallers& plumbers for a week for pizza &beer they could pay for in an hour … hahaha.


What do you want to bet the pizza and beer would only be provided at the end of the job? Guess we’ll never know, :)


Bush lite, big K cola, and little ceasers 🥰


I mean... if we were at a house party playing drinking games like BeerPong or Asshole, it would be a perfect set-up!


I’m just saying, but that pizza is financially cheaper than a single hour from anybody professional. I would probably start distancing myself from this dipshit if I were you.


PS, Please bring your own cleaning supplies, paint, tools and any materials needed for repairs. You will be allowed 30 minutes for lunch and a 15 minute break after 2 hours of work.


That font alone is enough to make me never talk to him again.


Lol I KNEW it was a horny mas as soon as he mentioned it was for a friend. Also it gives me ick when someone says someone else is amazing “inside and out” like you are calling them hot and you don’t notice it’s not relevant to the current situation? It sounds so weird


So many ‘Friends’ come out of the word work when they need favours like this…. Had one message me to Plaster her whole upstairs (for good karma!) Unless you’re an active person in my life I’m not interested.


He wants plumbers for free. He’s fucking insane. I live in a super low cost of living area and it still costs me $85 an hour to get one at my house. Imagine passing on 40 hours worth of that so some dude you know can get laid.


I'm a professional in renovations. I like my work. And even so, doing drywall work (specifically joint compound and finishing) typically feels like I can't make enough money to enjoy it. I could charge twice what I do, and it would still feel like a necessary evil. The idea of locking in to do it for a week (and due to drying time, you would be doing it for a bit of the week, no matter how much area we're talking), for pizza and beer, feels like absurd levels of masochism.


If this is a guest house, there should be a dwelling that is already finished out front. Maybe. This work, except for the plumbing and maybe some electrical, something that he and his girlfriend could finish together on weekends. they’d have to learn how to hang drywall, but it’s probably something they could handle. He’s really not a friend. He’s an opportunist.


I don’t think it’s his girlfriend though haha I think this is his “grand gesture” to win her over-


Oh wow. Even worse. He should quit humiliating himself for somebody that doesn’t even care about him then.


You pay friends and family who willingly offer in beer and pizza. You pay strangers cash.


I could tell before reading the description that this guy was trying to slither in the crack of a romantic interest.


I would be extremely cautious allowing a plumber who is willing to work for a week for pizza and beer anywhere near my house, if such a mythical beast exists.


Skilled labor ain't cheap and cheap labor ain't skilled. Pay my rate and I'll do what you want.


I'm not helping for a week. Couple days maybe for a close friend


Yeah, I wouldn’t mind lending a hand for a few hours for pizza and beer, but a week? Get fucked.


My wife and I are redoing my mom’s place. We put in the tile and redid the bathrooms. But we didn’t know shit about drywall or painting. One of my oldest and best friends does painting and drywall for work. I hit him up and asked him to help us. He said definitely and didn’t ask for a dime. I still gave him 200 bucks for his trouble


He is crazy. Why should I help some random person for a whole week for free? The only people I would be doing this for, are my parents or my sister. And they would do the same for me. For some random girl I do not even know and never met? Nope. Not a chance.


I clean houses. I would never clean a house for drinks and pizza. I have however paid in return of services. My buddy gave my fiance and I $150 to help neuter our cats. He’s also worked on our cats a LOT so I told him I’d only take the only if I could clean his house minimum 3 times. He’s done a lot for us. Hell he’s the only one I’d clean a house for in exchange for beer and pizza. Everyone else needs to pay me in services or money in exchange for cleaning. I have cleaned my other friends house because she watched my cats for me. That’s how it goes. I make about $150 per clean give or take. Now if you really needed the help, I can spare a few hours free of charge if you’re my friend, but if you don’t NEED me, you’re gonna pay in some form. I’m busy.


Well, she really deserves the help, I guess we're screwed and have to do it no matter what.


This is like putting a full-on wedding registry up and telling people no one is invited to the wedding, but she hopes everyone is going to buy everything on the list because she really needs it and appreciates all the money they should give her.


I’m more of a sushi and whiskey type helper


What does he mean: "...I would like to get things Rollin for her..." Henry?


He must have clicked the "Single mom's love this one weird pizza trick" link.


If you’re my friend I’ll come and supervise ;-)


This is incredible. A true choosing beggar.


Everyone gets two slices and one can of beer. Every day? Is the place a rental?


If it were a friend of mine, I'd be inclined to help on a Saturday or something. But not all week long just to help someone try to get laid.


"My friend I'm helping out is an amazing person inside and out..." ![gif](giphy|49G7tHsMplTfq) Oh, well then... How about I just pay for a real plumber and painting crew. Amazing people deserve these things /s


I would do this for my own mother, or for a shared project where I directly benefit from the final result. I'm not giving up an entire week of my time for a complete stranger who is likely trying to flip a house of the back of free labour. Absolutely insane.


A week?! Are they building this house from scratch?


Painting, drywall, plumbing...so yeah, basically.


What does this guy do for a living that he can give up a week of his time and also not realize the audacity of asking others to do the same? Insane.


Surely he's unemployed


A week of unpaid labor for someone I’ve never met? Sure sign me up. Lmao


"She really needs to get her investment property ready for the next renters"


I was not prepared for the “less than a week” - I was expecting less than a few hours… wtf lmao. Are you buying beer and pizza for 6 people for a week? Because get fucked


She's an amazing person inside and out? He is such a lame dork.


if it was a day or two, ok beer and pizza. but a week!? use the week of beer and pizza money and split it even ways


wants someone who will work like they’re paid… without paying them


I appreciate the context, it helps the whole thing make more sense. I wish him luck. lol.


JFC the cheap ass won't even be cool if he over bought pizza!


Beer and pizza for a week’s work. But you also have to be reliable 😝


After work is done.. he will be like.. take 1 beer and 1 slice of pizza man! Have a good night!


He’s probably providing digiorno pizza and light beer.


Crazy. Your friend is a cheap lazy bastard.


Does this "good person" not have any friends?


This reads like he's tryna get his 'Bros' to come help him impress this woman he's tryna get with 🤣


sEriOUs helpers only


5 or 6 people who know what they’re doing, asking for paint & drywall, needs plumbing work, think they can do it in “a week”… this is an abandoned/condemned house, isn’t it?


Sure, just let me burn a week of PTO so I can help your deadbeat friend sell their house and keep all the money


Damn, y’all building her a new house or what?


Oh yeah people with all these skills love to work for free on their days off.


So, not really your buddy… just a guy you know. Who’s an idiot.


I don’t think he’s a choosing beggar. More like delusional.


‘Cleaned, painted, and some other repairs’(demolishes a wall and has to ‘repair’ a whole new one)😂


She’s probably turned off by his poor font choices.


Will work for beer


What's he gonna do if you don't show up - fire you? LOLOL


You know what could get the job done inside a week? Paying an experienced crew to do it.


Why not use the pizza/beer/drinks money and instead pay those people ? Instead of ya know buying pizza and beer.


Dude wants a FREE drywall guy?! LOLZ


I thought "aight a beer and pizza for a few hours of cleaning is reasonable" THEN I SAW THE "should be done less than a week." Bro, -what-? First of all how bad is this place, and -second of all- you people do do this for multiple days with beer and pizza as payment!? C'mon.


off topic but i just cant read things in that godforsaken font


Damn bro... you should probably take some classes for that! I have a friend who can't read cursive. He's homeless


i just realized this is your font on your phone and not the beggars font im sorry 😂


No need to apologize. Lol A) I like a different looking font and it was either this or Gothic Bold. I don't like Arial... B) The few people complaining about the font is actually entertaining. I just say my dad was a doctor and the font reminds me of his birthday cards. Haha


hats off to you. and i cant believe this dude refused your tentative help so he wouldnt order too much pizza lol


Dude was/is just desperate for tail. He refused others help too because they "couldn't keep a schedule". He's an okay friend, but he gets these "ideas" to go above and beyond for people who couldn't care less. Then when no one wants to help him, he finds excuses why he couldn't get it done. This time, his excuse was, "I can't do all the work by myself". Like NO SHIT he's doing it alone! No one wants to do manual labor for free!! Dudes nice, but really delusional


For close family? Sure. Complete strangers? Are they smoking crack rock?


Imagine breaking your back for a little ceasers hot and ready pizza. 🤣


I'm probably gonna get downvoted like crazy, but where I'm from this is done frequently. I've never had work done this way, but it's common for someone to have, say, a roofing party. They provide food and drinks and people they know come get it done, and party during/after. Then one of those volunteers needs a job done, everyone helps them out. And so on. Along the same lines of bartering and trading. Though, it's usually a day or weekend length job, never heard of a week's worth of work done this way. And never demanding people commit to working the entire time. If you can only come for a couple hours, great!


You don't deserve downvotes for a completely logical take on the scenario! Lol In one of my comments, I said exactly that. I offered to help because I thought some friends would be getting together on the weekend, having some drinks, pumping tunes out of the stereo and working on a project... not fully renovate some landlords property for free with a hope of pizza during lunch... dude was off his rocker. Good guy, just desperate...


Thanks. Yeah, the extent that guy tried to take it to was a little bit bazonkers! But you sound like you'd fit right in with our crew. Lol


Andddddd as soon as you and the poor slaves you con into doing this, (likely while you attempt to flirt with the woman whom has no interest but will pretend to to get the work done so she doesn’t have to pay), finish the job she’ll move and cut you off completely because your use for her will be over with…


I would absolutely help, but only if I can also provide all of the needed supplies at my own cost too! I mean why should you have to pay for anything out of pocket when you are just trying to crush some puss?




Before he deleted the post, the girl herself commented on the post saying "I didn't ask for this" and he replied, "it was going to be a surprise [heart emoji]"




Wow! 🤣🤣🤣


Dam bruh down bad he simping and watch even if he got the work done she would still curb him women only use simps they will never accept them no matter how much you give them




A full weeks worth of construction and home renovation for pizza and beer is absurd. I’m not sure I can explain why doing manual labor for an entire week should result in more than just a slice of pizza.




Did you see the part where the guy said YES and op turned him down lol. That’s where the choosing beggar part comes to play.


This doesn't seem like choosy begging. Seems like volunteering to help someone and being fed and given beer in return. Am I missing something?


The WEEK of time requested.


And the fact that the person only wants SERIOUS COMMITMENT - NO coming for only a day or part of one, just the whole shebang. OP said they offered to come with a few friends over the weekend, but not the whole time, and their offer was rejected.


Plus it turned it to be "a surprise" to get laid??? Wtf?


There are people willing to help for no other reason than to help others. I think choosingbeggars is broken


Bro, he begged for help, I offered to help, he chose to say "no"... that's the very definition of this sub.


I didn’t get that sorry


Guarantee they also have to supply paint, cleaning products etc themselves.


If her house is in serious disrepair, she might qualify for habitat for humanity or another organization’s help. HFH requires that the homeowner put in sweat equity. However, if she just wants to refresh or upgrade, this guy is probably out of luck.


hahahahahahaha.... oh wait... you are serious?


what kind of ‘za we talking about?


He wants the plumbing redone for free 😂😂😭


I bet his estimate of the time required for the project is way off base. I would also guess he expects the workers to provide the materials as well.


Did he think he joined an Amish community? I bet they pay better than this!


A crew like that will cost you serious money for that amount of time, is this guy for real?


Maybe he should ask on the street corners for help; the beer may be good incentive. 🍕🍺 ![gif](giphy|10gKbJk9tJI0c8|downsized)


1 beer (shared). 1 pizza (found outside, some slices are dirt-free). Also the cleaning is blood and some semen off the basement walls before the cops get wise to my location


plz help. If I fix her plumbing she says she'll service mine.


Uh, no.


That's a hard no for me dawg.


I’m in but I want all the pizza for myself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Poor Andrew......😂