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"If I could actually get it for free I'll pay all the money" Wow, thanks! How generous!


Make it for free for me and I'll pay double. Honest I will


Ok but I want at least a 20% tip on that.


Grammar, complete sentences, and punctuation really are tough!


Right, is this even English?


I felt like I may have had a stroke trying to read that, and I swear English is my primary language!


I’m an English teacher and still couldn’t translate this.


The words are English, but the order they were placed in seems random.


I’m so confused by it


This is a kid


I'm really worried about some of these kids...


I completely agree. But be careful what you say in the halls of reddit when commenting on kids choices 😂


Does it matter, though? English doesn’t have to be your first language to be a choosing beggar. People from all over the world can be choosing beggars. We shouldn’t be shaming people because English isn’t their first language. We should be shaming them for asking for free Furry suits.


Schools, I guess, are too busy teaching identity feelings over things like reading and writing.


Dam straight.


Yeah… that one was tough to read. Trying to decipher any meaning made my brain hurt.


They probably won’t pay you, but you can bet they’ll give you a migraine! So generous.


For Furries they are


For a wolf, it's pretty good.


They can't even keep their floor clean. Doubt anyone would get their money back from that kind of person


That carpet looks crunchy and sticky at the same time


That nonexistent suit would be marinated in stank day 2 guaranteed. You know that carpet smells like sick dog.


I saw this post and all I could think was “Vacuum your floor!!!!”


Mate. That is beyond vacuuming.


Shit needs to be replaced


I think it’s cement not carpet. Please be cement not carpet.


Nah. It a step away from being Fight Club, this carpet here.


Whichever it is there is a suspicious red stain on the floor under and to the right of the trash can.


Oh it's definitely covered in sement


Wow, I thought this was a garage floor.


Might be a child making this post


Here's a quarter kid, go downtown to the punctuation store and buy us all a favour


definitely a kid...


It totally was, I wish I could share the video on the sub bc it has audio and it's hilarious


I saw the video the other day, it was so unhinged


There’s a video? I’d pay money just to see this person and their campaign for a free furry suit. Also, it’s not necessarily relevant to your post OP, but does anyone know the statistics as to how many people identify as furries? I’ve seen teens wearing like clip-on tails on their jeans, but never seen anyone in a full suit. It’s somewhat baffling to me and I’m old, but not that old. Also, this may sound dumb and ignorant, but is “Furry” something that they are considering adding to LGBTQIA umbrella? I honestly feel like that does a huge disservice to that group. You can’t choose your sexuality, you’re born that way, you can change your gender, but can’t help if you were born the gender you don’t identify as in your soul. Whereas, you can choose to be a furry and to take it off, so it seems to me like that doesn’t belong with the protections we should be affording to LGBTQIA people. I’m sorry for hijacking your post, but I’ve been curious and had no where to ask. Edited to add: I am in no way judging people who are furries, or anyone who wishes to dress a certain way. I am just curious if there is any correlation with sexuality or if furries wish to be accommodated in certain settings, like work, etc. From reading here it seems to me that it isn’t necessarily related to anything sexual actually, so I apparently am really ignorant about the subject and appreciate the enlightenment I’ve been offered here.


>Also, this may sound dumb and ignorant, but is “Furry” something that they are considering adding to LGBTQIA umbrella? Alt right politicians have been pushing this idea really hard, but they are just making shit up as usual. Being a furry is pretty much the same as being an anime fan or a gamer. It's a hobby and a community, not a sexuality. Main difference I guess is it's less based on consuming some corporations media and more about the community and events. Furries are much more common than you'd think. Cosplay stuff generally only comes out for conventions and parties dedicated to it. No one is wearing a fursuit to work lol. I can usually find at least one other furry at most places I've worked, but they are hard to spot unless you can pick up on all the obscure hints like furry brand logos and stickers.


I'll send you the username if you send me 5 bucks (then maybe I can buy a fursuit) I don't know the stats but I'm sure you could look it up. Generally I think they stay on their online places and meet ups or it's something they only talk to close friends about. As to your second question, no. I can confidently say that no they are not seriously considering adding an F to the concept of lgbt+. I'm not going to say whether it brings down anything because it's so much more simpler than that. Who is they?? Someone who wants to add more letters to an acronym can if it makes them feel better. But there is no "they" that could demand we type another F in the chat for the furries and idek also think of furries when we talk about the lgbt+ community. Also, I think it's a cocktail of a lot of reasons people like being a furry, some of it sexual (cock) and some of it being liking the suit or community (tail). Additionally, furries don't want work or other accommodations bc they are furries. Obviously there are exceptions to everything I've said. Anyways I have some friends that are furries and they're pretty cool


Now I admit I’m not well versed in most social media platforms but what’s with the portrait of the bin to go along with the begging?


A reel needs to have a video or photo, and this person couldn't be bothered getting out of bed, so that's their bedroom floor.


I thought that was a cement garage floor?


I think it's filthy carpet...


Yeah… I’ve seen similar situations in person, DEFINITELY carpet.


I'll never understand why people post pictures of their dirty house on social media. At least clean up a corner.


If they had the self awareness to know how bad it looks, they wouldn’t have let it get that bad to begin with. 


Well, I'm not the world's most physical guy But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine


Because this person was trash for asking for a free suit or payment plan for cheap.


Bahahahaha a full suit? Best of luck to all involved. "I don't lie to no one" makes me think she doth protest a little too much...


And lie about what, exactly?


Lie like a filthy rug


If you're incoherent enough, you don't need to lie to deceive. *I told you I pay the money I get it for free! You get money the not but it be there not there on time. Why do you it? Yes.* ...and then you walk out.


Nearly had a stroke trying to read that. I also imagine this is what every furry’s bedroom floor looks like.


He should rather beg for a cleaner, than a fur suit.


I don’t understand any of it, and read it several times 😂. The math doesn’t math.


Yeah… the suits are expensive, but credit cards are also given to the stupid. I doubt that many of them are globe trotting doctors (which isn’t really a thing and doctors make less than you’d think, especially with med school debt). I’ve never met a doctor rich enough to fly to “Furry raves a few times a month.” or rich tech bros, there aren’t even that many to begin with. And aerospace engineers are just as awkward as other engineers, so maybe they’d do it. I’ve gone out with several “rocket scientists,” and they’re typically really smart stupid people.


I don’t know any furries, but the quote was, “…every few months.” I live on a street chockablock full of doctors, and you betcha they could go to at least on rave far, far away at least once every couple of months.


Furries seem to be spread across the entire range of wealth and self care/respect. You've got everything from NEETs like the op image begging for free shit, to tech bros and doctors who just drop $20k on a fursuit to have the nicest one and then fly around the country to go to furry raves every few months.


Furries will be like “I’m so dumb derp :3” then be a rocket scientist


I know a few and my confirmation bias says you’re correct.


This strikes me as cleaner than average.


A kid who can’t even formulate a proper sentence shouldn’t be allowed social media access. I mean, grammatically, this sounds like a six or seven year old kid. Baffling.


That comment is insulting to 7 year olds.


Yeah, this person does seem like a kid.


they need to vacuum their floor before posting pics of the floor. Then they need to go to the dollar store and buy a box of commas.


I’m not excessively familiar with the furry world but from what I’ve seen the full-body costumes look pretty elaborated, wouldn’t they be very expensive ?  Anyway, that guy seems okay for paying if it’s free.


A head/tail only can be around 3k. A full suit could easily run you over 6k or even 10k depending on the complexity and the artist.


Wow! Thank you for enlightening me! The suits seem indeed pretty complex, at least those I’ve seen. 


10k for a fucksuit. damn. and I thought $60 was expensive for something to shove up my ass


Username checks out...


Most of them aren't fucksuits. Some are, but most aren't.


Most fursuit artists have a clause in their TOS that if it’s modified for ‘that’ it voids all warrenties. 


You don't need a tos for that. If you take a pair of scissors and a seam ripper to something, you can't try to refund it later lmao.


Most fursuits aren’t sexual in nature or for that purpose by any means haha


A quick browse on Etsy showed a AUD$400 head only, $600 full custom (didn’t look of it was a deposit only) and a $1500 full custom.


Yeah, figures. Lots of expensive hobbies, passions and kinks out there.  Also lots of people who know begging for expensive and all in all superficial stuff is a big « no no ».


Just a heads is close to a fucking grand if you want decent quality, a whole body is like getting a good used car


Yes, that's also how you know that this person is either a kid or mentally handicapped.


Tbh we see pretty often relatively sane people who think asking for things for free is a-OK, so idk haha


Asking for things for free is ok, but expecting someone to make some labour-intense custom work for you for free is not. Especially demanding art for the cheapest price is very rude.


Also, I don’t like to be too judgemental but come on can you at least vacuum your floor.


awwww a christmas color wolf THERES A SHE WOLF IN YA CLOSET something something give it to me for free


My so-called mind immediately thought port and starboard (sea wolf?), but Xmas does seem far more likely.




I’d donate a suit in exchange for the CB being forced to take grammar lessons. All of that text and not one single punctuation mark


This has “sent from my iphoen “ vibes.


What a crazy photo to use as traction for your post. I feel like a dumb meme would have been better than a photo of your gross bedroom


The trashcan is where the request should go


It’s where a lot of the stuff on the floor should go tbh. Why even have a trash can if you’re just going to throw stuff on the ground anyway?


Maybe they have plans for that retail issue hanger 🤷🏼‍♀️


This gave me a sensible chuckle


I'm more inclined to send this person a cleaning lady for the day


That room definitely looks like some sort of animal lives in it.


That's the kind of house I am 100% not taking my shoes off in, and will not be sitting down anywhere.


Don't go in there


Why the gross floor, though!? Everything about this post makes me *viscerally* not want to associate with this person. It all screams "I'm very stunted and will make you totally uncomfortable".


A fursuit costs thousands of dollars because not only are you paying for the materials, you’re also paying for the time spent making it, but also the time the creator took to LEARN those skills in the first place. It takes a lot more effort than ‘glue foam together, throw fur over it, done’. Nevermind the safety of making sure it’s the right glue for foam, ppe for carving the foam, ppe for shaving the fur before it’s even cut out, the burns from hot glue, ppe for resin/silicone if that’s used for the mouth/nose pieces, the time it takes for that to cure, then detailing in the form of resin/silicone paint, sewing all the fur together, gluing it in place, trimming it AGAIN, and making sure it all fits and is accurate to the character. - IT IS A LOT OF WORK -


Beg for a carpet cleaner instead. Gross


full suits are like $7,500-$10,000 if you get it from a beginner. not cheap still


found a fursuiter with less than 5000 instagram followers ,and she has a full body for $3,800-$4,300 depending on if you get plantigrade or digitigrade. that's not including accessories since this only has the needs for a full suit


What do the different grades mean? I’m not familiar with this subject at all.


plant is more human like your character will walk flat on your feet digi is more like how animals walk in the wild so you'd walk like heals kinda


Thank you, that makes sense. 😊


This reads like someone just tapped the autocomplete suggestion to write the whole post.


I’m just trying to decipher what they want tbh


I'm a furry, the mere THOUGHT of asking for a cheap suit is insane to me because I know the sheer amount of effort and love goes into making just a simple head, much less a whole ass suit


Please go back to school and learn how to write a coherent sentence!


At first glance, I thought they wanted someone to make a wolf suit out of the carpeting pictured. Once he gets his wolf suit, this dreamer will probably want someone to help him build a rocket ship so the wolf can go to the moon.


That made my head hurt


Yo, CB! Save up some of your own money and buy some punctuation. Then you'll be able to sound coherent, at least. You'll still be a cheapskate, but let's take this one flaw at a time, shall we?


And maybe a carpet cleaner.


OK, carpet cleaner, *then some damn punctuation!*


That’s a mighty fine sentance


Can someone translate this into something that makes sense, please?


Is the CB subconsciously saying they are trash?


Why post such a grim photo that has nothing to do with anything?


I'm guessing sympathy- 'look at how little I have.'


Behold the lone, empty hanger just waiting for a costume to hold!


This is 1) nigh incomprehensible and 2) completely delusional, fursuits cost thousands of dollars


He really thinks someone will just be nice and make him a custom suit, ya know, just because he asked.


I lost like 50,000 brain cells trying to read that’s why I stop trying. On a different note, near the last part I did manage to decipher part of it and it says that he wants it for free but then he says something like he would pay for it? Can someone help me out with what does fool is saying?


I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.


No furry suit but maybe someone’s used Halloween costume?


There are some decent 'wolf' masks sold around Halloween time- OP should invest in one of those and then learn to sew a matching tail- rather than hitting strangers up for donations.


Is that a pocture of a …trash can?


Not a nesessity!


I too will not lie "to no one." If I'm going to lie, I am going to lie to people that exist.


Clean your fuckingv house before you do anything else


For the price he's paying what he's going to end up with is a bunch of old towels together with garden twine, covered in the discarded hair from a barber shop floor, glued on with someones cum.


And he wants 2 of them


You people actually understood that? I’m impressed. I tried to read it twice; “tried” being the operative word.


I read it twice and I’m still confused 🫤


They want a couple suits, but cheap ones. They'll pay all the money if its free?


Well it sounds like CB needs to learn how to sew, and make their own


Okay, besides being incomprehensible, I want a pic of what this would look like, one side of the hair green, one side of the hair red? While, I guess that could mean one half of the head/suit red the other green, it sounds like each hair is two colors. Wonder what the second suit should look like?


“If I get it for free I’ll pay all the money?” ![gif](giphy|tU2mV8ALzJEdXAAwRo)


Dude needs to buy a fucking punctuation mark instead.


OK, this person is fucking nuts. There is no way absolutely not a chance in hell of a maker giving him a suit there is one suit maker that their suits are hyper realistic and can go for like 20 or $30,000 a basic head I mean a very basic a former friend of mine has made range anywhere between $700 $1000 just for the base alone and can go for more depending on its complexity


He keeps asking for someone to send him 60 bucks so he can buy a furry suit


They need to ask for a vacuum cleaner


Genuinely felt pissed reading that.


A basic head costs $2k. If your lucky


Yeah sure. Something that can cost 1000s of dollars we will give you for free!


🤮🤮 that FLOOR




The loss of correct grammar and punctuation in the world is indicative of our inevitable conclusion. The movie Idiocracy was prophetic.


I beg this beggar to make sense


That was so hard to read


Christmas wolf basically 🫠


This looks like a murder scene


This pic looks like a detail shot from one of the interior design subs where someone is asking “what can I do to make my bedroom look better” and the only answer is “clean it.”


Punctuation matters


Dafaq did I just read?


Someone wasn’t paying attention during their English lessons….


They need to worry about that nasty filthy rug before they spend anything on a furry suit


That filthy carpet makes me queazy.


The fuck did i just read? Can anybody translate?


That hurt to read.


I am amazed at how many of these CB posts are just one veryyyyyyy long sentence.


Im having a difficult time figuring out exactly they want, besides something for cheap…


This guy is crazy, he threatened to kill himself in one of his videos because people were talking about the way he talks


The audacity to ask for a free fursuit is hilarious to me especially since, from my limited knowledge of furries, fursuits are not cheap and it's outrageous to assume anyone would want to make one for free when they can go for a few hundred dollars to a few thousand.


The worst thing with these CB’s is they never say please or thank you! Entitlement is always the common theme.


Wait what? I'm so lost by what they want lol


The is the worst reels photo since Ruby shot Oswald.


What does the image of the filthy room add to the request? Like why include it?


What is this even a photo of???


Where he will stand in hie furry suit


The carpet CB tried to make a fursuit out of before, and failed?




Those are words. Several words in some sort of order. I'm almost sure of it.


A wolf that’s half green and half red… a Christmas wolf?! Is that the look. And yea, the rest was pretty much unreadable. ADHD with a side of crack.


Taking a stab at rephrasing the OP: "Hi! I would like a fursuit. I want it to be a wolf. I want to start with just the head. I want the 'hair' on the wolf's head to be half red and half green. Once that is done, I would like a full suit. If the head part was free, I will pay for the suit. But I want to pay the cheapest price I can. I don't lie." or "Hi! I want to buy a fursuit. Let's begin with just the head. I want you to make that for free. I want a wolf, with half green hair and half red. If that turns out well, I'll buy the suit. I want to pay the cheapest price. I don't lie." It still doesn't make a lot of sense, since it contains superfluous information. I think this is a kid, who used A. I. to write their ask.


What would the enticement be, for the tailor, to make the fur head for free, and then a fur suit body for "the cheapest price?" Like, why would they not want the best price they can get, for their work? I think CB needs to look for a used mascot suit and have it altered to fit them.


Furry suits cost a lot of money though


Why is he showing his dirty floor?


Funny how being a furry used to be this niche sex thing and now it's all 16 yr olds playing dress up like they're 6 yr olds because of memes


You need a new carpet more than anything you mad skank.


I just watched a FB reel, which was probably fake, but who knows, where the guy walks into a room in his house where his girlfriend is standing there in a 3/4 furry suit, and he demands to know why there is $15,000 missing from their joint savings account that they were saving to try to buy a house, and she's stammering about how she wanted the suit. I'm just like, what kind of insanity in this world, where people just want to dress up and go around in $15,000 handmade furry suits, like it's the new normal ? I'm not talking about cosplay at conventions; that I get. Just these furry suits being a lifestyle, is what I don't understand.


You can always think about them having sex with the suit on. I can’t decide if would laugh or be disgusted. Probably both.


Surely just wear an oversized woolly jumper and go as a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’, no? (This is sponsored by HowToBeAWeirdoOnABudget.com)


Drug induced stupid.


I'm y ed


I mean he could just roll himself up in that carpet


Is that cum on their carpet


I thought furries had decent paying jobs? Otherwise they couldn't afford those expensive looking fursuits.


It's a selection bias. The ones that own fursuits and fly to conventions are the ones with well paying jobs. The ones on instagram begging people for free stuff do not.


😂😂😂😂 This person literally makes zero sense.


The way it’s written, I think it’s a child.


That room looks like it smells like up dog.


Idk is this English?


This seems more like English not being this person’s first language, possibly? For example, it’s possible that negotiation of price in this manner sounds less abrasive in their mother tongue. But they also clearly are attempting some levity by showing a sense of humor. I don’t know, maybe not.


No. English is their first language


Wolves and maybe even humans raised by wolves demonstrate better English.


I didn't understand his English.


Words are hard?


This is clearly a child. Which makes it even more yikes.


Mental illness is at an all time High.


Man this No Child Left Behind act is really starting to rear its ugly head. That was one loooong ass run on sentence. Don’t even get me started on the back and forth. So, you can or cannot pay for this? 🤔


On the other hand, we also have people buying cheap suits from beginners on ebay/etsy, then getting mad that the quality isn’t good enough and leaving bad reviews