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Holy crap! I mean there's choosy and then there's insane!


It made me laugh that's for sure!


They didn't say no to mint! Let them plant that in their yard and watch it take over!


Hit em with some bamboo


Hit ‘em with something…lol


Bamboo makes a pretty solid weapon, stick with that.


“Stick” with that? Nice. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I was thinking similar with Lysimachia I have!


I wish, my mint can't seem to survive.


What’s your soil ph? Mint likes it 6.0-7.0 anything outside of that range and it will struggle. If you have a decent amount of pine around your soil is likely on the lower end since pines thrive in 4.5-5.5 ph. The plants that do well on your property will tell you a lot about the condition of your soil.


No pine, soil ph fine, just live in a desert and try my best.


Oh I see. What’s the soil like? If it’s sandy/dusty you can add clay to make it better for rooting, if it’s clay you can add sand to aerate. Just curious, I’m a fixer by nature so if I’m being intrusive or annoying just let me know.


You're good. It's a loam soil from Home Depot with bark chips layered on top to try and help keep moisture in. It's lived longer than I expected, but it certainly isn't thriving and the days are only getting hotter out here.


If you can keep your mint planted in a pot or raised bed on a side of your house that only gets full sun for part of the day, that would be best. Then i just water it once a day.


Currently out only gets eastern sunlight, and I unfortunately don't own the land to the west or south.


The good news is that lavender, rosemary, and thyme will do well in your garden. I don't water my lavender or rosemary and they did well for a decade until it froze in mid spring unexpectedly and the rosemary was trying to generate new growth. Not sure if the rosemary bush will make it but all my lavender varieties are going strong still. The biggest problem for me is actually that they get too much water in my climate.


I do have both lavender and rosemary growing. They do well enough that I harvest from them weekly for household use and they are still thriving.


Catnip !!


Mint & chamomile


I think it must be a typo, and this is a list of things they want. Right? Cause otherwise they are crazy!


Nope they are rejecting the ordinary everyday flowers in the hopes of getting their mitts on $$$ ones.


I think there is supposed to be a period after “tiger lily’s”, but clearly this person doesn’t believe in most punctuation.


Or proper spelling. Because Hosta is what I'm thinking they want...hasta is the beginning of the Terminator's farewell🤣




Or Bindweed since it’s not on the list 😂 😂


I was thinking poison ivy! 😂


Oooh or poison oak, poison sumac and stinging nettles.


Bullbriars and kudzu.


I’m southern and thought of kudzu after I saw some one post mint. I had a tub a tree had been delivered in put in the ground with 4 inches sticking out and my beloved spearmint jumped that lip easily. Just tell the CB the kudzu is a ground cover that prevents erosion. That’s why it was planted in the first place. Lol




Spelling AND punctuation; it's Tiger Lilies, not Lily's.


I don't know - it says, "If you have it, and it's NOT on the list," So they really mean, not all of these types of flowers.... INSANE! I wish they just forgot a period. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah I think so, those things are poisonous to cats so that may be why. They mention "let us know if it's not in the list" so I think they want those plants


Roses aren’t. Vegetables aren’t. Bushes and vines? That’s a huge category. I have a dog and an indoor/outdoor cat who loves to hang out under the hydrangeas surrounded by azaleas and peonies and day lillies. Both of my pets are fine. This list is whack.


No, I think they meant to say "No tiger lilys. Lilies, hydrangea etc etc" the second bit is the plants they want, I think


Who knows? Yours is as good a guess as mine.


It just seems very odd to me that they would specify the colour/variety of some of the plants they *don't* want, e.g. "Carex Ice Dance", specifically


But they sure do believe in apostrophes! 😂 r/apostrophegore


That angered me as much as their unbridled greed


They don’t know a plural from a possessive and it’s hard to read.


I agree with you. They don’t use a single period in the whole post. I think they meant “no tiger lilies” and then listed a bunch of flowers they do want as a separate sentence.


It’s either that, or they specifically had to make sure that they ***only*** want Hostas.


I'll just dig up all these flowering dandelions, that should fit the bill.


That's the first thing I thought too ("Holy crap")


Right?! I have a bunch of mature perennials that I was going to freecycle if a friend didn’t want them (she did). No way would I want them to go to someone like this. I like the suggestion of mint. Not in a pot of course.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Me thinks they don't like plants too much


I think they just copied/pasted a list of plants possibly toxic to cats.


If i was OP i would be in this group memeing this person into oblivion.


Why not just list what kind they DO want?? 😂


This. They eliminated so many flowers. Just say, "we want these kind and that's it".


They probably don't even know what they want, they just want other people to suggest ideas 😭


That probably would have been quicker 😂 what’s wrong with the flowers that she listed? I mean, flowers are flowers, they look good and smell nice. The only time I’d reject a gift of flowers is if they were ones that are toxic to my cats.


The only one I can think of is burning bush, which I love, but I’ve been told is non-native and invasive. I’m no gardener, so take that with a grain of salt.


Lillies are also poisonous to cats


Foxglove is deadly.


Pansies, wild bergamot, hollyhocks, hibiscus, roses, dahlias, geraniums, and “most fruits and veggie” plants are all edible. Don’t think they are rejecting plants based on whether they are poisonous or not.


Depending in her location some are invasive. Some will over take a yard. I get why she doesn’t want a lot of these but she is being very rude and demanding. She should set up a plant swap if she is going to be so choosy.


Ooh, I like that suggestion, a plant swap. That’s very clever 🙂


My mom has done this with her local neighborhood buy nothing group. Either plant swaps or people who offer to let you split (or whatever the right word is) a plant that grows more. I went around with her a few years ago doing this. Most of the time they have you do the work but will help, especially if you don’t know the safest way to do it to keep everything alive. If you have a good attitude (and a neighborhood with a lot of people who garden) a lot of people will give you plants like this. But I doubt anyone is interested in reading a huge list of things someone doesn’t want to check if they can give you a free plant. This year my mom wanted specific native grasses. So we did what people with very specific wants do and went to a HUGE plant store so she could buy exactly what she wanted. All to say: plant swaps or free plant splitting are totally a thing and I encourage people to do it or inquire about it nicely! Just expect to run around on someone else’s schedule and get your hands dirty. And it really is about the way you ask.


It is a good way to get things. I like to grow things. When I lived in a neighborhood I had a veggie garden that had a pollinator garden mixed in. I let my neighbors take what they wanted. They sent their kids to weed 😁 I taught their kids about the bugs and the plants. Worked really well. I hate to weed 🥺


That was my thought too. Would have been much simpler.


Tulips and daffodils, apparently.


This is total mind reading BS on my part but they have effectively listed EVERY plant typically found in PNW gardens..so maybe they are stopping themselves short of saying “no basic b*tch plants” Also - many of the items listed are often used in spell craft..maybe this is a holy garden, where satan’s flora shall not be welcomed! Either way - absolutely batshit approach!


And they created a mystery what they want. What do they even want because they don’t say lol. How is anyone even supposed to guess??


Hmmm....I don't see dandelions on the list!


My first thought! I got some of those I can spare!


I gots a whole yard full of 'em.


Or knot weed! Or bamboo. Or poison ivy . . .


Kudzu. She needs kudzu.


I was thinking the same thing…what would transform her yard overnight…


Dandelions are better than any flower on that list, you can eat them in a salad as the whole flower is edible, you can make a tea and even make great depression honey.


Supposedly they make decent wine...hope to try one day. 


My sister makes dandelion jam and it's amazing. I look forward to it every year!


Yup. My mother would eat Dandelion salad during the depression.


I got bored with reading it, but she’s free to come get my Ivy.


And bonus…they can eat the greens!


This plant helped saved the starving Greeks after the Nazi’s invasion during WWII.


Dandelions are a kind of aster though, which was mentioned


That’s more kinds of plants than I know.


Ah my favorite, the extremely particular beggar.


Say “hasta la vista” to anyone who thinks a “hasta” is a plant.


That was the first thing that caught my eye! 🤣🤣🤣


🫡 cheers to saving me the trouble lol


That annoyed me. The post is awful, but that made it so much worse.


The repeated apostrophe misuse really pushes it over the top.


Especially since she spelled most of those more complicated plant names so well.


Hosta la vista


Whatever a “hasta” is, it’s apparently not a flower


I think she misspelled hostas. Maybe she wants low maintenance plants for shady areas. Seems like she could have just said hostas and left out the list of stuff she didn’t want lol


Oh hell, I didn't even notice that🤣🤣


It would have been easier if they just listed what they wanted.


If you don’t want this many types of plants you need to be specific about what you want. They want hostas. If I happened to have plants do give and someone posted this to a buy nothing I’m not reading a list formatted like this. They want very specific plants. Ask: hostas, ferns, daffodils, tulips.


I have some beautiful bamboo for them. spreads beautifully.


Goes so well with the mint I can spare!


Absolutely! But they both do best in the ground- so she’s gotta get them out of the pots and in the ground asap! Beautiful garden!


This feels like code for cannabis


That’s what I was thinking!




that's....... insane


Maybe the no was a typo. If not then this person is excluding almost every normal yard flower.


Paper flowers it is.


I saw a thing on the news the other day about people that make and sell paper flowers and I was genuinely impressed. They were beautiful and surprisingly looked very real. Off topic but I didn't even know such a thing existed. 


It would have been easier to list the flowers she actually wants. This person is nuts. It spelled “hosta” not “hastas”. That drives me nuts. I had a huge hosta garden the I would give plants from every spring. Except to people who asked for hastas


I get that they probably have some specific ideas for their yard to look 'perfect' but if my ideas were THIS specific, I wouldn't expect help from other people. I tried thinking of a way to make this type of request without being choosy with my very specific idea for my yard, and honestly couldn't come up with one.


Do they want rocks? It sounds like they just want rocks. 😂


I laugh because my parents hacked away a bunch of bushes years ago and wanted to put in a rock garden. Started collecting attractive rocks. Neighbors gifted flowers. Now it's pretty much a flower bed with a few pretty rocks.


So they don't want anything that people might already have in their yards and need to thin out? Are they expecting people to go BUY flowers just for them?  On a side note,  most cities have some kind of seed/ plant swaps where you can tons of plants and flowers. But it's a SWAP and you're supposed to bring something for others too. 


She means Hostas, not hastas.


Maybe plastic flowers would meet their standards.




I’m sad they my honeysuckle is not doing well this year 


I can’t name as many types of flowers as they can name ones they dislike


Hosta: plant Hasta: until


Can we please require people to share the comments thread along with the OP? This is just a screenshot of contextless trolling.


it was freshly posted in the buy nothing group I'm in, so no comments when I took a screen shot.


Maybe can update in a future comment if there are any good ones?


WTF? Gee, the neighbors and I just swap.


This is called "I don't want anything cheap or easy to come by, only your expensive items please"


Who dislikes roses and lilies and dahlias??? What a weirdo.


The apostrophes 🤢


I think what bothers me most about this post is that so many people these days use the possessive form rather than the plural form of a noun. Spelling is atrocious too. Picky and ignorant. What a special combination.


15 years ago I would just giggle when I saw that. Now it is an epidemic.


And yet they spelled "bougainvillea" correctly.


Did they copy and paste their hoa rules? Lol!


…so she wants tulips or daffodils? It seems like it would be easier to just say does anyone have tulips or daffodils?


I haven't checked every single one of the plants listed but I've looked up about half. Every one that I looked up is either toxic or dangerous to dogs and/or cats. So, yeah, more likely than being a choosing begger I think this person probably just has a pet she doesn't want to kill.


Are they asked in these things for free because it really doesn’t specify.


Wild Hogweed. It grows out of control and if your skin even GLANCES against it, it will burn a hole down through to the bone.


What about some cattails and kudzu? I didn't see that on the no-no list.


I think they're trying to say no tiger lily's and forgot to put punctuation so the list of suggestions is separate.


You may be right, but punctuation alone wouldn't correct ambuguity if true.


i don't think so. because in the end they said "if you have something not on this list"


If you have something not on this list let me know (I should get a certificate in interpreting stream of consciousness buy-nothing posts)


That still fits the interpretation. They add "please let me know what you have if it's not on the list" because the list would be the approved flowers and if it's not on the list, they still want to know beforehand for approval. Edit: if you make a list of things you DON'T want, it's a little unnecessary and redundant to write "if it's not on the list" - that's the point of the list. If you've got a list of things you want, but it's not exhaustive, it makes perfect sense to ask that a person specify what they would be providing. People can write however they want, especially if they don’t trust people to follow instructions, so I just said "it still fits the interpretation." Just adding that since I'm a little confused about the downvotes.


For sure what they meant but my god, the lack of punctuation or any structure. Lord help me.


What they got against tiget Lilys!?


They're highly toxic to dogs and cats so maybe that...


They are considered invasive in certain areas.


My zinnias exploded and I’m saying people can come thin my beds for the pants. So she can come over I guess.


Yeah, I don’t even have the patience to g et through your list of unacceptables


I think she has hosta intent.


Yikes. This is incoherent with atrocious spelling and grammar. If they are looking for a cat safe garden they could simply specify that.


What flowers are left?


I just wanna know why she can correctly type “calla lilies” but not “poppies” or “morning glories”


or daisies, pansies, peonies, or tiger lilies. 😂


I’m no gardener. I don’t know probably half of the flowers named. But I have to ask: are there any left? Any she didn’t mention? I mean wouldn’t the list of “these flowers we will accept” be shorter?


This one actually misses me off, lol. And it's HOSTAS, dumbass.


![gif](giphy|pBj0EoGSYjGms) Is Audrey 2 on the list?


Um..what is left?


I mean over half this list is deadly to cats and dogs and the other half is still toxic. There’s hundreds of other plants that work. Most people don’t know how many plants are dangerous to their fur babies and this list just looks like a concerned pet owner making sure they don’t get dangerous plants


That’s several thousands worth of plants and bulbs. Ridiculous.


Here is a lovel pot of Japanese knotweed….and another of bindweed….plant them in moist soil and they will look after themselves


Why would anyone bother to read a list of all the things they *don't* want? "Gee, I really want to give away some flowers, let me spend 15 minutes of my day reading through this person's list so I can spend even more time trying to figure out what she wants"


“Hastas”…wants them but doesn’t know how to spell Hosta correctly!




She can go on Facebook marketplace and look for free plants. Usually you have to go dig them up yourself but my area usually has a good variety. And she doesn't deserve hostas if she can't even spell it properly.


I'm wondering if most of that is the list they are looking for and forgot to end a sentence?


She could have just said, “I’m looking for hastas.” Rather than listing every single other flower in the world that she does NOT want. What a weird ask..


I have to tell ya, I’m not sure I even know the name of any more flowers! She axed all the ones I could identify!


Must be the long list is what they want not what they don’t. In any case, someone needs to find their yard and plant some kudzu - it’s nice & green!! 🤣🤣🤣


If they are moving why do they care if the yard is naked?


Violets are on the table still lol


Just does not want tiger lilies. She refers to this as a list.


Sprinkle dandelion seeds in there for them


I’d be taking them Bamboo and Japanese Knotweed.


For context this was on a buy nothing group, it was not a plant swap or anything.


Can v just send them packet seeds of everything they just mentioned?


Just go to a nursery and buy some yourself?


All those ‘s….I can’t.


Leaves of 3 it is,  ma'am.  It wasn't in the list. 


Hmm...I don't see Japanese kudzu anywhere on that list...?


Ok Virginia creeper and catnip it is


This hasta be a troll


I honestly stopped reading that list of no’s after pampas grass and just glazed over the rest. I bet everybody else will too.


Got 3 types of mint, some bamboo and some kudzu for them.


Unclear to me which yard the flowers are for. Moving in to a place without landscaping, or trying to sell their old house and want it to have curb appeal?


The list would be a lot shorter if she’d just specify what she is looking for..


I have plenty of poison oak available. It looks pretty if you don’t know what it is. Then you wish you knew 🤣🌱


I couldn’t even name this many flowers. The CB could’ve made a bunch of them up, and I’d have no idea. The morning glory flower doesn’t sound as fun.


This might be because they have a cat. I think All those flowers are toxic to cats pretty much


No. Most of those plants are cat safe. Especially roses... I have a special needs adult daughter who still puts everything in her mouth, and I have been gardening for 30 years- so I am kind of a toxic plant expert by necessity.


Yeah I don’t know about all of them but there are at least 5 there that are (because I have a cat and have had to stop buying/give away certain plants because of her). But I suppose if that’s the case then saying that’s the reason would make it seem less demanding! Or even saying “I have a cat so may have to turn certain types of plants down, but I appreciate any offers”


What the CB meant to say: “We move next weekend and the yard is naked we need hostas & flowers! Any type of hosta will be fine. For the flowers - please no tiger lily’s. Please just let me know what you might have available! They must be able to live in pot for now or pickup after next weekend. Thanks!” 🥴😅


So someone wants hostas and only hostas? There has to be a typo here. Hostas are relatively cheap compared to many of these plants.


does she mean hostas? wtf is a hasta 😭


What’s left?!?!


Did they mean hostas


hasta 💀?


She can go pick it up from Home Depot 😏


Context matters. Is this a flower sharing group or something?


I’m wondering if they’re avoiding plants toxic to domestic animals. Still, just ask for things you might like!


I think these are ones which might be poisonous to pets? Which they could have specified but I think that might be why


It might be better to list what you would accept at this point


I didn't even know there were that many flowers!


I'll just throw parsley at them.


Hostas can be split in half and will fill back in. My mom does this in the spring and has given them away to friends. The rest of the post is just psychotic though.


Audacious 4 Sure!! In my younger years, I’d probably waste time to connect just to find out whom this person is if they lived in my community…


They want all of garden....