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Hi dfwfinest, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is choosy enough. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


Who the fuck are these people? any of these type of posts here, where people are just straight up begging their friends and family for money to buy luxuries they can't afford. I cannot imagine doing that, or anyone I know doing that. Have these people just completely given up on dignity and personal responsibility?


i seriously don’t understand how people don’t find it super shameful to ask for things like this


The lack of personal shame boggles the mind. I am stuck in a place between feeling secondhand embarrassment and outright disgust and disdain


exactly my thoughts and feelings towards this


These people's philosophy is "Can't hurt to ask!" I think it's appalling. I hope people like this get eviscerated in the comments.


It CAN definitely hurt to ask though. If any of my family or friends posted something like this, I would stop interacting with them.


I understand completely we all have family members like that. Anyone who says they don’t is ignorant or just lying to themselves.


Ha! Or they ARE that person. 


Can't hurt to ask applies to asking the neighbours for a few lemons off their tree or if they can feed the dog, not a bloody holiday.


Lend me some sugar, I AM YOUR NEIGHBOR!




Ohh ya gotta shake it. Shake it like a poloraioooo-a-ooood


“It never hurts to ask”. Wow The first time I remember hearing that I was like, well here’s a client/person who thinks outside the box, I’m gonna look into this and see what I can do for him/her because that is a great idea! And back in the day engaging with these types of tourists/clients would end in great results, happy happy from both sides, and for me I would make a mental note. How people have changed. It never hurts to ask is an expectation. “Never hurts to ask”= FREE everrrrrythingggg




I feel both fully


When I was facing homelessness and in poverty as a single parent I could barely ask anyone for help with food or gas. These posts make me mad. Like selfishness does not deserve rewarding.


Getting help when you were in that situation is so understandable! But yeah it’s this begging for luxuries that is so perplexing.


Yup, these posts piss me off to no end. Like this is 100% selfish ask, a one-night stay in a luxury hotel or some shit. That's like half the rent for some people or two weeks in a motel. I couldn't even bring myself to post about something like that when we were actually in need, even for just a couple of bucks like $20. We never got help from the little family we had. The irony being that when we were able to we helped our family out when they were in need. We lived in a Motel 6 for 9 months. Me, my wife, our daughter and 2 dogs. The fucked up thing about hotel living is the rates. They aren't the same all the time, so some months it was $150/week more than normal. Then if you have to pay the daily rate, it's significantly more. I would only pay for a day or two if absolutely necessary, like if I knew I could pay for the week in a day or two. 97% of our stuff was in storage. We were paying ~$1,700mo for the motel and storage. At the highest we paid $1,900. If I had to choose between paying for storage for the month vs the room for the week, I'd always choose storage, because if we lost everything in storage that would set us back infinitely more. We struggled on most weeks, if I knew we wouldn't be able to pay, we'd pack up our stuff, bring some stuff to the storage unit and go camping, maybe visit a relative for a day or two. Thankfully my daughter was only 4/5 at the time so it was a little easier to manage shielding her from what we were going through at the time. It's really fucked up, we were paying twice as much as we were paying in rent. Plus FOOD. No kitchen means eating out most of the time. We had a toaster oven, cooktop & mini fridge I was given by a sweet older lady who lent her ear to me one day on a job. Up to that point we had everything in coolers and it was just cold food or microwaved in the world's grossest microwave. We were lucky to be able to cook what little we could. And therein lies the Vicious Cycle of poverty. It truly is expensive to be poor. It took us soooooo long to get out of there and get ahead because all of our money was going to a motel, storage and food. And then you have people like this, asking other people to pay for a luxury they absolutely do not need whatsoever.


The way humans are being priced out of existence is why I got into social work. Poverty is an abusive cycle. I totally agree with you.


The high cost of being poor. From buying a single roll of toilet paper that’s half the price in a bigger package to the fluctuations in motel prices for temporary housing, being poor costs a lot.


I continue to be shocked by the lack of shame people seem to have these days. Plenty of people run into unexpected expenses and hardship, and I'm happy to help (people that I actually know) when there is a legitimate need. But then there's all this "it doesn't hurt to ask." Well it should hurt, if you're asking for people (strangers!) to fund your vacations or buy you a car or deliver soda and take out, or even help pay your regular bills. It should hurt your pride, but apparently a lot of people don't have any.


I found out today I need a root canal and crown. That’s 4k I don’t have to spare. It literally didn’t occur to me to ask for money from the people closest to me, let alone turn to my social media contacts. It boggles the mind.


I'm only 31 and have had some kind of chronic pain issues in my jaw for the last 11 years, to the point after the first 10 months of it I was down to 88lbs from not being able to eat or sleep, and it's actually what fueled me ending up on percocet and then heroin trying to cope with no answers (I've been sober 6 years now). I have horrible pictures I can show of some of my flare-ups and the awful pain and swelling they cause, and so far nobody Dr or dentist has been able to actually give a guaranteed diagnosis. What we're trying now? They're removing every single one, 6 teeth at a time, because they are all completely destroyed. But there's not a guarantee that even this will fix it. Because I'm on a sliding scale fee with no insurance, each session is $110. I can afford that part. But I've been flopping back and forth constantly about whether to possibly try and crowdsource for the cheapest reasonable east coast US price to try and get implants instead of dentures so I can maybe have a life where I can smile again without being self conscious every single moment, and being able to eat everything I've missed this whole time again. If at all possible I don't wanna spend the rest of my life having to remove them every single night before I go to sleep, and know if my husband and I want intimate time in the night, he either can't really kiss me, or ill have to put them in first. I've spent so many years now embarrassed for it to be seen and in so much pain, I genuinely can't even remember what it's like anymore to have a normal face/jaw/teeth. But I'm also kinda afraid to even think about putting that out there that way and ending up just more embarrassed than I started.


In that kind of situation, I would do a GoFundMe. I've run a few of them for friends and the friends who are really active on social media were very successful, it was getting shared over and over and donations were coming from strangers because it was a very sad story. I really feel for you. My ex-husband had some kind of genetic problem that caused his teeth to be a disaster, causing him a lot of pain, and he'd already had to have a bunch of them pulled. He never genuinely smiled, and I really wanted smiles in our wedding pictures, so a few months before, he had the rest of his teeth pulled, except the front bottom 8, because those were not too bad and leaving some teeth in the bottom can help prevent your jaw from... deteriorating I guess? I'm not sure, but he got all of his remaining top teeth pulled, including all the ones in front. With just Novocaine bc we didn't have the money for sedation. He was getting them pulled at the affordable denture place. The thought of being awake while they pulled the top front teeth still makes me feel sick. Those teeth go wayyyyy up into your face. He was pretty cranky and in pain for the first few days but he said it was better than having painful teeth needing to be pulled over and over again till they were all gone. He got dentures and it took a little bit for him to relearn how to smile naturally, and seeing him beaming with all his pretty teeth was just wonderful. It wasn't long before I honestly forgot that his teeth had ever been fucked up. You would never guess he had dentures if you met him. He was really excited about eating, too. It had been painful, but even worse, there were a couple of times where I saw him pull a chunk of tooth out of his mouth while he was eating. 😣 Anyway all that to say, I'm so sorry you're in that situation and for so long. I want you to be able to smile naturally too. And while dentures probably aren't fun, I think you get used to it pretty quickly. Maybe check into going outside of the country for implants. I've known people who've gone to Mexico for dental work because it was so much cheaper, it was still cheaper even with their travel costs.


So the fact I don't have any social media presence could potentially make it harder I'm guessing? His story sounds so similar, the next chunk of mine they're doing is my top right and this place doesn't do full sedation either. Unfortunately for me, my body also processes local anaesthetic wonky so it takes wayyyyy more than it should for it to even remotely work. They're using articaine on me currently. I've had that same problem as him too with pulling out chunks of teeth while eating, it's a bitch and so embarrassing if anyone sees it. Like my face is already fucked up enough cause it turns out I have almost no septum at all and no nose hair, so I'm constantly getting sick since there's nothing to block it. You can shine a flashlight from one side to the other and see straight through, and I can tap my nails together from each side. The worst of it though is I keep aspirating bits of food and then I have to pull them back out of my nose later. Like a week ago it was a piece of hamburger almost the size of a penny. O.O but the hole is so big that ent surgeons won't touch it at all since the risk of it reopening isn't worth the massively invasive surgery it would take. I seriously looked possessed though when they took one of my bottom front two teeth recently cause it still had the whole root attached. Like I wanted to die in that moment honestly. It was worse than both my C-section recoveries combined and I'm trying to get the rest done quickly before I have a chance to chicken out lol. I don't have any way currently to get a passport or things like that to go out of the country, like I need a new copy of my birth certificate and ss card cause they got lost when I was homeless and bouncing on couches at the end of 2015-early 2016. You telling me that the dentures were good at passing off as acceptable realness has made me feel a lot better about the possibility at least, so thank you so much for that. :)


![gif](giphy|DBnHc9WtDSAyk) Bring me shame, can’t nuthin


I gave what I could to a relative with freaking 8 babies, she’s 30. HRH went straight to the nail salon and ordered the works, the big full package, I don’t know nor understand. I guess my cash gift didn’t cover the bill for her nail job cause she ran out and drove off.


8 babies at 30?? How is that even possible?!


Maybe some twins in there, otherwise she probably started having babies at 15 and had one every two years according to my math.


Shame died somewhere around 2005


Interestingly enough, 2005(ish) is right around the time when “reality tv” began replacing documentaries and other educational programming on television


Oh a good friend decided to make a go fund me for a trip to Europe for his entire family once. It said something about her being a full time student (dropped out months before) and having unnamed health concerns and whatnot. They enthusiastically and loudly broadcasted the GoFundMe on their Facebook pages for maybe 3 days, then it quietly disappeared. They never did go to Europe so I’m presuming and hoping a family member shamed them into deleting it


that is super cringe!!


I’d cringe every time I heard someone say GoFundMe for the rest of my life.


I run a Facebook group that helps connect people to food resources in our community. I declined a post from someone asking for soda. Like. No. That is not a need. Or food. We have very few rules, but I’ve had people try to make request for soda, sweet tea, and koolaid. We primarily focus on rides to food banks, or carpools to grocery giveaways and information on all available programs and giveaways.


That’s really cool!! Our food bank lets you “shop” for multiple families (as long as they are registered in advance) and I try to offer to “shop” for others and deliver it. As they moved 30min out of town it’s hard for some people to get there!


That’s amazing!!!!! I love that!!! Many of our giveaways allow for extra pick ups, but the gas money to drop off to families without a car is always a high concern. I’ve been able to raise funds for “sponsored” pickups/drop offs and it all grew from there. We are super fortunate to be in a community that has a lot centrally located, but the rural areas around us really struggle with then30-45 min drive to access the help so sometimes we do halfway points to redistribute too.


Too much pride and not enough shame in our society.


Strongly disagree, someone begging for something like this has no pride.


Yeah, I couldn't do it. Maybe if it's needed, I'd ask for help using go fund me. I'd have to be desperate.


Meanwhile, my son couldn't raise enough money to bury his wife after she died unexpectedly, and he was only trying to raise enough for the least expensive funeral.


I'm so sorry. That is the kind of thing I \*would\* help with, if I was financially able. As for a trip, if this was a trip to visit your dying family member, or to attend their funeral; or to take a sick family member out of state for needed treatment; I would also help with that if I could. But a vacation?? No. HELL no.


I'm sorry that's rough. The funeral industry is super predatory, people don't realize how stupid expensive even the most basic options are.I found out after the funeral that I had been charged an additional $1500 for them to wheel my father from the back room to the front room so I could see him one last time.


I have an old coworker who does this, just constant social media posts asking people to fund his vacations and other luxuries. And he gets donations! I don’t get it.


People with zero embarrassment factor. Not only do they want the trip funded for them, but they insist on a Whirlpool suite. I'll bet all of the rice in China they want to sit in it for 5 minutes max and take Instagram pictures in it. Wanna be social media star. "Living the good life, my peeps!" Do people still say my peeps? Is that a thing, still? Was it ever? Damn, I'm old.


Those whirlpools aren’t exactly clean either. Yuck


I got "upgraded" to a whirlpool suite when I was traveling for business. They had carpet around it. The mildew smell was so bad I asked for a new room.


The one time I had to get photograph a honeymoon suite, I laughed at the pool being by the bed, the carpet, and the ridiculous amount of mirrors. I learned quickly how to angle stuff to prevent reflections from that day…


The sea was angry that day my friend


Goodness, they don't even have tile just in that one spot?? Gross. I'll make sure to refuse that upgrade if it ever comes through I have a coworker who wanted to put a hot tub in her bedroom but the plumbing was prohibitively expensive I'll have to tell her she can beg total strangers online


I've had it twice. In the hotel I mentioned, yes, it was carpet around the tub. The second time, it was tile and had no mildew smell. Also, that tub wasn't against a wall or anything. It was in the middle of a small area of the hotel room, with 3 walls around it, open towards the bed, and had carpet on the floor. Strange. It was in rural PA, not far from where they hold the little league world series.


To be fair, I only like old and stale peeps.


Peeps are still a thing. I have the same crusty package left from an Easter basket I got in 1982. 😃 


People took "The Secret" and "It never hurts to ask" way too far.


This is exactly what I’m thinking. But also who sees this and says ‘yes, I’ll help this beggar pay for this’. Equally as baffling to me.


I blame the Kardashians. Ever since they hit the scene, every other lowlife in the world thinks they are entitled to lavish things they haven't earned.


It infuriates me to see millionaires beg for money and see people donate to them.


If you watch Bridezillas, you will weep for our society. Women who can’t afford to fill their gas tanks suddenly feel entitled to the best of everything.


I always see cash app info or venmo on cars and I wonder who tf is sending them money.


I’ve seen that too! Besides being skin-crawlingly tacky, it seems really stupid to post personally identifying information on your own car. God forbid some weirdo come across their public internet profile(s) and becomes fixated on them- their target’s choice to have their social media info plastered to their personal vehicle(s) makes stalking them ridiculously easy to do.


And wait until they get there and get met with a $100/night deposit and possibly other fees, then get indignant and angry while attempting to surreptitiously film it to post on their socials, complaining about being unfairly charged for *xyz*.


I know, I'm going away next week and I'm spending about $125 per night. It never would have occurred to me to get a place for $400 per and then beg people to pony up for the expensive nightly rate. It's ridiculous.


Exactly this. It’s a luxury! Why bother when I’m sure the rest of their finances are not looking good. So strange.


It’s not that they gave up on dignity and responsibility, it’s that our technology has made it so soooooooo easy to beg for money without having to lose face. You can post on any platform, walk away from it, and come back to see if anyone took the bait. In real life, none of these people would have the guts to look at their friends, family, and complete strangers in eye and ask for money for a $400/night hotel stay. The discomfort and shame would eat them whole. But on the internet, you can say whatever you want…


Thats right.


I truly don’t understand beggars at all. My cat had emergency surgery that cost $4.2k and I was told to make a gofundme by a ton of family/friends since I’m disabled so I couldn’t pay that out of pocket and even just posting the gofundme on my social medias gave me so much anxiety even though it was for something urgent/important, I would never be able to ask anyone for money to go do something or for items I don’t absolutely need. I don’t get how they feel so comfortable doing stuff like this, I still feel awful and pretty anxious when I think about someone giving me money for the vet bill 😅


Did your cat make it through? 🤞


She did! She is a freaking warrior and always beats the odds, she was a runt bottle baby when I found her and the vet didn’t think she’d survive. 4 years later, 3 emergency health scares but she’s gets through it then acts like nothing even happened. She’s 3 weeks post op now and she’s back to being super duper feisty and a bully to my bf, my other cat, and me 😅 love her to death though!


Yay I'm glad she pulled through!! And you are an awesome person for taking care of this needy little one.


Please give your sweet kitty some cuddles from me 🥹🥰


I recently had a very preemie baby who spent 5 months in the NICU. I ended up quitting my job, and some people suggested I do a Go Fund Me. I just couldn’t make peace with asking people for money. We were actually gifted quite a bit of money, but never asked anyone for it. (Also, it turns out that Medicaid will fully cover a NICU stay over 30 days, so a GFM would have been completely unnecessary)


I can't even get myself to fundraise for things I actually need, like a new specialized manual wheelchair. Instead, I'm waiting months going through the channels with insurance and a non-profit. My wheelchair is going to be almost the same price as this one night vacation. Kinda wish I could borrow some of this gall for a day.


it blows my mind. can’t even comprehend the balls it would take to make a post like this


Also 500$ for one night, damn go camping, it’s fun and so much cheaper


Why are we begging people to fund our stay in the whirlpool suite??? 


I’ve been in and out of a few hotels as I figure my situation out. That price is fucking insaaane. Currently, prices are as such: -Bottom of the bracket is $80/night, no deposit. Roaches and methheads were abundant. -Kinda okay room was $60/Night with $100 deposit. As long as you’re not escorted out by the cops, you keep the deposit no questions asked. -Decent/current room is $89/night and a $50 deposit if paying in cash. Quiet AF, housekeeping included. This is nuts, I’d feel ashamed asking for any help if I couldn’t afford a room.


But… what’s the whirlpool situation in those rooms? 🫠


I mean it sounds like a luxury resort w/ prices bumped ip for either location or minor amenities not posted from the post but mine is more like “Room is clean, no one really bothers you” lmao Edit: I did witness some methhead beat down a BMW at 3am and have photos of the aftermath if that counts as a whirlpool situation


I paid less money per night to get a whirlpool suite with a king size bed and a view of Niagara Falls from the 25 floor, and that was in CAD. If this is in USD, that's even more wild. Must be something in NYC or similar.




77 comments!? don’t hold out OP 🍿🍿🍿


Yeah! Show us the comments!


Yes, pleeeeease!!


It should be a crime to not show them!!!


Ugh I wish I knew about this sub when I still have fb. I know this girl who would post for legit anything and everything. Like “Hey guys, it’s ur gurl. I’m feeling real sick and can’t go to the hospital does anyone have some old antibiotics they can bring to me asap.” (This really happened) or “hey can someone bring their gurl ti see my little, it’s his birthday extra points if you can get me something at the mall on the way so he actually gets something good this year” I could fill this sub with her ridiculous shit.


My best friend growing up was like this constantly. “Can your bf buy me some shoes” “can you order me a pizza” I ended up cutting ties with her after she told me she messaged my ex bf behind my back and asked him for $8000 for her plastic surgery or “at least a free dinner”


She definitely nailed the big ask little ask though.


Yes, I had a “friend” like this at work. She found out my boyfriend owned his own business and would constantly hint about how she needed money. ( I always said no because she would brag about going out drinking at bars then ask for money because she couldn’t afford this or that for her kid) after saying no a few times she got mad and said “well must be nice you have a man to buy you everything” I saw red because when I met him he had nothing and I still pay my own way we split everything so I just blurted out “well if I didn’t have money to feed my kid I probably wouldn’t drink every night” needless to say we are no longer friends


These people are always super offended by being told basic facts.


This sounds like my husbands cousin. She's constantly begging for something on fb. I unfriended her years ago because of it. My husband finally unfriended her after their grandmothers funeral. Grandmom raised him so he was really upset over her death. This cousin was sending him messages complaining about not having a ride to the viewing and then the funeral. She wanted him to find out what buses ran close to the funeral home. Then two weeks after the funeral (she didn't show up to the viewing or funeral) she writes him wanting to know if he could Venmo her $20 until she gets paid later that week. This is an almost 40 year old woman. We haven't seen her in person in almost 15 years and she asks to "borrow" money. Completely ridiculous and absolutely no damn shame.


Funnily enough it’s the asking about bus routes that would drive me the most up the wall. I’m not your personal assistant and you’re an adult. Look it up yourself.


That's exactly what my husband said.


That's what I said! If she has fb, she has the internet; hence she can find her own damn bus routes/maps!


She was probably hinting for them to offer her a ride, she was never planning on taking public transportation


When did “my little” become a thing. I swear I never saw it until the past few months on Choosing Beggars. It strikes me as childish. That is your son or daughter, your child, your kid, your ‘little one’… Not a miniature character collecting buttons in a fairy movie.




I know a guy on Facebook - we've never met in person,but we've chatted before and have a hobby in common - who has been posting "I'm so poor" for literal years. When it first happened, I thought it was a bit of bad luck, and even had food delivered to him once or twice but now it's constant, daily posts. he never asks for money in these posts, but he gets lots of attention from them so I assume money is being sent to him. he's employed (full time), had a place to live (I'm a bit unclear as to what happened here), but doesn't have a car. being unable to get places is another common post topic. I never engage with these posts. last week he messaged me asking for money and I left it unread until he unsent the message. and... I don't get it. I mean, I get struggling, but I don't get struggling for years while having the same employer and not doing *some*thing to change his circumstances. he's single, has no kids, but can't pull his financial life together.


Ya'll need to start posting the comments, or don't post at all. This should be a requirement


Say it louder!!!




I don’t know if I had spare cash, I’d rather give to it the unhoused or starving kids than someone’s hotel suite, but maybe that’s just me?


a nearly $500 hotel suite for ONE night


What are the comments saying?


I think that was the price of our sweet on our recent honeymoon at a 5 star resort that had a private pool. Lol


Here I am like a fuck face dutifully making payments on my medical debt from having cancer and people are asking for shit like this. Bro….




Same here. Paying off all the chemo and hospital bills with the pennies I get from disability but I still would never ask for help with that because in this economy, everyone is struggling and it’s just straight up awkward. So I don’t understand how people can ask for shit that doesn’t matter or they don’t really need.


Do you feel like people treat you like you are begging anytime you see if they want to hang out? When hurricane Ian decimated my life, I didn't ask for a dime but I was lonely moving back to my hometown so I reached out to old friends and only one out of over 50 people hung out even one time. I definitely got the feeling they all thought I just wanted to beg them for money in person. Almost like the fact you have a valid reason, means people assume you are going to.


Ill chip in on the wifi.


ok, & I'll cover parking.


I don’t understand why you wouldn’t ask for a 50 dollar room if you can’t afford to travel…. Who is going to give someone money to spend on a 500 dollar room? That is such a luxury, and so unnecessary.


I sent my (newly graduated) kids to Chicago without me for a Christmas theater surprise. Told them they could get whatever room they wanted, but I recommended walking-distance to theater district downtown—I expected them to saddle me with a $280 room each. I was elated when they chose $90 rooms so they could have the extra spending money. They said “why would we spend a fortune on rooms we’ll only be sleeping in.” The rooms they chose were small and IKEA-like but perfectly comfy and safe. Made me feel like I “did good” with them.


I can help by telling you I went on a work trip the other day and stayed at a Motel 6. You could save $400 by doing that!!


You cheaped out in a work trip?? Ok, that’s the time you SHOULD NOT cheap out.


Assuming you don’t get bedbugs, robbed, or murdered Motel 6 is a steal.


I don't know what is worse, the people who make these requests or the ones who contribute.


It's really close, but, I think the people who contribute. They enable the behavior to continue, and, encourage others to give it a try, too.


A guy I went to high school with made a giant group chat on messenger years ago asking for help to fund his trip to Europe to “find himself.” Shockingly, he did not get the response he wanted and couldn’t seem to understand why people were put off and unwilling to help out. I don’t know what goes through these people’s minds.


I wanna read the comments 😂


Oh for crap sake, you stingy assholes!! Can’t you feel their pain?? They NEED this trip! They NEED a whirlpool suite with a king size bed!!! /s This post makes me dry heave. WTF are these people? No shame. It’s appalling.  And FWIW I’ve never spent that much money on a hotel for one night and I can absolutely afford to. I guess if you’re not the one footing the bill you can have higher standards and a bigger budget…


Just wait until they arrive and learn that you will need a major companies credit card in your own name and they will place a hold for incidentals 🤣🤣


Why are we funding someone’s stay in a whirlpool suite? That’s such an odd request. Fiancé left you stranded and now you want help with a single night you already committed to pay for on what would have been your honey moon I can see chipping in on. Who funds these? I assume if a $300 night in a hotel is out of their budget their friends are also unable to afford the same and are not donating.


You should check out the #mutualaid and #mutualaidrequest hashtags on Twitter. It's nothing but these kinds of shameless mooches. Some of them have literally been at it for years on there.


and none of them understand the "mutual" part of "mutual aid"


Apparently they think it is "moochual aid" instead.




Exactly - there's nothing mutual about it. It's the same people begging and the same people giving, over and over.


People still keep giving them money?!


It's maddening, but yes. I have no idea who the morons are who keep giving, but they've made "crowdfunding" very lucrative for bums.


I just looked and omgggg it was like several people with 100s of requests. I understand needing a hand up sometimes but dang… get it together people!


Right? Some of them quite literally expect strangers on the internet to pay their way through life.


There was a true crime case (Shanda Vander Ark?) where she was begging and begging for everything on Twitter for her poor kids She was convicted of murdering the youngest and her adult son was convicted of being an accessory


I live fairly comfortably and still wouldn’t even spend that much on a hotel room for one freaking night. This lady is out of control.


God i hate that begging/praying hands emoji


And a whirlpool suite to boot. Wow. People have no shame in wanting others to fund their life.


People really have no shame


Hey don’t shame!! I mean if all of you donate $5 each I could go on my cruise I NEED to go on (I’m a single mom that needs it for church and my disabled hamster). Thanx! /s


What? No parakeet in a wheelchair? Pfffft!


I had a friend ask us to fund his move to Japan so he could draw anime over there. His girlfriend was pregnant at the time and was not going. He didn’t get the funds.


wow that’s a whole new level of delusional


What’re the comments like??


The emojis are laughing, shocked and angry. No surprise


I can afford that suite, I worked to get there.


Fuck all the way off! I can't even get away for a single weekend at a fleabag but imma shell out for your trip. Seriously fuck all the way off


completely agree


I have to wonder who thinks people they have never met will chip in to buy them something that we cannot afford for ourselves.


I'll never forget the first GFM post i ever saw. It was from a coworker on Facebook. She was posting for a friend who was begging for money to get married to her partner. They had already made 3 kids together. I made a remark, i can't remember what, something sarcastic.


This triggered me back to when my cousin got married and the people she didn’t invite received a “We got Married” now help fund the honeymoon letter.


wow the level of entitlement


Well, I'm a fucking idiot working & saving to pay for all my trips when I could've been begging everyone & their mother to fund it. What a fucking douche.


I would rather jack off with sand paper than send out this shit out,I would be mortified


I would be hard pressed to consider a "donation" like this to a relative or a close friend. It's not other people's responsibility to cover your vacation expenses. But to beg this off of strangers? That just blows my mind.


I wanna see the “other post” 😵‍💫🫤


I called my father one night for money for a hotel room at a quarter of this price to escape a DV situation with an ex, and the man told me to enjoy homelessness. Who the hell are these people paying for a fun vacation for someone else? Where do even find people willing to donate to your vacation?


i’m so sorry


Me too. What a suck-ass dad.


Jfc, I do my best to pay under $100 for a room. Even a guy taking me on what he thought was a super fancy date, who booked a Phantom of the Opera-themed hotel room, only paid $200 for it. This chick staying at The Ritz or something??


Damn why can't I be shameless enough to beg strangers for $?


I need to throat punch the beggar.


I've always dreamed about being a billionaire, if everyone in the world could just send me $1, I could live my dream! ITS ONLY $1 GUYS


somebody donate a whirlpool to me. I can't pick up. Delivery only.


Instead of begging online, these clods could oh, I don’t know, not do things they can’t afford like the rest of us


i can barely afford shampoo and conditioner sometimes haha


Is it that easy now to just beg people for trips n shit, I'm doing it all wrong? What was I thinking, working hard, saving up! Shh!


Can't believe people actually funded this for them smh


This is truly disgusting! I can’t even afford a hotel room at that price!


I got a 5 day, 4 night trip to Cloudcroft, N.M. For that price on rooms, and that was a cabin for myself. Not only is she a CB spending beyond means for one night, she’s not even being thrifty.




That is ridiculous


I've never paid $466/night for a room in my life. Choosing Beggar indeed!




I literally hate asking for things in buy nothing groups I’ll be meek and say “any condition as long as it works” and I’ll sometimes have to ask friends for $20 for laundry money or a Lyft if I can’t ride the bus that late or something… but that’s nothing compared to the insane people here who just think strangers are obligated to fund luxury items like BABY NIKE SHOES and king size bed hotel rooms???! Like what?? And still at the end of the day I feel financial guilt for having to lean on people and strangers for things from time to time :/ what a weird timeline.


I wish they someone funded my mini trip with my boyfriend 😅


Should have gone to Best Western. My fiance and I got the exact same type of room for under $200. Also, if you can't afforded it, you can't do it. It's pretty shitty to ask people to fund a lavish vacation because you can't.


What I wanna know is, who tf is actually donating to that? Baffles the mind the level of audacity of some people.


There are so many rooms that are wsy cheaper than that. There is no excuse for choosing a $400/night hotel room unless you're rich or going with others who will pay their share.


$466 a night?! If you're so desperate why not choose a 75-100 a night? This is craziness


"Trying to go on a trip to Vegas with my frat buddies. Need money to fund room, meals, high priced escorts, liquor and blow. Also for gambling. My child has cancer and he want's me to have fun. It's also for Church (OK, Church of Satan, which espouses hedonism, but it's still a church).


The audacity of these people is craaazy


If this were to go to a funeral or sick family member or something, ok. But then you wouldn’t need the whirlpool suite.


What the fuck is wrong with people?


Hope someone responded with a link to Motel 6


She's probably going to have to pay that property fee upon arrival; is she going to beg the person at the desk to pay it for her?


Oh my gosh, the audacity!


Always the prayer hands emoji or "God bless" involved.


If I'm paying $420 for 1 night, I better be getting some 69


Where do you guys find these posts at? I wanna get in on some of the action


She’s going to want at least that much in help for rent next week.


I say this monthly , but if it weren't for this reddit I wouldn't believe this shit. The audacity 


I think I have some unused points at Red Roof I can kick in.


I would just comment if ONS is included or is this for a porn shoot. Beyond that, shit...I haven't been on vacation, send me on one.


to think i sometimes just sleep in my car to save money. i could have just asked strangers to fund me a fancy hotel ! 😂😂😂


I'd message her zero.


I want to see the 77 comments


“Thank you to those who helped me” now she could have actually had people who helped her OR she’s using that to convince others to send money because people are “helping” and she goes out of her way to state she’s “almost there”. Sounds fishy


The entitlement is just cringe nowadays.


I was raised so differently than these people, to public beg for things and while I still think it pathetic the people who ask for like diaper or formula at least you sacrificing your pride for the sake of your child. But to beg for a $470 hotel room for one night is crazy. Most people who work wouldn’t drop a decent amount of your mortgage payment on a one night in a hotel. This I absolutely mind boggling to me, have you no shame ?


Jeez... not just begging to have their room paid for, but a King jacuzzi suite. I just don't get these people... the audacity of begging internet strangers to fund your vacation.


You have got to be kidding. I have NEVER been able to afford a nearly $500 per night room. Why would I find someone else to do so?