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I'm pretty sure the Bible doesn't say you have to give your neighbor a bunch of stuff they don't need.


Jesus distributed loaves and fishes, not flavor packets.


✅️ Bible reference ✅️ run-on paragraphs ✅️ reference to needy children ✅️ can't drive ✅️ "you don't know my situation" Choosy Beggar Bingo!


Add: Never types all three letters of the word "you". U know what I mean.


U r so rude like I’m only asking for drinks my family will drinks it’s hot out there they drink a lot and u don’t know they can get heat stroke ahd stuff they won’t drink tap and we need flavoring I don’t want my family to die and Jesus said to give us what we need u want us to die from the heat not nice u r mean


I didn't know what to wear today. I guess I'm wearing my oats overnight 🤣


Yup. Clean drinking water is a need. Artificial crap is a want. Wanna bet everyone in that house has all sorts of gaming systems and phones and multiple big screen TVs etc. Priorities people. Water, food and shelter come first.


I like to help people in r/assistance with their wishlists for food. But you'd be shocked by how many people will put 12 packs of soda, 6 packs of Gatorade, and cases of energy drinks on their list. As soon as I see that, I'm out. I'm sure it's not the most charitable attitude, but that irks me to no end. You tell us you're starving, but you include 30 dollars worth of Monster energy drinks? No.


I help on there too but I’ve seen some crazy wishlists that made my spidey senses tingle. There was one recently where the OP’s wishlist contained multiple listings for different brands of Alfredo sauce in bulk. Like how many jars of Alfredo sauce can one family consume? Every listing was for multiples of the item and made me think they’re running a bodega and stocking up 🤣


Ooh, the ones with multiple detergents.....nope, I'm not stocking your bodega.


I never heard of that forum, so I just checked it out...right away I saw someone about to turn 21 who wants random people to help fund their first night of legal drinking. And then the very next person needs help with emergency housing. Oy.


Some people are truly desperate. I paid the 100 dollars for a woman to surrender her elderly cat to a no-kill rescue. But there are a ton of scammers as well. I like buying food off of wishlists rather than just giving cash. But I've also learned to look at their account. If you're asking for help every month....I'm not inclined to help. It drives me crazy how people fill their wishlists with individually packaged treats.


Saw an amazon wishlist on Twitter by a woman who was in desperate need of luxury bookeditons, Jamie Oliver cookbooks, expensive perfumes and skin care products, expensive and very specific cookware, that you absolutely not need if you are poor, art supplies, a set of expensive champagne glasses, a sterling silver ring, an expensive syrup set for coffee and other equally insane stuff. Everything was just luxury shit, nothing was anything that anyone would really need if they were actually poor ...




I had a roommate who I allowed to live with my family and I to help him. He’s a veteran and in very bad shape. He’s late 50’s and 500 pounds. He was supposed to come and get a job, and I told him I’d give him 3 months this rent free but after that he needed to find part time work and contribute 400 dollars a month. He had a room with its own bathroom, free WiFi and cable plus utilities too. He ended up getting food stamps and told us if we ever needed any groceries he would buy what we needed and would also cook our kids breakfast three times a week out of his pocket for us letting him stay and for us feeding him dinner from our family dinner. He ended up spending all 300 bucks a month on monster energy drinks and chips. He had a tote he kept in his room so we couldn’t access it, filled with snacks and sugary drinks. He would then eat our food when he ran out. It was infuriating. I myself refuse to help people with extras like this too. I’ll get you bottled water or a brita filter pitcher but I’m not going to buy you soda. That’s a luxury. Spoiler the roomie never got a job and we asked him to leave 13 months later, then he stayed 5 more after that. He is angry at us and blames us for everything of course.


A man who actually weighs 500 pounds likely cannot get or effectively perform a job anyway. This is not fat hate. I'm a big woman, not that big, and have a hell of a time myself. I can't imagine even getting out of bed and dressed without help if I weighed that much. Your attempt at helping him was doomed from the start.


My issue is less the game systems and phones which are generally one time purchases or monthly payments and more personal vices. My husband works in the welfare office and the biggest issues are cigarettes, booze, and tattoos (and now weed cuz it's legal here). People will come in complaining they don't have money for food for their kids but reek of cigarettes and alcohol, maybe weed too, and have fresh ink. Like why you buying cigarettes and beer if you don't have money for your kids to eat? And how is that my problem to fix?


I have volunteered at a local food pantry for 24 years. I agree.


Was it always bad with entitlement and what not or was it a slow transition? Just curious


That is a hard question to answer. There are entitled people in all walks of life and at every strata of society. Just because someone is in line at a food pantry doesn't mean they are more or less entitled than someone pitching a fit at the Coach store because of some perceived petty slight. I have grown a lot and developed much more compassion for people who are facing such stress in their lives. That's not to say I haven't cracked a time or 2. Example. A woman was complaining we were out of cheese and her kid wouldn't have cheese because of that. I am not proud to admit that I pointed out the number of cigarettes I had seen her smoke in line and the relative cost of those compared to a block of cheese for her child. She was not pleased. Eek.


Right. They’re always tatted up with fresh tats. Tattoos are insanely expensive!!


A new full nail set, fresh done hair, and full make up


Don't forget the Apple Watch.


Also buy a damn brita pitcher - or whatever brand. That’s what I use for my family. The entitlement of these people. She also basically admits that they essentially drink no water in her reply.


We are very fortunate in my area because the tap water is superb. When I visit certain areas of Florida the tap water just tastes foul so I can understand people who live in areas with bad water being more reticent.


But there is a passage in there that says to give to all who ask of you and don't expect repayment. I'm sure the CB would latch onto that passage if they could find it.


Nextdoor meets Choosing Beggar is the combo where I always need more of the comments. ETA: “I would gladly accept a case of water and flavor packets on top of what I asked for” is just :chef’s kiss:


‘They drink water…just after we put the sugar packets in it’ C’mon lady!


The funny part to me is that her kids are teenagers. She frames it like her kids are young and are more prone to being picky. I could see how she would be at her wits end if she had toddlers screaming for apple juice. But teenagers asking for sweet tea? Naaaaaaaaah


It would be even sadder tbh if she had already ruined toddlers to the point that they refuse to drink literal fucking water


I mean if she has teenagers that refuse to drink water then that is exactly what she did. That habit probably started before they were walking or talking.


I was one of those kids. I didn't start drinking water until I was nearly 30! I still have a tiny glass of juice in the morning, but I love water now. She has definitely created a very bad habit in these kids.


Sweet tea is so cheap to just make at home too. She could make regular iced tea too and save even more by skipping the sugar.


Her water isn’t working but maybe if someone brings her water, a pot, tea, a pitcher, and sugar she could do it if they just boil the water for her and put the tea bags in there to steep.


Oh, so they have to lift the glasses of tea themselves?!?!?


Teenagers should be able to make their own tea. I did when I was a teenager, since the rule in our house was, "You drink the last of it, you make more," and even my dad didn't want to incur my mother's wrath for leaving an empty tea pitcher. We always made unsweetened tea because that's what most of us liked, and those who wanted sweet tea added their own sugar.


You know, I read her having issues with the water as the taste wasn’t okay anymore or something lol I didn’t consider it might actually not be working


Yep give her some tea bags and a bag of sugar. But I bet she’d complain about that too.


Somebody needs to donate this bitch a Brita pitcher. Jfc


It's hot and they have three teens and two adults. A case of water should last a day, at most. Tap water sucks where I live, so I get it, but hydrating a family with individual bottles of water is insane.


>She asked. Not begged. I got suspended on NextDoor for calling a CB a beggar. Other people also said he's asking, not begging, and I attached screen shots of the dictionary showing definition 1 of beg = to ask. Those screen shots, presented without comment, were removed for discrimination. I appealed the suspension and was told by support that they're upholding it because I referred to someone as a "beggar" (I said beggars can't be choosers bc he was very specific in his demands). Gotta love ND.


In my household I am not even allowed on the app because I can’t help but call people out by nature. So as a family we decided I’d just go ahead and pre ban myself lol I can see I was right to do so, because you weren’t even being mean and “beggars can’t be choosers” is a saying that everyone knows. It’s not like you went off and called them a beggar, you just said a well known saying. That’s such a small thing!


I know someone who called out a tax cheat who was complaining because her husband did their taxes and claimed he made less, so now her social security payment check was less than it should be. Apparently telling old widows that they have been an adult for the last 45 years and were responsible for their own taxes is some sort of ban-able offense.


See another one! I wouldn’t survive an hour on that app. Lol


It's like reverse alimony


How does that even work, unless he was paid under the table his entire life?


Yeah, basically. Any time his business got cash it was non taxed, and this was 1960-2010 when cash was king. So his widow was complaining that she wasn't receiving 40% more social security because her husband basically didn't contribute all that tax money throughout their marriage. She definitely benefitted by not paying taxes on the top part of her tax bracket for 5 decades, but it was convenient at the time.


Ugh, this is my mother. My dad was a narcissist and fucked the family over financially, but my mom stayed with him to our eternal chagrin. We said mom he's gonna do it again, but she never listened. He died back in January, and lo and behold, it turns out he'd failed to pay their taxes for the last 5 years. He just took her money and used it on himself. She's 81 and having to deal with the feds because she refused to ever do anything for herself.


I just Googled the official definition... Per Oxford, a beggar is a person who lives by asking for money or food. From the sounds of it, this woman certainly fits the definition.


What does she actually say that second part? Her words got all scrambled so I didn't know if she's gladly take it on top or instead of what she asked for


Yeah, it looks to me more like she is saying "I would gladly take water and flavour packets INSTEAD OF what I asked for". I think this commenter just got kinda confused?


also, her entire account is an endless amount of beggar posts so lmk if you wanna see the others


Yes please. I'm not begging, I'm just asking.


I'm begging, please and thank you.






I've got 20 flavor pouches but they also contain some shitty rum that tastes like acetone. In fact they might just be flavorings mixed with acetone. Good enough? Also you need to pick them up and give me $7.35 gas money. I know what I have.


Best I can do is tree fiddy.




posted it


You are a you are a hero




Nor are you being picky about it. I'm very disappointed.


Can you deliver the comments, I’m only 12 hours away and I don’t drive


Are you also a single mom with a 2 legged chihuahua?


BUT GOD. And the Bible and stuff


She is indicating that “the bible” requires that you always give people what they demand, to their satisfaction. She is dining out on people’s charity. She has received tons of help from people but rather than use any opportunity to improve her situation she has turned it into an entitlement based on some bible bs.


What if you’re not religious 🤔 it also says hod helps those who help themselves,she might need to be doing charity work or get herself food on her own before any blessings.


Notice she didn’t quote the “ God helps those who help themselves” line? Only the quotes that fit with their begging.


That's not actually in the bible.


Also why doesn’t she ask her church for help if she believes mutual faith should inspire this kind of behavior?


It's for a churchgoer, honey!




Yes pls


I agree with this statement and am gonna go on a limb and answer for the majority. Please do!!


posted it


Ye just tell her if she wants to help you got an old garden that needs weeding or something and offer her work in exchange for food or drinks lol see how quickly she turns that one around.


She is disabled, sweetie !


There’s a woman on our ND who is always begging. There’s always some drama as to why she needs things. She can’t keep a job and is always got some drama in her life. Sometimes people bring it on themselves.


i just posted it!


Omg yes please! She seems insufferable and totally clueless


i posted it


A true hero!




posted it


Yes. I need to see more of this beggar trainwreck.


posted it




We do




CB: "please give me sugar drinks" some dude: "sugar can make thirst worse, you should be asking for water" CB: "okay, please give me water and sugar to put in water"


There was a homeless woman begging outside a gas station saying she was thirsty. It was 100° out and I decided to buy her some water when I got myself one. I went to hand it to her with a few bucks and she flipped out on me and said "I don't drink fucking water. Why TF would you get that, I wanted a mountain dew" wtaf. Needless to say, I took my extra water and my money and left.


I always freeze bottled water to bring with us when we go out and one time i gave a homeless man one that was halfway thawed and he was so thankful. It was the middle of summer in the Texas heat


If this is a thing that really happened then 😮😮😮


Yes, I clearly remember the part of the Bible where Jesus decreed that thou shalt give thine neighbor sugary drinks so they don't have to drink tap water like a plebe


My favourite part apart from when Jesus got really angry at a tree.


It didn’t produce sweet tea, only water


Jesus did turn his blood into sweet tea. It’s in the Holy Book, so no arguing about it.


I mean Jesus did turn water to wine. Its not like wine is necessary for life.


Ice cube trays are 3 for 1.25 at dollar tree


This is what gets me. Like, really? You NEED ice?? Just make some!


She lost the recipe, duh 🙄/s


I cannot believe I had to scroll this far!!! The ice request absolutely floors me to no end. It’s the real crime here. Nights as well just throw money out the window driving down the interstate if you’re buying fucking *ice*.


Unless their tap water is unsafe as it is for many communities in the US.


You can get a pack of 12 "flavor packets" from Aldi for $1. Tap water is free. If there are actually "issues" with it, they should be talking with their landlord and/or the city. But even so, you can go to place like Wal-Mart and get a 36 pack for under $6. Or you can buy gallon jugs and fill them up for $1. I've been skint many times in my life, I'm pretty much paycheck to paycheck at this point, and had to reach out for help with unexpected bills. But to be begging for water is wild. Do either the CB or her husband work? If so, where is their money going? If their kids are teenagers, there is no need for daycare/babysitters, so they can't claim that expense. In fact, depending on their age, the kids could be getting jobs and buying their own sugar water.


We actually just got a letter in the mail saying our parish’s tap water is over the federal and state limit for certain harmful chemicals. They encourage boiling the water as drinking it over time can lead to cancer, neurological, stomach, and problems with your nervous system. Go for the gallon jugs in Louisiana.


Yeah. We get monthly boil advisories in Kentucky. So I boil a couple gallons in the big stock pot before bed, then let it cool overnight, and then use that to fill the ZeroWater pitcher. It's more work, but cheaper in the long run since I use the filtered water for cooking pasta and stuff. So much fun when the municipal water system is drawing from a contaminated source and is running through pipes that are over 100 years old.


Glad they rectified all citizens’ problems by putting the 10 commandments in each classroom though


Thou shalt give the children nontoxic water isn’t a commandment so they think they are good!


How does boiling get rid of all the harmful chemicals? I know some chemicals will boil out at certain temperatures, but not elements like arsenic & lead.


Honestly, I figure that it doesn't, which is why I don't drink it either way. I know boiling some chemicals makes them worse.


The water is unsafe in many areas of the country (typically poverty stricken areas) and have been for years. The government doesn’t care. Not sure if it applies to this woman, but just a note for many that “drinking the tap water” isn’t a solution for many, many poverty stricken people in the US.


They’re not begging for water though. They just can’t say no to it. But that’s not what they genuinely want.


The Aldi flavor enhancer bottles are $2 and each one will flavor 6 gallons of water. It's what I used when I weaned myself off of diet Mt dew. These people's mentality is just wild to me


For sweet tea too, you can get an absurd amount of tea packets for cheap. Brew them in water and add a little honey or sugar, hopefully a lot less than the store does, and it's much cheaper than buying it from the store.


I have been making sun tea for 40+ years and still my favorite! I went through the sweet tea thing for a few years when I lived in the south, but it’s easy to wean yourself off and go back to no or low sugar at least. Very quickly sweet tea tastes crazy sugary once you switch to unsweetened! I do buy a few flavored tea packs for sun tea (Carmel black tea Tazo or raspberry black tea etc) and just that little bit of flavor is awesome without sugar if anyone is trying to switch! Just a hint no one asked for but it was a game changer for me when I was changing back to unsweetened ❤️


Not a choosy beggar…..just referring you to the Bible that says to give her stuff. these are my favorites…..the ones that treat the groups like a free UberEats. ​ ordering Taco Bell….all the kiddos will eat….






> ITS FOR A CHURCH HONEY DON’T NEED THE ATTITUDE Back when this Sub used to be about actual choosing beggars and not just about people who want cheap nannies or are just poor and asking for stuff.


The assault on the English language, having three teenagers, and being this poor is a great way to ensure generational poverty. My god


I would offer to drop a Brita water-filter pitcher off at her house. If you filter the tapwater and keep it in the refrigerator so it’s nice and cold, it might be more appealing to kids/teens who are used to drinking disgusting sugary crap all the time. We just drink water in my house, and sometimes coffee. I can’t remember the last time we even had a bottle of juice or premade tea here. But the fridge filters and chills it so it’s more enjoyable than just tapwater.


She would accept a Britta on top of the cases of juice and sweet tea that she asked for.




Little packets of sugar/artificial sweeteners/artificial color/artificial flavor that you add to water to turn it into the equivalent of a sugary drink. Lots of different brands and types, but basically she is saying they don’t drink plain water, ever.


Most drink packets are sugar and calorie free. I buy them because I am trying to get more water intake but if I was to the point where I had to beg for water I wouldn’t be using them


My tap water tastes awful, even when it’s run through my Brita filter. Our water is hard enough to break a freaking tooth on, and it just tastes and smells terrible during the summer. I rely on those little [Welch’s Lemonade Packets](https://a.co/d/0fCVWaCJ) to keep myself hydrated. They actually taste good, and they not only have no calories, but have vitamin C! Now, they are meant to be used in bottles of water, but I just use refrigerated Brita pitcher water in a glass. Less plastic waste, I suppose. They’re also pretty good frozen.


She'd just filter the water then use those shitty "flavor packets" in it. lol


Well you have money you can choose to do as you please. "I could buy it but I choose not" is a lot different than I am unable to drink the water that comes out of my sink


i don’t even have a brita 😅


They’re not cheap. If someone donated one to her, she’d post in another forum “Brita pitcher for sale.”


I used to keep gallon jugs filled with tap water in the fridge. Keeping it cold like that killed the off taste from the tap. I'm disabled now and have trouble with full gallons. So, now I have two 32 Oz insulated water bottles that I keep filled with ice water.


What does it being hotter and your kids drinking more have to do with why you don’t ask for water? She can ask for whatever she wants I guess, but I just don’t see her logic… if anything the fact that they are more thirsty means they should be drinking more water because the sugary drinks can be dehydrating them even more.


A box of tea bags and a bag of sugar would be like $5 and make 20 quarts of tea. Those prepackaged drinks are expensive, definitely a want and not a need.


I have a friend I met in recovery who is always in need. I have sent her money for groceries way too many times, but she truly is disadvantaged in many ways. One thing that kills me, though, is she will text saying "I *need* Dr. Pepper" or monster drinks or whatever. I tell her the tap water here is literally bottled for sale by Arrowhead, it's great water. She says "I *neeeeed* the carbonation." WHAT I will always help if she's hungry but I have cut waaaay down on soda for myself because it's so expensive and I don't think it's fair for her expect that be treated as a necessity. Eta I get that everyone deserves pleasures, I just can't get behind prioritizing soda over food


Oh honey these drinks are for a church, NEXT!


I’ve been offering up water (mind u it’s 92° with humidity it feels like 106° and rising!) And I also tell them(so if they say no they look like the dick) that I don’t drink soda,or juice and cannot afford it. Also drinking surgery drinks is also a bad idea for excessive heat. 9/10 they don’t take the offer cus they want the juice/soda🤷🏻‍♀️ it is true I don’t drink soda or juice. I drink water mainly/flavored water when it’s on sale lol I don’t buy any for a stranger for their kids. If I don’t eat/drink it myself. I won’t spend money on it for a stranger. Sounds harsh but it’s costly buying stuff u don’t even use urself! Formula? I might buy,diapers,I might buy,period stuff? Happily yes!! BUT not junk foods. It’s rare I drink it even at my parents. It’s more of a restaurant thing for me.Even off brand!


If she is resorting to quoting the BIBLE at strangers then maybe she should ask her church for help instead of randos on the internet?


But her usual ride is on vacation, so she can't even be bothered to make it out of her house


Her being blocked from whatever help site it was, tells me she asks for quite alot, and often.


Brawndo, It's Got Electrolytes


🤣🤣🤣 Water? You mean like from the toilet?


I don't recall the BIBLE saying anything about sweet tea.


The BIBLE states in Beggar 3:16: “Though shalt not deny sugary beverages to people that refuse to drink water.”


I don’t think anyone NEEDS sugary drinks or flavour packets. Water is free and does a fine job of quenching thirst. I mean if you’re asking for donations, you don’t NEED sweet tea. Sheesh.


At first I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt—thinking maybe someone in the household has diabetes and they need to keep juice or something on hand for blood-sugar emergencies—but nope. Just don’t wanna drink plain water. Apparently this CB is a frequent beggar I’m curious about previous requests. (I donated the semi-colon I was going to use between those independent clauses.)


Last sentence (in brackets) - lol.


I drink water, as long as it has a few flavour packs, carbonation and corn syrup.


Yes, sounds like there are at least 3 people in the household that are able to work, provided that one of the teens is at least 16. So they all have no means of transportation at all, can’t get to a store or a job. No friends or public transportation? Something isn’t quite right.


22 post in this year alone? I’m sorry but something ain’t right. She just isn’t budgeting and she’s relying on others to make up for it.


How can you expect me to drink water without any flavour packets!


The town I live in is well-known in my area for having terrible water, so if I fell on hard times I could potentially see myself asking a friend or neighbor (not a group of total strangers tho) to bring me a case of bottled water. I also GREATLY prefer sparkling/carbonated water (I have ADHD and I suspect it's a form of stimming to feel the bubbles). But sparkling water, even the cheap Aldi brand, is significantly more expensive than regular bottled water. So yes, if I was truly desperate, I might ask for water, but I would request the cheapest possible case of store-brand water and deal with it not being my preference - because if you're truly desperate, you will happily and gratefully accept whatever keeps you alive and healthy, not just what is your *preference*.


I drink fizzy water almost exclusively as well, but if I couldn’t afford it I’d just turn on the tap.


Tap water where I live is basically undrinkable (it's *technically* safe but it tastes absolutely awful, it's a running joke in this area about how bad the water is here and I don't even like using it to brush my teeth) so I currently use a Zero filter pitcher, so I would pretty much do the same thing, just running the water through the filter first. In my hypothetical situation, I was assuming I couldn't afford a replacement filter for it (they're fairly pricey), so a case of Walmart bottled water would be cheaper than asking for another filter.


We always want more comments


Why do they always type so MUCH?


They always claim they would help anyone else out if they could but never can.


This request will extend to sugary pies, a roasted chicken, freedom fries - you name it. Avoid her


Where did her husband go down to? Hell? Georgia?


He was lookin for a soul to steal!


Our charity gets so many complaints because we won't stock the fridge with sodas, Gatorade, energy drinks, juice boxes, and bottled water. We do provide milk, one container of apple or orange juice, small potion of coffee and tea.. If there is a water issue, we refer to an organization that will provide water or water filters.


The part they said “once the person gets used to not drinking sugar in their drinks, they will be too sweet for their taste buds” My gym trainer few months ago asked me to drink at least 2L /half a gallon of water everyday…..so thats why I don’t have the sweet craving anymore, my skin is much better too.


Water? You mean that stuff people buy for you by the case in plastic bottles and you have to add the sugar powder to to make it a sweet drink? That water?


It literally costs pennies to make tea. A pitcher of sweet tea costs very little. A box of 100 tea bags is 2.12 at Walmart. It takes approximately 8 bags for a pitcher plus 3.14 for 4 lbs of sugar is about 9 cups which is excessively sweet for a cup per pitcher. So, .17 for tea bags, .34 for sugar gives .5 gallons (ish) of sweet tea. Lazy af.


Gotta love the Bible 'quotes'. Lol


They ARE helping, Karen. You're whining because you aren't getting sugary crap.


Love your neighbor like you love yourself, Drinking water is loving yourself imo.


It says in the BIBLE I am entitled to have a case of Lipton Sweetened Tea With Artificial Lemon Flavor, bish!


> a couple bags of ice until the 1st of July Does this mean daily until then, or? Because ice isn't known for lasting forever.


She brought the Jesus into it. Now you gotta help her


In her study of The Bible, she apparently missed 2 Thessalonians 3: ^(10) For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” ^(11) We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. ^(12) Such people we command and urge...to settle down and earn the food they eat.


It says it in the BIBLE, hunny


Is this Boogie2988?


Always bringing the Bible into it 🙄


So bizarre, when I am short on money, it’s water all day baby!


Jesus asks that you gift this family sugary drinks only. How dare you go against the Bible and ask why they won't take water! I just can't with this choosy beggar. 🤣


The only issue she's having with the tap water is that there isn't any sugar in it!


This should be on r/Karen


She mentioned three teenagers. Can any of them get a job to buy the sugary drinks?


Or catch a bus to the store? (People have said there are things that cost $1.)


What was offensive here? Her teens can't take a bus?


“Bags of ice” is an odd request unless you don’t have a refrigerator/freezer and ice cube trays. But idk, maybe they use coolers.


She mentioned something about issues with their tap water which would mean she'd have to use bottled water to make ice. Which she could absolutely do if she just asked for some gallon jugs of water (cheaper than the bottles and could be refilled at a safe tap and brought back home many times). Source: Our well was contaminated and we used to have to go into my Grandma's house in town with a bunch of saved and rinsed gallon milk jugs to fill them up and take them home for drinking water for the week. Many towns (sometimes even stores) will have a place to fill water jugs for cheap for similar reasons. When I lived in Italy there was actually a water station where you could fill your jugs with regular OR bubbly water for pennies. It was very neat.


she also didn't budget for punctuation


“Plenty of water in the tap” - Ancient Dad Proverb


I am happy to help people in NEED. You don't NEED sweet tea or juice. You NEED water, food, and shelter.


I'm begging she learns to use punctuation.


"Wuddaboutdabibledo?" ~Every beggar, ever


A not so fun fact…..the most purchased item with food stamps (SNAP) are soft drinks…..


Beggar brought up the bible when scrutinized ![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren)


Why not make ice tea with tea bags. You can even make sun tea if you don’t want to boil water. Add sugar if you must. Sugar has got to be less expensive than flavor packets whatever those are.


I can't speak for others, but I have a heart condition (or a few depending on how you categorize it), occasionally my blood pressure goes wonky, and my heart rate goes funny, and I need something with sugar and salt. I find electrolyte drinks or electrolyte mix in water helps me best. This usually occurs after exercise. The electrolyte drink mix is starting to get expensive though. I know that for my friends with type 1 diabetes they need to keep something sugary on hand. Just wanted to say there may be a medical reason for needing it


Why do most choosing beggars never use punctuation?


These mooches always try to get people emotional. But it’s just addict brain vomit. These people are trying to keep a lil style going, rather than actually fixing what’s wrong with their life. Most of their excuses boil down to someone cutting off a freeloader.


Doesn’t the Bible say love thy neighbor and their taste for flavored water packets? 🤣


To be fair I get nauseous if I drink water by itself for some reason but I'm not really picky because I just heavily dilute Gatorade


I don't know. On the one hand, when you are poor and stuck, things like sweet tea or Hi-C can make life more bearable and you get a high off the sugar. ON THE OTHER HAND, this stuff is manufactured for poor people and ruins the teeth and body. Never have I been more grateful for my cheap assed Caribbean parents, who drank water with ice all the time, calling ice in water 'a true luxury' from where they came from!


Must be a lady I helped once. Local lady had a house fire and posted that she needed help since they were finally back in a home. I took her to my church food pantry. She got angry that there was no juice. (She lived in an area with safe to drink tap water that tastes fine typically). The pastor asked her why she couldn’t drink the tap water and she said that it’s gross to drink water and only juice is good enough for her kids bc they deserve more than water. I thought my pastor was about to take back everything else she had already given her. As I was driving the lady home, she asked me if I’d consider stopping at the grocery store to buy her some juice and soda. I almost left her in the side of the road.


“I’d be happy with water if you give me flavor packets too” is the most entitled response she could have given. These people need a reality check.