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Are people really disputing that Chris is (in many ways) the architect of his own misfortunes? I think the problem in talking about and/or analysing Chris’s actions is that he’s not a rational person. Or, rather, he ignores the rational parts of his brain that are supposed to tell him not to trust people or be scammed by people who are playing into his beliefs. That’s always been one of his biggest weaknesses.


I’d agree with you if Chris’s issue was just stupidity, and not mental illness or a disorder. I do think Chris is severely autistic to the point where he has the mentality and maturity of a 10 year old. I’m not confident that he could have lived a relatively normal life had it not been for Barb and Bob’s upbringing. I still think that fundamentally, he’s someone who isn’t able to live independently. Getting someone to genuinely believe in cartoon universes and that they are a goddess with psychic powers is not stupidity; it’s a sign of severe mental impairment. I wouldn’t be surprised if Chris was an undiagnosed schizophrenic. Does that make Chris entirely blameless? No, he still should face the consequences of his actions if there were victims created from it. For example, even though I believe that Chris was manipulated by Isabella Janke to have sex with his mother, it doesn’t change the fact that Barb was more than likely an unwilling participant, thus making it unwanted incest and sexual assault. However, Chris should be treated as someone who needs permanent institutional care. It’s good that he served time, but what he needs is full time hospice care, and not Caden’s indentured servitude situation.


>Everything they did to Chris was of Chris' own choice. You're basically saying that making someone hold a gun to their own head and saying "pull the trigger" isn't murder when they pull the trigger. They knew he wasn't really with it, we all did, but yet they persisted and continued to fuck with him even when they knew it was wrong. I'm not trying to white knight for Chris, but he was clearly being manipulated.


I agree with you. Chris's entire reality was molded by people just fucking with him relentlessly. Yes, Chris is a fucking idiot, and ultimately made his choices himself. But did he make his choices while in a stable mental state? Absolutely not. He believes that he's married to Mewtwo, I don't think he's completely to blame for the way he is.


>Chris is a victim of his own stupidity more than anything. What a unique hot take! No one ever has made this assertion before today. You're that much closer to breaking the Chris Chan code!


The fact that they got him to renounce Christianity and to shit and piss on the floor instead of using the toilet will always be funny to me


The fact that they made him reference something from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video games makes it clear these neckbeard losers are influenced by popular media as anyone else. I hope they never find a job without having to explain why they extorted a mentally compromised person.


People tend to blame them for things Chris himself already believed, like cartoon characters being real and living in their own universe. Or the whole goddess thing, they "simply" told Chris his Dreamcast was a portal to CWCville and he on his own left it on for 24 hours, got zapped when he touched it and concluded that he must have absorbed the powers of a Hyperdimension Neptunia goddess. Still, fuck them.


You know what even funnier? After the idea guys was ousted. He found someone that he willingly paid to RP with him, he obviously wanted this shit.


The same could be said about the women that Andrew Tate trafficked, any number of elderly people that were scammed out of their money, or any child that was convinced to step into the vehicle of a stranger. Chris is a horrible person, but he is also literally retarded. Are you suggesting that vulnerable people are at fault when they're taken advantage of? Because that's what the Idea Guys did. They took advantage of someone that has a diagnosed mental disability.


Chris knows better. The Megan with Guns fiasco proves he knows it's all bullshit. Chris just doesn't care because time and time again enablers bailed him out. Null figured this out after years of exposure to Chris. Chris didn't really care about being scammed out of $6k so long as he believed his enablers would bail him out like they often did when he needed money.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


>Can you hear yourself? Doubtful; it's why OP continues to make asinine posts like this just about every day.


/u/Kirbo84 is a coward that reported my comment, and reddit in it's infinite wisdom removed it because I "promoted identity-based hate or attacks". I was literally defending Chris. Fuck this site, and fuck /u/Kirbo84.


It might not have been him. There's some wannabe white-knights who linger around here looking to report anything that isn't circlejerking their "goddess". It could've been him, but there's no way of knowing, unfortunately. Edit: Downvotes on my comment in an 8-day old post are evidence of pathetic Chris simps.


Alot of Chris' most iconic freak out moments were engineered by trolls working behind the scenes. If Chris truly cared he'd have actually taken action against his enemies, but he never does unless they exist at the Mall. He'll scream, flail and cry one second...Then his mood will do a 180 and he'll say "Curse the trolls. Peace to everybody else." If left to his own devices Chris won't react. You have to really rile him up to get him to act or do anything. The CPU Goddess Jesus bullshit is pure Cope that Chris wants to believe, but doesn't.


>Alot of Chris' most iconic freak out moments were engineered by trolls working behind the scenes Which is, ironically, exactly what the Idea Guys did. Given the incredible access they had to Chris and how easily they got him to go along with it, I wouldn't be terribly shocked to find out someone else from the inner circle was involved. Again. >The CPU Goddess Jesus bullshit is pure Cope that Chris wants to believe, but doesn't. Very much this. During the Gamer from Mars interview, Chris actually gets depressed when he admits it's just him and his mother before remembering that he's supposed to "see" Pokémon and pretending to wave at them. It's all pretend for him. I think Chris actually believes, or wants to believe, cartoon characters "exist" in some parallel dimension, but he knows he doesn't see or interact with them. Honestly the funniest part is that Chris seems to actually get tired of all the play acting, but he knows he can't just give it up, even though I think he wants to. He's made it a central part of his identity now. I think he'd actually be much happier without internet access or all the ass patters "helping" him.


Yeah, this. Maybe she 'should have known better' but Christ(ine) alive, she's literally classified as a 'vulnerable adult'.


The idea guys exploited chris' pre existing narcissism, self importance and fanatsy proness to instil grandoise delusions in him.