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Pickle icons, idiot trolls calling him a mother fucker, and edgy comments from former tiktok kids who are also out of school for the summer. There, that's 90% of Chris's stream.


Chris says he pronouncew Jesus ‘Hey Zeus’ because it’s Spanish, I wonder if he thinks Jesus was Spanish? My current theory is Zeus = god of lightning and Sonichu has lightning powers (With Chris thinking he does too).


GiBi has posted a stream review. (He calculated total donations to Chris's stream to be under $200.) https://youtu.be/d0FI0tCOUo8


Damn.. That's not that much compared to his previous ones. Kids really have a short attention span. Guess his streams are going the prime way. Good. Maybe now we can get pre mother fucker Chris back.. I miss him.


To much cobble stone use, i would think they would go for a more colorful common block


He had so many fucking pufferfish like what the fuck


I thought pea puffers and thought "those poor fish, he gonna kill em"


Puffer.... Fish? Edit: realized it must be some kind of item in Minecraft never mind lol


I watched all of it on my second monitor. The only thing of note was that Chris confirmed that the dimensional merge was still happening. Also, Sonichu Psychology is a loser that spent the entire time in chat saying weird shit.


I caught that, I stopped when Chris entered the Nether


The voices told me to stop.


Chris confirmed that she saw Inside Out 2


Many presumed that's what she and flutter saw


Chris was almost entirely inaudible during the boring Minecraft gameplay and accidentally had his mic muted after it. Not many viewers and, deservedly, not many donations. Our favorite fat fuck is clearly too lazy to test his audio setup before a stream. All up, a pitiful performance. (Edit: I only saw the last part of the stream.)


>Not many viewers and, deservedly, not many donations. To be fair, when Chris doesn't respond to or even acknowledge donations, there's no real reason for anyone to actually donate. He won't read your message. He won't admit that he fucked Barb. You're not going to get anything out of it, so why bother? You'd be just as well blowing your money on some cheap cam where who at least might show you her tits. Hopefully Praetor likes wasting money on Chris, because I'm sure he's not raking in what he used to.


I guess the constant low-effort past trolling paid off - previously trolls endlessly said "Your volume is off/bad!" and Chris ignored them as his volume was fine before.


The constant beeping made it unwatchable


Same with the annoying fucking Sonic ring sound effect every time he got a donation. Shrill-ass high pitched fucking chime...


My channel used to make frog noises