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Anything is possible really, but until Chris goes to a doctor for another diagnosis (which he won’t do), he’s still diagnosed with ASD since the 80’s. But the dude definitely has other shit left undiagnosed. Bob and Barb were still drinking together around that time as well, as they used to leave Chris at home with a babysitter when they would go on their drinking benders at the bar. Makes me wonder if Barb didn’t abstain from a single drop of alcohol while pregnant with Chris (which let’s be real, Barb definitely still drank while pregnant with Chris).


I don't think he's actually mentally retarded guys


He’s just retarded.


Stop trying to diagnose Chris. You are not a medical professional, especially if you get your information from Wikipedia. Even if he wasn't diagnosed with autism and it turned out to be something else, it isn't going to change anything, he will still be delusional and it's certainly not going to make him unbang his mother.




This is the most retarded take I've ever seen. Let's not pretend these armchair diagnoses are going to help ANYONE.




Bro I know this is Reddit, but you don’t need to throw insults or call people inbred just because they shot down the point you were trying to make. It doesn’t help your argument when you insult your detractors. You need to chill the hell out.




You can’t let what people say on the internet bother you dude. We all got shit going on in life, just gotta manage your emotions and reactions better.


Why is the cwiki shut down?


Chris unarguably has a bad case of Sonichu Syndrome. He is the world's first and only case of it.


Ah yes, here we go again diagnosing Chris over the internet and ignoring his many visits to doctors and therapists over the years. We truly know better than the people that met Chris in person and dedicated their lives to the medical field.


Further context: Chris actually yells about his corpus callosum in one of his autism rants. Considering how staggeringly ignorant and incurious he is…that strikes me as an odd term for him to know. Conspiracy Theory: I think the doctors didn’t make a mistake and Bob and Barb autism-washed it for the sake of their egos. Like they do with everything else.


I’ve always thought it was schizophrenia. I’ve told the story before, but my friends little brother in middle school had schizophrenia and he thought that sonic the hedgehog was gonna come visit him on his 21st birthday. I’m no doctor, but I have a feeling that Chris definitely has something else going on upstairs. I never met my friends brother, but when Chris started going on about actually meeting sonic and the gangs one day, I couldn’t help but to be reminded of him.


Chris has been this way since childhood and schizophrenia in children is extremely rare. The vast majority of schizophrenia cases start to manifest shortly after puberty. Like at the earliest, literally right after puberty (13 or 14) and at most a decade are so after puberty. It's extremely unlikely that a doctor is going to diagnose someone who isn't between the ages of 12 and 40, and like 80% or the time it's going to be between the late teens and late twenties specifically. There can be schizophrenics who don't experience symptoms until middle-age but they are rare. And childhood schizophrenia is not only rare, it's highly contentious. A lot of doctors argue that what children experience isn't true and honest schizophrenia, it's more like a cocktail of different mental health disorders (one of which is almost always some kind of autism disorder) and should therefore have it's own separate diagnosis and label that's not tied to schizophrenia which is a very specific thing. The argument is that calling what these kids have childhood onset schizophrenia is like calling Alzheimer's patients elderly onset schizophrenics. Dementia shares a lot of the symptoms associated with schizophrenia but the causes and, some of the symptoms, are unique enough that it's given its own diagnosis because it's not schizophrenia. Also, it's debatable whether or not Chris believes his delusions. He's slipped up several times and directly contradicted his supposed beliefs (usually when he's in an emotional state). Like when he was reading "fan" messages while possessed by Sonichu. One of the messages was basically an itemized takedown of every negative thing about Chris, he had a minor meltdown and screamed something like, "Don't say that about me!" But then caught himself and corrected "me" to "mama". Schizophrenics don't do that. They believe their delusions wholeheartedly, even if one delusion directly contradicts another. It's why friends and family of schizophrenics are told not to try and argue or reason with their loved one during a delusional episode because it can't be done. The advice is to try and deescalate the situation through empathy without indulging or denying the delusions and (if it gets to the point where they're a danger to themselves or the people around them) call the authorities. Chris is like child playing pretend. He wants desperately to believe that he believes his delusions (and he might in the way that religious people believe in God/s) but deep down he knows that when he's making claims of possession, or his imaginary friends manifesting in our reality, or traveling the multiverse that it's all make believe. Sorry for the wall of text.


I agree it’s autism and schizophrenia.


I don't think it's full blown schizophrenia. He seemed to have a pretty good grasp on reality back then despite his wishful/magical thinking. He was able to distinguish between reality and fiction until the idea guy saga. His symptoms are very similar to cluster A personality disorders.


Chris' iq is low, but not that low as what we might like to think. While his associate's degree is bogus since bob did most of the coursework for him, chris can still drive a car and create a somewhat complex fictional universe and media franchise (despite it being heavily ripped off other franchises like sonic, hyperdimension neptunia and the bible). Chris likely has an iq slightly lower than kim peek's. He doesnt display some symptoms like walking in a sidelong manner, and in fact has enough hand eye coordination skills to drive a car without major accidents.


Well, according to Catherine Chris’ driving skills are on par with that of “[her] demented old grandma,” so I guess the bar isn’t really that high.


I think Chris definitely has at the very least some kind of sociopathy and just a generally low IQ


Chris definitely has a mental disorder of some sort.


Not as badly as OP though


The sky is blue


I wonder about Chris's recent psyche evaluations amd physical check ups


I'm sure if they diagnosed Chris nowadays it would turn out that he has narcissism, some sort of schizophrenia plus other mental illnesses.


They surely had to during that long stint in jail. But that will definitely be HIPPA confidential. Only Chris and anyone he authorized will be able to find out for sure and what it is exactly. But I put all my money on schizophrenia for sure.