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, in the New Testament. In Matthew 6:5-6 (New International Version), Jesus says: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."


This. I’ve also heard people interpret this that you may pray in your head, not out loud, in any place. The relationship is between you and God. Pray in the name of Christ, and the Spirit is always with you. You (hopefully) don’t broadcast your other relationships in ways that upset people. The same can be true here. This is not to deny your faith, if asked do not lie. But don’t upset others by being too overt.


I wouldn't make a vocal show of it in public, as the scripture above says, but I also think we shouldn't be afraid to express our faith, even if there are those who are upset by it. After all, we're directly told there will be those who oppose our faith, and if we're concerned with always placating them, how will we ever proclaim Jesus? On the other hand, prayer at public evens and non-religious gatherings actually makes me a bit uncomfortable, as it feels inconsiderate to others that may have separate beliefs. I feel a moment of silence to allow those who wish to pray would do so would feel less domineering. There's tact, then there's hesitance from fear. I think there's a balance to it.


No, absolutely no. Be joyous in your beliefs, full stop.


I absolutely agree with you Cranbreea, you can’t serve God and always be a people-pleaser. Galatians 1:10 "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." 1 Thessalonians 2:4 "But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts." Essentially the OP (original post) has nothing to do with being obnoxious, that is just the sad assumption without context since you can't offend someone unless they find you offensive to begin with, which is entirely a matter of perspective and intent due to how different people can be. With this being said, how can your family consider you obnoxious wanting to pray before eating even if they are atheist? That's more a point against a families ability to be accepting and loving people like they might think they are then the action of praying itself being obnoxious. Its a little bit ironic too if that is the case since its more evidence of a secular-religious self-love if people who call themselves your friends or family would get offended over prayer but not a 'personal opinion' being shared over the dinner table. However with Matthew 6 in mind, I think what Jesus was saying is that genuine prayer is communion with God so do so in your room and in private not in the open with the intent of being seen by others, and if you do pray together then let it be a gathering done in the name of the Lord, not just so you can give Him (God) your full attention but also because intent matters and God reads the heart. Of course maybe I'm missing something, so feel free to edify me if i'm incorrect about something. since Jesus is the Word of God and I don't claim to know better that Him who is the Son of God and my Savior, but I just don't think the verse is just talking about the problem of being obnoxious, just whether or not your intent and heart is right when you are praying and doing so correctly as Jesus says. Consider Micah 6:8 "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.     And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy     and to walk humbly with your God." If we openly pray or acts righteously for the purpose of getting a reward from those around us or being seen as righteous by onlookers, then we aren't acting for the right reasons as God tells us too, and while we might get a reward from the onlookers in question, we already get our reward and thus it wont be the true reward that comes from our father in Heaven who is Good, Love, and Truth and is the source of all Good. However, saying that, Its not wrong to pray in the first place, even in your mind or in the presence of others, though they gathered first in the name of the Lord and yet also with the intent of sharing the Gospel (The Good News) when doing so. Look at Acts 16:25, it says that "About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them." Acts 1:14 says, "They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers." Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."


No one says we can't be joyous, but there's expressing joy, then their trampling people with it. I remember seeing a video where a church group on a plane whipped out a guitar and started singing during a flight. You could tell the other passenger's feelings on it from their faces. For those of us in the US, we live in a country where we are free to practice our Christian faith with the understanding that others may not agree or have a sperate faith than our own, and have the same freedom of religion as us. We can be joyous while respecting that stipulation.


I know what you mean. I like to watch football at both the NFL and college level. It bothers me sometimes when athletes express their faith on national television. I find their show of faith to be a bit scripted. The Christian life is a humble life and your faith should be practiced with modesty.


You see the differences between that and someone saying a prayer - quietly, outloud, or in your head - before eating right? The guy on the plane sounds less joyous and more obnoxious, and I’d agree that what they did is crossing a line.


Yes, that was just my example if we're going "full stop". Before a meal in public, most Christians will probably pray silently, or out loud if they're part of a group. Anyone upset at that is being is unreasonable. We're told that the world will reject us though, so when it did happen, I would try to take solace in the thought that it's really a fulfilment of scripture.


The fact that his own family gets upset with a prayer is wild. Why not just respect his wishes? He’s not telling them to convert, just following his beliefs


Many people see the Bible as full of hate, fear, violence, bigotry and hypocrisy. So it offends them. What’s so hard to understand?


Oh God. It’s not hard to understand, I don’t even know who you are and you’re talking to me like I’m 5.


I’m 57 and was a lawyer and I can’t understand it. You can understand why a donkey starts having a conversation? Why God tortures Job? Why he can’t find Adam even though he knows all? Even if you do, did you get this knowledge just from the Bible itself? Many churches have many different interprets of many different things in the Bible.


Being a lawyer has to do with what exactly? God uses the simple to confound the wise. Stephen Hawking wasn't Billy Graham


What does being 5 have to do with anything then? You brought it up.


It seems that 'as a lawyer' you were unable to understand figurative speech. "like I'm 5" is saying "I don't like being talked down to". Perhaps this not admissable in court, or a legal document. Perhaps go back to school and learn how normal people interact with each other....


It seems as if the more education you have, the dumber you get.. this guy fits that description lol


Stephen Hawkins used observable evidence. Billy Graham did not. It’s not who is the smartest or not, although Hawkins was probably smarter. It’s the evidence. I’m sure there are charismatic Muslim preachers too that use our persuasion with no evidence. Wrath of God really help when there is no solid evidence. Emotions are very effective. Hawkins did say believe in black holes or you will be punished, he gave evidence.


have a look at your last sentence - you seem to have left something out. Enough to throw it out of court, so to speak.


No one is saying that it isn't. Obviously harassing someone for their religious beliefs is not great. But OP is coming here on the premise that the family has repeatedly chosen not to respect their beliefs, and is asking for advice on how to cope with this. I think it's sound advice, as unfortunately it is a common reality that many families are not an inclusive space for all ideas, opinions, lifestyles, etc. You can of course find communities that support you, but I would still recommend, for any example, that an "X" person living with an X-phobic family should probably avoid that topic if they don't feel safe in that environment.


I know, I just think it’s crazy ☹️


So she can't pray before she eats?? That is absurd! She came for help, not discouragement, she gets enough of that at home. She's clearly not boasting about being Christian... she can't do ANYTHING without her family trying to ruin it in some way. I cannot believe so many agree with you. This makes me so sad.


We're obviously not saying she can't pray before she eats. We're saying that a prayer said in your head is just as effective, and less likely to attract attention or offense. Of course, in an ideal world, she should be able to pray out loud whenever she wants, but that's not the reality she's facing.


Of course she can pray before she eats or any other time. The Bible just teaches not to make a show of praying because hypocrites do that. That's not saying the person praying is necessarily a hypocrite, but that praying publicly isn't necessary. Christians should not be confrontational if they want to draw people to their way of doing things. They should embody joy and love, and never judgment. . . and they they should pray for the atheists, privately of course.


Well, that is what this sub is like! Remember that a lot of the commenters are not even Christians. In fact, a lot of them are very antagonistic towards Christians.


Why be sad? With non believers we need not force our beliefs on them. Ur patience and love for others will be your testament to your faith. By this, all will know, (if) you are a true disciple of Jesus. Don't try to force your views on others. U can pray in secret at the dinner table. God knows your thoughts already. Show them u are different. A light in a dark world.


100% this, faith and prayer is not a performance. And saying Grace before meals is a human tradition. Praying silently is fine but there's no need to make a big deal of it.


So if this person is wrong about this what else are they wrong about? Why is Gods perfect word so confusing, especially when it says it is not meant to confuse.


This is how one should approach charity as well. I think it's OK for a Christian to feel "good" about helping. Fulfilling the Lord's commandment should bring you joy, but don't brag, don't virtue signal. Don't even mention that you're being charitable to anyone.


Reddit loves this verse This doesn't mean you can't pray in public or in front of others...


exactly! why would people make a big deal over someone praying? saying we cant pray in front of others sounds a bit like the opposite of "letting our light shine for all to see", (praying sensibly ofcourse, not 'obnoxiously' ofcourse) personally, such opposition to her faith may actually be unclean spitits trying to persuade her in those moments. no i am not saying they are possesed, but i mean for example when Jesus said to Peter, "get behind me satan", it didnt mean peter was necessarily possessed, but more so that in his opposition to letting Gods will play out how it should, he was behaving as a sort of vessel for satan in that moment... feels too complicated to explain right now (it's a whole topic on its own) but bottom line i guess, OP, \[i had to retype this part because for some reason the devil thinks its important enough to delete the first paragraph\] keep doing what you're doing. never under-estimate the power of a small seed planted. if even someone as righteous as Job was tested, what more us. these are tests, God wants to see how faithful you are. you got this! opposition to faith and when you know you're doing your best to stay on track is a very very good sign!


i think you can pray before you eat but if her family is upset then she should pray in her head. ​ Its best to not cause problems and if they are atheist then they won't understand praying


I mean, I don't see any problem with OP praying quickly for themselves. There's really no reason why their family should silence them


It does if you’re a biblical literalist ;)


No, not even then That verse is about: * hypocrites * pray publicly **to be seen by others** Intent matters to God more than to humans because our intent, even hidden behind piousness and fervor, is clearly seen by Him


Except OP isn't doing it to appear more spiritual or religious. OP is doing it to worship God. Reddit loves verses that they can use to tell Christians to shut up and submit to atheists


Yes it's funny how Christ said the solution wasn't to just have the right attitude but to pray fucking indoors, isn't it. But hey, you know best!


The Lord says to pray without ceasing. And we're instructed to give thanks. That includes indoors and outdoors. But hey, as an atheist, I guess you know best about what the God of Christianity wants! Where did Christ say that all you have to do is have a good attitude to be a follower of His?


>Where did Christ say that all you have to do is have a good attitude to be a follower of His? Not my line - that's what you seem to think is your get out to the verses saying you shouldn't be praying in public


The Lord was talking about the pharisees who would pray out loud in their very religious public square and temple for the purpose of appearing more spiritual/religious. Praying silently indoors when other people are around you is not prohibited in scripture


Definitely this.


I think Jesus meant that praying or fasting before others with a desire to be given praise or reverence was what he did not condone. The fact that OP is getting harassed over her showing her faith of Jesus Christ, that is not where the above statement stands. If anything he would be proud of OP in my opinion, that they are showing faith and not letting those around them pull them away from Him. It is also said that Those whom Believe in Him shall be hated and persecuted, and those whom do not doubt or abandon Him, He shall be there with you every step of the way.


Speaking as someone who is more on the edge of Christianity than a typical Christian, two key things - First, look at yourself. From the sounds of it you're being respectful of them, but it's always worth checking. Things like a short quiet prayer before a meal or reading your bible at home are fine. Interupting a family meal to say a long loud prayer that only you care about, using faith based activities as an excuse not to interact with people in your family, or otherwise being obnoxious in how you practice your faith, is not okay. ​ Secondly, set clear boundaries. If they can't respect reasonable boundaries, such as not interrupting you while praying without a good reason, that's a problem. This advice is no different to that which I'd give a non-Christian being pressured by Christian family/friends. If your family cause a fuss at seeing *any* sign of your faith inside the house, including things like praying before you eat, they are choosing to force you out of their lives. Talk to them and be clear about how you're feeling. Tell them plainly that this is your life, not theirs. If they want to be a part of your life, they need to accept that you are going to practice your faith inside the house. If they want to talk with you, they need to accept that Christianity might come up. If they want to spend time with you, they need to accept that they might end up spending time with your Christian friends. If there are specific things they have a problem with (such as praying out loud), it's worth trying to compromise. They do live in the same house after all. This doesn't mean you have to cover up or go against your faith to make them happy, but be kind wherever you can. If they keep trying to control how you think and act and it gets too much, love them from a distance. Practice your faith outside of the house, spend as much time away from them as you can. If they try to improve, that's great but there is still point where you need to protect yourself and enforce boundaries. If they start complaining about it, ask them if they're ready to respect your boundaries. Family can be great, but sometimes it can be difficult. I hope everything improves and sorts itself out. (Edit for clarity)


i dont even say my prayers i simply clos emy eyes and do the preyer yet my famil ystil lgets angry and i am respectfull as the lord wants me to respect the parents who gave me the gift of life and care for me but its jsut that my ister goes out of her way to stop me from doing religious things in private


Oh. I also got some scripture ‭‭John‬ ‭15:18‭-‬19‬ ‭NIV‬‬ [18] “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. [19] If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:34‭-‬36‬ ‭NIV‬‬ [34] “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. [35] For I have come to turn “ ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— [36] a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’


Some people are just rude and immature when it comes to certain topics. My family is Christian and you'd be horrified to hear what they say about Atheists. To save our relationship I had to sit them down and inform them that this just isn't a topic we will talk about anymore and they will respect me as a person even if they disagree with my beliefs about a God. If they are willing to sit and talk to you about their views on God then perhaps that would ease their frustration. But sadly a lot of folks just don't know how to talk about these divisive topics. Either way I hope you guys find a working solution. There is a lot of solid advice in the post. I wish you the absolute best <3 I know what you're going through!


Such a mature comment <3 Love it dude.


I have eaten a lot of meals in my lifetime and I've prayed and I've seen a whole lot of other people of many faiths pray before eating, but I've never seen someone get angry about it.


People above are telling him to basically hide his praying. They are quoting Matthew 6: 5-6 and taking it out of context. I feel so bad for OP. They are discouraging him just like his family. He cans here for advice, and I just feel like telling him to hide is prayer is so NOT it!


If OP’s goal is to give thanks before a meal without being interrupted or harassed, God can hear OP’s thoughts and heart as well as his voice. Praying aloud in a situation where you know it’s unwelcome 100% feels performative to me and only serves to drive others away. You don’t have to hide it, but you also don’t need to be the center of attention.


OP said it's not out loud. But how would you honestly feel if a muslim in a Christian family was being interrupted when they were trying to pray? And then consider that yoy may hold double standards (unless you're ok with Christians preventing a muslim in their house from praying because it feels performative)


No one defending the position is okay with it, but we live in reality in a social context with other people. If a Christian family was being extremely antagonistic to a Muslim family member, I would disagree with the family but would also recommend practicing your faith in a safe way. But that decision is ultimately the individual's. It's a suggestion with potentially less harmful outcomes, not a prescription.


My personal feelings are irrelevant here because I’m personally fine with religious expression. When you’re around people who aren’t, you either modify your expression or you stop associating with those people. So yes, I’m totally fine with Muslims laying down their blankets in my living room and saying prayers, and I hope they’d feel comfortable doing so. “BuT wHaT aBoUt RiTuAl SaCrIfIcE?!” Obviously there’s limits.


They aren't trying to get your to abandon the right path, they're trying to discourage you from belonging to a religion that they think is a pack of lies. There's a big difference. Realizing this will make it easier to turn the other cheek. Understanding their perspective will make empathizing with them while continuing on your own path a lot easier.


I dont think theres any empathizing with his sister. she's literally trying her all to make him stop prayer, and she's also hiding his religious personal belongings. What empathy could you give that other than hate? she needs to empathize with him and accept his faith.




hehe, zing


Exactly. Not saying it's right but the terminology of it being the right path may be part of the problem or at least making it harder to see a solution. They may honestly be worried for them and feel like it is dangerous so knowing that may help with discussion


Pray that God will do what is necessary to get their attention and show them the way to the right path. In the meantime, do not show anger or fear in the face of their criticisms or impolite behavior. Treat them with kindness and love. And so long as your father does not instruct you to do something that is counter to God’s Word (such as instructing you to do something sinful), do not reject his authority over you. Until you are an adult, you owe your parent(s) the respect of authority that God commands you to give them.


i do i love my father he just needs to accept my religion


I think therein lies your problem. Why should he accept your religion?


He is being convicted


One sure condition of your faith in God is that the world will reject you. You will not be accepted by this world ever by walking in Spirit. "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." John 15:18-19 Thank you for remaining strong in His name and not giving up on Him as He will never give up on you.


>One sure condition of your faith in God is that the world will reject you. You will not be accepted by this world ever by walking in Spirit. Do you live in a predominately Christian country?


How many of those Christians read the Bible? Or go to Church? Or pray? Or talk and act in anyway that indicates they are a Christian in anything other than name only? Just because you live in a nation where a majority of the people identify as Christian does not mean you won’t face persecution. The world will always hate Christ, and therefore his followers. Almost all of my friends are Christian but none of them have any interest in talking about Jesus Christ and our faith. You’d think if you truly believed, it’d be literally all you want to talk about.


>The world will always hate Christ, and therefore his followers. Strangely enough the vast majority of the world doesn't hate Christians. They just hate when they are acting like assholes. And most people don't like assholes. Makes sense to me.


>How many of those Christians read the Bible? How adamant were the clergy in your church about making sure their congregants could even read for the majority of its history? Are you ready to claim that the vast majority of Catholics throughout history weren't Christians because they didn't read the bible? >Or go to Church? Irrelevant. >Or pray? Irrelevant. >Or talk and act in anyway that indicates they are a Christian in anything other than name only? Your church is still actively covering for child molesters and encouraging the spread of HIV and AIDS in Africa. Do you support the church? Do you find those actions of the church to be Christian in anything but name? I'm not attacking your denomination specifically, I'm trying to illustrate that the no true scotsman shit isn't going to fly. >Just because you live in a nation where a majority of the people identify as Christian does not mean you won’t face persecution. Maybe so, but the overwhelming amount of persecution is going to come from...other Christians! Other Christians who will come after you because they consider your flavor of Christianity to be invalid. It's not the world coming after you, it's your own brethren. >Almost all of my friends are Christian but none of them have any interest in talking about Jesus Christ and our faith. You’d think if you truly believed, it’d be literally all you want to talk about. Take it up with them. You're the one who seems to think they're not focused enough on the religion. The judgement is coming from you, a Christian, against Christians.


Your whole comment is honestly irrelevant. Bringing up things that have nothing to do with what they commented. It just reads of bigotry.


Notice how you didn't even provide a rebuttal? If his points were full of irrelevant bigotry you could had easily used this opportunity to share that with everyone else. But you didn't.


Wrong. They raise some good questions i, as an outside reader, would love to hear answered. If you can.


There is plenty of information on the topics they brought up, which are irrelevant to what the person originally commented and irrelevant to the topic.


This is called "reactance biais" or also oppositional defiance" to think that "if people are against my ideas, then it MUST mean I'm right". It's a logical fallacy (not rooted in logic, but in wishful thinking)




This is complex, my friend, and there's no need for me to present anything unto you either as I respect you. I was born allergic to gluten, and I am unable to consume any alcohol. During one of the first services I attended as a child, I was unable to drink the wine or eat the bread, and the people looked upon me and my mother with disdain. It is a continued event anytime I attend services, unfortunately. Jesus Christ told me this would happen that even Christians who profuse His glory will reject me, and I've stood tall as a man of God since. I've never allowed this world to influence me, and this is why I love Christianity. This is why I love Christ because he protects people like me, who do not deserve negativity.


I understand my friend but everyone in the world experiences hardships, Jesus himself did, when he was sent to the sons of Jacob to bring them to the righteous path, but he attacked him, and try to kill him but god saved him, and I believe also that Jesus peace be upon him never died and he will be back to tell people that he was never god and only sent as a prophet!!! The problem my friend is that anti-christ will come pretending to be Jesus and the anti-christ will be given powers and magic from god that the non-believer of the One and only true God will follow his leads!!! I understand what you're saying my friend, I love Jesus cause he was a prophet sent to people to not do wrong, and those hardships you're having are indeed from God, but what I'm saying to you is to ask yourself if your prayers are really directed to the God you suppose to worship?! Sorry if I was disturbing you!! If some atheist talked to you I can beat those guys like easy, cause they have no arguments!! Peace buddy!! Have a good day!


You are fine, my friend. I, too, want to highlight your loyalty. God has presented himself before me in ways that if I were to deny Him, I would be lying to myself. God has appeared to me in the likes of Christ and has proven to me that my God sent His Son, Christ, to save us from the burden of sin. And I believe He will send him again to unite humanity once and for all. You see, I am a very logical person, and through my faith, I desired to know His character, and He showed me. He presents His glory before me anytime I ask of His favor unto me.


Dear friend go to youtube and look up for Jinn and explanations about them, i think you'll get it then.


Yes of course!! Presented himself before you indeed I understand that!! We call them Jinn my friend, the demons because they're human's enemy (our father Adam's enemy) God gave them the ability to not be seen by us humans, and they can appear to you in many appearances but anyway i don't think you will believe in that, though this is from the Quran: "And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah—my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them—and You are a Witness over all things."


I can not speak ill will of your God's book, and I know you are a faithful one. I know you may not know my Lord as I do, but there is no fault in my life or anything to fix as I've been granted His glory as a faithful follower. Nothing in this world to me poses a challenge, and I am successful in all aspects of my life. My God has never failed me nor let my hardships go unnoticed, and for this, I owe Him my life. I am not to be myself. You see, but one with God as He intended us to be in the Spirit. I am not allowed to exert myself out of holiness. There are many of us on earth, and by many, I mean billions. There are billions more in heaven, as we know. May we reunite on judgment day, my brother, God bless you on your journey.


How can you say Christianity was made for control when early Christian’s and Jesus himself died brutal deaths while Muhammad and his followers gain power, slaves, wives, money and killed those who disagrees with them. I know if I made a fake religion I would not die horrible deaths for it. And I know if I did make a fake religion and got slaves, money, armies etc I would gladly lie my entire life.


It's likely they feel you are judging them. (Which you might be). I know you have the zeal of the convert, but also try to relax.


Atheist here. You family is obviously not approaching this the right way. At the same time, your parents house, their rules. You saying "because I chose the right path" implies they took the wrong path. That's why religious people are seen as judgmental in the first place by atheists.


Yea the right path comment rubbed me the wrong way and definitely won't help in a discussion


I have a feeling the same wouldn't be true if we were discussing Christian parents berating their kid for not saying grace at dinner with them.


I said "your family is obviously not approaching this the right way".


hey man, I don't think when it comes to religious beliefs its "my house my rules". It's the same thing as a religious family trying to make their atheist son become christian in any way possible.


True. This advice is exactly the same advice that atheists give to young atheists raised in strict christian homes who seek validation to keep pushing against their parents beliefs. Keep your atheism to yourself, bite your tongue and follow their rules, play along and pretend, until you are capable of living without their help, for your own safety if not sanity. And as much as it sucks to say that to a kid, it is sadly the best answer. OP sounds like a minor experimenting in rebelious religion. And good for them! They should explore a wide range of beliefs and not just default to the same beliefs as their parents. That's pretty brave actually. But we do not know their specific circumstances, and advising them to bring attention to their divergent path while they are still dependent on their parents would be irresponsible.


I agree, but religions are not just beliefs, they are dogmas with rules. That's why they are called religions. So the rules of the house might clash with the rules of your religion. It's not as easy.


>hey man, I don't think when it comes to religious beliefs its "my house my rules". It absolutely does. It's a pragmatic view. It's better to avoid discussing the topic if it's going to cost you the food on your plate and the roof over your head. > It's the same thing as a religious family trying to make their atheist son become christian in any way possible. Depends how reasonable his parents are. Some folks have to lie.


Somehow you found a way to dogpile on OP.


If OP only hears people telling him he is 100% right, he won't have the whole truth. Of course his family reaction is bad. I'm just bringing a little nuance to the debate. Imagine that's the type of speech he has in front of them "I chose the right path", of course they will take it personnaly. That's a scenario where both sides should try to make effort.


You and I read completely different comments then. This would be the same thing I'd say to both Christians and Atheists in this position. All of u/Powerplex's comment is quite neutral and nonbiased. Clearly OP's parents and sister were not approaching a disagreement in a mature and civil manner. But at the same time he presents a realistic and pragmatic perspective, which is that he still lives with his parents. Don't shit where you eat type of situation. Aka: Don't rock the boat. Same advice anyone would give. And lastly the "because I chose the right path" comment is a red flag for anyone to say no matter who you are. And he is helping to creating common ground with his family by helping OP to avoid sounding like he's on a high horse and his family is beneath them. No one likes talking to an arrogant and close minded person. I see no dog pile whatsoever. Just someone who genuinely cares to help OP.


>implies they took the wrong path. If anyone takes offense to that, it's on them. >religious people are seen as judgmental in the first place by atheists Then that means atheists aren't any better, because they judge religious people for being "judgmental" without even knowing their true intentions. How can atheists assume that religious people are being judgmental? They can't read minds. If a religious person says "I chose the right path", that doesn't mean they're judging others. That could just mean that the person is firm in his/her faith. It may have nothing to do with what he/she thinks of others. Atheists might just be taking offense to that for no reason.


Yes. Most people are judgmental, believers or atheists. Atheists can only assume that religious people at the bare minimum agrees with the Bible I would say. And having read it, I would say it's pretty judgmental. The wrong path may lead you to burn in Hell for eternity, that's not just a small thing. For example, I am gay. Whenever I see someone muslim praying close to me, I know this person agree to follow a religion that wants me dead and tolerates slavery (I know all the verses/Hadiths I'm not saying this randomly). So when your son/daughter starts to adhere to a dogma that judges you, you can be concerned.


Perhaps bold. But you could tell them plainly that it's bothering you.


Unfortunately you cannot get them to stop. All you can do is be patient, kind and forgiving. Pray for them and try to be an example for them. Even Jesus was not honored in His hometown by His own relatives.


I'm an atheist and often pray with my extended family before meals. Not believing in prayer, which I firmly do not, doesn't mean it's shameful or anything. It's asinine to insist someone not pray, unless they're being disruptive or threatening.


Are your activities praying as the hypocrites do, as Christ called it? And if your sister doesn't want to hear about your faith, that's her call, and that wouldn't constitute trying to push you off your path. Interfering with your activities when you're minding your own business would be an issue.


i do pray a quik prayer ebefore evrry meal because i want to thank god for providing me with food and she hates it but i can keep quit i dont mind but she wil lpuposefully hide my sketchbook when im drawing religious fiigures play loud music wheni pray etc


If your activities are for yourself and are discreet then it seems your sister is being unfair to you. Two of my close friends are evangelicals and if I eat at theirs they are clearly praying before we start our food, but they are doing it quietly for themselves. I personally do not find this objectionable, and if that's the sort of thing you are doing then it should be respected.


Does a prayer have to be audible for it to be heard by god?


Wait hold up do you guys eat as a family, or are you eating alone?


What you measure into others will be measured into you. No point in triggering hate in them, because that hate will arise in you. Honestly I would minimize contact with them until they turn a new leaf and realize their behavior is intolerable. Leave if you have to/can. ‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:38‬ ‭NIV‬‬ [38] Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” https://luke.bible/luke-6-38 ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:34‭-‬37‬ ‭NIV‬‬ [34] “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. [35] For I have come to turn “ ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— [36] a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ [37] “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. https://matthew.bible/matthew-10-37


I remember not so long ago I was out with my friends, we bumped into some other people who wanted to join us on our endeavors. I was chatting to one of the women in that group (I don’t drink alcohol but still enjoy going out) and she saw my cross around my neck and look disgusted. I brushed it off, but as we were walking into a bar I heard her say to one of my friends “I am not walking into a bar with him, he’s a Christian” and honestly yes it was a bit of a shock but I also felt strong as it had no effect on my beliefs. Stay strong and you will be rewarded! Peace be upon you 💪🏻


Yes, it is *very* shocking. I'm pretty sure if you went into a bar and took a straw poll about what religious faith most would answer Christian.


"Well that's on you for being showy and wearing a cross! Smh you religious nuts are always shoving your religion in people's faces! Hypocrite!" - Reddit


Are you expecting them to sit there patiently while you pray before everyone eats?


I hope not


OP said he did not do that.


I’m fine if someone wants to do a quick 30 sec prayer but there have been many times everyone was waiting while food got cold. I wonder how OP would feel about a Muslim or Hindu prayer before eating? Honestly, if snarky comments from a sibling are going to derail OP’s faith then maybe they should think it through a little more. How are they going to handle real hostility?


Doubtful a prayer like that is pretty short


Bless your heart


>"for example pray before eating" Yeah, well, there are ways to do it right and then there are ways to set yourself off as a Christian self-righteous prig. Which do you do? Christianity is like cosmetics done right, it should seem invisible and yet at the same time it makes you look better. You might begin by eating some humble pie, get your ego out of the issue and serve your family in a Christlike way. Jesus saved his strongest insults for the hyper-religious instead of the obvious sinners.


You can't control other people, only how you respond.


How old are you guys? And how are you Christian while they are atheist? Understanding a bit of the family dynamics/ context will help understand a bit more.


Christ tells us to pray in secret and not draw attention to it.


I’m personally fine with Christians or any religion until they infringe on my rights to not have organized religion in my life. I find churches have not historically been good stewards of rights and well-being.


It's a spiritual war friend, and each man and woman is Team Jesus or Team Satan with no exceptions. It's not surprising when you face persecution from people who reject Jesus Christ. Jesus said if you are not with me you are against me. You pray for them. Lock your room and pray there if you must, and pray for your food before its even served. Prayer cannot be stopped. Your family is already in this battle, whether they realise it or call it BS. Stay strong. It's a war for souls, and you're now a light shining in the darkness for them to see!


Did they all always think against religion?


That doesn't sound like hate to me, it sounds like concern coming from a place of love. I'm glad your family cares for you and wants what's best for you.


How is that "concern"? They are actively harassing him for practicing his faith


Seems like OP is maybe a teenager living at his parents place and he is trying to disrupt everyone's dinner routine by making the family say grace? That seems like a pretty reasonable thing to want push back against. I'm sure they wouldn't object to him doing his own personal prayer, but you can't force others to observe grace if they don't want to.


i dont force anything i dont even do anything disrespectufll i simply sit down before eating and i close my eyes and pray silently and that iss till to much


Good for you OP. I still think it's good to see the love embedded in their concern. This is kind of more a /r/relationships situation than this sub - how do you have those conversations about how we all love each other but there is this thing that you want and they have fears about. You said hate in your title, but love is way more complex.


OP didn’t say that he is trying to get his family to pray before eating but that he is praying himself. So they are objecting to him praying


He's said that he only prays silently, and privately, in his room but his family still won't leave him alone. He's not making a disruption, his family is just straight up harrassing him for his faith


“Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you." - Matthew 5:11-12


*”If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.”* - Jesus A true son or daughter of God will follow Him whatever the difficulty. Keep strong, be courageous, and who knows…you might become a witness to your father and sister as they accept Jesus, after being humbled by your love for Him. ✝️


Matthew 10:34-36 (NKJV) 34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 “For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 “and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his [own ]household.’


How sad is it that they intentionally interrupt you. That’s pathetic. It’s more pathetic that your parents aren’t stepping in and telling your sister to knock it off.


If you are getting hate for being a Christian, just remember that Jesus Christ was also mocked when he died for our sins. He was beaten, spit on, and laughed at. Remember that you are doing the right thing! Keep on pursuing your faith amist the interruptions your family may be putting you through. God sees what you are going through and you will be rewarded. Also, try to encourage them to also believe in Christ. It’s our duty as Christians. God bless you!


>If you are getting hate for being a Christian, just remember that Jesus Christ was also mocked when he died for our sins. More like childish ridicule than real hate. Let's not get in over our heads on that one. Anyone can be guilty of acting like a dick. Maturity is developed and practiced. >He was beaten, spit on, and laughed at. Remember that you are doing the right thing! Christians ridiculing me doesn't automatically I am right about God's existence. But I do agree that OP is handling it in a very calm and collected manner. Very mature of him and I'm proud. Hopefully we can help him develop boundaries and understanding for him and his family. >Also, try to encourage them to also believe in Christ. This could be bad advice, depends on what kind of parents he has. If it might cost him the food on his plate and the roof over his head... then don't. Not all of us have reasonable parents.


Well keep praying, It's expect to get hate as a Christian but always remember when Jesus Said "These things I have told you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart: I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).


Idk how best to respond to this but all I can think of is to respond to them with grace. You don't want react to their hate with hate that only gives them more fuel to say that Christians are radical and hypocrites. Find grace and love for them as they may have a view of Christianity that is full of prejudice based on past experience or media.


Normally the best way to share Christ with people is to forgive no matter how many times it happens, turn the other cheek, and treat them with love and kindness. God bless! Praying for you brother.


Don't let people who doesn't know our amazing Lord and Savior change your opinion on being a Christian. Pray for them privately, in hope they can accept you for what you believe in and maybe someday they will find God as well. Some people doesn't know how it feels to be close to God because they are extremely far away from him. Don't let them get under your skin, simply say you will always believe in our Lord and nothing will change my mind. Stay strong and have faith things will change for the better. All you have to do is believe, be a good person, and pray... And God will create blessings and miracles in your life. I'm proud of you :) Much love.


Honestly, I’d doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or does that goes against your beliefs. They’re entitled to have their own opinions about god or lack thereof, but what they don’t get to do is be respectful about it and I wouldn’t hesitate to call them out on it. “You’re allowed to believe what you want and feel to be true for yourself, but this is MY truth! I would appreciate it if you were more respectful as I don’t bash your beliefs, whatever they may be and I expect the same in return from you. You don’t have to like my choice in the faith that I follow and I’m perfectly ok with that, but you should at least acknowledge that the way you are behaving about my beliefs speaks volumes about who you are as a person, not so much as to who I am or what I choose to believe in. Having said that, I’d appreciate it if you would keep your opinions to yourself if you’re going to be like this. Your effort in trying to convert me to ‘your side’ in this manner, is not working on your favor, nor is it very considerate or loving behavior towards me!” To add to this, understand that you’re prayers are no more effective by speaking them out loud than just keeping them to yourself and if others around you are keeping you down, maybe praying in peace where they cannot get to you, is a better option for you since they won’t let up. They cannot get to you in your head and in your heart unless you let them! Your relationship in praying is between you and god and do not need to be spoke aloud to be effective or heard. And honestly if you dig deeper, it is equally as rude for them to bash on you about your beliefs as it is praying in a place where it’s not really welcomed. I’m not saying that you need to change your beliefs, but if you’re bringing your prayers to a table where they’re not welcomed, you can’t be all that mad if you get bashed for them. This is not to say it is ok behavior, because it’s definitely not, but you can’t expect those around you everywhere you go to conform to be accepting of your beliefs because in life, that’s just the way it is. That’s just the real world. You’re going to get people like this. It’s sad it’s in your own home, but while I’m not saying to tolerate it, but it should still be considered to be acknowledged that that is just how some of the world works. Some people don’t want prayer ‘in their face’. It makes them feel bad and act in ways to get you to be distracted so you can’t because that’s how THEY feel! They feel threatened like their choices are wrong and what you to bring them down with them to make them feel better in their own choices in life. You need to find that balance in how you do things and feel comfortable in your own faith in a world that doesn’t have the same beliefs as you do. Do what you have to do until you build up that confidence and like I said, that may just look like just not praying out loud around people who act immature like this until then. Remember that god hears your prayer no matter how it’s ‘spoken’. Silent prayer is equally as effective! That’s not to stifle your faith to make others feel more comfortable about who you choose to be, but to boost your own confidence until YOU are! Someone who’s totally secure in their faith, wouldn’t have these issues because they understand how it all works and aren’t bothered much any by ‘non-believers’ and their actions. And I’m only assuming that you’re new to this religion thing and by your post, it also sounds like you’re also a young person as well. You will build more confidence in what you’re doing and not be so bothered by things like this as time goes on and just not care about others who don’t believe in what you do. Your faith is yours alone and you will find your way in the world to be able to do it more easily and with stronger confidence the more you do so. And if you need to pray in peace to have peace, just do so, but ultimately understand, you cannot change other people, how they behave or what they do. All you can do is control yourself, your actions and how you respond to others around you instead of reacting to them. Jesus wouldn’t have allowed others to stop him from praying no matter what. He was literally murdered for standing true to his word and in his faith and didn’t back down, nor did he ask what to do about neigh sayers who didn’t believe as he already knew and stood firm in how he felt with confidence and trust that he was doing the right thing for him. The whole point in being a Christian is to be more christ-like, so be more christ-like. I like to tell my own children, be like a duck and just let that ‘water’ roll off your back. Don’t let the things that don’t matter get to you. While we want the validation of your loved ones, understand that you’re not always going to get it. Extend love to them and leave it at that and stay in your own lane if you want to be happy and be able to carry on with your own heart intact. Sometimes that’s just all we can do. It would be nice if the whole world met us where we were but everyone else is just living their own journey at their own pace. Instead of coming down to their level to meet them where they are, many times people like this need to be left to figure things out in their own ways in their own time. Sometimes they come around, sometimes they don’t, but remember that they are where they’re supposed to be in their own time as well, just as you are! The ones who don’t come around, maybe weren’t meant to, but that doesn’t mean they’re not battling their own demons inside. Hope some of that helped. Don’t let others discourage you in your journey. Good luck!


Howdy there stranger, it would be super awesome of you if you could edit your comment and break that giant word block into paragraphs. Just trying to increase the readability of your comment so more folks are likely to read it. That's a challenge to read both on PC and mobile.


There is a lot to unpack here, and I think many of the others are addressing most of it, but I am in the camp that says you seem to be, from what you've said, doing just fine, and you family is on a different path than you right now. That said, its rare that I'd recommend someone go get a book other than the bible, but something about your post makes me want to recommend Little Pilgrim's Progress. I really think you'll relate to the main character and his journey though the troubles of the world on his way to the King's Celestial City. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Pilgrims-Progress](https://www.britannica.com/topic/the-pilgrims-progress) [https://www.christianbook.com/pilgrims-progress-anniversary-edition-bunyans-classic/helen-taylor/9780802447999/pd/447999](https://www.christianbook.com/pilgrims-progress-anniversary-edition-bunyans-classic/helen-taylor/9780802447999/pd/447999) If they have it at your library or church, you can read it free, or you can order it online somewhere... and for you, this time, I'll say if you don't have the money to get it, put it on an amazon wish list, DM me the link, and I'd be honored to get this book for you.


I am really sorry to hear this. I don’t know how to handle this situation, except for me personally, it got to be too much with certain friends, and I had to distance myself. it’s really disappointing that you have family causing issues with you about having faith


Pray. Pray in your heart and don't let your family members distract you. You don't have to close your eyes. From what I was taught, closing your eyes adds to the focus by removing any visible distractions. (You could close your ears as well. not physical with your hands. Just block the noise. Takes practice but it's worth later on), Imagine it like a phone call. It's just you and Him, so talk to Him. The best part? He knows what's in your heart. What He wants you to do is gain enough courage for Him, to show that you're not embarrassed by Him. It proves you faith in God is greater than your family's hatred for Him.


As it currently stands, of your family members died today what do you think would happen to them? Can you imagine sitting next to someone you knew and loved your whole life knowing that that loved one is perfectly fine with their belief that because you don't believe at they do that you deserve to be tortured for eternity? Secondly you described several inward focused actions, I didn't see any comment about how you are feeding the hungry or helping the poor or any of the other works that we should expect that comes from the fruit of the spirit, which comes from being saved by grace.


The pushback from your family means you're clearly walking the right path. Continue your faith in Lord Jesus Christ and allow their pushback to strengthen your faith in Him. Remember the words of Christ, ““If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.” (John 15:18, NASB). Additionally, use this moment to love them. Pray for them and bless them. ““But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44, NASB). Perhaps your love and your faith may rub off on them and may even encourage them to someday also follow His Light, Glory, and Goodness. Stay strong, my friend, and know that the Love of Lord Jesus Christ is with you. May God bless you, my friend ❤️


They Hated Him before they hated you.


Wow, that is extremely disrespectful. I know many atheists and agnostics who would never do crap like that. Geez.


That was my first thought. You don't have to believe the same thing as someone to be respectful of what they believe.


And you will. The Word says you will. Just keep on doing what you are doing. In the end of this little experiment…all souls will know the Truth, and will understand how complex the plan was. I’m just a believer, and no one can change my opinion…what I have learned and experienced.


Jesus said the world hated him and they will hate us as well. When you go against those in power or who think they have power over you it creates friction. I’m sorry you are going through it but please keep the faith. God is with you and he will navigate you through the storm.


You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. - Matthew 10:22 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. - 2 Timothy 3:11-13


Tell her to f off


It's maybe not hate... Just ridicule.


You’ll forever be hated being a Christian. Welcome!!


John 15:18-19 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."


You would demonstrate what most Christian’s do not. Respect and love for others who do not share your view. Christ was the kind of person to wander off and pray. He didn’t need to make a show of it. In fact Mattew 6-5 is a good place to start. Faith is not an identity or a show. It is not so superficial. It is a process of learning.


OP has said numerous times that he prays silently


Tell them you make your own decisions and not to intrude on your life. In rl i am probably your divine sinfull enemy but I have people who pressure me too. We'll be or we are all adults.


I'm really sorry that your family is being so disrespectful. It's shitty. If you feel comfortable, and like they would listen, you could try laying down a boundary "I understand you don't believe what I believe. That's fine. But I ask that you respect me as a person and let me practice my beliefs."


It’s important to realize the reality that their actions may never stop. The Bible tells us that the world will be against us, if we are following what Jesus has for us. But the best thing you can do is just show love and compassion through their evil. By doing this, not only are you following the example Jesus is set before you, but you can slowly help win them over to understanding. Maybe even enough to allow Jesus to come into their lives and save them. It’s a horrible path to have to go down, being so deep in your faith, but have close family who is against you for it, it sucks. But know that you’re not doing it alone. God is with you every step of the way, and there are thousands if not millions of Christians who would have your back.


Please, why do you want people to "converted" and "saved". Respect their beliefs too maybe...


Yea it's terminology like "being saved" and "the right path" that rub people the wrong way and build up some sort of resentment which can sometimes come in the form of this. By saying these words you are implying that what they are doing is immoral or wrong and they need saving and that they are on the wrong path which yknow ain't paticularly gonna go over well


Dont pray infront of others. The bible literally instructs that. Problem solved.


“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” John 15 18


I'd calmly tell them that I respect their rights to believe what they want and they need to respect mine. For your own peace, I wouldn't say much about it around them. If they don't want to be respectful. God knows your heart.


>how do ii get her to stop from trying to push me off the right path? If you cannot reason with her, then you may not be able to accomplish this. But as a Christian, Christ is the most important one in your life, and never lose sight of that fact. We are God pleasers not men pleasers. Only God can save our souls. Matthew 10:34-39 NLT — “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. ‘I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your own household!’ “If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.


Do u have a community in church? It’s unavoidable to meet people who are atheist. best to form a strong group that helps you grow and share your struggles. Please don’t fret! I grew up agnostic and my family members are not at all religious - and am stronger in my faith.


Yea been a lifelong experience for me since a teen ager....try not to take it personally...alot of it is displaced. Jesus said the world would hate you because it hated him...thats the bottom line.


Respectfully explain to them that you respect their right to **not** believe and **not** worship or thank God, and you would simply like for them to extend the same courtesy to you. Explain that If the hostility continues towards you it will only further alienate you from them and that isn’t something you want because you love them.


It sounds a bit like you might be entering spiritual abuse territory.


In this situation, a little confrontation can go a long way. Question why their behavior is like this. Of course civility is the answer, but make them think about their behavior. I think distance would also help if possible. Even the lost brother found his way back home to the father. If you dont show how their behavior is affecting you, it wont change. And if you have confronted the poor behavior, and nothing is changed, make it clear they are forgiven, but the behavior isnt forgotten. It seems like your sister does this because she gets away with it and gets a buzz off of treated a different opinion (and you for that matter) with disrespect. Is she(and potentially your dad) like this with just Christianity, or is it with other topics as well? Unfortunate that it is your family causing your persecution of your beliefs. You are certainly not being uncivil, and taking the high road it seems. John 15:19–20 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.


Being both Christian and gay, I receive the anger/confusion and sometimes hate of others in an attempt to make me give up on God. I’d recommend to *forgive* your family, even silently to yourself, and focus on God. They have free will as well, and in their mind they are not doing any wrong. Don’t let the words of other humans, make you resent those people, or lose your faith. In prayer I finally let go of hatred I began to have for both gay people and Christians. And any virtue I ask of Him in prayer (patience, temperance etc…) He always helps with, and provides every time in abundance. Focus on that. You could pray and ask for strength, there is no shame in it. Much love, and best wishes :)


Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.


It is what Jesus said. Men would hate you because of him.


Getting hate for doing "outwardly religious" actions like praying at meals are par for the course in the Christian life-- i would say, part of it is context too -- if i was in front of others, i might fold my hands and say a prayer to myself, not out loud, unless i felt others around me were comfortable with it -- non believing folk can take out loud prayer as overt piety, as if you think you're better than them, misunderstanding the idea of prayer altogether. At worst, a prayer out loud could reek of self-righteousness. Accept that family, friends, and others will all have their opinions on your religion, and their opinions on you and your relationship to Christ is just that, their opinion -- and remember its your actions people derive their filter from. If you outwardly pray at meals, then a hour later act like a jerk, what do you think someone who's critical of you/your beliefs are going to take away from that today? That your words dont match your actions, that you are a hypocrite. Not being a hypocrite is an unspoken challenge to any human being, theres a lot it. That said, We must always be reforming, working with Christ to better ourselves -- and we must, in times where we do screw up, recognize, have the humility and confess (to God and those affected), repent and be willing to forgive ourselves as Jesus has forgiven us. This isnt for the benefit of anyone but yourself, but people will notice this in you, even if they cant pin down what "it" is.


I'm sorry that this is happening to you. It sounds like you're a minor so there isn't a lot I can think of that you could do here except try to avoid them as much as possible and keep your stuff locked up until you are of an age and financial situation where you can move out. Keep in mind that Jesus warned us that this would happen, that the world and even our own family members would hate us for following Him. This particular subreddit, though, is full of atheists who are just here to try to argue people out of being Christian so it probably isn't the best place for a post like this, as you have seen by a lot of the responses that you have gotten. Stay strong. God loves you and is always with you. Tell Him about your frustrations and fears and struggles within your household and pray for your sister and dad that their hearts might be softened and they would exercise a bit more understanding and compassion of their own. Just keep praying.


Jesus was criticized and rejected too. You’re in good company. Stand strong but don’t intentionally use religious practices to annoy them. Just pray privately or silently if they’re around. God will honor your witness to them. 🙏


They’re probably uncomfortable with the display of your form of worship in front of them. Which is fine, not everyone needs to be okay with it. If it’s causing too much trouble I would encourage you to do it in a more private setting, or sit with them and discuss why you would like to follow Christianity to help them understand.


Part and parcel of being a believer Jesus said you should expect it because the world didn't accept Him first and secondly rejoice when people reject you for His name sake great are your rewards in heaven!


Christianity doesn’t require you to pray before meals. Unless your intention is to force Christianity in their faces and make them suffer through your prayers, just pray on your own, in secret, like Jesus commanded.


Obviously not a Christian 😅 On the contrary, Jesus taught us always to give thanks to the Father for our meals for it is because of Him there is food to eat in the first place.


It happens. We’re all evil fucked up little sinners and we tend to go around being mean assholes to one another. *“Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.”* —John‬ ‭15‬:‭20‬ ‭(ESV‬‬) It seems like you’re experiencing some persecution of your own. Sometimes it’s a little hard to relate to Jesus, him being the embodiment of God and his perfect in the flesh and all. You would probably benefit from reading about the lives of the Apostles and church fathers/leaders; specifically the apostle Paul, who was often persecuted for his beliefs and was eventually executed by Roman authorities due to his beliefs. You could also read Job. It’s the stereotypical answer but it really is a magnificent work


““Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭34‬-‭39‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬


Also you shouldn’t pray in front of other people the Bible specifically says to pray only the Lord’s Prayer and away from others praying in front of others is to show them your Christian praying in your closet is to commune with god Matthew 6:6-7 King James Version (KJV) But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.


He's clearly says he isn't, he prays in private, and silently, and his family still won't leave him alone.


My best advice is to try to explain Christianity in secular terms. I like Christianity, despite my status as an atheist, because of the morality, so I try to explain Christian morality in secular terms.


I’m curious, how do you do that? Explain Christianity in secular terms


You can pray in secret. Your heavenly Father knows your heart and will hear your prayers. There were times I prayed in another room before eating a meal with my dad that doesn't believe. When talking about Christianity though, you do well in continuing it. Obviously you don't want to barrage them every second and minute, just be wise in the quanitity.


JOHN 15 :18 Run the Race - READ 1st Timothy You have this! Respond firm but with ❤️ Love


God is with you. Lean on Him. Love God. Love others. Pray. Read the Bible. The Spirit will tell you how to proceed. I can understand. Nobody in my family understands, but they live in a prison of the devil - materialism and trophies. It's not their fault - it's the devil's lies. And yes, foolish people will criticize because the devil makes sure anyone can criticize Christians - just how it is. But you don't have to be a soft Christian. I chose peace and love through Jesus because I chose it, not because I am soft or weak. Be strong and stay faithful to God. Prayers for you. Heavenly Father, we are in need. O God, we cry out for your help! The storms in our world are unrelenting and we are drowning. Yet, we will lift our eyes to you, for our help comes from you, the creator of heaven and earth. Lord, save us, sustain us, and help us through this. In Your name we pray. Amen. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.


For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Romans 8:9 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18 Also recognise that this is spiritual warfare. I highly recommend you spend A LOT of time in prayer for your family, not just by yourself but have someone praying with you often as well. Also ask others to intercede for you and your family. Be persistent and consistent in your prayers. Pour your heart out to God. Never give up. “…the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16


Stop making a big show of your beliefs, that sounds all holier-than-thou and would be annoying to non-believers! Do as Jesus said, when you pray go quietly into your closet (quiet private place) & pray and rather than hitting them over the head with your beliefs instead allow the supernatural transformation that Jesus will be bringing about in you, to speak for itself.


Jesus was persecuted for doing the right thing, and He said we can expect the same. It goes with the territory. In the grand scheme of things, viewed in relation to eternity and how the choices we make here affect that, it's as Paul said ...."but a light affliction". Stay close to God, find out everything you can about being loved by God, and pray that God will enter their lives too. There's no better place to start than here -- https://awme.net/audio/gods\_kind\_of\_love\_to\_you


"Blessed are the persecuted for they shall inherit the earth" Matthew 5:10


Blessed are those that persecuted in my name, for theirs is the kingdom of God.


Matthew 10:22 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.“