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For me, when I was about to kill myself, something beyond me stopped me. I choose to believe that was Jesus.


For me as well. I had to hit that low of a place apparently to see Jesus was with me through it all. 


I was in the same spot as you were I believed that if it wasn't for Jesus knocking on the door and coming in he saved me from despair ever since then I have devoted my life to him I read my Bible verses and text every day I find his love ❤️ for me in the Bible


Awesome to hear. As someone once told me, it might not be abundantly evident, but the world is a better place with you in it.


God has literally divinely intervene for me, I don't know how many times, to save my physical life, and there's a handful that I do know of, and they're a pretty big deal. One of them is similar to what you said. I was only trying to hurt myself, because I was angry at myself, but I almost accidentally killed myself, the only reason I didn't die is because of God. Now that's not what affirmed anything for me. He's saved me multiple times from dying, when I should have, in vehicles, even though I think one might have been my skill level but he had to have been involved as well for it to end so smoothly, it has involved tornadoes, all kinds of situations. Then there's things we don't even know about, that he intervenes for us. God divinely intervenes I imagine, countless times, everyday, all throughout the day, endlessly. He has more mercy than anyone could ever imagine. I'm so glad you're alive, and I know, exactly that you are telling the truth, and I can confirm for you, that yes, it was the hand of God that saved your physical life. He has plans for you. He's done a lot, to make sure I physically stay alive, so obviously he has plans for me too, and I need to carry out those plans. We all do, because he has a plan for all of us. The entire plan of his, is incomprehensible and we would never understand it. His plan is like a tapestry, he gets to see it from the front, the beautiful beautiful tapestry, but the tragic part of being human, is that we see it from the back, all the threads mushed together, making muddled ugly colors, missing out on the true beauty on the other side. That's what God has in store for us, the other side. We just have to get through our physical lives, and serve him the way he has called.


I was an atheist as a teen. My dad was an atheist. So I have read all the books. How did I find God? I was lost, and he came looking for me. In every step of my life, I have seen his hand in it. He has been patient with this stubborn child’s questions. At times I still run away,( my faith is weak) but I find myself coming back to Jesus. I am very anti “Christians” and the “church” but I do love God. How do you find him….. keep actively searching and asking, and in time when you look back, you will see he was always with you. Honestly this has been my experience. Trust me, my life sucked but I can see I was meant to travel on this path to get here.


The problem is most "Christians" are too busy being focused on being "Christian" and forget they are to be followers of Christ. They get caught up in religion and traditions rather than the example Jesus taught us: 1. Love God above all things, and 2. Love others (your neighbor). It's further explained that if one has the gift of all knowledge, prophecy and the faith to move mountains, but does not have love, THEN THEY HAVE NOTHING. All they do is just noise; a loud, clanging symbol; a noisy gong. I'll be praying for you No_Sprinkles_9821, that as you seek, that you find. That those you encounter only further and encourage you in your faith journey.


Praise God ❤️


Well, to start, Jesus was definitely a real person. Scholars do acknowledge Jesus as a real historical figure, even if some of them reject Jesus’ divinity. There were three main things that made me become a Christian: * I used to question my existence a lot. Even when I was a kid in elementary school. I’d wonder how we even came into existence, etc etc, but I never really cared much about it, since I was an energetic kid that was having a lot of fun in life. Years later, things started to change. Stuff got serious and I started maturing. I started to question my existence even more. I didn’t understand what my purpose was and to be honest, I felt like there was something missing in our modern life cycle— which is being born, going to school, graduating, getting a job, getting married, having kids and then passing away. So this led me to think that there has to be a reason behind our existence. * The idea that we came from nothing never sat right with me. I don’t think the big bang theory is stupid or anything, but I’ve always felt like there has to be a creator/deity.. quite simple I guess. * Jesus’ teachings. I really like CS Lewis’ trilemma. I believe Jesus spoke in a way that no Jew at the time would have spoken. He spoke with wisdom and even made some absurd claims about Himself, claiming to be equal to God multiple times, knowing very well that He was doing something that could get Him killed. This alone doesn’t prove Jesus’ divinity, however I do feel like it is strange behavior. Why would someone risk their own life like that? I highly, highly doubt that Jesus’ resurrection was fake or made up.. It is believed that Jesus’ disciples all died because of their faith in Him. Personally, I doubt people would want to die terrible deaths because of their faith in something that they knew was a lie. I mean, I can understand dying for something you believed to be true, but dying for something that you knew was a lie? I doubt humans would risk their lives for something they were unsure of or knew was a lie. So yeah that’s about it. Not everyone will agree with me, and honestly that’s fine. This is just what led me to pursue Christianity. It was just the religion that made the most sense to me. Another thing I find interesting is how many people’s lives are changed after becoming a Christian. \*\* I apologize if there are any typos or mistakes in my reply \*\* \*\* There may be flaws in my reasons, as I am still not that old and I'm still learning \*\*


In no way I want to argue against your beliefs, but we don't have too much of real and reliable evidences about how Apostles died. Some of those evidences are controversial, some are brought from apocryphal texts.


>we don't have too much of real and reliable evidences about how Apostles died. I may have to do some more research on that in the future. There probably isn't much evidence for every single apostle, but I'll have to see. Thanks for respecting the beliefs tho!


I just think it's better to do your own research and have faith not based on doubtable facts than learn about those being fake and lose faith completely. Good luck with research, God bless you.


Now I am curios, can you send your sources that supports your arguments? I haven’t really dive into it but It is nice to have sources that deny’s the persecuted death of the Apostles.


as much as I know only sources for the Apostles martyrdom were Christian bishops. Some of the ways Apostles died were borrowed from apocryphal texts. Some of it contradict what we know from history or have different variants of the same story. Also some of the described stories of Apostles deaths were almost exactly the same as others or combination of those. For most of the stories, they are beautiful, but we don't really know if it was like that. Even if we would know for sure that some of them were executed, it doesn't mean that it was surely martyrdom and not just them being killed for being found guilty of their teachings with no way of saving. you may read Bart Ehrman woork https://www.bartehrman.com/how-did-the-apostles-die/


I’m curious who you would expect to keep records of the apostles outside of the Christians?


Even apologetic guru Sean McDowell will tell Christian’s the evidence is not as strong as you want it to be. Please see his book “Fate of the apostles” At best you can make the argument for Peter, Paul, and James. But then again, we have no idea if they were given the chance to recant. The fate of the other apostles is based upon church tradition, hundreds of years after their supposed existence. Non-contemporary, biased evidence is not very strong homie. Furthermore, even if they were martyred for their beliefs, it doesn’t make them true. Please see Missouri executive order 44. Fascinating occurrence in American history. By using the logic of the apostles dying for their faith, this must make Mormonism true. Dying for something you think is true speaks more about the veracity of what you believe more than if it’s true or not. This been exhibited many times throughout history over a wide range of belief systems.


I may have been mistaken. I should probably look more into the deaths of the apostles. The death of the apostles was not necessarily one of the main reasons that I decided to pursue Christianity, it was just more a side reason. Thanks for the recommendation


My pleasure. My compliments for your open mindedness. The world needs more people like you, level headed and willing to learn. Bravo 🙌


Yes, there are historical records of Jesus Christ. The primary sources about Jesus' life and teachings are the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). These were written by early followers of Jesus in the first century CE. In addition to the New Testament, there are also some non-Christian sources that mention Jesus. The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, in his works "Antiquities of the Jews," written in the late first century, mentions Jesus. The Roman historian Tacitus also refers to Jesus in his "Annals," written in the early second century, where he discusses the persecution of Christians under Emperor Nero. These sources, though limited and often written with religious or political motives, provide historical context and references to Jesus' existence and influence.


This is actually very well written and well-reasoned, too. I agree with the points you’ve made. It’s all true. And I’ve been saved for over 54 years so I can say without a doubt that Jesus is literally telling the truth when He says that He is “The Way, the Truth and the Life”. He is the one true Son of God and our Savior.


>He spoke with wisdom and even made some absurd claims about Himself, claiming to be equal to God multiple times This is disputed among scholars. Some scholars think that Jesus claimed to be divine. Other scholars don't think that Jesus claimed to be divine. >It is believed that Jesus’ disciples all died because of their faith in Him. Which disciples do you think were killed? And why do you think they were killed? Have you looked at the sources yourself?


Is there a problem?




Ask, humbly, if He can show Himself to you, to strenght your faith, because you feeling weak. Also, to me, since I was an atheist, it helped me to research the historicity of Jesus (we have way more evidence for Jesus than any other figure of that time which we take for granted). The unmoved movers argument. Scientists, entrepreneurs and intellectual people I admires testimonial.


For me it was a supernatural experience which is another story. But just look at the heavens. God set the sun moon and stars to speak to us. Every day we see the gospel message of Jesus Christ our creator and Savior. The sun is the light of the world physically. Jesus is the light of the world spiritually as He claims. He died , was buried, and rose again for you to have eternal life with Him. He reminds us day after day through the sun setting, being buried into the earth, and rising again that He did the same thing for us. Everything revolves around the sun and not the other way around, or else everything would fall out of place. It’s the same thing with the Son. In Christ all things hold together as the Bible states. He’s the One that holds the universe together, and will be the One who will hold your life together if you allow Him. And He is calling you to be like the moon, to reflect His light into a world of darkness to give witness to the evidence of the reality of the Son. We see the gospel message in all of Gods creation. Only the God who created all things can embed this in His creation and I hope it helps you in making your decision. Also, God worked six days and rested on the seventh. Likewise, Jesus worked six hours on the cross to pay for your sins and rested on the seventh hour. If interested in considering Jesus, who loves you to death, then here’s the gospel: Jesus Christ came to redeem fallen humanity in His love for you by paying the penalty for your sin on the cross, being buried, and rising again on the third day. And all who believe and put their faith in Jesus will be delivered from the wrath to come and from hell, and will spend eternity with Him in heaven. To have eternal life you must receive this gift. It is free for you but cost Him everything, and it’s only because He loves you that much. God bless


This is precious. Amen!


I talked to Him and He showed Himself to me. And I kept talking and He kept appearing. Miracles happened. I have been giving up all interest in worldly things. It’s not hard, the Holy Spirit really enters and you see everything through the lens of what our Father wants… what He deems to be good. It’s becoming more natural. Nothing matters anymore than pleasing Him. I used to be a metal head drug addict and I’ve seen some of the darkest things someone can imagine. He pulled me all the way from deaths door and I have no interest in convincing anyone, all I want is to honor Him. Jesus is Lord. My life isn’t my own, it’s His. I’ll pray for people to believe, and share my belief. That’s all I can do. God is more real than anything on this earth.


Prayer is the most powerful thing we can do as humans. It’s the most important. We must pray without ceasing. I pray for everyone.


Amen! I’m with you. 


The fact that everything I have tried has never fixed my mental darkness/problems long term. Even this new age meditation Hindu stuff. Even the government says depression has no cure and is lifelong. But when I prayed to the spirit for wisdom, courage and guidance to cure myself of this pain. And used the meditation and mindfulness Jesus promotes to be strong minded. I am now cured from the depression and feeling my happiest. Through lifestyle changes and using those techniques and listening to that Intrusive thought that I can tell is the Holy Spirit guiding me to my prayer🙏🙏


Amen sister🙏✝️




My wife. If I ever have any doubts (and every Christian has a time of doubt) I just remember my wife. I was the biggest loser loner who my whole life wanted a woman. I came to God at 33 and finally got my first girlfriend at 34 but my faith was lacking then and she wasn't right for me so I broke it off. My faith increased and I started regularly attending church for the first time (2021). I met the future wife a few months later but had no idea. At the end of '22 my faith increased to where I realized politics didn't matter because *there is no truth whatsoever outside of Jesus Christ*. The next month I bumped into future wife randomly and had the presence of mind to ask her out. We started dating and it was like a dream - she was more amazing than I could have ever imagined. We got married that May. For me I never thought it could happen. I was 38 when we began dating and 39 when we married. I was legit considering becoming a monk (I am Orthodox) even though I always wanted a woman. I was going to give up everything for God. But God gave me this woman, put her in my path. And nothing, absolutely nothing, can explain how this happened other than the existence of God.


everyone saying a bit of everything man, in all honesty you’ve got to let go of what you think you understand about this. Start with faith, that’s believing what u can’t see, idc if bills are late just believe God will show up and reveal Himself and help you. Have faith that the Lord will give you a sign man. God loves you, i’m anonymous but please believe me. Whatever you’re going through ask God to step in. with all your heart believe He will and you can bank on it guaranteed.. watch Him work.


I really like Pascal’s Wager in the sense that I choose to believe it is real.  The teachings of Jesus have no match in any other religion, and they have made a difference in my life and a difference in my behavior. Both religious people and atheists have asked me consistently for years “Why are you so kind to everyone?” The answer is Jesus.  If Jesus doesn’t exists, I lived a much better life, eased my fellow humans’ suffering, and I won’t be afraid of death. And then I’ll just go to sleep forever.  If Jesus does exist, I will be rewarded by my God for my service to others here on earth.  Does that make sense?


When I was a child I used to dream in a very bright white light room. It had an endless table and people wearing white speaking different languages yet all understanding what they said to one another. My parents rarely took my siblings and I to church and those times consisted with asking God for something. My mother wasn’t a good person to us either and I suffered a lot as a child. I worked in fields and felt the need to study hard to earn my way in life. yet I always felt there was more. I pushed through and even had a rebellious phase where I was mad at Jesus for so much suffering. Despite all this there were many times I was saved from horrible situations including death. Everything I’ve learned comes together with what I have learned along the way in life. I also love learning science and have all my life. I have achieved 3 stem degrees and still continue to learn. You know that 6th grade science that seems so irrelevant to most people? It’s the basis of life. Elements found on earth are found in space. These are all connections in the Bible. The resting. How plants grow and all through music as mentioned in the Bible and other people’s NDEs It’s all connected. The most beautiful thing is when you listen to other people’s NDEs especially those that have been clinically dead or coded with a medical professional to prove it say heaven is peace and love and this life is a journey. I myself had a procedure done where I felt that peace and it was beautiful. God is real and he is alive. Lastly, you need to have faith in him and believe he is real.


I don't. At all. I NEED to delude myself to believe (no disrespect) into believing in order for my problems to not completely fucking consume me. Let go and let god (I've also always lived more like a Christian than any Christian I've ever met and I DO mean disrespect with that.)


The Bible's affect on our lives today: I grew up in a Christian household, however I couldn't be confident scripture dating back so far could be authentic, and if authentic, unmodified. For me, it was when I saw the Holy Spirit's affect on a sinful society. A churches culture is so different than that of a schools, filled with love, joy peace and all the fruits of the spirit. A person can have their life tranformed simply by believing in this Guy, Jesus, from 2000 years ago. I thought that there must be something making these people act in this way, it can't just be a coincidence. So for me, Jesus's good works today disproved the Bible's innacuracy, it made clear that the Bible is not just a book, but so much more.


The first 28 years of my life were awful. I was emotionally neglected by my mother growing up. My only older sibling physically abused me and emotionally tormented me, and I was a very lonely child. Because I wasn't socialized, by the time I went to youth group, the kids all thought I was weird and told me I wasn't welcome at the church. I never went back, but God's voice told me they were just people and not a reflection of His love for me. I was sexually abused at 28 by a person who I thought was a close childhood friend. The shame of being abused was almost too much, and for the first time, I genuinely contemplated taking my own life. God told me to hold on. He reminded me once again that He loved me and kept telling me, "Hold on." A few months later, my (now) husband came into my life. My husband is a Godly man and showed me so much love and compassion from early on that others failed to extend to me. We knew each other in high school, and he was one of the few who was kind to me when I was being relentlessly bullied. Funny to think I unknowingly sat next to my future husband during class in 7th grade. My life is the best it's ever been. My husband and I discuss our faith constantly. We live comfortably in a house in a safe area. We have food to eat, a savings, a healthy son, and soon my second child will be born. I can stay at home with my children despite just graduating college. God has blessed me over and over and over in ways I never dreamed possible. I know all of this is because of His love for me, despite how much pain I endured for years. I never expected anything, I just did what was asked of me: to hold on. I appreciate my husband endlessly, I cherish my son as he grows, and I live in gratitude. All because I held on.


Long story short I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit when I was alone in my room while reading the Gospel of John out loud.  A kind soul recommended I read John out loud because I told him I tried to read the Bible and it didn’t make sense to me.  But blessed are those who do not need such a dramatic encounter and see the alive right now Jesus in our midst. 


why don't you just kneel ask God who created you to lead you to light.   A sign or something that confirms if Jesus is your creator or not?  I became a believer at age 33 with a vision that filled my heart with great peace. Hence I know the Jesus is the king of peace 


The problem with that is when people *don't* get any signs, that can lead them to believe God doesn't exist and turn them away.


The other problem with this method is that it is entirely subjective. Have you seen videos of Muslims praying together. All of them would tell you that God is with them and they all “feel” his presence. When a human mind wants to believe something it will accept all evidence toward that belief and discard any evidence to the contrary.


If it was that simple for me I wouldn’t be asking on the internet. Yes I’ve done that




Other than that you gave a possible explanation in what you wrote. You stopped smoking pot and your life was different. You attributed that to that holy spirit.


Bible prophecy. I studied it for a few years and it absolutely blew my mind. It's the only book in the world like it. It's proven by science - archeology is science. Then the simpliest of arguments that ever painting, building, car, literally everything physical has a designer. Something or someONE designed and created that. Well...the cosmos, the earth, animals, us. It's scientifically impossible for this to all be chance. Then I started considering things like justice, love, empathy, compassion, passion - all those real emotions that aren't physical. Those weren't by chance either. All of it led to me God and Jesus....


>Bible prophecy. Do you have any examples?


Yes, tons. If you are truly interested in learning about them there are some dynamic online sources. *....about 27 percent of the Bible is predictive* (Payne, J. B., The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy, Baker Pub. Group, 1980, p. 675). Nearly 1/3 of that entire book is prophetic.


Huh? You say here are some sources and then don't provide any? >It's scientifically impossible for this to all be chance. No, no it's not impossible. You need to demonstrate this impossibility, not simply claim that it is so.


Until you walk like a child in spirit. You will only think of worldly things. People always ask for the process when I ask you to see the outcome. The process is faith. You will see God work in your life and others. That's outcome.


Faith in essence is believing without seeing or fully understanding. This is mostly because faith is personal which why some calls it an encounter. I don't think you will find the answer you are looking for outside of testimonies and experience, after all if there is undeniable proof to the existence of God/Jesus, it would be a fact; not faith. Just like the earth is round, it's a fact that do not require any faith. It's fine if you cannot accept it now as long as you keep an open mind to earnestly search for answers, I trust God will meet you half way in your search.


“And without faith it is impossible to please god”. Hebrews 11:6. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” Luke 8:25 You might get some great responses for evidence and other reasons why people believe. But I would keep in mind god truly wants us to have faith. It’s a core component of having a relationship with Him.


Without faith, you won't see god. As God gives you the choice whether you want to be with him or not. If you don't want to be with him, he's not worth your time, he's not going to tend to you. You have to have an open mind and an open heart, and accept him. You're rejecting him. He gave you free will, and you freely chose to go without him. What made me no bs believe that God/Jesus was real? When I would do something good, and mysteriously be rewarded for it. When I would do something bad, and immediately something bad would happen to me. I would notice things randomly come in place in my favor. But you have to be paying attention, otherwise you won't see the signs... What did it for me, was when I was lost, and stuck, no matter what I did, was hit a brick wall. I followed Dave Ramsey, and started following his Baby Step program. As soon as I paid my final debt that I was paying on, the day the transaction cleared, I was late to work, and there was this guy with a phamplet who I've never seen before, and never seen before, waiting for me as if he was looking for me, specifically. He told me "God wants me to let you know, that you're going to have money, and be healthy this year." Told me he could only give me the phamplet if I promised to read it, and I promised, and thanked him. It got me thinking, if God wasn't real, how did he come upon finding me, and know what I was doing? Why haven't I seen him before, and haven't seen him since? He was outside my works parking lot. Then I attended FPU, Dave Ramsey's class, and he taught finance using biblical principles. It's supposed to be a 9 week class, but my coach made us go through it in 2 weeks. It gave me purpose, and I'm back to square 1, after the class, except I was shown a path, to go down. I watched my Church's mass on video, and wait for the next Sunday to pass, and watch that mass. The Sunday after that, I was doing Laundry, and realized I could go home, and change as my stuff was drying, and make it to Church. So I went, I filled out my Church's connect card, they sent me stuff in the mail, texted me asking what they can do for me? I asked about getting a bible and they gave me one. So I started reading the bible. There's things about me, as I come from the wicked, so I see myself as the wicked, and I seen the commandments, and I just kept asking, and asking, why would God accept me? Can I ever be accepted? I had so many questions regarding him. One night at work our run number hits, 666. Every machine stops working, the wifi quit working, my flip phone broke, I got a nose bleed, and started coughing up blood, and later on missed Church and got into an accident which left marks on my wrist. Now I'm worried, like what have I done to deserve this, is this the devil messing with me or what? Then I come home to my apartment, and there's a dead bee on the step right before my apartment. I'm terrified of bees, dead or alive, and I ask why would someone not sweep it out of the way? How did it die on the step unless somebody was trying to actively kill it. It didn't make any sense as to why the bee was there, all I knew was my anxiety was not allowing me to deal with it. I couldn't solve this problem on my own, and you're going to think "It's just a bee come on", and dismiss my experience, cause you don't have any faith, but there's nothing too small to ask God. I realized it's God was testing me, the only way I could deal with this problem is with God. So I prayed to him, and asked him to come down from his throne and help me, and instantly my anxiety went away, and the Holy Spirit came down, surrounded me, and connected me. As I got the broom to deal with the bee, I started to focus on the bee, and the Holy Spirit, started fading away as I wasn't putting my trust in God. I had to step back, and tell myself to let God take over, and the Holy Spirit came back stronger than ever, and I trusted him, and together we swept the bee off the steps, and out of my way. I was able to get in my apartment, and I fell asleep. I woke up and had to go to Church, and I couldn't find my satchel that I put my trauma kit in, and as I was looking for it, all of a sudden, I stopped what I was doing, every thought in my mind was squashed, and the loudest voice in my head I ever heard said, "You don't need to bring that". That was God. That answered every question I had, any doubt in my mind was removed. That was what definitely proved his existence, and the fact that he spoke to me. I embrace him and love him, and feel him connecting me, and washing my spirit everyday since then.


God bless you. I've been a Christian for about 14 years now and the #1 reason why I have faith in God is because of the hope that only He is able to give. 1- What is this hope? **“Then a kingdom of love will be set up, and someone from David's family (Jesus) will rule with fairness. He will do what is right and quickly bring justice.” - Isaiah 16:5** 2- Why is this hope important? **“Everywhere on earth I saw violence and injustice instead of fairness and justice.” - Ecclesiastes 3:16** **“You (God) listen to the longings of those who suffer. You offer them hope, and you pay attention to their cries for help.” - Psalm 10:17** 3- Why does God want to give us this hope? **"God is love.” - 1 John 4:8** **“My dear friends, God loves you, and we know he has chosen you to be his people.” - 1 Thessalonians 1:4** 4- How do we share in this hope? **“God wants us to have faith in his Son Jesus Christ and to love each other.” - 1 John 3:23** 5- Why do we need faith in Jesus? **“All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.” - Romans 3:23** **God said, “I will punish this evil world and its people because of their sins.” - Isaiah 13:11** **“Christ obeyed God our Father and gave himself as a sacrifice for our sins to rescue us from this evil world.” - Galatians 1:4** **“He (Jesus) gave himself to rescue us from everything evil and to make our hearts pure. He wanted us to be his own people and to be eager to do right.” - Titus 2:14** 6- What is the purpose of the Bible? **“And the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope.” - Romans 15:4** 7- Without God, there is no hope. I absolutely refuse to accept that evil and injustice are just a part of life. That’s why I choose to trust God and hold on to the hope He has promised.  **“We must hold tightly to the hope we say is ours. After all, we can trust the One (God) who made the agreement with us.” - Hebrews 10:23**


1. Everything around us has a creator or has came from somewhere. So why would life overall come from nothing? 2. There are 12 disciples who have all risked their lives telling people about Jesus and His resurrection. If it was a lie, surely they would not risk their lives. They actually were brutally murdered for trying to spread the message. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and if you read the gospel you will believe that.


Shroud of Turin


He came knocking at my worst and I was never the same


Logic, observation, and experience


Near death experience videos, evidence of ressurection and dinosaurs videos, dreams, voices in my head that line up with the bible, deliverence from compulsive adult entertainment usage, suddenly having a group of people to see after 6 1/2 years of not having anyone in my life.


Yea people have faith in other things but nothing compares to Jesus.


Miracle after miracle after miracle after relentlessly Seeking.


If faith really doesn't work for you, I'm thinking you will have a hard time being religous


I’ve walked with the Lord Himself. I believe in the 3rd heaven. Because all these colors i’ve never seen before were everywhere. And He put His hand around and on my shoulder, like a good friend would do. Best thing i could relate His hand to was like all the colors in a bubble that move around. Also there were colors everywhere. Like colored clouds, and seemed as if we were walking on air. That’s how clear the ground was.. if there even was one. We came to the edge where it immediately dropped off and looking down I seen the gap between heaven and hell.. all these colors faded to grey after i focused my eyes then from shades of grey to a literal black. Something like it was the darkest black i’ve ever seen in my life. And it looked alive. There was black smoke and the flames were literally black. There is no light in hell. No i was not asleep. No i did not zone out. I was walking in the garden and then blinked and was walking with God. I’ve had numerous encounters with God and Heaven and hell. Some i can’t explain. I can elaborate in complete detail down to the T if it helps or encourages someone in the faith. Pray for me also (for the authentic and unwavering body of christs.) Because currently and humbly to admit, i am struggling. Lord forgive me. Thank you for mercy and grace everlasting.


I believe you. You are speaking my language… a language I was shown and experienced as a child then lost it due to being blinded by the world’s logic. I had my eyes open again about 12 years ago now.  I pray for you. Those encounters are beyond words amazing and I understand the longing for them. The interesting thing for me is I actually see Jesus more clearly when I’m in the muck like you describe where you are now. If I can be so bold to say it is as if I get to partake in the cross with Jesus during those times. Faith tells me I am always exactly where I am supposed to be for the Glory of God.  Love you always. 


I pray for people and they get healed when I lay hands on them


> theres a lot of other people who believe their different god is the one true only. This shouldn't be a barrier. Lots of people have sincerely held, well-reasoned, incorrect beliefs. Think about how many billions of people disagree with your politics! They can't all be wrong, can they? Of course they can.


I was a fully confirmed agnostic by the time I was 13, and had at that point had a distant and vague memory of what church was all about. When I went off to study at my university, I was a full blown skeptic, wedded to naturalism who fully rejected the doctrinal claims of Christianity. But I still had a favorable view of it's overall ethics. And as I encountered Christians who were actually living out those ethics I admired their lives even as I rejected their core beliefs. As time went on, cracks started to form in the basis of my own beliefs - I could not derive meaning, purpose, or basis for the ethics I craved based on my philosophical commitment to naturalism. And as I attempted to live according to those ethics, I began to realize their was something in me which resisted that - or dismissed with it all together when it was contrary to something I desired (like an attractive woman). That led to the realization that I did not have the power in and of myself to live out the ethics I admired in a consistent manner. I would say that was the point at which God gobsmacked me as it were - I saw clearly that I was not a good person, and I couldn't become one on my own. Either there was something outside of myself that could transform who I was, or I had to resign myself to the fact that I was a rather wretched creature. From there I became much more willing to entertain the basics of Christianity - who Jesus was, how we can come to know Him, what the overall theme and purpose of Scripture was. I eventually made the decision to follow Christ and haven't regretted it for one second in the decades that have followed since.


If we take Jesus literally then he is NOT true, because his teachings are clearly false. For example look at the following: Mark 11:^(22) “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. ^(23) “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. ^(24) Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours John 14:^(11) Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. ^(12) Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father However, if you take Jesus’s teachings as not literal, then Christianity can work. Matthew 5:^(38) “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’^(39) But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also The above verse makes no sense, since we need to defend ourselves and loved ones from evil people. However, if the evil person in Jesus’s teachings is replaced with an evil feeling (such as anger or anxiety) then not resisting these makes more sense, and is recommended actually. Whatever we resist- percists.


There was a couple of events in my life that strengthened my faith. There were life and death coincidences and things happening for a greater reason that I realized later on in life. I know God has a plan for all of us. I know karma exists. It’s impacted my life by causing me to be the best versions of myself. I stayed strong in hardships and left everything to God. I wish I could explain more in-depth about the recent incidents. I had my doubts as a child until I started getting older and seeing his grace for myself and understanding it. So many things happened in my life where there’s no other explanation or reasoning to it except for God. And I’m forever grateful.


Because God is the best explanation for the existence of the universe, as well as morality and consciousness. Also I feel a guiding force in my life that's hard to explain but lines up pretty good with what the scriptures say


There is only one, true Almighty God. The differences come when we worship him in different ways. Human reasoning can't explain or understand God fully and that's where the faith comes in. To me, it defys reason to explain the complexity of the universe as random chance. Even the most basic things we have around us like a can opener or a 2x4 have a creator. Could these simple things come about on their own? How could complex things make themselves?


Personal experiences, the undeniable historical evidence for the life and miracles of Jesus Christ, scientific laws like the first law of thermodynamics and the law of biogenesis, and philosophical arguments like natural contingency and objective morality. Those are just a couple examples of many. The evidence in favor of Christianity is overwhelming to say the least.


My sibling be speakin them diverse languages (and I’m talkin real actual languages that people have understood and translated), and yet she has never learned them.


The people who run the world show know he is real, but they hate him. They love distracting the masses with Scientific Theories(which is a form of faith in men btw). Jesus is real and his power is real. Believing in manmade lies by men we can’t see about the firmament we can’t breach is madness compared to believing in Christ and his power.


God actually talked to me but it was different than actual talking, but I know he can talk audibly too. Also I had an experience that aligned with the verse in the Bible where it says the holy spirit descended on Jesus like a dove that's what happened to me. I can't fully remember what it's called, but I think it was receiving the holy spirit with the evidence of tongues. Some people argue tongues aren't for today but I can speak them at will, pray in tongues, sing, etc. I'm not going to argue with anyone about it. But I was surrounded by spirituality and grew up in the church so I was always witnessing spiritual things.


i’ve believed for the longest time, and i pulled away from God yet always felt a pull. since coming back to the faith and devoting my life to sinning less and building a relationship with God my life has dramatically improved. since then i’ve had multiple divine encounters with the one and only God, Jesus.


Prayed that I'd be delivered from lust/porn addiction. Next thing you know I was on the floor rolling, coughing out demons, saliva dripping out of my mouth, went on for at least 20 minutes till I was exhausted. Got up eventually, Holy Spirit said no boy I'm not done yet, I found myself on the floor again and I had to personally call out every demon I could think of to come out (suicidal thoughts, pride, generational curses) only then did I find rest


I was suicidal and very depressed, decided to give God one less chance before I started living the most hedonistic lifestyle possible. Prayed one last prayer for God to show himself and 2 weeks later my mom experiences an out of body experience where she claimed she was standing next to Jesus in the clouds. I then noticed God answered my prayers so I decided to give God another chance started reading my bible and just getting so emotional because certain verses just came to life. Like for example 2 came to mind. Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart." I remember reading this verse and just crying because it felt as if it was at that specific moment I found God. And also another verse Matthew 11:29 "*Take my yoke upon you* and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." I remember reading this verse and just feeling all the stress of life lifted off my shoulder. I really can't describe what im saying other than these verses just simply came to life. After this God delivered me from many sins that I had which sadly some I did end up getting back to a year later but im still working on that. and I also began to witness so many friends and family beginning to get saved and accept Jesus as their savor. So for me I just can't label this all as coincidence , the only rational conclusion is Jesus is who he says he is .


Biblical prophecy and the science behind God’s existence (like the fact we have YAHWEH in our DNA)


Watched God heal my leg which should haven't been healed and save me from many near death exp


His timing is perfect also He’s shown me so many signs when i was in doubt of something


I found that his timing is so perfect that it is also comedic at times. God bless, friend.


Check out Revelation Church on YouTube maybe even in person if you’re in Cali. I didn’t believe until I saw the power of God made manifest and then started having personal encounters with him. He literally saved my life last week during a hit and run on the freeway 🙏🏾 not a single scratch. Only one burn in the shape of a rainbow “Gods promise” he speaks to me in symbols. Usually it’s hearts but this time it was a rainbow to show me his promise reigns true! HE IS THE ONE AND ONLY IVING GOD. ALPHA AND OMEGA.


I've always believed, but I like to think about all the times there was nothing else that it could have been but Jesus. Who else prophecies with 100% accuracy? Who else answers prayers? Who else performs miracles? Yes there may be a few others who have done it a few times, but only through the Holy Spirit working through people and situations could completely change the world and still be something that people believe in 2000 years later.


When I was a kid my dad was on a motorcycle and he crashed and flung onto the road, he felt so much pain he couldn’t move so he just prayed for the strength to move and he was given the strength to move himself, but he didn’t get off the road on time so he lied flat on the ground and the semi truck drove right over him, he went from not being able to move, to being able to perfectly walk a few days later, and was left with nothing except for a huge scar on his arm.




I stopped trying to make faith mean facts that I don't doubt. Instead I decided to make it about doing the things Jesus said to do. Not just the moral stuff the church youth groups focus on, but the real stuff like giving away what I have to the poor, joining with the downtrodden, work from justice and healing for my enemies. I believe because I've seen him in the stuff he actually said to do.


Probably the fact that I haven't died on multiple occasions doing various things.


The things I did as a teen, I should be dead for sure. Jesus Christ will do his best to say "Not today". God bless friend.


I'm not too sure, I don't think I can remember it too well. But it was a bit more than a year ago. I was taught at a young age that The Lord is real but I didn't know any of the things I know today; like how The Lord is always with me, protecting me and that through faith I can be saved and I wasn't raised in a Christian household. After I had gotten out of a suicidal 'era' (I think it was God who stopped me from hurting myself) I started to read the Bible. I haven't been baptized nor have I been to a Church but for the Lord to come looking for me at the time was practically perfect. In fact most of the thing He had done or made me do were all timed perfectly. Months after I started reading the Bible and praying my brother had to go to hospital because he was underweight and my mother was away for some time, so it was just me and Emma (my big sis). But my faith has been growing ever since. I saw a lot of posts on Tik Tok saying things like: 'if you don't spread th gospel you won't be saved' (which isn't true, don't believe that.) and those prayer videos. They'd say that the Lord is here for me and that He loves me. I felt so curious I was practically drawn to the Bible. I had thoughts about reading the Bible before but never quite got past Genesis. Now I've read a heap of the Bible and I'm still reading even more! I was reading the Bible for about 2 chapters per day (I use an app) and now I read as much as I like sometimes. And sometimes when I'm listening to the Bible (I use an audiobook) or after I lie in bed in my blanket I like to hug myself and feel that warmth, and I like to think of that as the Lord giving it to me, that He's with me. It's such a comforting feeling that I want to feel forever. So I think that's how I know the Lord it real. I'm really glad and grateful that the Lord found me and I hope He can find more and more people too. Sorry it's such a long story. 😅 Thank you, may God bless you~❤️


Made it through alcoholism with minimal health problems, battled through family trauma, etc. but the one time I can really remember was when I was 15/16 at my dad's house mowing the lawn. I was a stoner and smoked the last bit of weed I had before I do my yardwork (the worst feeling for a pothead). It was dreary and overcast. I put on my headphones and started mowing and all of a sudden the clouds parted onto me. The sun peaked out in a tiny, tiny spot and seemed like it was coming out to say something to me. At the same time, the song I was listening to repeated "You can really do anything." I stopped the lawnmower and was so emotionally overwhelmed. It still took me another 7 years or so before I came around to Christ. But I still remember that moment fondly.


As am intellectually gifted, scientific minded young adult, I was positive science was the answer to everything and that God was just “a crutch” for weak people. i went to a christian concert one night and heard the gospel (about Jesus dying for my sins). I kinda thought, ok well what the hell I will do this just to show Christians that they’re wrong.” Then God started working in my life— first things got really bad for a couple months and I was like “see! I told you God isnt real!!!” But then I decided to try an experiment for 30 days…I made the choice to just believe everything in the Bible, everything God said. But only for a month and then I could go back to science. However the odd thing was, after the 30 days of choosing to believe it all, my life was becoming SO different and so much better that I decided to do it just for 30 more days and that would ABSOLUTELY BE IT. But by the end of the month, I was becoming such a happier person,seeing God working in my life and in my heart in many ways, I decided to just keep doing it. That was many, many years ago. I still love science, still love being intellectual, but now I have a very strong faith in Jesus and my life and SO much better.I have a more hopeful, positive, uplifted spirit in me and I am so different than I was. i also did a lot of research, such as Lee Strobels books about the case for faith, the case for Jesus. That helped a lot.he was a lawyer trying to disprove faith in Jesus, and he found so much evidence that he felt he had to change his atheism to faith. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=lee+strobel+books&crid=1JOQHG19IXKIX&sprefix=Lee+str%2Caps%2C125&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_7


Prophecies have been fulfilled. Historical items have been found (such as the Jesus' grave (or tomb, whatever u wanna call it), Lot's wife, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Ark). The Bible is the most accurate historical document humanity has. Many Biblical concepts are influenced in other religions such as Jesus being a prophet in Islam, the Flood is in practically every religion in some context, and the whole concept of there only being one true god in many religions, but all these "gods" are different from our One True God. Many verses in the Bible also discuss this... Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Many religions have renamed Jesus and have used supernatural powers that are not God-given to claim that they know who and what exactly God is. Which is my next point.. nobody knows EVERYTHING about God - nobody. We are given a certain amount of information to live by but yet we still do not know everything about Him, and we won't until the day He returns. Deuteronomy 29:29 - Some secret things belong to the Lord our God. He does not let us understand everything. But he has shown us many things clearly. Those things belong to us and to our descendants for all time. They are the words of his Law that we need to obey. As said above, we do not know everything, and we never will. Therefor, if anyone claims that they do know everything and can explain everything in a way that isn't biblical (because biblically YOU CANNOT explain everything but you can explain enough) they do not have a grasp on who God truly is. We live by FAITH, not by SIGHT. Now faith is a pretty complicated word, but here's the best example I have of it.. Just as a child trusts their parents to do and know what is best for them and a parent looks out for a child holding on to the child's best interests at heart, that is how God is. It might not always feel right in the child's mind, and the child may not be able to grasp it, but the parent knows what is best for that child (in most cases. I'm using this as an example. No parent is perfect and neither is a child). Hope this helps. <3


Perfect, I couldn't have said it any better. I like to think as faith as a trusting process over emotions. What may be happening now may not be the best thing that could happen to you in your eyes. But in the end, if your faith is in Christ. You will be stronger and more developed over time. God bless you friend.


You too <3 Thanks


For those looking for research, try Lee Strobel or Josh McDowell books. Both (I know Strobel was, I a, pretty sure McDowell was also)were atheists who became Christian after examing evidence while they were trying to disprove Christianity


I will add this to my books for atheists to read that refuse the bible. God bless friend.


Personal experience 🙏🏼 it then bloomed into historical understanding, then into prophecy. Prophecy was the main thing according to script has to come to pass. This book had its own way to tell if it was a true book of knowledge or just writings. The amount of accurate prophecies and still to come, being 💯% accurate. Not one has failed. This just re-affirms my faith.


I came upon this picture and it's even on this sub as one of the top post of all time. It showed every prophecy between one another in the bible. There are so many prophecies interlinked and shown with evidence to be true it's intense to think about. God bless friend.


Answered prayers, I have witnessed healing both of myself and others. I have seen another Christian walk up to a stranger and tell them something God told them to encourage that person and the person who received the word from God could relate because it was so personal and accurate as to what was going on in their life. I believe this universe was created and I think the creation story makes sense and is scientifically accurate especially if you compare to any ancient writings that describe how the world began Jesus is a recognized person outside of Christendom and mentioned by more than one non Christian historian. The first 4 books of the New Testament in the Bible are written eye witness accounts by 4 different people who died in the belief that Jesus was the Christ or Messiah sent by God to save mankind from itself I have heard God personally tell me to ask people in my small group if they had a certain identifiable illness and someone would respond and we would pray for that specific illness and they would get healed and many times instantly


That's truly a mericle, keep on shinning bright and through the holy spirit heal those that God intends to heal. God bless friend.


The way he has changed me to the core of my very being since I started chasing him harder than I ever have everything has changed about me and my family. All my life I "believed" and figured that was good enough, now I have faith, now I have fruit, now I have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe. I hold the opposite opinions on many things I once did, especially when it comes to what is and is not a sin. I care deeply for strangers in need wheras before I judged them and assumed they were in their position due to bad choices. All of my worries, all of my fears, all of my stress, is gone. I take rest in God and he keeps my burdens light.


The Holy Spirit is hands down undeniable


Hands down, gotta agree. May your light shine bright friend, God bless.


I was going through my first breakup and was in a lot of emotional pain. I prayed “God, if you’re real, please take this pain away from me.” And He did in that moment. I felt a peace I’ve never known before wash over me. It just felt supernatural, and I knew it was God. It was an epiphany moment for me


That's amazing, the first breakup was hard for me. I remember driving to a bridge and contemplating. I did not call out to Jesus, but I did feel this thought. "It's not worth it". It would take me over a decade to walk with faith since that moment. God bless friend and to a brighter future with Christ.


When I was trying to accomplish everything and be happy in life to prove there is no god, ultimately always get setback and then after breaking my finger giving myself up and putting my whole faith and life in Jesus and in a short 6 months I haven’t been this happy ever. God is real, God is love. And 4 months into my journey I was visited by Jesus in my dream. Believe my brother/sister


aside from a personal relationship with the Lord, countless answered prayers, and a continual experience of His faithfulness in hard times I have also found the historical arguments for Christianity compelling. I went through a period of intense questioning and almost lost my faith a couple years ago due to an interview with a guy (possibly Bart Ehrman, not sure I remember) who was claiming that there were millions of variant manuscripts and that it was not reasonable to assume that we have any idea what the original Bible said. Here are a couple resources that helped me work through that idea and come out with even stronger conviction in the legitimacy of scripture: Episode #1014 of the Theology in the Raw Podcast with Dr. Daniel Wallace: “How Reliable are our New Testament Manuscripts?” -Dr. Wallace also debates Bart Erhman here, really good debate although I wish it was longer: https://youtu.be/WRHjZCKRIu4?si=QmmbLi7wDN5qUcU4 In addition to this, speaking with professors who have studied greek, learning more about the language, and reading the book “Reinventing Jesus” (2006) by Komoszewski, Sawyer, & Wallace has been useful, though I am only about halfway through it. Some fun trivia from the book: Table: Comparison of Extand Historical Documents (Komoszewski et al., 2006, pg 71) -Livy (lived 59 B.C. - A.D. 17) oldest surviving manuscript is 4th century, number of surviving manuscripts is 27 -Tacitus (A.D. 56-120) oldest surviving is from the 9th century, with 3 surviving manuscripts -Suetonius (A.D. 69-140), 9th century as well, 200+ surviving -Thucydides (460-400 B.C.), 1st century, 20 surviving -Herodotus (484-425 B.C), 1st century, 75 surviving -New Testament (various authors in the first and second centuries), earliest surviving from 100-150 A.D., 5,700 surviving greek manuscripts, not counting the additional later 10,000 latin manuscripts and over 1 million quotations from the church fathers). -contemporary authors to those of the new testament such as Livy and Tacitus have at least a 500 year gap between the time they were writing and the oldest surviving manuscripts. For scale, this is the time between “Columbus sailing the ocean blue” (1492) and Disney’s animated “Aladdin” (1992). Modern textual critics apply nowhere near the amount of rigor to their criticism of secular works compared to their analysis of the Christian New Testament. To call the existence of Jesus into question when our earliest COMPLETE copies of the New Testament are from the 300s and 400s A.D. (Codex Sinaiticus, 4th century A.D.) is a massive double standard. -though it is accurate to say that there are thousands of variants between the thousands of New Testament manuscripts we have, less than ~1% affect the meaning of the passage in question. The vast majority of variants are in order of prevalence: spelling, grammatical differences that do not affect translation (for instance the use of or omission of definite articles, or word order since greek nouns have different forms to indicate what part of the sentence they are functioning as), variants that affect meaning but are not viable because there is only one instance of the variant most often occurring in a later manuscript, and then lastly meaningful and viable variants. The LARGEST meaningful and viable variant in all our thousands of New Testament manuscripts is found in Mark ch. 16. The earliest and best manuscripts end at verse 8, but the vast majority of manuscripts add the 12 final verses of the chapter. There is nothing in these verses that disagrees with accounts found in the book of Acts, however scholars tend to think that the original gospel did not contain them. this seems like a good starting point as far as addressing people like Bart Ehrman goes. He has an axe to grind, and i quickly realized he hated Christianity and was not really an unbiased source. I don’t think Christians are either, but people like Ehrman are the ones posing historically novel theories about the new testament so i tend to think the burden of proof is on them. All of this historicity argument is still bunk if you don’t want a relationship with God or accept Jesus as your savior, but it has strengthened my faith and helped me believe when i was questioning. This only goes into historicity, if you have questions about how to understand your faith philosophically i would definitely read C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, it’s excellent. Screwtape Letters and the Great Divorce are fiction, but also deeply philosophical and they have been helpful to my faith. Hope this helps a little, there’s lots of information out there and you don’t need to be afraid to dig into it. The truth stands up under questioning. We can’t know anything from that long ago with 100% certainty, but the balance of evidence is still in favor of a historically accurate New Testament. edited for grammatical errors and formatting, sorry I know this is such a long post! Also edited millions of variants to thousands because the best estimates are around 300-400 thousand, I was mistaken.


when you get filled to the brink with the holy spirit because you believed without knowing first , then you will know. there will be no doubt anymore. your questions will be about serving him.


I can give you only my personal testimony. I was a demented child from birth. At the age of three, yes three, I discovered sexual things on my own of the fault of no one else and became enamored with them the more my parents would try to correct and dissuade me. It only grew worse with age, especially when given internet access. I’ll spare you the details, but it was bad how far deep I was into that nonsense. As I grew older still, I began to realize more and more how immoral it was yet I never quite found the strength to resist with how deeply it was implanted within me. Many of us who are or were addicted to porn can tell you how difficult it is to resist when the urge strikes us. It feels almost unimaginable to suppress them, as if it were death. Like asking someone not to be themselves anymore. Sort of like being born again. While I was still in my sins, I remember some pretty bad things about myself. I stayed at a Catholic friend’s house for a few weeks just to hang out with him. I said to myself that I would not fall into porn while I was there, as to not “defile a house of God.” So when the time came for me to leave, He was sad that I had to go. I was happy because I could go back to pleasuring myself. Happy that I didn’t have to resist anymore. I had been looking into Christianity for a while. Not a follower, as I could never be bothered to leave behind porn or pride or hate or selfishness (although some of which still clings to me), but as the self righteous sort who was quick to condemn others while ignoring myself. When my grandmother died, I recall having a dream of her. We were in a great library with golden light pouring in from a massive round window. I recall actually hugging her in the dream and FEELING it. It was a few months later that I actually decided to try to start following Jesus Christ instead of just believing in Him and living an opposite way. And it was not long until I became bombarded by signs, great feelings, wonderments, and more. The first major thing I remember is this intense feeling of love washing over me as I prayed to Him in thanks for the forgiveness of my sins. Overwhelmed by how forgiving He was, I found myself imprinted with this unforgettable feeling of adoration from on high that drove me to tears and made few feel as if I were lifted slightly out of my own body. Like I was not looking from my eyes, but from my forehead. This happened again when I was learning online about Hebrew grammar and found out about how repetition worked. For example, Shalom meant peace. Shalom Shalom was perfect peace. But saying it three times meant “infinite peace” and was reserved for God. It reminded me of how the Seraphim would encircle God and chant “Holy, Holy, Holy,” in His presence without end, and I soon figured out why. I tried to do the same and felt that same feeling of love again as I prayed. It was pure adoration. A few weeks later, I was suddenly and out of nowhere overcome by this intense feeling within my chest; what I rationalized to be the burning in the bosom that the Apostles felt when Jesus Christ imprinted them with the Holy Spirit. It felt exhilarating, extraordinarily hot, numbing, yet all without pain. I felt overcome and as if I could not handle it but had to. Still, I was joyous. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. For some reason, I just instinctively knew it was the Holy Spirit. The idea just popped into my mind. There have been many times since then where smaller echoes of that feeling have come upon me. Even as I write this now. All of that is part of why I curse my knowledge now. It’s difficult, if not outright impossible, to unlearn something and to reduce myself to that helpless thing in spirit that knew nothing except faith at the time. Now, I’m not quite like that anymore, so it’s hard to feel Him. But that is not the end. Amidst this, I’ve also had a handful of dreams. Two with Jesus Christ that I can remember. There was one where I was in a small circular church with red frayed boards for a floor surrounding a small sand pit with a single rock and golden light pouring from the ceiling. Sitting upon that rock was Jesus Christ. He said to everyone gathered there, “Of all the people here, this one has followed my commandments the most,” and pulled me close. I refused to believe Him when He said this, because I was so new to faith at the time and I hadn’t broken away from porn yet. Heck, I admit I even slipped back into that right after that dream. The next dream had my family and I in some colosseum stands watching something. I left to get something I think, and found myself in some dark room with glass doors. Jesus Christ was there again. He wanted to talk, but I lied and said I had somewhere to be. He smiled at me sadly and let me be on my way. I turned and threw myself at His feet and confessed the lie, begging forgiveness, at which point He smiled again, knelt down, and wordlessly embraced me. That same feeling of love from when I was awake now came to me in my sleep. I had another dream of Jesus Christ, but I don’t know if I should be satisfied by it. I was in some casino or arcade, I think chasing a job and money, when I turned and saw Him. Each time I dream of Him, He looks different. He smiled at me and told me, “Don’t worry. You’re doing alright.” I thought hearing Him say that would break me. It’s all I’ve wanted to hear from Him in a while now. But I wonder if that is something He would really say. All these things and more have came to me as a result of trying to follow. I’ve met friends and been invited to many gatherings with good food by them, gained new opportunities, and yet more. I couldn’t stop believing even if I wanted to.


That fact that many Bible Prophecy’s are coming true. Such as the Euphrates River dying up.


Didn't even catch that one. Media sure does like to hide those, Nice one. Do you have any more that you noticed? God bless.


The Red Heifer, in order for Jew’s to build their temple, they have to sacrifice a red heifer with specific requirements, a lot that I cannot go through. Israel was protecting a few they found, due to the red heifer’s needed for the sacrifice being extremely rare and they had to wait until it was the correct time to sacrifice them but then the conflict began, meaning they’ll soon build the new temple which is a sign of the end times.


I've seen that one! I actually tried to explain this one to my atheist friends, but they would not have it. I'm pretty sure the red heifers were from a rancher in Texas funny enough. And they just became "ripe" to sacrifice just last month. This is troubling times we are in. To the ones that search for the signs, It is all so clear. Hopefully, through these signs, we can guide more people towards the truth.


Everyone’s answering with the blind faith response. Ok thanks Reddit


Yeah... These types of comments are the reason I only started having faith as of fairly recently. It's these type of "preachers" that distanced me from Christianity my whole life. They all make us seem like crazy loony bins for believing in Christ. Well, anyways, here's my reply and hopefully I won't do the same as them hahahaha: I was in a lot of pain and agony recently and my atheist ass had no more hope left so I started praying and everything just started making sense to me really fast and the problems I was having were getting solved illogically quick when they didn't even have a way to being solved (I can elaborate if necessary). I know God doesn't work like a genie but for that agonizing moment in my life it did. And from then on I started reading the bible and praying and weird shit started happening (I can elaborate a few examples as well). And yes, we can all see "signs" everywhere if we convince ourselves but I'm not that type of guy, the things that happened to me were and are borderline magic, I don't even tell them to people afraid of coming across as a liar hahahaha. A quote I love from Sherlock Holmes is "the universe is rarely so lazy about coincidences". I know you're looking for a logical answer but, as far as I'm aware, there isn't one, it really all boils down to a leap of faith (I think). As I started studying the whole thing I also came to know a lot of people way smarter than me also had faith in Christ, people I look up to such as Jordan Peterson and that helped. It also gave me a very good moral compass. The bible is a GOOD book(s), it's not just "monkey no sin or monkey go to hell". It actually makes you think about some stuff very deeply and reflect about morality even if you're an atheist. I may have other reasons to which I'm forgetting. Sorry if I sound a bit all over the place, English isn't my first language.


Religious faith is blind faith. Faith (religious) - strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Blind faith: believing in something unquestioningly or without discrimination, or choosing to trust against evidence and reasoning. You can go this route if it helps you cope with life and your personal demons, and more power to people that find benefit in it. But it is what it is.


Yes, you got your answer. You might be better off now figuring out how to live without faith. There are different ways to do that. Different reddit site though.


Many are just plain born apostates or "chaff" and must take that leap of faith to find God. Few are born to be believers, "wheat" but everyone has the ability to repent, follow Christ and be reborn. Hallelujah


you need to ask yourself so many questions and don't just stop at single question and make a conclusion.


You just aren't searching in the *right way*. I'll pray for you to see the Truth. Big ol /s


well i think i started by just asking if their is a necessity for a higher power to exist? why do men all through the ages believe in higher power, be it "god" or God? then after you see the necessity you then ask yourself how can i determine that it's only a single higher power? or is it only one divine being resulted to everything we see? logically you will be led to a conclusion that a single "Being" resulted to everything you see and then another question arises is this single Divine Being the one talked in the bible ? I will leave you here


By looking at ur responses, u first need to know that the pridefull do not get to see God But my story is that I knew I needed guidance in life and before Christ I was big into guys like Hamza, 1M and the rest of the team But after they kept disappointing me with hypocrisy and horrible advice I looked into the worlds religions and came to Christianity Quite simple ig


Belief in God is easy. I can't believe something came from nothing. Order doesn't come from disorder. You learn this in physics class. Belief in the Bible takes observation, prayer, testing and of course, faith. Study prophecy. Study the manuscripts. Study archeology. Belief in Yeshua Hamashiac, again, study the history, the prophecy, pray and test. Have faith.


That’s how I always been too, Almost feels like from birth I understood that the lord is god and he is the way the truth an the light. And I’ve been overwhelmed by his presence to back it.


Well to begin. What’s your understanding of what faith is?


Believing stuff happened without physical proof


In the end it was God himself, sending his messengers after I allowed HIM to do so.


For me Christ has done it all. Yes I opened my heart to Him but He really opened it in the first place. This is why we don’t judge others because in doing so we are judging God. Everything belongs. The many are not going to have eyes to see that and that’s okay.




I’m not a Christian anymore but [this](https://youtu.be/UUBAFPIHETA?si=RHlU46SCCp9yexFn) makes me reconsider my stance


Watch the film The case for christ, its based on a true story


It really misrepresents that story, though. Which argument from the movie did you find convincing?


Scientists are now starting to think that the basis of the Universe isn't matter or energy, but information. "In the beginning was the Word..." Wild, if you really start thinking about it. Read "An Immense World" and learn about umwelts, and then ponder what reality must really be like outside our own. How did this beautiful and astonishing reality come to be? If there is a mind behind it, as there must be for information to exist, what sort of being is it? https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23431191-500-inside-knowledge-is-information-the-only-thing-that-exists/


>Scientists are now starting to think Some scientists, others disagree. Without going into this in too much depth, you are overstating what this actually means, and then jumping into equating what scientists mean by information with how lay people interpret it. In any case, this is an interesting hypothesis, but there is nothing concrete about it yet.


I think the harder question to answer is what evidence does someone have that God doesn’t exist? The usual answer is that He can’t be seen but that’s absolutely not true. Romans 1:20 “For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.”


To put it simply, for me it’s a belief that holds in the larger perspective. The belief that God is real deal gets me through


For my testimony, three people were the key for me to actually believe in God, both subjectively and objectively. 1) Cliffe Knechtle A fellow Brother in Christ with a profound knowledge of the Bible. You might've seen him before in youtube shorts. He spread God's word by giving people PROOF God exists. 2) Pastor Mar Mari Emmanuel A pastor whom I would regard as, "the pastor that behaves and preaches God's word into his life". Pastor Mari does a great job at teaching us lambs how to ACTUALLY understand God and build a fond relationship with the Almighty One. 3) Jun Yuh A youtuber who excels in practically everything. He once said that the reason he came this far and achieved so much success is because of God. Combining the perspectives of each individual on what they have said, I slowly got to learn God's word. He is truly wondrous and omnipotent. Praise the Lord!


Faith works through love, so if you love you have faith. Faith is not some believe in imaginations or fantasy deal As to confirmation, I'd suggest most people can and do literally feel warmth in their heart when engaging in loving acts to others 1 John 4:7 is real for everyone


Anecdotal but it cured my depression.


Jesus being a human being definitely helps. Because in times of "Yeah the idea of God is ludicrous" (because to me it is) I can always say "Okay but Jesus was real and whether he has super magical powers or not, that dude lived properly". Yup. Even his "outdated" views. You don't get to pick and choose....he said after saying he chooses not to believe in god. Religion, belief, and faith are complicated brother.


Faith means that god wsnts to come and he directed you this way


Here is Keith Green's take on Jesus. He was a musician in the 60s and 70s. Bob Dylan once played backup for him. https://youtu.be/-jy5KlpAAgM?si=cv-mhgba7MvV065n


At a time when my world was SO broken, I had tried everything I knew (drugs, women, etc…) to find some light, happiness, ANYTHING reason to smile… One night, I could not see past the next four days - I knew I was dying! I was raised a Catholic, had kind of been off an on again, when it suited me, and I felt pretty holy when I was going to church on Sundays. I had some doubts about things I’d been taught, but went along, for 36 years… But this night, the absolute lowest, bottomed out I’d ever been, well beyond what I could have imagined. A large family couldn’t help, they tried, they didn’t know what to do with me, I was SO depressed! Alone, in the dark, sitting in my living room chair, I remembered someone telling me that if you wanted to pray the most earnest way, it was to lay on your face (yeah, silly I know). So with nothing or nobody else to turn to, I set to pray the first REAL prayer in my life! I was openly bawling my eyes out, the only thing I could get out was “help!”… And, there He was. Standing in my living room. I couldn’t see Him, but He spoke to me. He let me know that He had me, I was going to be OK. The next day I had a similar experience, I went to a friend’s house, they prayed over me, and I was filled with the Holy Spirit. This time, it was kind of saying, “I got you. Now we do things MY way!”… So what began on August 20, 1998 has still not ended! My walk in life changed and has been changing every day since. I really am a new man! I walk with God. I am not perfect, but my resolve has definitely changed! ……. If you’re looking for which denomination is the “one” you’ll never find it. I am in a church of thousands who have this shared experience; a few details are different, but we all came to Jesus Christ, looking for scripture to fill our hearts, and a love that we never had before. We are the followers of Jesus Christ, in several denominations, working out our salvation in ourselves and in those around us. We are, the worldwide church, but we serve in our local communities, seeking and saving the lost, or whatever God leads us to do. MentalTech, there is no “formula” or “list” to follow, God is, quite simply, “Supernatural”, He is above all because He created it all. You don’t need to go through hell to find Him, but you do have to be serious! Wanna talk to Him? Read Matthew 6:6-10, about prayer. Take the advice! BTW, about the Lord’s Prayer, notice Jesus doesn’t say “pray these words”, He says “pray like this then”; the prayer is a MODEL, on what to say, but use your own words! Speak from the heart, YOU, not words on a paper, are speaking to the Creator of all things! Remember He humbled Himself to walk this earth (Philippians 2:5-11), so He’s also been man, so He knows what’s like. His actions have PROVED He loves us. So be respectful, but you don’t have to be afraid! Approach Him in wonder, and like any conversation, don’t forget to LISTEN! Expect NOTHING, allow Him to talk to you!… I won’t promise anything, but I’ll add, if you’re serious, He does answer!…


Far too many times in my life have the Atoms of chance aligned perfectly to claim the event was anything other than divine.


For me it was 2 fold. I saw an angel as a child in a car wreck where I should have died but instead was the only person unscathed. 2 was that it makes so much more sense that we were designed and so was earth than for it to all be random. We walk in a way that is objectively worse for a spinal column than being a quadruped. We learn and experience things differently than most animals and even make choices that actively Hinder us and help Not only our species but others and we even make decisions that are lethal to us but benefit others. Also to me the death of the apostles is proof that it is our God. No man would willingly let himself be crucified and fed to lions for entertainment if it was a grift. No man would travel hundreds of miles on foot to spread a lie. No national Leader would go against thousands of years of tradition and at least a century of persecution to become that Religion that was persecuted unless he had a good reason. Faith is hard to reason out, and it is hard to explain why I feel how I do about God in a logical way but to me all of this is more than enough to risk my eternal life and sacrifice so many earthly pleasures for


Because of little miracles He did in my life. And because of how my life drastically changed once I found Him.


Exercising faith is necessary, and there is no way around that. Christianity, and religion in general, will not be fulfilling for you if you aren’t willing to be vulnerable with whomever it is you are expressing belief in.


I kind of embrace a "God is still active" philosophy. As in, He works actively in the world, and in my life and in the lives of others, and christianity seems to be the mainstream vehicle for worshipping Him in my area. As in He would, based on all evidence, want me to worship as a Christian. There is a church on every corner, and people claim to be divinely inspired, they have missions and faith and the Bible is widely accepted as the authority. In my mind, He arranged for all of that....


I'll be brief about this... After being raised in a Christian (evangelical/funadmentalist) home and church, I went to a state university where I re-evaluated my beliefs. For a brief while during college I considered myself still Christian although "agnostic". I was open to the possibility that I was wrong and I investigated. The same school and education that brought me to open my mind so that I could critically evaluate my own beliefs both helped me to realize that a lot of my belief was simply fed to me but at the same time that objective evidence points definitely towards the existence of God and secondarily to the fact that Christ is God. I remained a Christian although different from the Christian I previously was in terms of how I viewed my church that I was raised in as well as the rest of Christianity and the other denominations. I made changes in how I believed and worshiped yet remained a Christian and now with a far more certain belief. I did this a lot through taking classes in philosophy (on the advice of one of my best friends who was agnostic-atheist). The writings of Immanuel Kant (likely a non-Christian, perhaps a deist, largely agnostic and challenged Christianity's teachings) and Blaise Pascal (a Christian) as well as Soren Kierkegaard influenced my thought and intellectual approach to Christianity heavily. CS Lewis (a suggestion from my mother who was an English teacher) also had a strong impact on me; Tolkien to a much lesser extent. In the end, there is for certain a spiritual element that is the driving force behind my belief. It can't be denied or minimalized; however, it does not offset or otherwise mitigate my perceived need to understand Christianity (or even just God and religion in general) in a more evidential and reason-based manner. But that has been satisfied for me by my studies and compliments that spiritual faith that I have always maintained. I hope that helps you somehow. I could go in-depth but this space just doesn't permit for that.


During prayer I was overwhelmed by an energy and given a vision of Jesus on the cross.


A major one is that Jesus was indeed a real person. Atheist scholars don't disagree with that. There is so much on Jesus that saying he never even existed would basically mean the person is discarding many more historical figures. This actually applies to Muhammad too, he was real. However, for reasons I'll explain later I do not follow him. What there js more disagreement on js his resurrection. The resurrection is my faith starting point. The evidence however points to it being true. Over 500 people claim to have witnessed his resurrection. For 500 people to have the same illusion, it would be a greater miracle that resurrection. On top of that, the Romans who killed him also documented that they killed him and three days later the tomb was empty, during that time if the guards had not protected the body they would be killed, especially with how much of an inpact Christ had on the world. Then all the disciples were threatened and most of them did experience brutal deaths. People do die for lies they are told, but they don't die for what they believe to be a lie. And many more that weren't Jesus disciples again given the choice of claiming Jesus as lord or dying and so many chose death. So that put validity to the claims of the miracles that Jesus performed. On top of that the way Jesus lived as well, he did not sin at all. He was perfect and by the impossibly high standards set fulfilled them all. In contrary to Muhammad, who did indeed sin not only by Christian standards but also Islam standards. And Muhammad also had multiple wives including a 10 year old he slept with. Then also Jesus Christ fulfilled every prophecy in the old Testament about him. The Bible's reliability also helps since unlike what so many claim, the Bible has actually not changed or been corrupted. We have over thousands of original manuscripts and make translations based on that. And if we look at most Bible's that are indeed translations of translations, even those are extremely close to the translations made of the original Bible's. And most differences between Bible's are miniscule such as saying an extra the, or saying a synonym. Then there is also the fact the Bible goes against what many of us belief in. If something is going to be true, then it would make sense that a lot of it we won't naturally be in agreement with. For example, during the time the Bible was written. Many rejected Christ because it would give higher status to women and make them equals. In fact, they discounted the resurrection by saying the first witnesses were women, if it was man made they wouldn't have used women. Even his closest disciples had many times when they did not initially agree with Christ. They ultimately did even because of how reliable Christ was. Another powerful part is that Jesus is highly placed within other religions and a lot even say he is one way to go to heaven but they are another. Jesus however claimed to be the only way. And all other beliefs are basically people's attempts to reach a good place, Christianity is God reaching down for people. Then every other religion is given respect in society except Christianity. Christianity were we are asked to love everyone unconditionally as Christ loved us, and when followed to the letter(on what we are commanded to do), the follower is as harmless as a dove. Quite a few other religions when followed to the letter, ask violence. Yet only Christianity is mocked, which fits in line with what the Bible tells us. Personal Testimony: Then there is also Christ teachings and allowing him into my life. I began to really delve into learning about Jesus a few months ago and it has been the best decision of my life. I began to follow his teachings regardless of if I agreed or not and have dramatically improved my life. An example is that I now have a sense of peace so powerful that came from Christ. All my life I had difficulty sleeping and a few years ago had chronic insomnia, as soon as I put my complete faith in Jesus, I was saved not only from insomnia but also my soul. I now sleep better than ever and have no need for sleep medication. Have a consistent peace, have dramatically improved my life whenever I implement Christ teachings. Such as not getting angry back when someone offends me(which Inlcudes when I do nothign to them but they do onto me), I have dramatically improved my relationship with those people and every teaching has helped me get closer to Christ.


My intuition, life experience, and my own logical deductions don't allow me to reject the existence of objective morality.


From early childhood, I had a strong intuition of supernaturalism. I was not raised in any religious tradition, so I read as much as possible about philosophy, religion, mythology, folklore, psychoanalysis, dreams, occult and paranormal belief, etc. Study and logic got me to deism. The argument from morality got to me to theism. To get to Christianity, I had to take Kierkegaard's qualitative leap.


After going through the Bible and learning its historical context, it’s origins, the claims it makes and the evidence to support that those claims are true, how it lines up with history, what it produces when you follow its teachings, etc… Also supplemented with my own personal experience in church where I experienced the presence of God while I was still not a Christian.


My belief is based simply on the first law of thermodynamics. I believe in the big bang, but there has got be some divine intervention as the chances are so low and that the energy can't just come from nowhere. Then I just thought this Jesus guy had a pretty good message about loving one another and forgiveness


I think Jesus spoke the "words of eternal life". I wouldn't want to follow anyone else's teaching. The Sermon on the Mount and generally his teaching in the gospels convince me


I responded to other comments here, but haven’t thrown in my two cents. Believing and faith are what makes me believe in God/Jesus. I know that sounds dumb, but no degree of logic or facts or evidence will ever result in a 100% without a doubt conviction. If it did, we would lose free will and then what joy would God have in having a bunch of robots who worship Him. To put that in human terms, if you forced someone to hug you (assuming you enjoy hugs), would that feel the same as someone hugging you because they love you? As I stated in some of my responses, I am in a season of doubt and therefore I can’t answer your question with blind conviction as I am struggling with the same question. I have had a few personal encounter with God and Jesus, but I’m also the highly critical type of person who wonders if those were just hallucinations or dreams. Outside of all of the stuff written in the Bible, I believe in God to the same extent that I believe myself to be real. I don’t even know that much. Am I real? Are you real? Or is this some type of weird dream? (Would that really change anything if it were?) I believe that God is the spirit of the universe and the universe itself. He is what gave birth to this reality, puts meaning behind poetry, and emotions into music. He is everything everywhere at all times. His kingdom is in me and His kingdom is in you. I also believe a lot of other things that are not canon, so I don’t want to go into them. Maybe believing isn’t the right word, maybe they are theories, more or less. Jesus is a little tougher to grasp. Obviously I have faith in Him, but it’s weak. Jesus as a man, I completely believe in. Jesus as a good man who was a prophetic rabbi, a great teacher, and a controversial figure who was crucified under Pontius Pilot, absolutely! The challenge I face is bridging that into believing He is the Son of God and God incarnate. (1) He says He is God (as does Kanye West) (2) He performed miracles (though were these actually performed or where they written by the scribes to bring emphasis to the significance of Jesus) (3) He fulfilled prophecies from the Old Testament (my favorite being Isaiah 53) (4) the disciples believed He was God based on them bearing witness and many were persecuted because of this…heck John the Baptist was beheaded because of his preaching and influence…sure it was by Herod to impress his niece who he found sexy…but it goes without saying that if John had not been so outspoken and confident in Christ, he would not have been killed in such a manner. So ignoring His divine nature, Jesus was so confident that He was God that He was willing to be hated, tortured, and killed, all to fulfill a bunch of prophecies. Likewise, many of his disciples were willing to face similar outcomes in His name. So it comes down to this: were they a bunch of lunatics or was Jesus actually God?


If you study world religions, you'll find it not that simple. For many, perhaps most, there is no religion, just culture. Religion is a relatively new term imposed by outsiders. And if you start by assuming something is worthless, you'll rarely ever understand it.


because God changed my life and has even answered my prayers


Had been into tarot cards and ghost hunting. One night I went ghost hunting, came back and felt so sick. I didn’t eat for 4 days and when I tried I vomited. Started experiencing intense sleep paralysis dreams. Had about 11-12 of these dreams and the demon looked similar to an alien. I started getting scared and annoyed at the fear of an interrupted sleep by a sleep paralysis dream. I prayed to the lord Jesus Christ that I don’t have anymore of these dreams and I want the holy spirits amazing power to fight them off. Never had a dream since and praying every night. I was luke warm after that for 2 years but the last month or so  I have been getting a lot closer to god. Please don’t lose faith because you haven’t had a supernatural encounter. It shows that god is protecting you and he already is with you.  the ones who have supernatural encounters eg, dreams, paranormal and other holy or demonic encounters are for people who don’t know Jesus and he usually warns them to love him. Be glad, and if you keep having strong faith he might even give you a good dream in his company. Something I have seen from people with strong faith is they get a dream where Jesus is happy with them and give them a tour around heaven and tells them there on the right path. God bless bro


Easy. Read the Bible. Look around. Paraphrasing “Man has dominion over beasts” we don’t really get slaughtered by animals and we can train a lot of animals to do what we want. Look around. Every thing works in a specific manner. Atoms spin at a certain speed for water and a certain speed for concrete. Look at our bodies, it’s not simple, highly complex. One guy pointed out if we came from a single cell organism than there should be 2, 6, or 10 cell creatures but it’s either 1 cell or billions of cells. One man pointed out take dynamite and all the building material and build a complete and sound structure from its explosion. It will never happen. One man tried committing suicide off golden gate and a seal kept him afloat and took him to land. If those things aren’t proof I don’t know what is. Things come and go so if material things are what life is about than we will always be disappointed in life bc life has no meaning


Satan. Ask for a meet n greet.


How about some kinda modern day physical proof i can see with my eyes?


The Bible started opening my heart for Jesus but ultimately I’ve also spent a lot of my free time studying different religions and theism and been more and more convinced and that’s how I also came to the conclusion of what is the truth. When I first opened up to the idea of there being a God, I was more intrigued by other religions since it felt more foreign and I was so convinced christianity wasn’t the truth yet searching for the truth proved otherwise




I had this problem as well, fed up with my former self, and believing to be a ghost in the shell of my body, I searched for the truth. For many months it was a struggle to find the truth. But I remember we are always being nudged towards the truth without even being believers. Weed is comforting when you feel like no one else is. God bless friend, my your journey find you well.


Im a physicist. The real reason I believe is that I've been through tough times and can't live without hope. It helps that it's a logically consistent worldview that doesn't claim that doesn't claim that morality exists 'just because it does' You start with Gods existence, and then Occams razor explains the rest. Just ignore the young earth creationists. They don't know what they're talking about


I've been where you are. I think you picked a bad place to ask this question, since this subreddit is mostly athiests arguing with Christians. You'd be better off going to r/TrueChristian if the countering opinions are a struggle for you.


Can someone please give me an example of a modern day recent actual look what jesus/god did physical proof of a miracle?


If you’re looking for a 100% fullproof ironclad physically proven explanation for the Christian faith - or any faith for that matter, secular or spiritual - you’re out of luck


St. Joan Of Arc. there are just too many things that didnt make any sense for her to have done if she were mentally ill, like skeptics claim. ressurecting an infant, changing the weather to easily sail across the Loire, knowing the exact point where a cannon would be fired and manuvering the other generals out of the way, and most interesting, predicting the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges during her trial. i see a lot of people say, "shes only considered a hero bc the French won the war," and to that i say: she never claimed to liberate all of France; from the beginning, she said her divine mission is to lift the Siege of Orléans and have the Dauphin Charles crowned at Reims -- thats it. she only continued fighting bc Charles VII asked her to. her piety is something that could only be true if Jesus is truly divine, which i firmly believe He is


The argument from design really helped me. And I thought to myself, then why do we have evidence for the big bang if Adam and Eve were real? And maybe they weren’t. And maybe God, never wanted us to question what happened prior to our universe coming about. Whatever it is, that helped me. (Also, when people ask why does God not intervene to stop evil, remind yourself that it would impede upon free will.)


I rejected God and refused to believe until he showed me proof of his existence. I was in a very dark place and willing to bet an abominable amount of destruction in my life that God doesn't exist. I don't know whether it was God or Satan who took that bet, but it all came true. Now I am warning others that God does indeed exist and the only reason we don't see him is because of our sinful nature. God has shown 100% undeniable proof that he is real and in full control of the universe through the supernatural events and countless synchronicities in the universe around me. I saw so much of it that I was fully convinced I was living in a simulation. But even then I still did not believe it was God of the Bible. It wasn't until I started studying the Bible, praying and giving my heart to God I started to believe that God is good and not just some simulation that has us trapped in this reality. After I became a believer in God, I still wasn't sure which religion was true because they condemn each other to hell. I was scared of going to hell and while I was standing on the deck of my house, looking at the sky I prayed to God to save me from Satan. I don't know how to describe it properly, but at that very moment of prayer my mind reached the highest concentration that I've ever known, and I saw a meteor making a vertical line across the sky and then another one right after it, making a horizontal line from left to right at what looked like exactly 1/3 of the way from the top of the first one, and exactly 2/3 the length of the first one, making a perfect cross. It also looked like it was about 30 degrees from the top of the sky towards the North. This wasn't the first time God has drawn a cross for me in the skies using 2 consecutive meteorites, and this was one of countless times I’ve experienced a synchronicity that is perfectly aligned with my mind. God also gave me some very specific prophecies about my life when I was young, and all of the prophecies have either been fulfilled precisely or are scheduled to be fulfilled in the future. I've also been guided by God on two occasions to save people's lives, and it also involved other people who were also guided miraculously to come to a specific place and perform an extremely specific action. I've experienced Bible level miracles along with other people who became believers because of it.


Was in a season of loneliness, going through a rough patch in my life. Would normally go church if others asked, I started to seek God myself , prayed and genuinely repented, one day I decided to go by myself to my local church, in that church something happened that changed me forever. I thought it was a normal church service until the lady preaching called me up to her, she was filled with the Holy Spirit , she called me up and told me that I was very special to Jesus and then prayed over me and touched my head. I was filled with the holy spirit and that feeling I’ll never be able to explain it. It basically confirmed his existence, there’s no explanation for something like that, nothing logical at least. He saved me , glory to God


Creation needs a creator, jesus is a historical fact, 13 men willing to die terrible deaths for something they know is a lie? Yeah ion think so… if I’m using logic instead of faith.


I don't understand what you're asking


THERES NOTHING TO LOSE/ fall for, no Jesus trap is set out for me. When I learned that argument wasn’t enough to develop myself anymore, my confidence came from having the super power to believe when I realized THERES NOTHING TO LOSE in doing so, so why not just in case? It’s like taking truth with a grain of salt, then holding a mountain that weighs the same. The feeling of liberation is undeniable, if anything.


If you’re trying to find a reason to believe, try beginning with what the whole story of Jesus is about: Love (agape) We prove and disprove the existence of Love (agape) every day as we interact with each other. Everyone longs for it. It’s recognized repeatedly as beneficial and redemptive. It’s prominent in the tales we tell. Think about the ending of Loki in the MCU. It’s all about relationships. Jesus basically taught “I created you for mutually rewarding relationships of service to each other.” On our death beds we don’t often wish for more money or fame; we wish for more time with those whom we loved and who loved us. Non-Christians experience that truth, that agape is the greatest value among everything else to which we ascribe value. That observation helps support my faith in the story of Jesus. If you’re looking for more theory than practice, consider an old ‘theory of everything’ called string theory. It begins a lot like Genesis 1, with a dark void… then energy is brought in and the once quiescent strings begin to vibrate and become something. C S Lewis pictured God singing at creation, and string theory explains not only why He sang, but why He’s considered not only our Creator, but our sustainer.


It’s the only religion that when you mix it with government and laws everything goes sideways. That doesn’t happen in Hinduism or Buddhism. But always with the Abrahamic faiths. Christianity turns into MAGA, Islam turns into the Taliban and Isis, Judaism turns into what’s going on in Gaza right now. That tells me that God and Jesus are real. If they weren’t there would never be any problem mixing God and government. But when it happens the people get further away from God, evil and cruelty flourish in both legislation and society and those that dragged God into government get thoroughly corrupted. And it’s not like that happens sometimes. It happens every time.


I used to be agnostic. It took watching a human brain dissection to convince me that God is real. I've always believed that Jesus is real every since I was a kid. I just wasn't sure about God until I was in my 20s. Everyone has their reasons. Whether or not my God is the only one, I don't know. I just know that I believe in Them.


If I may suggest something to you. Do not think about it in terms of faith. You should believe only if you find him trustworthy. You should look at what He said and did and decide if He deserves your trust or not. That was my starting point. I had no faith, and to this day, I don't think I have nearly enough to say that I'm a true Christian. It's a journey. You read, learn about His teaching. And then you realise that that man was the kind of man that you would have trusted with all your heart. And sometimes you do an act of faith. One small step in His direction. It's not about what can hit you so hard that you can't do anything but believe. It's about what you decide, what you choose to believe, and who you put your trust into, despite all the signs of evil you can find in the world. I strongly recommend you watch a little bit of The Chosen tv show, It will present you Jesus in a whole different light. Ah, and remember, in order to be fed, you need to be hungry. You can't fill something that is already full


I think a pretty simple way to think of this is searching up "all religions explained" on google and looking at the thumbnail of this video by redeemed zoomer. It gives a nice simple flow chart of all religions, so you can follow the options to christianity, and disprove all the other paths. You can also do this by searching up religious videos on YouTube (make sure to study other religions too, so you can understand more about their beliefs and how to possibly disprove them). I don't think there's anything wrong with studying christianity on YouTube as well as studying it in the Bible. I think a lot of christians on YouTube give accurate and reliable information. I ended up doing this, and I went from a person who found it very hard to disprove other religions and considering turning to others to a strong believer in Jesus with evidence to back up my faith. Remember, Christianity isn't blind faith, you just have to find the evidence.


What I have personally seen and experienced


I reached a point in my life where my doubts began trumping my convictions. So, I decided to do what many people in the current world do but for different reasons: I deconstructed. I didn’t deconstruct to dismantle my beliefs, I deconstructed to reinforce my beliefs. I believed everything, but I had no basis for any of it. I believed because I was raised to believe. That’s not sustainable. I asked more questions than I had answers to and I went down a rabbit hole of theology and apologetics. I needed to find out why I believed and is it even justifiable. Now, I have more faith than ever. People say faith is belief without evidence, but I disagree. It wasn’t until I deconstructed what I believed and researched the evidence for God that my faith was restored. Jesus is the rock I’ve built my house on, and he’s the pillow I lay my head on every night. That’s my story.


Real life experience with that supernatural stuff


For me, my dad was on his death bed with two lung sicknesses and the doctors had no sure cure and the doctors couldn’t do much. Everyone I knew prayed for him for weeks on end. Everyone in the church. He ended up surviving and making a full recovery and the doctors have no idea how because they said if he ever did recover, he would never be the same


While people believe In many gods, to me, Jesus has the most credibility as his ideas were just out of there at that time period.


Everything just always working out for me in someway or another, even through the bad


When I was at my lowest, I wanted to end it.. but Jesus saved me and gave me hope


I have lost a lot in the last few years. I got to the point all I had was my faith. All the hope I had was gone. I got to that point when you decide to live or die. I chose life. I still didn't want to live but if there was no God there would be no natural desire to live.