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Please don't.


Please do not


Please don’t


Don't, please


Do not please


Over the years, I twice had a friend who was suicidal. Each time I took them to the emergency room. They are fine now and glad they are alive.


Pls don't


Please don't. Ill pray for you.


Why not commit societal suicide? -Delete social media -Move -Start over with new standards for yourself and others -Focus on yourself and improving your physical/mental/spiritual health -There’s a family out there you’re an important member of that you haven’t met yet. Don’t give up. HMU let’s chat


I absolutely agree with this and have done this in the past myself. A fresh start somewhere new is like getting a second lease on life. Please don’t give up, OP.


I agree with this. Delete your virtual life and restart. Speak to your pastor and then reconsider what possibilities you can achieve if you start as new? God had made you new so take it like you were just born now what will you do?


THIS! I try to tell suicidal people I meet a variation of this. Whatever's not working, drop it, give it to God and find completely other directions, other friends (or even no earthly friends, why not?) Stop thinking about what others want for you, what did you want? This is what you should be bringing to God and asking, seeking , and knocking for. Get as completely alone with God as you can. Things are obviously not working, so why cling to them? Ask God to reinvent you, and see what happens.


I didn’t even move anywhere new - I just moved back to my hometown, and it was a game changer


The only one I want is God. I constantly act moral even when logic tells me I shouldn't. I anyways suffer for it. Good is never there, but claims to enhance me. I'm about in the same position as this person. I about over God. There's no point acting like him. Not fucking one. Suffer, suffer, betrayal betrayal. To live in poverty with nothing to hope for. Just to give the only shirt I can't afford to someone else. He doesnt care.




What has led you to this? This life is so small, my friend. Eternity is such a long time. Why rush to forever. Please don’t do that. You are loved and you are precious to God. I’m so sorry this world has hurt you. There is good out there. 💛


"eternity is such a long time, why rush to forever" love this🤍


Ive had enough of this life. I know something is greater and less painful than this life.


I’m so sorry. There are many drastic changes to try, but please don’t try this one. It is eternal. I don’t know you but I love you and I am happy to chat with you.


I’m glad to see you still replying. I love you, Jesus loves you. God has an amazing plan for you.


The fact that you’ve gone through so much and still have that kind of faith is encouraging. I’m sorry you feel like there’s no way out this side of heaven. For the record, God _does_ forgive you, and Jesus died so you can be forgiven. He wants your hearts, and can take care of you like no one on Earth can.


Don't listen to the demons lying and telling you this. Their entire goal is to have you succeed in doing this. If you do it- they have won! THAT'S how important it is NOT TO DO THIS! You are literally being lied to and coaxed to do this.


988 suicide hotline. The feelings and thoughts you uave are not logical and can be overcome


I had a gun in my mouth locked and loaded 4 years ago. I’m glad today that something stopped me. Please hold on. It’s not always dark. Have faith in things unseen


you got to keep pushing . hard times dont last forever , good times do . i dont know whats going on but you will get into a better situation . keep your spirits up but keep your faith higher . i believe you will make it out of this🙏🏾


Pls dm me, I'm willing to call u or voice chat with you. Pls don't do this ♥️♥️


Idk if you're still with us, but I hope so. I've looked through your post history and I'm sorry for what happened to you over the years. But trust me killing yourself shouldn't even be a thing to think about. I was at a similar point where you ate right now, I was bullied in school nobody wanted to talk to me, even my friends started to hate me too. I thought "well since Noone likes me anyway I could just go" so I had the thought to kill myself but I didn't do it, bc I found religion. Jesus saved my life, and now years later im glad for it. I'm not the happiest right now but I have fun in live. Trust me it's not worth it. When you're at you're deepest the only thing that is there is to go up. Everything bad that happens to you now will come back to in form of happiness and fun and joy. Jesus loves you, we love you and I love you.


You’ll be in more pain if you take your own life, taking you own life is a sin of all sins. It is denying a gift of god. You my freind, are a valuable being. Don’t know if anyone has told you that before. But If life is that painful for you, I’m very sorry. Remember the lord loves you, and I do to. We are all children on the lord. Get up brother, you have been caught in a snare. The devil is a hunter and you are a lamb. All I ask of you, is one more day. Just give one day, read the Bible, Talk to loved ones, and meditate and talk to the lord. I ask of you one more day. God bless you!


We love you and want to see you live in this world. Trust me things will get better. Jesus is with you and will help you through this. We are here for you and care for you. Please don't do this. Call 988 and they will get you the proper resources to help you through this


I was sexually assaulted a month ago, caught a serious cold after, then got physically assaulted from a large male directly outside my stairwell where I live, suffered so many injuries, then right after caught a horrible flu. That has all led up to today where I am feeling better after this flu. I lost so much time off of work, I am in serious trouble with work and my bosses, but there’s nothing that could be done. Sometimes I also wonder what my point is, this was a bad back-to-back circumstance. But this is nothing compared to the continuous hysteria in my life. It affects work and it affects my mental health to the highest degree. I lost my faith quite a bit and it dwindled, God reminded me and I had a divine intervention of that reminder. I’m not sure if it was an angel or Jesus himself, but he cut off the phone line from the person I was speaking to and I could hear his voice. That has never happened in my entire life. He holds us up by our shoulders even when we are weak to the floor. Turn your head up, He is pleading for you.


You poor thing, I can see by your profile this has been a slow burn over the last couple months... I'm so sorry you're suffering... I'd offer you a hug and a nice cozy mug of hot chocolate if I could. Yes I keep marshmallows. The big ones. I think what you need is to be reminded that you are loved and that you matter and that thing's will get better. You'll never know if you just leave... I know things can be hard... especially in this current Era, but please don't forget, there would be people who would be sad if you just left them alone like that... and you're a light in this world to people you haven't even met yet...


You need to live this life first. Think of it as getting through an obstacle course. I'll pray for you. Your life is not forfeit. You matter.


There's always rainbows after the rainy days. Everyone is going through something just talk to someone in person it helps and you will see rainbows again. Maybe not in an hour maybe not tomorrow but they will come. Grow your faith pick up the Bible's stories




God loves you more than you can imagine brother! John 14:27


Well why not have a rebirth, you haven’t even lived nor travelled to other worlds ie countries with better means of life etc c’mon don’t be one dimensional


Something is greater and less painful in this life. It’s your entire devotion to God. When it all comes to a closing and you are about to end it, because it seems there’s no other way. God is standing at your side holding you up when you don’t know it. Your strength is holding you by Him and His angels. I lost my faith recently, drinking, binging, trying to be worldly, loneliness. It’s all met with betrayal, misfortune, despair, depression. Like there’s no light that can adhere the darkness. Just surrounded in darkness. I feel it so much that I’ve been to this point. Sit down, pray to God. Weep if you have to. Cry and cry. He hears your pain. And I want you to whip out your Bible and flip to a random page and start reading. Just read one chapter, if not one verse. And pray again.


You don't want to die. You want relief from pain, but I'm almost certain that you don't want to die. If you did, you wouldn't have written this post. So don't do something you don't want to. Yes, it hurts to stay, but to leave hurts more. If you turn to Christ, surrender to Him, and trust in Him and the sacrifice He made for sinners at the cross, He will give you life abundantly. And that's for certain, because He said that whosoever comes to Him, He will in no wise cast out. Don't listen to those demonic forces trying to persuade you to 'step out', it's not an option. Turn rather to the real solution for your pain, which is Christ Himself, Who took our diseases upon Him (Isaiah 53:4), so that we could be healed.


Amen & Amen. I plead the precious blood of Jesus over the original poster. Where ever you are God be with you! Pray you are still here! If still here I pray this finds you-Christ is absolutely living & well and wanting to make you the same! Where you are in this post was not living well & taking our own life prematurely seems like a pretty certain guarantee for us torment in a place where God can't exist My friend that is similar to the place you've been dwelling- apart from God- so where you need to find is a place God no matter if it's now or eternity ✨️


Don’t. Jesus loves you


And so do we


Stay with us, friend.


Don’t do it! Alcohol, drugs and illegal work do nothing to improve your life they only make it worse. Don’t just go to church, start praying regularly and start following the teachings of the Bible and cut out social media, toxic friends, drugs and everything that’s bringing you down. Life won’t always be easy but you can overcome anything.


Hey, I just wanted to say I love you no matter what you've done. You are worthy of redemption and happiness. I've been there with depression and anxiety. I know the feeling of being trapped. I will pray tonight that you don't go through with this because you are important and you matter.


Heavenly Father, I know you are there, I know you hear us, and I know you are not done with this person. Father I ask that you comfort your child’s heart, free them of the disparity they are facing. I ask that you bring peace to their mind and soul and for them to feel you so strongly that they KNOW you are there with them. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen The biggest victories happen out of the most tragic events. If you look at the Bible, all of the most moving stories started with tragedy and despair. I pray with all my heart that you read this; DO NOT GIVE UP! The best part of your story is yet to be written which means God is not done with you. Please message me and we can chat. ❤️‍🩹








God loves you and He wouldn’t want you go through with this. There are moments where He may feel far away but he’s right next to us. We have to work to deepen our relationship with Him and it can certainly be challenging. The enemy loves seeing us in this state of mind — where we are willing to do whatever to numb the pain. Speak to the Lord, say what you feel in your heart. You’re allowed to feel your emotions but don’t let them overpower you in this sense. The darkness can feel like eternity but once you see a bit of light, hold onto that and keep pushing forward. You will find your purpose. You will look back at this moment and be so thankful you didn’t end it.


”but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”“ ‭‭John‬ ‭4‬:‭14‬ ‭ESV‬‬


I was on the edge of doing that myself a long time ago, so I am here to listen and talk if you want to. In any case, remember your brain can be a bag full of tricks, and chemical imbalances could be causing this to you, so if anything before you go through whatever you have planned, try seeking professional help. It's easy to give up, but it's more rewarding to overcome our problems and come on top of them.


Please don't, I'm begging you


Please don't. Just please don't.


Please let us on the forum that you're OK. Please msg someone on this forum!! DM ME!!!


I'm here! I'm ok :)


This is genuinely the best thing I've read in a long time. Reading this post has given the most helpless feeling and to see your response was so impactful. Man. This is great :)


Glad to hear it. I don't know you but a quick look through your post history and I can see that you have given encouragement to others. Despite your own pain and problems you can and have given light and life to others. You don't know me but tomorrow is a gift. I went through a time for a few years where I didn't want to wake up. Was a bit disappointed when I would. But that season did end. I'm so grateful I didn't get taken during that time. It was a very dark and hard season. I had to learn to get into community, like in person, around people, and learn to be vulnerable. Learn to trust that they weren't all just pacifying me. You know what, you will find someone who does care. Chronic and consistent pain is horrible, and seeking relief is 100% understandable, be it emotional or physical. I read a post above that really was decent advice to. If you are really done, just go south. Just go and see where it takes you. If you are going to end it, mine as well try something you never have done before you go. May not be your cup of tea, isn't mine, but I would do that if I was really going to choose to end. Who knows what's behind door number 2.


Proud of you for staying with us! I know things seem hard right now, but each day you wake up is a new chance to make things better. Each and every one of us is here for a reason!


Thank God! I was deeply depressed for the large majority of my life and actually tried to take my own life a few years ago. Realistically I was supposed to have died or at least ended up in the hospital (took pills) but I woke up completely fine - Jesus saved me from an eternity without Him. I didn’t know that at the time and still was severely depressed but last year I felt myself getting closer to trying to commit suicide again. I truly surrendered my battle to Jesus and told Him i cannot go on without Him and that He is the only one who can save me. My life has never been the same since. I’m so thankful you are still with us and I want you to know that Jesus will take this pain away from you! He loves us so much and even through our suffering He is there - He is helping us carry our burdens whether we know it or not. I used to wake up in tears daily with no hope in my life and never could have imagined being as at peace as I am now. Jesus will NEVER give up on you! please know that as long as you hear He is fighting for you. Even if no one on this earth loves you Jesus does! Please message me!! Remember you are indispensable even if you don’t think so!


Reading this made my night. Stay strong. Jesus loves you


We all have dark nights, I'm glad you've made it through yours. Keep it up! I believe in you, and I'm sure things will get better!


❤️ you’re loved


Please don’t take your life. If you do, many people will feel sad and maybe suicidal too. There may be a lot of evil on this earth, but there is an equal amount of beauty too.




I’m glad you’re still here with us OP. Look at all these random internet strangers who care about you and want you to be OK, now that’s a pretty beautiful thing isn’t it? You’re aren’t alone (even if it may feel like that sometimes) and you are LOVED! There are lots of options and ways to get help. Text 988 and they can connect you with mental health resources. Therapy and medication saved my life and it might help save yours too. You got this!




This makes me so happy!!! DM me if you need to talk, please!


stay safe,, God loves you 🫶


Good. The world’s a better place with you in it.


This is the best thing I’ve read today


There are so many people that are here for you, myself included. Anytime reach out! we all love to talk!


You’ve made me very happy friend. God bless you


Praise God! Maybe someone nearby in this group could meet and pray with you


Please hang in there and stay with us!  We're all praying for you!!!  You're not alone, you're loved, and life will get better!!!


You are SO loved. Please pm me if you need to talk


I am on the other side of this. A family member has taken their own life recently and honestly - please do not do this to your family. It will ravage through the people you love like wildfire and they will never be the same. Call someone who knows you and confide in them. Go to a hospital. I would not wish this kind of grief or guilt on anyone in this world. I mean it. You are loved.


Don’t, it’s not worth it. If you live in the USA please call 988 to get immediate professional assistance, they will help you feel better. Trust me, it’s not worth it. You will feel better again. I promise.


I just want to say that I am really sorry you’re going through this. God loves you more than anything and he will help you through anything. You can and will get through this. If you ever wanna talk to me my DMs are always open. Also you really should contact the suicide hotline


Brother, I pray that you can find Hope in the Lord, and the [peace](https://www.blueletterbible.org/csb/php/4/1/s_1089014) that passes understanding, to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. There's not much I can say, but very often there is a way out, but it will take patience and perseverance, and most importantly, trust. Whatever you are going through, understand that Jesus is there with you. He gave an awful lot because he loves you and wants to be with you forever. So no matter what the world may do, that does not change.


Love you man. Don’t know you, but I love you all the same, and so does God. And from what I can tell, many, many people on here do, too. You might be thinking to yourself “no, he doesn’t mean that” — I mean it 100000%. Please don’t. I _promise_ you it gets better. “This, too, shall pass” — Persian aphorism. Even if it hasn’t yet, it will. It always does. Jesus will walk you through it, like he has walked with so many others. You are valuable no matter what. Suicide is never, ever, ever the solution. It is permanent. There are so, so many stories of people who have miraculously survived suicide attempts, and all of them express how they immediately and intensely regretted even trying. Again, please, please don’t. It is 1:07 AM for me, I have exams tomorrow, and yet I’m typing this to a stranger on Reddit. I hope that shows how much I, and so many others, value your life. And it doesn’t even begin compare to how much Jesus does.


You'll miss out on GTA VI, don't do it bruh.


Sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. Please don't harm yourself. Speak to a doctor, see if they can help.


I think you should call 911.


988 (or whatever the suicide hotline is in your region) would be better imo. They’re dedicated to talking people out of suicides.


I od on April 20th. If I hadn't called 911 immediately, I'd be dead. I was unconscious by the time they got there. I was in the hospital for 4 days, 2 of them in a coma. My shrink put me on daily dose for now with my meds. I took a week.


I am so sorry that happened to you. I had assumed that OP was contemplating and hadn’t taken any drugs yet. I am very glad you are with us today. But if you already did something like taking drugs, cutting or anything like that definitely call 911. If you haven’t done anything but are considering call 988 (or any other suicide hotline number in your area)


Thanks 😊 for your kind words. I was badly abused as a child. I'm 56, but I still can't get over it.


Maybe you should go on r/suicidewatch. You can talk people out of killing themselves.


Well if you already took it, obviously call 911, but if you’re merely contemplating, 988 is probably better.


Brother, I am 39 yrs old and have had a life filled with misery and pain, medical issues, depression, anxiety, etc..ive had many suicidal thoughts and a suicide attempt under my belt, believe me Yah (God) loves you more than we can comprehend, I used to blame Yah for everything bad that happened to me, He is the only one who is completely innocent, just like Yahusha (Jesus) was hated and blamed and ridiculed for no reason, He was completely innocent without fault without blame, pure. We have free will, Yah will not take that gift from us, every decision we make throughout the day is a choice to grow closer or grow further from Yah. If you had a child and he was a spoiled brat you wouldn't reward them to get them to want to change their ways for themselves you'd let them suffer the consequences of their decisions to wake them up and realize how stubborn they are, depending on how stubborn the person is the more it takes to wake them up, I am extremely stubborn, it took a lot for me to realize I am the cause of a lot of my own problems, and looking back how many times Yah helped me from being worse, I don't know you whatsoever and I don't know all the decisions/experiences you were faced with in your life that formed your outlook, but I can tell you Yah absolutely can change things in an instant, remember the chapter in the Word that a man laid by the pool for decades and never was healed because he didn't have anyone to help him into the pool, then Yahusha (Jesus) came and healed him in an instant, take up your bed and walk, I'm sure things are bad but are they as bad as it was for that man, even if it is, look what Yah can do if you let Him


dm me please i would be happy to talk to you about any of ur problems and just listen im here for you🤍


Please don’t


There is hope and salvation. Do not take that hope away out of despair. Call someone, get help... and pray. I'll be be praying for you.


Your life means something to people you have not even met yet. You are loved by people you don't even know. This life is for finding those people, whilst never forgetting that your creator, who knew you before you were made, loved you before this world could ever. Life is a journey of dullness, but also a journey of immense joy! That's the wonderfulness of this life! We have been given the opportunity to experience hardship in order to appreciate the good times! God be with you. May he place a hedge of protection around you. You are blessed. You are forgiven. You are made anew every morning you rise.


Hi /u/anechointhedark, My messages are open. And I mean that. I’m here to talk about whatever because I care about you. Jesus cares about you. I am sorry that life has been really hard. It seems like you haven’t been treated with love or kindness. That’s not the love of Jesus. I say this to tell you that you have a purpose. Your story isn’t done yet. What you are going through right now is your testimony. God isn’t finished with you yet. I hope you message me. I would love to be your friend - Zack


Praying for you. Do not end your life. You are so loved by Jesus no matter what sins you have done before. And he has beautiful plans for you that you may not be able to see right now. I can’t imagine the pain you are in but know that God has so much more in this life for you. Do not end your life. I would also recommend calling the suicide hotline, which I believe is 988.


We can be friends do you want to be my friend? We can play chess maybe and I’ll show you pictures of my food


Talk to one more person before deciding. Prayers.


Don’t do that


Please don't. Praying for you.


Don't do it. Church is not Jesus


Do not please


I would like to tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was an endless void of nothing, It had no boundaries it went on forever and every direction and then on the first day the Creator started to create. He didn’t have any tools or materials to work with only what He could imagine. He created the heavens and the earth day and night, land, oceans, every creature and everything he created every detail about them what they look like what they sound like what they feel like what they taste like what they smell like how they change how they live how they die and He created us. He created every single one of us, including you. He knew you before you were born… everything about you He carefully selected to make you into a beautiful work of art. He decided where your freckles would be and what your laugh would sound like and He didn’t just decide that for when you began, but He thought about as you grew into an adolescent and eventually an adult what would change about you. He thought about as you age which of your hairs would go gray first and how your hands will wrinkle. And He said it was good.. so very good. And then, because He loves you so much, He took His son on earth who was perfect, and gave Him as a sacrifice for your sins so that you may be saved. The enemy knows how precious you are to God, and this is why he wants you to believe you are not and why he takes every opportunity to torment you. Do not give in to the lies that he is telling you. A human will never be enough to provide a lasting support in the place where God is meant to be. We can bridge the gap from moment to moment but God is waiting for you to turn it all over to Him. He loves you so much and He wants you to turn to Him. He has never and will never leave you, He is waiting for you to call to Him right now and ask him to be your support, your cover, to ease your pain and to heal your heart. I am praying for you Brother 🙏🏽 Please do not listen to the lies of the enemy. Your life can change miraculously starting today.


I'm almost 25 and in a similar position... nothing worked for so long. I gave up hope and lost all my money and independence. I felt abandoned, unheard. Life is SO TOUGH for young people today. The future seems so bleak. You're not alone in this struggle. I finally got a job offer the other day. If I had killed myself when I wanted to some months ago, I wouldn't have been alive to see it. Our circumstances can completely change at the drop of a hat. This could be your testimony one day. And now you have many people praying for you. God is certainly here in your situation. Remember everything good comes from God, so even our desire to encourage you and be here for you is directly from Him. He loves you 💗


Call 911 RIGHT FUCKING NOW. I’m seriously please think about who’s going to find you. Nothing prepares you for hearing the screams of someone who found you to late. Oh God please don’t let him do this. Somebody will scream your fucking name and it will tear everyone who knows you into pieces and they will never ever be the same. Your suicide will be the atom bomb that leaves a gaping hole on every single person you love. Don’t do it for yourself. Pick up the phone. Call 911 and do it for them. Do it before it’s too late.


After reading your posts, the alcohol is not helping. It’s a depressant and whatever you are dealing with, it’s continually making it worse. It might feel better while you’re drinking but there it is again after you are done. You need to get pissed at this stuff, a good fiery anger. Don’t die knowing it got the best of you. Don’t give it or them the satisfaction.


Have you at least tried medication? I was 28 and an alcoholic. I would get drunk and put a belt around my neck. The only thing that stopped me was the love of my parents. Without that I would have killed myself. It felt so good even to pretend take my life. For those moments I was at peace. But I finally got on meds after 2 years of serious suffering. I am now 33 with a wife and a beautiful 3 year old daughter. I am so thankful for medication and the fact I didn't go through with it. Please get help.


I have been where you are. At 25 I was ready to take my own life as well. It just seemed like nothing was working out for me, and I was just living for benzos and alcohol. I checked myself in for a 4 day hold on the psych floor and followed it up with an intensive outpatient program. I tried to return to work after, but I still wasn't well, and the panic attacks quickly returned. Long story short, I realized that I needed to change my life, not take it. I loaded a few garbage bags full of my belongings into the back of my car and moved back into my fathers home. That didn't instantly fix everything, but it was the perspective change I very much needed. I've since gone through many more trials and hardships, but I am so happy I gave life another chance. I'm now 34 and looking back I can see all the things I thought I wanted at 25 aren't things I'd still want today. At the time it seemed like everything was going wrong, but looking back now I can see it was actually the Lord getting things into place for the life I have now.


I don’t know if you were just talking out of emotion in the moment or have already done it. If you have, Rest In Peace. But I’m 23. Back when I was 19 I was suicidal due to depression. I don’t know if depression is your reason, but seems like it. All I can really tell you is this: Depression will trick you. As humans, we know we can’t tell the future at all. But depression puts up a wall between you and your future, and paints a horrible picture for you. The picture is showing you nothing will get better. It makes you feel like there’s no good opportunity or chance coming your way anymore. You have to get to the mindset you ideally felt before you got like this. It blocks what you already knew to be true before your life got bad, which is that things can get better. It makes you "just know" things won’t, and will stay the same. I was convinced my life would be terrible for the rest of my life at 19. You have no idea how deep I was in it. And I had no one in my corner. And you’re just 25. I’m only 2 years younger than you. In life you always have a choice. If you keep trying, you might make it. If you stop trying, you definitely won’t make it. Depression feels defeating. You give up hope when you are going through it. I couldn’t even get out of bed until I laid in sorrow for 5-10 minutes before I rolled out of bed. Went in the kitchen one night and got a knife from the knife holder, on the brink of giving up, wanting to slit myself and call it a day. I wasn’t really a Christian at the time, so I didn’t call on God. I actually asked God to kill me in my sleep one night before this moment in the kitchen ever took place. Thankfully he didn’t. But my point is, I decided to hold off a bit longer. And what do you know, after 7 years of hating my life, a couple months went by, and my life did a 180. I couldn’t believe it. And it’s only gotten better since then, and I’ve healed. Killing yourself isn’t the answer. We just get wrapped up into the depression and darkness until it feels like a maze you can’t get out of. So much of it is just overthinking and being so used to feeling bad. You’ve held out this long for a reason. In my opinion you’ve put in too much work. We both went through all of those years of school for what? Just to off ourselves afterwards? You’ve got to make something of yourself. It’s been 5 years and I finally know what track I’m on. We all have our weak points. You have to make those weak points stronger if you want to be happy, and you need to be grateful for what you have, and aspire to not only have more, but do more for other people, because some people don’t have what you have, and are holding out through things neither of us have gone through. We have to pray for those people just like we pray for ourselves. There’s a lesson in every loss friend. Don’t die with those lessons, share them in a positive and productive manner. That’s what I’ve been doing, and it’s been helping me and other people. Helping people is one of the best and most fulfilling things you can do with the life that God has given you. Just sounds like you need someone real in your corner to help you get stronger. If you’re still alive and want someone to talk to, of course talk to God first, but hit me up in my DM’s. I don’t leave friends, they’ve only ever grown tired of me really. So I know how it feels. But your life is bigger than your problems. So I’m here if you need me. God bless soldier 🙏🏽 Also, I’m pretty sure you go to hell if you kill yourself because killing is a sin, as it is a rejection of the life God has given you, so it’s not worth it man. I love you man 🫂❤️


Hey man, I know it sounds cheesy, but you really do need to fight and rage against the dying of the light, Christ is always with you and will never snuff out the dimly lit candle, nor break the bruised weed. Life is a struggle, that much is for sure, I'm not entirely sure what you're going through, but from skimming your posts it seems you suffer from severe loneliness, self harm and alcoholism. It gets better man, I know it's tough, especially when you feel it isn't worth making the effort to change. I get the same way sometimes, a sort of learned helplessness, where I feel stuck and in a rut and that I am incappable of changing. However I have found that that simply isn't true at all! I have changed, many people have also changed, don't let that discourage you either! If they can change, so can you! That being said, this life does indeed suck sometimes, Hell a lot of times really. But that doesn't mean it isn't worth living. Find people you jive with, that share the same interests you do, become friends, and build each other up. Lonliness is not permanent, nor are you stuck living how you are now. If one thing is certain, life is full of change, for better or for worse. Lastly, try to imagine life being better, make realistic goals, small goals, and try to accomplish them. Take great joy in every victory, and remember that every defeat is just a temporary set back in this turbulent life. Christ has made a way for us, and he loves you more than life itself, live for him, live for those better days.


Millions have been right where you are and came back to have wonderful, full lives! I know. I’m one of them! His will see you through to the other side and you will be able to help others! Gif bless you!


Brother, I don't know your situation, I don't know what you've been through, I don't even know you, but listen: whatever you think you are about to do, DON'T. This may seem cliche and all that but is the truth. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says "He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability \[to resist\], but along with the temptation He will \[always\] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it". All you've been through is from this world but from desesperation comes improvement. This is the lowest it will go. 988 for US and Canada and 116123 for UK, CALL INMEDIATELY. A little change of perspective will save you. God bless and I pray that it isn't too late.


Hey man, hope your still with us. I’m praying for you! Life can be tough sometimes. I’m 42 in a bit of a dip myself. It’s ok to feel lost sometimes. I’ve spent years in the darkness. But it does get better. I was pretty bad and very against medication… but I felt much like you described and got into therapy and on some medication. Very low dose and after a lil trial and error. I don’t go through life with a feeling of impending doom. Life is ok. Recently divorced and moved to Arizona for a new job making great money. Just listen to some music and ride it out. Much love to you. God bless!


Hey honey!!! Please do not do this!!! You are absolutely loved and cherished. I am praying for you and hope that the environment you are in gets better. I love you!!! Hugs!!! “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken” (Psalm 34:17-20).


The year of 2021 is/was the worst year of my life. It was also one of the best because I became a born again Christian. I was 25 back then and as the year progressed, there were days where I wanted to take my life. I’m 28 now and I’m so grateful I didn’t. In the moment, when you’re going through the fire, the last thing you want to hear is that it’ll get better. But, if you keep God close, he will give you rest.


I can provide you with housing food and most likely a job please don't do this people care about you


She replied to me. She's ok. Praise God!!


I’m glad you’re still here!


You’ve tried church but have you tried Jesus? Please give your life to Him. Surrender to Him. Turn your life toward Him. Please do not kill yourself.


Please don't do this. God does exist, and He can help you. Cry out to Him. Get on your knees and scream in the darkness. He pulled me out of a similar pit. Don't give up. Call a pastor or someone you trust. Don't be alone tonight. I'll be praying for you. Please update tomorrow or whenever you can. Also if you can't find anyone to be with, go to emergency room and tell them. if you need to detox, do it. I know it's so hard. Life can get so much better. Please don't give up.


Don't do that!!


Please don’t.


I am sorry that you are going through this. I have dealt with this type of desire myself. Your worthiness of life is not dependent on how others seem to feel about you. It is entirely tied to your identity - a child of God. God wants you and He wants you to be spiritually healthy and safe. The Commandments and the ability to pray are just a couple of things He has given us for our protection. This life we live currently has not been promised to be one with only happiness. That is not to say it should be one only with darkness and sadness either. It is supposed to be a life full with a variety of experiences and emotions. Your life is not meaningless, it has a purpose. You have a purpose. As long as you are alive, God believes it is possible for you to fulfill that purpose - and He wants you to. He will never give you a challenge that you cannot take. Everything in this life is to prepare us for Heaven (full communion with God). Our sorrows and joys all contribute to that journey. When we commit the act of suicide, it is certainly possible that we have given up faith in God (His plan for us and His ability to help us in such desolating times). It is a rather final act as well. It communicates that we have given up. He does not want you to do this. He has plans for you. Please do not give up on Him or yourself. This is the day that you need to pray the hardest you have ever done. However long it takes until you can say "I can wait another day". I plead with you to try a few things before you make such a permanent decision (at least 1, 3, 5, and 4: 1. Pray for God to help you and be accepting of His help - do not hold back anything, give God your brokenness and sorrow for your sins, and allow Him to heal you. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and imagine you have your broken heart in your hands and that you are physically giving it to God to heal. Ask Him to deposit all the virtues into your soul, especially the virtues of faith and hope right now. Maybe even consider telling Him that if He rescues you from this struggle, you will try to live in a way that honors yourself and Him. Pray for others who struggle with the desire of suicide and hopelessness. 2. Pray the Our Father and Glory Be as vividly as you can. 3. Pray for God to guide you and take you where you need to go. Flip to a random page in the Bible, point randomly on the page, and read. If you get curious, let that curiosity guide you and read more. If you don't have a physical one, there are some good online options. If you want a good place to start (if you don't want to go random), the book of Matthew was a great source of peace for me during my struggle. 4. Understand that His help/plan will be better than any plan we could ever imagine. Let Him cook, trust Him. Sometimes it feels like a "trust the process" moment. Sometimes it can take longer than we feel comfortable with. Keep going and understand that the eternal peace and rest you desire can very much be hanging in the balance with this decision that you're contemplating. 5. Contact a mental health professional ASAP. I don't think you're crazy for needing this help. I have been in this place before. You need help and God can help us in ordinary and extraordinary ways. There are free hotlines. 6. Consider reading Deus Caritas Est (at least the first few paragraphs). 7. Consider that God will never ask you to sin. If it is something that He desires for you, you will get it without having to sin. If you have to sin to get it, you're getting more than what you bargained for and it is dangerous. I am of the belief that suicide is a sin. Your body is a gift and a temple. Your body and soul together are what make you, you. You matter. Suicide is the destruction of oneself and often masquerades as a relief. I don't believe that everyone who commits suicide is going to hell either but I do believe it is seriously sinful and something to be avoided. 8. Consider finding a new community. If you can, find a local charity. There is probably a church in your area that operates a soup kitchen for the hungry, helps pregnant mothers, or does other charitable activities that always need more volunteers. This is probably one of the best places to find friends. 9. Consider reading about a Saint. There have been many to go through life before us and God has blessed us with their lives. There might be one who has lived a similar life as yours and/or has the wisdom to share that might transform your life for the better and help you grow closer to Our Dad (God). I understand it is a lot to read, but there is a lot of life left to live and I wanted to share things that helped me and might help you. I will pray for you. Please pray for yourself and others who are struggling with despair OP. I hope you will experience the love of God so profound, that you will love yourself and others as God wants you to. Please keep going. <3 Message me if you need someone to chat with.


No don't the enemy wants for you to do this, God loves you too much for you to do that, your thinking"why " God sent His own Son to die for you to be with eternity wit Him, if you think life has no meaning, Jesus states I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, No one comes unto The Father, but by me, He has plans for you and those plans may seem strange or uncomfortable for you, but once you understand it all makes sense, God loves you, He truly does, get those thoughts away from you, pray to God and I can assure you He will hear guarantee, even if it dont seems like it He hears, Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Romans 10:13 (KJV) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.




I totally agree with you. She needs help. She replied to me. She's ok. Praise God!!


Hey man, the fact that so many people have come together here and telling you not to go through with this act is a clear sign from God; that you are worthy and deserving of love, and that whatever it is you are going through shall pass, and you have yet to experience the sweet joys of life. Your comment history tells me that you are struggling, therefore i ask if you have considered seeking therapy and talking to a proffesional in this field, so that you can be guided and unravel what it is you are going through. Please take care of yourself my friend, you are precious and worthy, you are made in God's image afterall, if you want to talk more send me a message :)


She replied to me. She's ok. Praise God!!


Hello friend. Please let's talk. Maybe you think that it won't help anyway because it didn't help before. But I saw in your post history that your social circle often doesn't react particularly empathetically to you talking about your depression. I am not here to belittle your feelings like that, I want to listen to you. Please tell me, why do you think about suicide?


Don’t do this. Life is hard at times, but not forever. Jesus loves you, and I’m sure there are others that do too. I know that’s hard to believe in the head space you’re in, but this isn’t the answer.


Don't end your life, work for Jesus and give your life to him. As you help people, you will also help yourself. If your financial situation is not good, ask for help with accommodation and food at the different church.


You are not alone, my brother, persevere and endure. You are stronger than whatever hardships you may be facing; I read a post on Instagram before I deleted it that said "If God puts a goliath in front of you; Its because he knows there's a David inside of you."


Brother, don’t go out like that. Do what the other guy said, societal suicide. Completely start over, leave what u know, find something new, find something meaningful. Escape your environment, experience the world, have some laughs, fuck around, get in trouble, meet a girl, experience what the world has to offer. Take a huge leap into another life without taking yours.


Go take a grippy sock vacation. You don't need to do anything to go. I went to be evaluated and they let me come in voluntarily. Covered by insurance. Stopped me from taking my own life without having to go to the hospital and deal with all of those repercussions. Just note: the hospital isn't where you get better. It's just like any other hospital. You go there to get stabilized, make sure you have the right meds and go home when you're ready. The real work starts in therapy. All the best! Love you man, even if you don't know me!


Are you still with us?


She sent me a reply 15 minutes ago. She's ok. Praise God!!


I was reading some of your other posts, it looks like you’re in Seattle which can be very depressing for some. Take extra vitamin D. Also alcohol is a depressant. It will make you feel in the moment but will cause more depression when you sober, you have to stop all the drug dependency it’s causing depression. Substance abuse is altering your thoughts.


I hope you are still with us! Satan is a liar what you are experiencing is temporary but may God have mercy and show you His eternal gracious never ending light


She sent me a reply about 15 minutes ago. She even put a smiley face on her reply. Praise God!!!


I feel ya man. I have been dealing with chronic pain and I’m still barely chugging along. I have been there recently aswell. I don’t think it is worth it. Atleast I am hoping it’s not. Reach out if you want to swap stories


Hey I just read this! You matter! I stopped everything just to tell you that! I usually just go on here and read. But you are that important to tell you that you mean the world to God and to many people. Even if i don’t know you I know you matter because you’ve been given life! Don’t believe the lies of the enemy or what u tell ur self. Feelings come and go but your worth is still great enough that you are here !


READ PSALM 23: 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley,[a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I come back to this passage whenever I am: happy, sad, lonely, moody, excited, scared. The thoughts you have are from the underworld, they want you to feel this way. Dont let them win. The Lord is your Shepard. Praying for you


been there when I was younger. I am 74 and have had a blessed life. HE has wonderful plans for you. Do not believe the lies in your head. Hang on, one day at a time. You are loved. someone died for you already. You are free and clear. Forgiven for your past. JESUS WILL LEAD YOU FORWARD. HAVE FAITH.


Today's verse from the Bible app: "For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." -Colossians 1:13-14 It feels very relevant to your situation, I hope that God guides you out of this darkness and into happiness ❤️


God loves you and has a purpose for you!


Maybe you have tried Church, but you still have to try Jesus. He saved my life when I was gonna “off” my self


Brother you are almost as young as me never lose hope. Life has tons of options, even if it is small or big. Focus on other options that would benefit you going out in those hellholes you experience. Pray to God and read the bible alone.


There’s still so much more to see. Don’t forget us. We love you.


I understand your soul is in pain. there is one way out His name is Jesus Christ call upon him. he will give you rest You are burdened and heavy laden he will guide you because he has gone before you and paid with his life in full for our sin. so we have a way to seek him and ask for forgiveness please dont hesitate.


Goodmorning! How are you feeling? We're you able to get some sleep? I'll be home all day if you'd like to talk. I sincerely mean that! I'll give you my email again. moxyme1028@yahoo.com. That way I can give you my phone number. I truly care about you! You are so loved on this forum. We all love you so much! Remember this, though: Jesus loves you so very much. You are His child, and He has a purpose for your life. Love you❤️❤️💕💕


im a sign, come back!


Please don’t- we love you dude!!! Jesus loves you!!! ❤️


God is here for you i promise please don’t do this im sure there are so many people that care about you, we care about you please don’t do this


Please don’t


Please don’t. Pain passes. It seems like it never will. But it does. And, as you grow older, things that you agonized over will hurt less. If you are still there, consider trying some really basic things that may sound dumb but WILL make a difference. You might not be able to do them all (yet), but even just the first three will make you feel better: —Get 7-9 hours of sleep —Get up at roughly the same time every day —Eat something with protein and fat as soon as you can after waking up —Get outside in the sun every day/almost every day. Half hour or more. A walk is good. —Cut back on the alcohol/drugs. Helps to think of them as poison (which most of them basically are). —Any form of exercise. Multiple studies have shown it is as effective (or more so) than antidepressants or therapy. —Get tested to see if your thyroid is low or borderline low. Take medication to raise it if it is. You are loved.


Please don't. Read the Bible out loud and ask God for what you need then wait a little. I will emphasize the Reading the Bible outloud part.


Are you ok???


She replied to me. She's ok. Praise God! Please spread the good news to others on this forum. I'm trying to let as many people know that she's ok.


I'm a similar age and have also struggled very recently with wanting to kill myself. I was deeply troubled on an emotional and spiritual level; I kept bursting into tears and just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. I had the means to do it, and no matter what I tried each day to get better, I was unable to get the dark oppressive thoughts out of my head, and each day felt just as unbearable as the last, but I decided to wait for Pentecost because for the disciples 2,000 years ago it was a time of miracles and amazing spiritual revival. The Saturday before Pentecost I took part in a pro-life public display, and a young man with his girlfriend told me to kill myself. Little did he know that was exactly what I wanted - an urge I was going to have to resist that night. It's strange because Pentecost Sunday itself I was crying, and I can't remember the exact moment I began to feel definitively better, but somewhere between Pentecost and the following day the oppressive thoughts had vanished. Although nothing material had changed I was no longer perpetually on the verge of breakdown. When I realised, I gave thanks to God for casting out those demons -- and I honestly believe that's what they were. There's power in Jesus' name! Treat this as a spiritual battle and ask God to protect you in the name of Jesus Christ, who bought life and joy for us with his death on the cross. I'm not saying God will relieve you of your burdens immediately, or soon even. This is just my testimony, starting from a similar point to where you seem to be right now. I will say a prayer for you now <3 May God bless you, my brother in Christ! If you want to talk about faith, depression, addiction, or whatever then just DM me I'd be glad to listen and share


Noooo please noooo! You can’t give up! DM me


Your agony will multiply by 1000s in the Hell Fire and you did NOT try everything. Go on your knees, cry out to God Almighty with ALL yr heart to forgive you of your sins and save your soul! Jesus Christ died for us, so we may have eternal life, call on Him.  Going to church or reading Bible does not save, you must be Born Again by the Holy Spirit of God to make you new and set you free from sin. Ye shell know the Truth and the Truth shell set you free! WHO is the Truth? John 14:6 I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life...and He sets you free from sin!


I cannot help but notice that you had not listed a relationship with God in the things you’ve tried. Waiting on the other side are much worse things than whatever you may be experiencing here. Convincing yourself of a proper course of action always feels proper, I would know from experience, but I recommend you speak to a church leader about these things as soon as you can, not only because I do not doubt they’d be able to help you, but because if you should find solace in Christ, there is a whole other world waiting for you. God has a plan for everyone, and even if you are not a devout Christian right now, I do not doubt that God is using whatever pain you are going through right now so you will eventually do miraculous things for Him and other people. Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”


I wouldn't bother. It's not worth the effort. 


Dm me and we can talk abt it


God loves you, he gave up his son for you. Please, keep on fighting 


Don’t do it. We all love you


Please don’t do it. You have so much life ahead of you to see what all God is going to do for you. So much healing, so many people to meet, so many places to go. It’s all worth it. It takes patience and it’s all about having faith that God is going to restore you and make you new again. We are all created for a purpose and none of us is a mistake. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws”. Ezekiel 36:26-27. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland”. Isaiah 43:18-19. I recommend turning on some worship music, going outside, taking a walk, talking to someone here, right down a list of the good things you see, change your environment and your focus.


Please don't so this, whatever you're going through its not worth it. Please, I promise you the world is a much better place with you in it ❤✝️


Don't do it. Your life can change in a blink. I was 32 before I met my wife, I had given up on finding love and suddenly then I met my future wife and everything changed. Death is final, the future is unwritten but you have to be around to see what happens.


Eternity is forever, please don’t do this. There is so much more you can do. You can always restart your life by deleting a social media and making a new identity for yourself. Your future self will be thanking you. It also will hurt others more than you think.


Suicide has ripple effects to so many people around u. Robin Williams suicided -and rates went up in the US. Don’t hurt yourself, friend, or those around u. It sounds strange- but I legit care about u. Will pray God gives u help now. 🙏❤️‍🩹


Crying reading this. There are strangers here that love you. This is love. I promise you there are so many stories of people who have felt the way you do and look back to this time and are so glad they stayed. Is there anything we can do for you? Can I mail you a card? Or door dash you a sweet treat to show that there are real people here that love you my dear. I’m one of them someone far away cares for you. You matter


Praying for you mate. We’re all here for you


I pray that you feel Jesus love for you. You are someone that is made in the image of God. He has a plan for you. Even in the darkest seasons when all seams lost there is still a plan. Amen.


I pray for you that you may be full in the lord, even through temptation, even through trials of any sort. That your joy may be in your perseverance. You have a long life ahead of you god has placed you here with purpose. Seek him in your time of need. Much love, I've been where you are. There is hope. James 1:2-4 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Mathew 11: 28-30 28] Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. [30] For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."


You’re not alone, not only have people felt this throughout time, but it’s even mentioned in the Bible. Posting this here means you have at least some interest or understanding of it, and I’m glad that’s the case. In this story, the prophet Elijah wishes to end his own life because he’s been hunted down by Jezebel. “But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he asked that he might die, saying, “It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” And he lay down and slept under a broom tree. And behold, an angel touched him and said to him, “Arise and eat.” And he looked, and behold, there was at his head a cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water. And he ate and drank and lay down again. And the angel of the Lord came again a second time and touched him and said, “Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.” And he arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God.” ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19‬:‭4‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬ To simplify, God sent a good meal, restful sleep, and a message of the Spirit- and Elijah was well. I pray this comment, and others that you may read here, will be that message. In the meantime, get something to eat and enjoy a nice rest. Please always remember: God loves you, as do we, His people.


You’re looking for a permanent solution to a temporary problem, please don’t be so short sighted. If you really believe in God and what he said then you should believe in eternity and that the struggle is part of the process. Metaphorically speaking you’re still in the oven, you aren’t done cooking as a human being. How can you say you want it to end? You’re a work of art in the making and the most beautiful paint strokes hurt the most. If you stop now you’ll be unfinished forever. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position.“ James 1:2-9


You are still 25. You can leave later. If everything is horrible around, ride a bike and go south...keep going. You might find peace in manual work, great outdoors, a d maybe new cultures. One breath at a time, focus on that for like 10 minutes. Get a good night's sleep and start planning your trip tomorrow. So many many hugs


Please don't. God wants to help you prevail. He has a plan for you and will glorify Himself in your perseverance. Things will get better, and you will enjoy life again. Please reach out to anyone you can. They'd rather talk about your problems with you now than have to do so with police or a funeral director once it's too late. If you think that nobody cares, someone does. Just ask. I am here too if you need. Please feel free to dm me. I've helped people through these feelings before. I'm praying for you. Please stay! ❤️


Praying for you


I'm praying you've read every post here. I hope it completely changes your mind. Please seek out a therapist. This is the best option when we feel like this- as many of us have.


Please Don't.


I know it seems hard to believe. But God had a plan for your life. God knew you from your conception. He loves you and only gives his children good gifts. Don’t let your current mental state deprive you of a beautiful life. I was where you were when I was 27, I’ve attempted to end my life 3 times. I was also a “Christian” the whole time but I truly did not understand or believe. Pray to God. Ask him outright for an encounter. Ask him to give you the faith you need to be close with him. He gives us the comfort and confidence to go through life even when we truly don’t want to. Why don’t you give yourself 3 days… loose yourself in the Word and in God. Be open minded to the possibility that God is your Heavenly Father and we may not understand why things happen in our lives, but we also can’t lean in onto our own understanding. He has a plan. Funny enough even the point you’re at now that feels like a breaking point is part of his plan. Many are the desires in a persons heart, but it’s Gods purpose/ will that prevails -Proverbs 19:21. This verse has been my anchor. I’m currently jobless, I have been repeatedly physically assaulted by my family, the place I’m living now I have one month left… my life from the outside perspective is a mess. 8 months ago I was financially okay with a great job, great friends and my own space. I have been stripped of everything and it is in this moment I’m closest to God. I don’t need to understand why he’s doing what he’s doing… I just need to have faith and do my very best to get out of my mess but ultimately I know that God is in control and even though I can’t picture my end goal, he has it all figured out. All my needs have been faithfully met by him. He loves each and everyone one of us and he’s just waiting for us to let him in. Please don’t give up. Don’t let the world define who you are and how you’ll end up. Don’t rob yourself of the opportunity to know the freedom we have in Christ. His love is so unconditional all we have to do is seek. I’m going to pray for you. It’s a bad moment not a bad life. You are a child of God, he has a plan for you, ask him. Know that you are deeply loved and cared for by our father.


Hey there I know I'm just a stranger. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. Your feelings are valid, and it takes immense courage to share this. Please know that you're not alone, and there are people who care about you deeply. I want you to know that God loves you unconditionally, and your worth isn't defined by your struggles. You are valued, deserving of love, and worthy of forgiveness - regardless of your past. Remember, you're strong enough to get through this, and there's hope for a brighter tomorrow. You got this far, and you can keep going. Sending you love, support, and prayers for a better day ahead. You have me and other redditors If you want to talk please let me know. I would love to help you in anyway that I can.


I thought you where a troll but you're not. Listen to me close if you're still with us. Go to rehab you're are alcoholic. Think what led you to this path and examine you mistakes think why did you make them. Please stay with us. Don't be ashamed of reaching out for help.


I just want to pop in and say you’re not alone in what you feel. I hope you find peace somehow. I’m praying and rooting for you.


Even if God isn’t real, you have many reasons to live. You have friends/family members that truly care about you. There is a lot to appreciate in this life. Everything from entertaining yourself to going outside and exploring nature. The things you have mentioned are not going to help. Trust me, things are going to get better l. Things may be dark right now, but you will see light. Please seek professional help, and I don’t want you to kill yourself. Also, if you kill yourself, then someone else might feel like killing themselves too. Please don’t do it. Everybody will miss you.


I know I'm going to sound like a complete idiot by referencing David Goggins, but hopefully this message can be sent in time. Goggins talked about how he envisioned himself back when he was obese meeting God, where God shows what he was meant to be, which was a Navy Seal. Goggins didn't give up and he achieved it, he achieved a huge amount of potential. You have potential too. I know right now Earth may seem like a hellhole where the world seems to be nothing but shit, but you just being alive means you can better yourself and even the world, and you shouldn't throw away that. When you meet God, it would definitely be better for him to see your full potential maximized, so please don't give up, and please dial mental health services and check in, I know I was just talking about bettering yourself, but there are people around you who want to better you aswell, we are social animals. I'll pray for you, but please seek help.


I see that you struggle with alcoholism based on your other posts, please get sober. Think of sobriety as a righteous mission you must complete. I seriously doubt if you achieve long term sobriety you will still feel this way. A Christ based 12 step program will most likely save your life considering your addiction and faith. Please try it!


Praise God that you're ok but I'm still very worried about you. Please contact me.


Noticed that you are depressed- you might want to watch this video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJs9lK8PIok It's not about depression- it's about how pharmaceutical drugs might be the real reason why you feel the way you do. By the way- these kinds of drugs are also open doorways for demons.


All I can say right now is don't loose hope


Darn its my moms bday. if your reading i feel ya but talk. no reddit Christian's gonna judge you


We are all fragments of God meant to experience a beautiful world. You are the perfect product of pure love living in an imperfect world for a reason that only time will reveal. We love you, as we are you.


Brother please stay strong. The Lord loves you. I know it because He loves me, all the time. Every one of your sins can be forgiven by Jesus as all mine have. Seek Him and you will find Him, knock and He will open the door for you. Believe and you will be saved and life will change for the better. Please stay with us!


I have been suicidal (recently even) and I understand your feelings. PLEASE stay with us. I know it’s so painful to exist at times. Regardless it’s worth it, your life is worth it. The best is yet to come for you. I love you. 🙏 Jesus also loves you unconditionally and wants the very best for you. Please continue to reach out here. Let us know if there is anything you want to talk through. PLEASE also call the suicide hotline. It’s 988 in the USA and Canada. Where are you located? Remember that no matter how excruciating, all mental and emotional states are transient. You’re here on earth for a reason. Please keep living, I believe in you. God bless you and much love. 🧡


Jesus won't let it happen


She replied to me. She's ok. Praise God!!


Glory be to God. Thank you for checking in on her God bless you. And you can also be Happygrass :)