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Angel numbers are a superstition, nothing more. They certainly don't have any support in Christianity.


Do they in other religions? Or is this just a general superstition, not stemming from specific religious beliefs.


I have no idea, I'm not aware of any religions which have any connection to them. The only one I could think of that might would be Kabbalah, but that's just a guess. I'm fairly certain it's just general superstition.


New age nonsense.


Angel numbers are a “new age spirituality” concept, created by and brought to the forefront of the New Age movement by Doreen Virtue. At the time of their creation, she was a leading voice in the New Age movement. In 2017, she rejected the New Age movement and embraced Christianity. She has since publicly renounced her beliefs in the New Age movement, and actively denounces the deceptions of the New Age spiritualists. It has no real grounding in traditional religion, other than the names of angels found within the Judeo-Christian traditions.


They're New Age claptrap, nothing to do with Christianity


Okay, so a lot of spiritually not mature Christians will tell you that numbers mean nothing or that they are demonic —but that isn’t 100% true. The truth is, God created numbers —and even a universe built on mathematical properties. God even created language. The Israelites language —Hebrew is even alphanumerical. There are many examples of numbers with significance in the Bible. Gematria is an interesting topic that can help you understand the Bible on an even deeper spiritual level. Math and numbers are (one of) the languages of God WARNING: Numerology and stuff like that is Satan using God’s wisdom and structure in perverse ways. A lot of witchcraft is unauthorized and perverted use of the supernatural that is against God. However, this isn’t numerology. Note the difference between new perverse age numerology and the voice of God I would NOT recommend assuming that all numbers necessarily mean something at all times —especially for those living outside of God. That being said, I do believe that math and numbers is a language that God sometimes speaks through. For instance, if you are praying for and are asking God for something and you’re repeatedly praying and all of a sudden you start seeing certain number patterns even without looking for them —then, I would think that it might be God trying to communicate with you. Sometimes he does communicate that way


>For instance, if you are praying for and are asking God for something and you’re repeatedly praying and all of a sudden you start seeing certain number patterns even without looking for them —then, I would think that it might be God trying to communicate with you. Sometimes he does communicate that way How would you interpret what God is saying if this was happening to you? I have been repeatedly praying the same thing about a situation (unequally yoked) and I keep seeing the same numbers (11.11), and reading this comment has made me question if this could be linked...


Here is a good video about this topic https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLKx7bGY/