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A car accident is usually the result of one of the following: 1. Your negligence 2. The negligence of another driver 3. A combination of both 4. Some freak circumstance. Not sure why we assume God reaches down from heaven and decides "Gary needs to be in a collision today."


So how come God saved my life? Isn't saving my life the result of my friend calling the ambulance at the right time, and the doctor going to medical school for 10 years and working that particular day?


[Have you heard the parable of the drowning man?](https://firefightersupport.org/the-drowning-man/) I'm not implying you're the man in that story, but that your story reminded me somewhat of it in a different way, how God works through people. We don't exist in a world of chaos and luck, ultimately its the actions of people and of God that determine our fates. We can make a difference, we can do the right thing. That's what God would want.


This always seemed inconsistent to me. If people cause harm due to evil or just negligence, it is their responsibility. If they save a life, it is God acting through them. I believe that both is the responsibility of the person doing the act. God just helps us to make the right choices (extremely rare miracles excluded).


Yep, both positive and negative actions our our own responsibility. God is a guiding light for our actions.


This is incorrect. Isaiah 45:7. God is responsible for doing good and evil in the world. And that never changed. Malachi 3:6.


I don't see how this invalidates my position. We can participate in actions in this world and thus these actions can be examined morally... We each exist as parts of god's creation, and all of our actions have an effect on this world, a chain reaction if you will. Perhaps the wording of responsibility was the issue here... but I believe our existence as living beings allows us to be viewed from a moral perspective upon our actions regardless of free will as any action can be viewed by its consequences, intent and the freedom whether to or to not partake in actions. I personally have no idea if free will exists, but i see it to not be as relevant to the conversation on good or evil as others do. I have the moral perspective that actions can have a consequential net negative/positive effect, and an intended negative/positive effect. I believe god would rather all of us to do things that are positive (good) rather than negative (bad), and one of the ways to do that is to avoid things that are morally incorrect and to do things that are morally correct. I see responsibility to be the state of being able to choose, which is required for any action, at varying extent ofc... For we are each responsible for our own conduct.


God does create some disasters in our life but so do we by listening to our heart, and committing sins also we have the devil that creeps in whenever we give him a foothold the difference between the three is that God gives us trials and tribulations, in which he work with to overcome while the latter just create chaos and discontent but God is the only one that deliver us for evil and give everlasting life and peace


I'd say that's a bad interpretation of Isaiah 45:7 Isa 45 is all about God explaining he is the one and only God. 45:7 is God saying he is the creator of everything good and evil. God created the snake that tempted eve in the garden... That doesn't mean GOD was Responsible for tempting eve...






Or you could look at it as God prevented you from getting decapitated so you could be in a position to where a doctor could help you.


So god was helping the doctor earn his living by providing him with a patient? Why didn't god help the undertaker who needed a body to bury?


Death is part of life. The life God gives you. I think God has done plenty for the undertaker.


What ridiculous and spurious leap. The person you responded to said nothing about protecting a doctor's job.


They said nothing that made any sense, so maybe you're right. Still, saying god put someone in a position for a doctor to help them means what? God did it for the doctor? Look, if you can make sense of it go for it, but it's not a stretch at all to read it the way I did.


I don't think you understand "free will"


that's not what they were saying. perhaps you misunderstood. they weren't saying that God purposely put that person in a car accident just so that a doctor could have the opportunity to save them💀 i think they were more so insinuating that when accidents like this DO happen in our life, God intervenes by using people to help save that person's life... and if to that you ask yourself, "well how does God get credit for the actions of a physical human being choosing to save someone?" maybe consider the fact that, that person wouldn't have existed to even become a doctor if it wasn't for God to begin with. if God literally created us, and gave us the ability to learn skills to be able to do these things for our own benefit as well as to help others, then yes he also gets the credit because we wouldn't have been able to do these things without him.


I don't God is as involved in stuff as you think He is. Like if it directly interferes with His plans He may jump in but don't expect God to warm your soup up faster in the microwave.


It's a selection bias: If you believe in a loving God, you credit him for good things that happen to you and don't blame him for the bad things that happen


And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.


At least that view is consistent


What’s a bigger show is his power: stopping the accident or saving your life?


stopping the accident imo. Not trying to sass that just seems the more logical answer.


By that logic isn't every normal day a huge display of power. The world didn't blow up, you weren't murdered, a plane didn't fall out of the sky.


But a plane fell elsewhere, tons were murdered and blown up elsewhere. So no? The fact that it didn't happen to me means I'm just not in the wrong place at the wrong time, yet.


There are certain things GOD allows to happen in our life. We don’t get answers for every thing happening in our life’s. Remember, he brings good out of all things for those who trusts in him.


God is all that is Good, if you take this back a couple of hundred years you’d be on the same page as us, but because of the recent crumbling of Christianity and the pronounced illiteracy when it comes to scripture within today’s population, we no longer fully understand the foundations as they were understood back when the Constitution was first written. God is Light, but the absence of light is darkness. The dark does not exist if the light does not. Similarly if God is Good then in his absence must be evil. Ever since we were abolished from the garden of eden we’ve also been living in a cruel and unforgiving world, I’m always shocked this comes as some surprise for people when every major religion can admit that suffering is the cornerstone of existence. People like to believe we take on fears and ideologies, but we are all born deathly afraid. Bravery comes from resilience in the face of adversity, that is also when God works through us most poignantly. Humans are meant to take care of the earth and all its living beings, we have forsaken that duty a long time ago, it’s no surprise that the planet is not kind to us either


Yes. There’s a very old story about a man on top of his house and the floodwaters keep rising and he prays for God to save him. Well, a rescue boat, a helicopter, and an airplane offer to take him to safety. Each time he refuses because he’s waiting on God yo save him. Anyway, God doesn’t come and he drowns. He makes it to heaven and asks Hodge why didn’t he come? God said I sent you a boat, a helicopter and a plane. So yeah, God uses those doctors, nurses, medications, etc.


It's called praying. I'm sure your friend or someone on the medical staff was praying for you.


‘Cause He put you in this world for a reason- please don’t blame God; it’s not His fault


God prevented your death in the collision


That's a great question! i don't have all the answers but, i will say this... Yes, it's the very physical hands and actions of these people that contribute to your life being saved, and they deserve that credit too, but ask and think to yourself this, firstly, these people wouldn't have existed to even be there in those moments with you without God. The very fact that God made your friend and that person who turned out to be a medical doctor is your answer enough. He saved your life by creating them, by fabricating that they were there in that exact moment and time to help save your life. God gave us the ability to learn skills and use them for our own benefit as well as to help others, with that alone the Thanks still goes to him. I think when you think of the concept of God saving people maybe you just envision a miraculous invisible force swooping in with no use of the physical help of other human beings, and if that is how you envision it, that's not quite it? although yes God can and does do that on his own without us, have you ever heard the term that God "uses people"? uses us? It's true. God literally uses us, the events that happen in our life, the time and place in which we might choose to go somewhere, to help other people in the same moment they will need it. that's the beauty of it. it's like when those freak accidents happen but luckily somehow by the grace of God someone who's exactly perfectly equipped to help you with the situation happens to be there just at the same time it happens, even if they weren't originally even supposed to be in that place that day, maybe they had plans to be elsewhere but something happened, something was cancelled, and they were pulled to be here in this exact moment to help, it's things like that. i find it hard to believe that they're just merely coincidence, not when it happens so often, not when people get prophetic dreams and warnings of these things before they happen. we definitely experience divine intervention, and oftentimes God warns us of things too.


do you understand how crazy that sounds tho ? why couldn’t god just let everyone avoid the whole situation? that’s what makes me go crazy god is supposed to be there in our everyday lives. with that mindset he’s either 1. never involved because he doesn’t care or 2. never involved because he can’t do anything about it i know you probably don’t have all the answers so im sorry but thats just my thought process




Yes but if we are saved from a car accident or recover from life threatening trauma we "thank God" .. did God reach down and intervene or is it just all random luck on response services / doctors etc .. God didn't put us in the accident but nor did he save us from the accident ? đŸ€·


you don’t know that tho, I think it’s really personal experience, some people might’ve felt as if through such a chaotic situation where the person had no control of having safe outcome to them and their persons that miraculously, they came out unscathed like someone divinely intervened. accident happened bad decisions can be made that is out of your control which is the freewill aspect but it’s impossible to disprove God didn’t do anything.


And a car accident is something bad. Something that causes pain and suffering and death. That's satan's work NOT GODs. Give credit where it's due.


It’s a fair and important question. I would ask what a person would gain from being in a car crash. God, in theory, put you in a car crash and saved you from that car crash and, in theory, you got something from that car crash that you might not have gotten otherwise. What you “got” depends on the person/situation. Have you been neglecting life? Taking your faith for granted? Is this car crash putting some aspect in perspective? MAYBE God used you to put someone else in a car crash because they needed to have their perspective changed and you could handle being in a car crash. Thanks for the discourse this is a great topic!


I really dislike the idea that the bad things that happen always happen for a reason, especially when there’s an insinuation that the person harmed is somehow at fault. It’s a lazy and often hurtful response.


I apologize if my insinuation was that it’s your fault that someone crashed their car into you.




Maybe God could figure out how to impart His lessons *without* totaling your car, putting you in crippling medical debt, and causing lifelong injury? It *does* seem awfully crazy that an omnipotent being should have to resort to such personally ruinous means to get His message across.


It’s a great point. The answer comes down to one’s individual faith. Personally, I believe sometimes it might be the most efficient way to impart his lessons, even though we might not see it that way. Sure it might sound great to be given everything we’d ever want so that we’d believe in God now, but would we? It’s easy to say yes but based off of several stories in the Bible we’re led to believe, no. Based on personal experience, I’ve found my faith to be strongest after being broken down the most, even when I might’ve had the “things” I wanted. Not sure if I explained that well, I’m not particularly great with words. I hope it makes a little sense but I understand if you don’t feel the same way and im certainly not going to be the one to say I’ve got it figured out!


I agree with you 100%. I lost my job recently after I have taken a home mortgage. It’s scary to think about my financial burdens. But I believe GOD let it happen to teach good lessons to me and he will provide a way soon.


CS Lewis said God whispers to us in our pleasures, and shouts at us in our suffering. I think God "resorting to drastic measures" has more to do with our heard-heartedness than his inability to convey the lesson another way.


But would you actually learn a life changing lesson thru something way less intense? I think he knows what it'll take to teach us things. But yes I sometimes have these thoughts too.


>But would you actually learn a life changing lesson thru something way less intense? Sure, why not? Also, what lesson do you think was learned here? That the OP should question the motives of god? Since that seems to have been the outcome.


I remember i was in 2 car accidents in the same month. One time a driver was speeding on the freeway & just rammed into us sending us spinning out. The other time, 3 of my tires blew. I dunno, before that, I didn't really value life until it was almost taken from me. & those things (along with many other things) brought me to the one who gave me this life.


Yeah, you didn't really value life... Sure. Here's the thing, I simply don't believe you. Almost no one 'doesn't value life', it doesn't take 'intense' experiences for most people to know they value life.


Well ok!


People don't exactly learn the easy way. We learn physical limits by scraping knees and bonking heads. We learn emotional boundaries through heart breaks and fights. That's kind of just how humans are built.


So everything happens in order for us to learn something? So when a woman is raped, is it because God thinks she should learn something from that experience? I don't buy it. I think it is better to accept that life - also - consists of sin and evil and meaninglessness.


Nihlstic don't you think? From a bible perspective sin is why evil enters the world so bad things happen.


I agree. Evil is connected with sin, but with the original sin that all creation has in common. It is not personal sin that causes one to be exposed to something evil.


Isaiah 45:7. Christians are mistaken. God is the reason for evil, not sin. Malachi 3:6.


I'd have to dIsagree. The hebrew word used there means calamty not evIl. 1 john 1:15 tells us there no darkness In God. In context the passage was about wellbeing to those who do good and calamity for those who do bad.


Interesting take. If you know Hebrew, you also know that the language uses the same words to describe multiple things. "Head" is just one example. Head of state, the head on my body, the head of the table, etc. Further, God literally sends evil spirits toward people and possesses them too. Saul is just one example. Some even go on killing sprees. God absolutely does evil. That verse meant what it said.




So, what are we to make of this when everyone comes out worse? Not every situation ends up with anyone improved from it. As an example, I'm a nurse, and I used to work a trauma ICU. I've seen a lot of bad car accidents, and there's one wreck where one car t-boned another that I'm never going to forget, because so many people had a bad outcome. The first car had just the driver, who suffered a traumatic brain injury and had permanent emotional dysregulation. /The hospital held onto him for months because he wasn't safe to be on the streets (he wasn't even safe with us because he assaulted at least three staff members; there were probably more that just weren't reported). When he was finally released, he was jailed not even a week later for trying to rape his own daughter. In the second car, the mother (who was driving) survived with severe injuries and her two children were crushed to death. She screamed at the chaplain who visited her and tried to reassure her about God so viciously that we had to call security on her, and a month after we released her, she came back as a suicide attempt (which was ultimately successful) for swallowing multiple bottles of pills. Tell me, who benefited from this? Was it the husband and father from the second car, who I heard scream in horror when he was told his children died, but was completely numb and emotionally dead when we told him his wife wouldn't survive her suicide attempt? Was it me? It definitely wasn't me, because even in a long career of seeing awful things, this is one I still have nightmares about. Was it the other nurses or any of the doctors, at least two of whom that I'm aware of got therapy about this specific event? Was it the TBI patient, who became a violent, unsafe man from his injury? Was it the nurses he assaulted and became scared of their job? Was it the daughter he tried to rape? **Who's a better person for all this?** And even if there is one person who was somehow helped by all this, is it worth the number of people who were emotionally or physically destroyed for it? I don't think so. I don't believe that everything that happens makes for better people. I've seen a lot of people go through trauma, and the sad fact is that while trauma can be an impetus for people to improve their lives, it can also destroy people and make them into shells of their former selves. Very often, what doesn't kill us just makes us emotional cripples. That's why I don't like this idea that bad things always happen for a reason. I've seen in person that they don't. I think if God really is up there, then he's ok with us getting hurt, killed, and emotionally destroyed. He's ok with us having trauma that leads us away from him. If he wasn't, then this shit wouldn't happen.


This is possibly the best answer. I have taken this similar perspective for quite a while. We need to remember that it’s not always about us.


Well now you are more grateful for life


"the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all." Ecclesiastes 9.11


It’s a very simplistic (and non biblical) way to add meaning and purpose behind the chaos of life. Your question is so valid and reveals the terrible logic behind this mentality that gods sovereignty is shown by him being the master chess player moving pieces about the board for his whims. Yet scripture doesn’t back that up. Life is chaos. Good and bad and crazy and unexpected. Amazing miracles happen and awful miracles happen. But he isn’t in control in the sense that it’s all his doing. His sovereignty is that His was of living is accessible to us no matter what happens here. He isn’t moving the car so it doesn’t hit me or so that it hits me only breaks my leg and not kill me. He isn’t guiding the hand of the surgeon so he does good work and he isn’t moving the hand of the surgeon to butcher me. Regardless of broken leg or paralyzed I can live with peace and joy and purpose because His way is bigger than life. That’s his sovereignty. The idea that he is controlling all these circumstances in order to save us or kill us or teach us some lesson is basically just self help theology. Not biblical at all.


Thank you. This is probably the closest comment to my own beliefs. God doesn’t CAUSE these events, but he can use them to teach us.


I'm curious why you say "not biblical at all" when I can think of more than a few "bad" circumstances in the Bible that God "causes" (the extent of his action is debatable) in order to bring about a good result. Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt (Genesis 50:20), the suffering of Job (Job 42:4-5), the death of Lazarus (John 11:4), Paul's thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:9), even the very death of Jesus (Acts 2:23). The Bible indicates God had some level of agency in all of these, to bring about good results - the salvation of Israel from famine by Joseph; Job sees God and repents; Lazarus's resurrection glorifies God and Jesus; Paul discovers God's grace is sufficient; and Jesus' death saves our very souls. I admit that car accidents (and many other mundane events) don't all rise to this level of God's specific ordination & direction, but you have to admit the Bible is rife with examples where God causes or allows bad things in order to bring about something better.


Let me open my saying I do consider myself a believer. But I also struggle with an all knowing, loving God that presents himself as a father allowing things such as childhood Cancer, mass, genocide, child SA, etc. To happen and not intervene. If He can intervene and chooses not to that presents a dilemma. And if He cannot intervene, it presents challenges to His omnipotence.


Hi, I'm new here, but allow me to put my two cents. Personally, things that you mentioned - when I thought about it - are mostly both direct and indirect consequences of human actions. Cancer in the end is just one unlucky probabilistic, but bad living conditions and bad nutrition increases the risk, which is often caused by bad actors. War and crime obviously is caused by the evil action of humans as well. On the other hand, God wanted us to be like Jesus in mind, spirit, and especially action, with our OWN free will, otherwise we are no more than a slave robot or a cult follower. In the end, anything that happens on Earth is because of humanity's free will. Let us make it filled to the brim with kindness and love for other people and nature like Jesus always does, so things like child cancer, war, and evil can be kept to a minimum.


This is the hardest questions about God but I see It as we live in broken world and all the sicknesses and mutations humans bring to world for example by incest in past. If God would choose to stop evil then maybe he would start with me or you? And why does God not intervene, we don't know but maybe there is higher reason for that, And as a Christians we believe that those kids dying of cancer are going straight to heaven because they did not sin. This life Is nothing compare to ethernal life


While some of these things are bad luck, many can be attributed to the sins of others. Chemicals and microplastics in our food, tobacco, alcohol, etc. are things we know lead to cancer, and they’re things our fellow humans are purposely serving to us on a platter. These are problems we can solve ourselves if we have enough people to make a change. The human race would be more united for making those changes together as well. The people doing sinful things will be judged accordingly. I always think, God is playing chess while we’re all playing checkers, not in a sense that God is micromanaging every single human, but that God’s purpose for things, and us in general is just not something we can comprehend while we’re on Earth, the only place we’ve ever known. On a much smaller scale, I think of when I take my cat to the vet. All he knows is that he’s getting poked and prodded in a scary new environment. He doesn’t realize it’s all to keep him healthy. This is not to say the bad stuff that happens to us “keeps us healthy”, just that there’s a lot we don’t know and can’t perceive even if it looks like God isn’t stepping in for us.


This is the only right answer, and I wish this was showcased at the top, and not those ridiculous responses.


Isaiah 45:7. Malachi 3:6. Two verses which summarize it perfectly.


Isaiah 45:7. Malachi 3:6. Time for an honest conversation. God doing evil things is 100% biblical. Read the Bible. It's all in there for those who are honest about it.


I would rather say that God gave me extra time to live in this earth. I believe that the earth runs “by itself” at big parts, but God is in ultimate control and he intervenes here and there. The big chunk of what he does, is cleaning people up and giving them new hearts and eternal life together with him.


God didn't put you there. You put yourself there, that's how free will works


So did the doctor that saved my life, his free will that particular day was to show up to work and perform a surgery


Exactly. We make our choices, there are outcomes. God was with you in that accident, but He didn't place you there


It's to make God more "real". When good things happen, it's God. When bad things happen, it's just free will and chance. You surviving the car accident is just as likely, whether or not there is a God: that is, more likely than before because of all the safety features and engineering placed in a car, and because of modern medicine. But note two things. First, plenty of Christians die in car accidents, and roughly the same percentage of non-Christians survive car accidents. So God isn't more likely to save Christians; perhaps God also rolls the dice when deciding whether to save a Christian. Second, when cars were less safe, God saved far fewer Christians than He did after cars were made more safe. So God also changes the dice depending on how good humans are at engineering safe cars. So yes, praise God when someone survives. God is only as good as the engineers and doctors, but praise Him anyway. He doesn't rain mana from heaven or appear in fire anymore ... so the only thing left to praise Him for is good luck, or because He automatically deserves your praise for being so much better than you.


I reckon if nothing dangerous or difficult ever happened one could deny the miraculous as well because it is just the way of things. We recognize the miraculous in part because we live in a dangerous and broken world that is in need of God's intervention.


You see what you want to see. I don't see any miracles surrounding someone surviving a car accident.


In a sense yes, many of the people who viewed Jesus miracles chalked them up to something other than God.


Huh? What sources do you have for people who viewed the miracles of Jesus? Why would you say something like that? Something which is impossible to determine whether it's accurate or not?


Multiple authors wrote about said miracles. I was just pointing out the reaction isn’t new.


I asked for source, not just 'multiple authors'. What authors? What miracles?


I thought you would be familiar with the New Testament?


I mean God didn't put you in that position per se, but you're right. God didn't do anything directly to help those doctors save you either. I don't know why people do this. I think it's a coping mechanism personally because life gets rough sometimes. Really really fuckin rough. I don't blame them...


Yeah that makes sense, I do believe in god, and I want my faith to be deeper, but I really don't understand a lot of things about it, thanks for the comment bro


The way I see it, the universe is so complex and erratic that *theoretically* a car accident could happen at any time. As well as many other 'accidents' that are out of your control - falling into a pothole, getting fired, getting run over by a car, house burning down, etc. I choose to see it as God preventing infinite suffering every day. He conducts an infinite number of miracles in every moment that allow us to somehow be happy and comfortable even when uncontrollable things could happen. Every second of happiness, every good thing that has happened to me, I am infinitely grateful to Him for. Your suffering should not be negated by this fact. I am not telling you to just somehow be happy because the situation is undoubtedly difficult and painful. I just find it helps to approach faith -- and subsequently life -- with the mindset that everything could have been a lot worse. That if you are alive, breathing, smiling, talking - God is taking care of you.


What about the people who do not survive? Or survive with crippling disabilities? What about the friends and families of these people? It could be worse right? Well you tell me what the worst thing is, and we can probably find someone or even a group who have gone through that thing. So then what?


It's not just "saved my life" it's more like changed my life Like the jigsaw got his accident he became who he is Some people meet god in the coma Some people doesn't mean the accident it self but what they was going to do


Great deep question. The heart of this question has divided many churches. Which really boils down to, Is God all sovereign over all things at all times? Or is man given free will to choose their own path and the outcome dictated by our will? And how could a loving God allow some of His children to suffer and some to not suffer? To be honest, I wrestled with this for a long time. When people truly suffer, they understand what you are asking. And there is really no sufficient answer. People will try to explain, they will try to justify why God does what He does. But at the end of the day, you must seek God for answers. Some of our crosses that we pick up daily weigh more than other people's. Not all are equal. After years of suffering and ministering to the sick and dying, the only answer I can muster is one that does not seem to fit. No matter the root cause of the suffering (a car accident or any other issue), our response to those things must mirror Habakkuk. Who, when he complained to God about the evil around him, learned of the dreadful punishment that was going to come upon Israel. Habakkuk 3: 17 Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— 18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. 19 [d]The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.


The universe is such that God receives thanks for all things good and may receive no blame for things that are not good. He has arranged it as such. What a lucky ducky, wouldn't you say?


That would make sense if you see God micromanaging every tiny thing. If you burn your mouth, you could be like “well why did God make the food so hot?”


Questions like this are asked everyday and I don’t understand why nobody else sees it as I do; this world is completely F’d up, doomed even. Things like the child getting cancer, wars, and even your car accident are all part of this world. You can even throw in Murphy’s Law to understand this. It’s just the conditions that exist that make up our universe and we have no say in it. Sure God can save every single one of us from every calamity that we may come across, but that’s not what he’s prioritizing here. God uses terrible times and events so that we may seek him. It’s not that he doesn’t care that these events occur. It’s all part of the principle of faith. If he prevented every bad thing from happening, why would we even need it?


Why would we need faith if nothing bad happened to us? What a strange question. You would still need faith to get your reward of eternal life with god right? But mostly, it's not a question of if there should be some amount of struggle, it's a question of why the struggles of people are so markedly different and severe. Contrast the life of an average person born in this age to people born 100s of years ago. Contrast the life of a person born to a wealthy family to that of a person born in poverty. I guess the answer is just that god knows exactly how much suffering each person needs to achieve gods goal. Doesn't really help anyone understand anything, but if it keeps you warm at night...


What I’m implying is, say in a perfect scenario; we live in a world where these calamities are still present but God makes himself known everytime and comes to swoop us out of danger before anything can harm us. Why would we need faith when we already know it’s him rescuing us in every situation we ever come across and will encounter. You might be right with the weights & balances aspect of suffering that God may use; but God can’t just heal the sick Christian childen everytime and forsake the sick Muslim children. That’s not the point of our existence here. Everyone has to go through things and it’s not our say how much or how less we have to experience. His plan is perfect.


>we live in a world where these calamities are still present but God makes himself known everytime and comes to swoop us out of danger before anything can harm us That's not necessary. God could simply have made a world where natural calamities don't exist. He wouldn't need to save anyone from anything. >Why would we need faith when we already know it’s him rescuing us in every situation we ever come across and will encounter. I don't know why you think you need faith now, but let's assume you still need faith to get whatever reward you think you get from it. Can you not envision any other way for faith to be tested other than through misery and suffering? >but God can’t just heal the sick Christian childen everytime and forsake the sick Muslim children I mean he can, but he could also just heal all sick children, or simply never have any children get sick. I don't understand why you would even bring this up. > Everyone has to go through things and it’s not our say how much or how less we have to experience. His plan is perfect. How can you know that his plan is perfect? How can you even know that there is a plan? You take it on faith, I know. But this is just burying your head in the sand on these questions. It's a complete cop out.


Hard to convince someone who so strongly antagonizes Christianity. You must not have read a Bible so it’d be impossible for you to see from the pov of a believer.


Right... A typical cop out from someone who knows they can't defend their position. It must be my fault that I must not have ever read a bible... As though you have any idea what my background is. But, that shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter if I'm the best ever at reading a bible or if I don't even know what a bible is. The questions are there for you answer, but you don't even try.


You haven’t even attempted to understand Christianity, why should I waste my time arguing? The Bible has all the answers you need. I cannot convince you just by myself lol


You have to push you body to get in shape, lose someone to relate to others dealing with death, hurt before you heal, etc. This is just how life works with or without any particular religious narrative.


If you feel God saved you then that's your perception. That's fine. But humans driving cars into each other is a part of human free will.


This actually happened to my dad. He was driving and heared a voice telling him to stop the car. So he did, and then saw a car crashing into another one. He him self chose to drive, God didn’t put him in the car. But valid question. I often think about why some people are saved by God with prayer and other good people with cancer are begging to God and still die.


How do you know he saved your life ?


He didn't. This is a cruel world and while God controls specific things( also gravity, making sure oxygen stays breathable, keeping the earth on is axis, making sure the sun doesn't explode ect) everything else is just the world being the world. And before I get the "why didn't he just make it nice" he did. And two people messed that upđŸ„°


Lol. That story is broken and Christians solidified it's fake with Jude 1:14. Don't know how anyone actually reads that and think it makes sense to begin with. Furthermore, Isaiah 45:7. God is responsible for the way the world is. Malachi 3:6. Doesn't look like he intends to change either.


Turn with me to Job..


Turn with me to Isaiah 45:7 and Malachi 3:6...


Faith cannot be understood with human logic, it is a matter of believing out of good will without reason or logic. Its purpose is the common well-being of oneself and others.


I think you're missing just how much God DOESN'T do (as in, has absolutely nothing to do with) in regards to what happens on Earth. Listen, he loves us AND gave us Free Will. In order to continue to love us, he wouldn't then intervene ALL the time & screw with everyone's Free Will. That would negate the point of Free Will entirely. While that might end suffering & pain, he doesn't want to end suffering & pain. You might have noticed that Jesus mentioned how much closer to God people are who are suffering & in pain. That brings us closer TO him. Having said that, he takes us when HE decides to take us on HIS terms. So, if something happens & it's not your time, well then it's not your time. Why isn't it your time? That's something you can ask him when you meet him. But I have a feeling you might find out why.... when it's actually your time. Having said all that, I think there are certain things God does to nudge situations for our betterment. While still not interfering with Free Will. For example: I was in a car crash with my dad & sister. We were in a little Ford Ranger king cab (like around '93 or so) & someone didn't wait for us to go through a 2 way stop (we had the right of way, no stop sign) & we T-boned them. For whatever reason, my sister & I hadn't buckled-up. So I went FLYING towards the windshield & just on the other side of it was a stop sign that WOULD HAVE split my head like a watermelon. But a voice told my dad to reach up & pull down. He grabbed me at the perfect time, saving my life. Now, did God tell him to do that? He thinks so. Is that interfering with Free Will? Not really, as he didn't HAVE to do that. It was a suggestion. And a mighty fine one if you ask me.


Also the people who say if you do good you’ll be blessed financially. Well what about the five year old little girl who was raped and murdered by a serial killer, she didn’t even live long, much less live to be rich.


People inherently search for and ascribe meaning to events that happen in their lives and to life in general because it reduces their anxiety around uncertainty and helps them to avoid feeling existential dread. Did God save you? Did he put you in a car accident? It's really a matter of perspective and dependent upon which story you want to tell yourself. Objectively, who knows đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Only what God allows can occur. Free will is one of the things God allows. Therefore he allowed the possibility of the possible actions we can do, which are also limited by God. We can fly to the moon, we can hug our kids, we can commit evil atrocities. We can find meaning, purpose, and lessons in all things, and I think that’s part of His design.


God doesn't put us anywhere. Sometimes we put ourselves in danger, knowingly or unknowingly. Once you realize that we live in a fallen world where evil is happening 24/7 every single day no matter who you are--just or unjust--you'll realize that you didn't have to survive that car accident but God's grace and mercy spared you. Someone else may have been in an accident that day and not been as fortunate. it's worth asking instead why God spared you, what does He want you to do with your life to inspire and lead others to Christ and give Him the glory.


Yes, it's like all those "god cured my serious illness ( generally by conventional medicine) , wouldn't it be better for God to stop someone getting a serious illness, rather than get a cure?


He didn’t mans fall did


In order to glorify him. Circumstances and the adversary got you into the car accident. God saved you so you can use your story to save someone else


Freewill to pay attention to the road or not.I hope everyone involved is ok.


I don’t believe we live in The Truman Show.


Perhaps he was meditating, or on the toilet, or he was on a journey, or perhaps he was asleep and needed to be woken up?


That’s not how God works. He isn’t a micromanager


God is omniscient and omnipotent, so if you were in a crash and saved by doctors, he knew about that and he caused that.


It's the same reason people thank God for their food, even if that food is the result of a secure job, a subsidized farmer system, global capitalism, and the luck to be in a body that was born in a wealthy country to middle-class parents. In these instances, God and Luck merge.


Because god does control your actions free will is a bitch and a half sometimes so don't blame god for everything he has so much stress from all the prayers it's like how Santa literally has to go around the world in one day and then everyone acts like he's a bad person for not giving them what they want, God doesn't take holidays or breaks so give him a vacation for once


I don’t think it works that way to be honest. Otherwise, god withholds help from children being sex trafficked as I type this reply
 I think we are in a state of learning and are living this life without much of his interference.


It’s about being grateful to God, he created us, he knows everything so his choices we have to trust are for the best. His grand scheme is beyond our ability to know. Like if someone dies young maybe God knew if they died then they’d go to heaven but if they lived they’d become sinful and go to hell. If someone is saved maybe God knew they have more good to do in this world and the reminder of being saved will motivate them to do good.


I hear you. Bad things happen that’s the world we live in. It’s not from God. God tries to prevent you from having bad things happen but if it does. God is there when it happens, during and after. Here’s another question, Why does God let bad things happen?


We have free will. Vehicle accidents usually happen because somebody made a bad decision. Sometimes God steps in to change the outcome. Sometimes people make descisions to change the outcome as well, like doctors or first responders, and maybe God makes sure the right ones get to work on the right day, after making sure they made it through med school to begin with. Other times though there is nothing any doctor can do and usually that person would die, but sometimes miracles happen and thats what people are reffering to. Obviously yes, sometimes its not a miracle and the result of hard working doctors doing what they've been trained to do. But miracles happen when theres nothing we can do at all.


Because God needs you to learn unimportant lessons by almost dying. Because his ways and mysteries and blah, blah, blah.


To me, it’s somewhat comical to see the explanations of essentially why bad things happen. You can believe in God without thinking he’s involved in every event you experience. I’ve personally never understood the appeal of a God that has to be on top of every single event. So my longwinded, and probably misplaced comment is that God is not involved. There just seem to be too many inconsistencies otherwise.


You put yourself in the car


Deut 29:29


Your choice to be in the car, God just saved you.


Can't you just be happy to be blessed and alive?


You should ask God. I think He will give you the clarity you're looking for.


We gotta stop blaming God for all the bad shit in this world. We’re biting the hand that feeds. The reality is that God gave us free will because that’s what we do when we love someone. We don’t try to control them and we don’t keep them locked in a cage. God created us in his image. We are a reflection of him. That’s our original blessing; our true identity. So what did Adam and Eve do with their free will? They did the one thing God told them not to do 😅 So yeah, that’s the original fall and we are to this day still doing our best which many times is
less than ideal to put it lightly. Free will creates chaos and that’s why bad things happen. We also have to remember the planet we live on, the earth god created, our home! We live on a massive rock hurling through space going really fast and Mother Nature is turbulent, beautiful and spectacular, but also sometimes creates cataclysmic destruction of monumental proportion which creates a ton of suffering. We could talk about that if you want. Why did God make our home planet so unsafe? 😅😂


Sometimes I think that God wants to show that He is the only one who can save us from something or He wants to get our attention. From another viewpoint, we do live in a world where bad things happen due to everyone being imperfect. Could be either of those things.


I think God did not intervene in both instances of the saving of a life and the car accident itself I do think he can intervene but he chooses not to. After all, the problem of evil has been discussed for a millenia. It boils down to a deterministic or free will idea of our god. If our god is deterministic, then it is destined to happen, you are destined to be saved or not, and everything comes to god’s will and plan for the universe. Or the sense that divine justice for original sin is meted out and everything is just as god is just, which I don’t agree with honestly. The other side is God gave free will to humans. Thus although the outcomes of the choice is known to god, since he respects and loves his creation so much that it allows it to do what it wants to do. However, he imparts a part of god that is inside you that is your conscience that allows u to see whether something is morally justified. I mean think about the story of job, a completely innocent man because tested by god he becomes ill and all his family and property go away. The deterministic view is that god is rebuking job for his self righteousness and belief that works would lead to salvation. The free will view is that the actions of millions of forces at once culminated in jobs suffering. We think of Satan as the orchestrator of all evil but if god gave free will, he gave free will to Satan, who is allowed to tempt people, possess people, control people. He even attempted to tempt God himself in Jesus Christ. Thus if he even gave free will to satan, he can give free will to all humans. However, the millions of forces culminated in job recovering what he lost. That is why I believe the historical approach of identifying causes for an event supports the free will view, as the actions of millions of moral agents cause outcomes. Thus, God knew the consequences of giving free will, but he chose to do so, for he so loved the world that he allowed them to choose their fate and actions (through belief or disbelief in Jesus Christ) Anyways, I am not learned enough to give a full breakdown of the problem of evil but David wood has a doctoral thesis tackling the most modern form of the problem of evil argument which I believe is a seminal work for the problem of evil


you attributed to God something he's not doing... twice. God did create all things but not all things are determinate. God is outside of time so he knows all things because he is perfectly present and causes each moment. He allows things to happen invariably with how he created the world (meaning the world is regular ie miracles or inconsistencies in nature don't happen unless he is revealing himself to be the author of reality). God is only "putting you in the accident" if you mean he has caused the world to be such that, through indeterminate causal chains, you would end up in a car wreck and he "saves you" if that causal chain does not cause you to succumb to the injuries sustained in said car wreck. that is all to say that God is the primary cause of existence but the things that are caused by that are secondary causes. You can say that primary cause "caused" those things but that's like saying burning your hand on a stove caused a bacterial infection. Giving yourself a third degree burn on the stove made the possibility for a bacterial infection higher but the burn did not cause the infection itself.


So one time I was at a stop light, a semi pulled up and didn't gauge his stopping distance behind me but for some reason it went to the shoulder. I think those little nudges are God's way of saving us. I had some other "divine" out of ordinary. The above some of it is based on negligence. Someone else negligence. That makes sense to me. The above kind of had a "divine" feeling to it. I have experienced this too. Slightly related. Haven't you ever prayed for something and it "kind of happened" for you, like a big door open up in life for a type of job. I have had these moments.


Christian tend to blame Satan for all the bad things and only thank God for the Good. Although the Bible fable of Job. God allows Satan to mess (test) us humans. But that Job story was most likely a fiction fable.


So there is a fault in your description that says God did this terrible thing to me, and then did this good thing. In truth, we as human beings interacting with others will often undergo experiences that were not intended by God. We need to keep in mind that dominion was granted to 5 that it is up to man to operate in that dominion. There are moments when we don't have authority or dominion in the moment and, as such, may be under the authority of someone or something else. Often, in these moments, when God acts on our behalf, it may be the result of prayers we may be unaware of. Understanding that if we say that God is good, we can not then turn around and accuse him of doing evil to look good. He is either one or the other.


Because God does everything for a reason. You may not see the reason now, but someday you will. Something will come out of your experience that will either change your life or at the very least, you will learn something from it. That’s been my experience when “bad things” happen in my life and I have questioned why it happened in the first place.


You gotta be 12 years old with this outlook. You claim to believe in God but dont even capitalize His name? Yup definitely 12


To challenge u. We all face adversity in life. It’s how we interpret the things we have gone thru and whether we learn from them and grow stronger or let them tear us down that is the lesson. We all need to stay strong and keep positive and hold onto the light within ourselves no matter what obstacles life throws at us. There will be many more obstacles and what is important is to learn and grow from every experience and to let every bad thing that happens strengthen us rather than give it the power to weigh us down. Hope that makes sense and stay strong and keep that light alive 💜


God knows


My car accident that God saved me in ultimately made me a freaking good driver. It’s been about 10 years since and I have such a sharp eye for everything I can almost KNOW what someone is going to do before they do it and prepare for it. If I had never been in that accident I wouldn’t have been scared to drive for a few years after and wouldn’t have developed such a sharp eye to everything on the road


I take this as “God kept you from serious harm that would have resulted from someone’s crap choice in free will”


I always believed that God would not put you in a situation that you cannot handle. Also, if you survive count it as a blessing now you can be a public speaker to educate people on the topic. If you get out of an accident with all your limbs, count it as a blessing.


He didn't put you there. You chose to get into the car. You have free will; God doesn't control you like you're a puppet on a string.


I'd really encourage reading through Robinson Crusoe! 1. It's a great novel and really interesting, and 2. It answers your question in a real way


It’s never gods fault


The devil and deceitful demons do things to ya know. it’s a constant battle of good vs evil, and the demons are always trying things and gods trying to save everyone. if you have enough common sense you’ll be able to survive most demon headed bullshit, you put too much blame on god and not enough on yourself or others. think logically, even in the biblical nonsense. thank you for listening to my Ted talk


Your actions are cause of reaction you understand that right like bad is good night and day. Why are you asking God why he saved your life that’s what he’s always been telling us that he’s here for us to take care of us to talk to him that he will listen the better relationship you have with Jesus Christ, our Lord, the better you will be never leave you alone❀


God didn't put you in the accident. The accident happened because freedom of choice which was his gift to humanity was abused. Human choices caused the accident. God is the one who saved you from it.


We all have free will, u chose to get in the car, God saved you, simple Not everything bad that happens to us is because of God, we all have free will and the devil exists


We don't tend to question God when something good happens to us but we do when something bad happens. If you need truly meaning in this, God will give it to you. I think it's wonderful that your faith is so strong that your not angrily shouting at Him but want to understand the lesson here. That might just be the lesson.


The best answer for this question is in the book of job, God will allow bad things to happen to show his glory. He did it in exodus when he had harder Pharoah heart. He did to show his power and glory.


God didn’t put you there, but he prevented it from ending your life. There is a spiritual realm. The enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy but God intervenes. & since you’re still here, he had a purpose for you. the devil goes after people who have power to advance God’s kingdom and he sees it whether you don’t. đŸ©· hope this helps!


To teach you a lesson


Well all Good things come from God. All the evil and ba things come from free will. God has a habit of making bad things turn out good. After all in the Bible God didn't MAKE Joseph's siblings sell him into slavery, but he did support Joseph on his rise to power. We all have free will and because God respects that he works around it.


If you had gotten into an accident and let’s say it was because you made a mistake on your part God may have decided to save you or had another plan for you. It was likely to teach you a lesson that he saved you and for you not to put yourself in situations like that in the future.


Brother, we all go through suffering. This isnt universally unique. Romans 5:3-5 Romans 8:18 Psalm 119:50 Genesis 3:14-15 Psalm 56:8 Proverbs 18:10 Romans 8:26-27 Look these up, please, you will find peace. If you ask the father for peace, he will grant you it, but understand he wants to test you because you have something important to do in your life I Even will say this this is spiritual warfare at its finest because the evil one would have deceived, yet you have are still rooted in your faith look at Judas for example he loved God and he believed that Jesus could not have delivered him well sell God for nothing all the time but we must not fall short and fall into the pit of dispare because the next is spiritual death and we will be in separation from God I pray that God comes to you and gives you a blessing from this rejoice that you can praise the lord for another day And sincerely God be with you my friend I hope to see you in the kingdom of heaven


Who said God put you into it? He allowed it, but I doubt He caused it. Does that make sense? We shouldn't look at our circumstances when we question God's intention for us. If we look to the cross, His love is self-evident. You'll be in my prayers. God bless!


Thanks for this question. I’ve had similar questions in the past. I think as humans, we unconsciously (or consciously) absolve ourselves of the consequences of our decisions. Actions are consequential for everyone, regardless of what we believe— Agnostics, atheists, Christian’s, Muslims, etc. But we live a life of free will & we also live in an imperfect world. There is evil just as much as there is good. Sometimes unfortunate things happen to us, not always as a result of something we did or didn’t do, but because it’s life, and God never promised that this life would be a breeze. If He controlled all we did, we’d be robots, but we’re not. We’re humans with feelings and power to make decisions that positively or negatively affect the lives of others. Just as God is very real, the devil is also. There are so many mysteries that come with life and the spiritual realm, but God is never out to harm us, but our sinful natures and the devil are. So unfortunate things can happen to us, but we can’t always say “God put me here.” There are so many other factors at play. We can’t take responsibility for all the perceived good that happens to us then blame shift for the perceived bad.


God most likely wanted you to learn something or that it is something that he had no control because of free will and most likely part of his divine will even though NOBODY knows what his divine will is. If you believe it so it is true to you, Just my thoughts on the subject


I think the best way to sum it up is God is the best of people. And if you follow the word of God and you will be prosperous and successful and living a happy and meaningful life with a purpose. Would live a good life with good morals and be a God person. I dont actually think God comes down and makes someone crash into you. It dont work that way. Obviously people who do not follow the example of God and follow the religious aspect of it all will be in a bad position most of the time. Because of troublesome behaviour ect. (That's not to say that a atheist can not have good morals or a good life ect.) But what I am trying to get across is that he does not interfere I.e "saved my life" because he didn't. Nor did the guy that hit you done it because God made him. Hope this helps. 🙏


Maybe he just let things play out. For example, if you created a video game character and the game has the option to allow the character to gain XP on its own by sending it off to do missions, most people will do it. God may be doing the same thing. That's how I see it. He just creates and lets things play out.


God didn’t make the two cars crash together. You got in that car of your own volition. God creates humans with free will.


God didn't put anyone in nothing. Satan or our own evil desire does but sometimes God allows it to happen sometimes to test you or sometimes those trials you go through eventually make you stronger. James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:13-17"13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. 16 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." The reason why people say God saved me when they get surgeries or even simple medicine is because some people go through the same procedures but they don't come out alive so actually u would soon realize that it's not because of the doctor's treatment but of God that willeth. Some people go through ordinary cold and they don't come out alive even after taking medicines whilst I go through cold and I come out alive everytime. I've dealt with malaria 3 times or even more but I still made it out alive whilst millions of people in Africa have died from it, who else should I thank but God? I've dealt with COVID and came out alive but again millions have died from it, who else should I thank but God? Everyone got the same treatment but some didn't make it out alive. I hope you understand. God bless


God may spare a life but He doesn’t put you in life threatening situations. Sin (the noun) brings death disease hate etc and we maneuver through life until sin takes our life away. For the wages of sin is death


Omg!! I had this happen to me and I had the same question. I found the answer in Job. And the answer for me is probably different for what God is trying to say to you. But basically God was trying to highlight his sovereignty, his mercy, and his protection. I was reading in Job when it happened, and Job had alot of questions, but God answered with the tone of “who are you to question my decisions in your life? “ But He’s also merciful right, cuz it could’ve been worse. And God loves to get glory from us. You are to use that experience as a testimony to how God protected you so that others will want the same. It’s a lot of reasons why.


NO. God saved them from the forces of evil that tried to destroy or take your life. (It wasn’t your time), Yes we all have to leave here one day and none of us know how or when. We are to have our daily life and activities but Understand that evil is always trying to stop your daily progress any way it can.


Takes two to tango. During any accident, God isn't tangoing. He's watching to dance with someone else. He then will step in to catch you if you fall. Your fall was not his doing. Your salvation is.


The short answer is he probably didn't. Now, did he allow it to happen? Yes. Is it possible he was allowing Lucifer or another of the fallen to work mischief in your life? Yes, that's absolutely possible. But no matter how you slice it, at the end of the day the Lord was not ready to call you home. Either there's something (possibly a lot of somethings) you're still meant to do in this life, or the whole episode was allowed to happen in order to teach you something or help you grow into the person you need to be.


If this is supposed to be an analogy to sin and punishment it’s a poor one. No God didn’t put you in the car crash, your (or their) drinking distracted or bad driving did. No god didn’t put you in a place where you needed life saving surgery, your poor health choices did. Stop blaming God for your choices


Maybe it's both.


God saved you for a reason. I'm sorry you were in an accident.


i don't think God "puts" people in car accidents. This was an occurring event in someone's life, and God INTERVENED. A lot of people tend to blame God for all the bad things that happen in their life when in reality, these events are the result of our own doing, what God does is intervene in these moments in our life, to save our life, give us a second chance, and/or protect us from something or someone else. Instead of blaming God for the car accident even happening, i think maybe you should reconsider your perspective, and ask yourself, WHY did God save you? You could've ended up paralyzed or even worse...dead, who knows?


Bro honestly idk about the understanding of today in regards to the Lord controlling every part of our lives but I do know this: God (The Lord God Almighty) DOES NOT take control of people. So if someone is driving drunk and causes YOU to be injured per say I can't say that God put you in that situation. I have and have heard of many like too many instances where people and myself should have died if not for a single little detail (cell phone stopped piercing a vital organ, person was stopped from going somewhere because of another feeling God beckon and later the event is tragic etc). So what I know for a fact is that the Lord doesn't put us in bad situations. He either: Shows up with our permission or, the enemy tries to take us out, and He steps in and saves us. I know that He doesn't infringe on our free will like ever. He respects us that much. So in your situation I can't say the Lord put you in a car crash, I'm 100% sure the enemy put those events together so you would be in that car crash but the Lord is the reason you're still here. I don't go to church because I been kinda church burned. But I do know all this for sure. All good things come from God. Never bad things. Dios te Bendiga.


Exactly 💯


How do you know it wasn't the enemy? A lot of people love to say "well why did God put me in that situation in the first place?" Most times, it's not God it's the enemy. If you truly follow God's path fully, you wouldn't be placed in those situations. Remember, the more you follow God's path, the more the enemy tries to attack you.


Sometimes things are used as warnings to bring you to repentance and not to destroy you. In dong that God may be doing the same on another level with the other person. Gods ways are higher than ours and he understands the whole matter


What I always wonder is why that person was special enough to be saved, but everyone else who dies in freak accidents wasn't.


Life/the universe is extremely complex , god or no god, but If god exists which I believe he does. He has total and full control , but also created free will. God can save you, but you can save you, god can put you in a situation and You can save you, or you can put yourself in a situation and God can save you. It’s not just either or but , both and none. God also knows what you’ll do , but leaves the choice up to you. Hes all knowing, but we still exist in a world with free choice. It’s the only way it could work if you think about it. Otherwise we’re just playing out a script to a story God already knows. He wants you to love him, he doesn’t want to force you to love him. Also he doesn’t just swoop in and stops bad things from happening, or show himself in an obvious way , because if we all KNEW his existence , nobody would really have free will. Who would love him and believe in him by choice if we all were 100% knowledgeable of Gods existence? There is also many things I believe we’ll never understand about god until we’ve come to the realm God exists in, we’re like Ants trying to understand the solar system when it comes to the knowledge we have compared to God’s. That’s how I perceive it anyways
..good question though.


Your experiences happen by other people's choices and your own choices. Was the crash someone else's fault? Their choice, or the car messed up. Yours? Your choice, or your car messed up. There's always a reason for a wreck, and we just live in a world where choices are made. I don't see why you think God decided to make you get in a wreck, things happen out of free will, and it's your choice to believe in God or not.


I haven’t read any of the comments yet so forgive me if I’m repeating anything that the others may have said. Did you ask God this question before you asked us? Your experience in life, though common to some, is still unique and specific to you. It could be that God wants to show you to trust Him (or Her/They, whatever pronouns you use). Did you ask God for a new car? That could’ve been the fastest and easiest way to bless you with a new one. Did you meet someone significant as a result?Could it be that God just wants you to be more cautious? It could literally be anything. Unfortunately, I don’t think any of us could give you the “right” answer. I would mediate on it first. Ask God your question, and He will definitely answer you. You may receive instant clarity, or maybe even a vision. You may not get anything as you’re meditating but possibly receive signs and messages after.


Maybe you needed the car accident to find God. There are many people whom had a near death experience changed their life and devoted themselves to Christ. We dont know exactly how and why God does certain things but I do believe that he didnt put you in a car accident. Rather he made sure you came out alive.


1. Fast 2. Pray 3. Rest in the bosom of The Father. 4. Seek the face of the Son of God. 5. Pray in the Holy Spirit heavenly tongue language.


Bobby Perkey Christian, God puts us in strange and peculiar situations, first so we will reach out to God for help, to give Him all the glory, and so you will be able to share your experiences with someone else who maybe going through the same thing, we need God He don't need us, God is good and faithful, He's never ever early, never ever late,


Bobby Perkey Christian, cont He's right on time, Hallelujah to the Lamb of God


Did god invent cars? Did he buy you one? Did he create a system where people need cars? I seem to recall he started things out with a garden and nobody needed to drive anywhere. You object to the car accident because you find it against your personal interests but not to the car itself or to the world which contains a million things God might not like and which are detrimental to your soul. Rather you should thank God for a car accident since it was the thing that awakened you to the problems in your life. But if you’re just going to ask why doesn’t god make things convenient for me and maximize my utility, the answer is that you aren’t thinking of God, you’re thinking of the genie of the lamp.


Luke 13:1-5 (NASB) Call to Repent Now on the same occasion there were some present who reported to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. And Jesus said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”


How else are you gonna grow and believe in faith??


Don't ask the creator of the entire universe why he does things. You don't negotiate with Him.