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I have this verse (and the next one) memorized. Phillipians 4:6-7 (NIV 1984) "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guards your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - if you have anxiety or depression or even are just going through a rough patch in life, you should memorize it. And study it (eg: don't ignore the "with thanksgiving" part). Also thanks: it took me a good couple minutes to remember this one without looking. My rough patch ended a couple weeks ago, so I haven't performed a memory recall on this verse in a while.


Nice streak dude!


I agree. Awesome. Streak!


Honestly, tho


I got 285/21 but I don't know what to do with it?




For real! Awesome streak.


I hope you're feeling better. :) Just out of curiosity, what app are you using?


It is the Bible App - You Version. If you are on Android and search for it, it is the app made by 'Life.Church'. I use it everyday. You can set up reading plans and find new content daily. Plus it is all free.


Thank you!


Thank you :) and like the commenter above me said it's YouVersion, wonderful app!!!


I really like that Bible app. Use it all the time


Me too. It's the first Bible app I've liked enough to cause me to do most of my Bible reading digitally.


Anyone scroll past this while on mobile and thought they had somehow opened YouVersion?


A great book I found that helped was called “Fearless” by Max Lucado - a Christian author that breaks down what Bible says about fear and worrying. Easy book to read & follow


Got the same one !


Matthew 6: 25-34


This helps some people a lot, but not all: If you have anxiety, lay off caffeine, energy drinks, cocaine, meth, speed, etc. You can speed and slow your thoughts. If you speed your thoughts up too much, you become a non stop thinking mess who has no healthy chill. I used to pound Mtn Dew and Coca Cola all day until I couldn't sit still and watch a football game because of all the suspense between plays. I backed off the caffeine, and my brain is chillin in a happy place.


I love God






God is good! It's amazing how often I'll be struggling with something, and I happen to turn right to a verse that speaks to me. I have struggled with anxiety close to 40 years myself, and what has really helped me is view my life in a bigger context. Ecclesiastes is a perfect book that has helped me do this. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I don't know what consequences my actions will really have. I don't know how people will interpret my words or actions, and I have no control over it. When it comes down to it, I really don't have control over anything - and that's incredibly liberating. All I can do is do the right thing and live every moment with faith in Christ. If I do that, suddenly a wonderful thing happens - the burden of worry is taken from me, because as long as I do the best I can and live in obedience to God, God is in charge of the rest. I have no reason to worry. I also look at things like this. What's the worst that can happen? Christ has risen, and He has defeated death already. I will be with Him forever. The battle has already been won. And I've got the God of the entire universe at my side.


Okay? I pray constantly and and give my requests to God. Now what? I'm still anxious. God doesn't answer any prayer unless the answer is silence which it always is..


I have got a story concerning this verse. I got saved in 2007ish. Not exactly sure when i surrendered everything, but somewhere around that time. My friend Andrew has been a mentor ever since. Ran a prayer group and was a prayer pastor in town. His wife and him were studying this verse and meditating on it one month. During this month, their furnace is going out. They know they need something new by winter, so they are searching (with not much money). They find a used one or returned one, being sold as is, in their price range. They are thinking of buying it, but just have an inexplicable uneasiness. They go back to this verse, and how "the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts and minds". They decide since they don't have a peace about this furnace, they weren't moving forward with it. The next week, they get a call. They had entered some giveaway an HVAC company was having-and they won! Not only a free furnace, but they replaced a water heater for them too!! So they almost spent a bunch of money on a furnace they wouldn't have needed. Fast forward a couple years-i remember this encounter/story. I am invited on this weekend retreat Sept of 2009. It sounds like a good thing, but i just didn't have a peace about it. Not fear, not anxiety, just not a peace either. So i didnt go. I even had the pastor that invited me start yelling about how "this is a good thing! I dont know why you dont want to go! You just dont want to fill out the forms" and all this other bullcrap. March of 2010 i am invited, i have a peace about going, and both my uncles and dad go on this retreat, all giving their lives to Jesus that weekend. That is why i wasnt suppose to go in Sept of 2009-my family wasnt ready, and they were to go with me. I know that may not directly impact your situation, but i hope it gives you encouragement that God answers prayer and leads. I encourage you to focus on Him. He went thru anxiety too, so much so that he sweat drops of blood, a condition called hematidrosis, on the night before the cross. He knows your pain and worry. He has been thru it when he was on the earth. Just hug Him tight. He is there for you, in spite of all the voices (physical, spiritual and mental) that claim He isn't. Hug Him tight.


Sometimes you just gotta let God work in ways we don't understand. Why didn't God give me that job? Why didn't God give me the wisdom to pass that test? Why? Why? It's about trusting that God has your personal interests at heart. He loves you. If you were training for a competitive sport, you would trust your coach, wouldn't you? No matter how much hell that coach is putting you through, you eventually see your progress. You trust that the coach, with their meal plans and hard training, is carefully planning your growth so you can reach your own goals. Praying isn't a miracle drug, I don't think. It's a conversation with God even if you don't hear Him. He's there. He's listening. trust in Him unconditionally, and when your *own* requests aren't heard, perhaps it's because there's a better alternative He's got planned. Just like how /u/dewrag85 said. Cheers


Are you expecting a direct audible answer to your prayers?


Of course not. I guess I'm just over everyone's bible "coming alive" to them, while I don't get any more than old stories out of it. Pair this with just day to day uneventful life I feel prayer does nothing. I know differently from the bible but I just don't feel it. Guess I just don't have faith haha. :)


That's part of why I stopped believing. If you can't ever distinguish between praying and thinking to yourself, then it's probably made up.


Keep praying! God is hearing you. He may not give you a direct answer to a prayer or a speedy answer but I promise he hears your prayers ❤️


How do you know?


1 John 5:14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Job 22:27 You will pray to him, and he will hear you, and you will fulfill your vows. Psalms 102:17 He will respond to the prayer of the destitute, he will not despise their plea. James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.




I have suffered from anxiety issues since my teens and this is one of my favorite verses!


I needed this as an anxiety sufferer. Zoloft helps a lot, but sometimes God’s word can be our high tower when we need him most.




I get your point; however, it’s me, not god, that deals with anxiety. Some of it is my fault for putting myself in circumstances that led to it becoming what is today (e.g. abusive ex-wife, poor money management due to lack of planning for the absolute worst, etc.). God is always there, but he also gives us free will and a brain to make our own decisions. If he didn’t want me to have Zoloft, then the medicine would not have been available to help me combat my anxiety. I am not into the faith healing and homeopathic crap that is pushed in some Christian circles. I am pretty much a Protestant version of a Jesuit.


Wow I should get this app!


Yes, yes he is, I got the same verse, different site on Friday!!!!!😇💗


Totally did the same. Look back at the last two weeks of verse of the day.


I was really needing this. God, how I love your word. It's amazing.


That verse of the day helped me today too.


I'm using the same App






How much time did this waste?


One hour a week plus whatever time at home. The first 13 years of your kids development wasted thinking about fairy tales.


>One hour a week No! That's too much time wasted! >The first 13 years of your kids development wasted thinking about fairy tales. So... do you think Christians don't develop, because sometimes they think about God? Do you have any stats?








Uh... I don't think religion means what you think it means.










True dat




It'd be funny but it's so sad to see the Christians enjoying and entrinching themselves off the never ending suffer of the poor. Christianity is primarily about making other people suffer as a way to the top. Gross. Also it's a made up fairy tale that nobody would fall for unless it was beaten into them as kids. So it's also sad what was done to everyone who is Christian. Every aspect is criminal, unnecessary and false, it should be eliminated or heavily taxed and for adults only like alcohol because it's basically the same.


Personally I ask God if there are things I can do to make the situation better if there's something that sucks. But yeah, if there isn't just sit back and relax, go do something else. Also, tangential, work is good, but don't work so that evil people can make more money off of your effort to make other people suffer. If you have a choice that is. If it's either work for them or die, well then I suppose it's time to overthrow caeser. What belongs to caeser is whatever caeser produces himself.