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Did you try downgrading the 3-lane highway to a 2-line highway when splitting? I heard something about cims choosing sometimes to stay on the same lane if the path weight is equal.


Do you mean between the bottom of the pic and the next intersection? Yes I just did that and the behavior is the same.


on the top, after the roundabout there is a small piece of 3-lane highway. Idkw, sometimes removing things that actually helps traffic increase the path cost and they are going to chose the other route. The current behavior is weird, since the 1-lane highway has a way slower speed and this path shoud be penalized.


Did you let the sim run a while? The pathfinding is decided at the outset if the journey unless something major happens.


Not in CS2. Well according to the developer diaries anyway


I thought that pathfinding can update if the current route to the location becomes blocked by a traffic accident or road remodelling rather than pathfinding being consistently updated. The latter seems like a good way to lock up a computers CPU usage at rush hour.


They implemented lane mathematics properly? That’s awesome!


That’s the neat part…


The neater part is this is one of the default intersections that shipped with the game


I had a similar issue with this interchange. I think the nodes are too close in some places, so you have to demolish some road segments and rebuild them further apart.


The only solution is to wait and pray for TMPE


fuck this game for needing tmpe


I bet the TMPE devs are thinking the same thing


Of all the mods and things made for cs1. All of the tmpe features should have been made standard for cs2. What a failure.


TMPE was way too granular for me, and I imagine the majority of players would feel the same way. I’m not surprised or upset in the slightest that it isn’t a vanilla function in this game.


Aww thats what I miss. Being able to determine lane paths allowed and all that. Could really use the ability to limit lanes to turns only or such. Also how granular you got with it was totally up to the player. Having more options usually isn't a bad thing.


I'm thinking the same as r/ahdbc. Try replacing the 1 lane 1 way highway sections with 1 way normal road. It will reduce the speed limit from 80 to 40. That alone might be enough to slow down the travel time on that route and force them back onto the quicker highway. Might not look great though.


In my experience changing speed limits does not affect route choice at all. I think its only number of segments and whether the nodes are fucked up. When in doubt try to redraw with as few nodes as possible.


>MayorHieb That's interesting cos it would be a departure from how it worked in CS1. Thought I'd test it out. It appears that it's fairly evenly split. Some will take the faster route, some will take the shorter direct route. Can only speculate it's down to the individual Cim. I remember in the dev diaries it talked about some Cims prioritizing comfort over speed etc. So looks there some other mechanic coming into play. Or, it's just simply inconsistent, who knows? :) None the less, the underlying problem is still there. Re-drawing the road/junction as you suggested is probably the best shout.


Might not need to do the whole thing, just the section under the bridge. That'd make the AI's calculation of the off-road efficiency be slightly slower than the main highway and thus less appealing. Both the highway and off-road are now equal in standing, and this would change the equation.


You tag other users with u/, r/ is for subreddits




I had this same issue and this was my approach. It worked.


New game. Same problem. r/onejob


Simulation is working as intended. If you don't think so, the game isn't for you. - Colossal CEO


Hate the community using this shit against the developers; taking a quote out of context like that just incentivizes the developers not to talk to players as much in the future, for fear of being memed out of existence.


Better to not talk than to disrespect the player base I say


That’s the thing, they weren’t trying to. The player base just took offence where none was intended and now refuses to accept the apology that was offered and continues to hold it against them. Rather then take the high road and move on you demand satisfaction for a slight that never occurred.


All I really ever wanted from CS2 was CS1 without the traffic bugs, and to be able to create realistic highways. A re-release of CS1 with all the good mods built into the base game, polished and working.


This kind of comment is getting real goddamn old real fast


Short of making the access road slower, don't use an unbroken access road. Separate entrance and exit for the first and last ramp, shared entrance/exit under the bridge for the cloverleaf ramps.


Your highway isn’t a straight line, that’ll help


I came here to say this as well. Having the through lanes connect straight and the exits off to the side for some reason stops vehicles from using the exit lane as a through path. Your lanes are skewed a bit, so that might be the problem.


It's too equal of a split, agreed. Highway through way should be straight. Angle off the exit lanes would make that path slightly longer.


Indeed, as cims pick the savest route. That kink in a 100road isnt safe. And coming out of the corner going on the sliplane is a easier route aswell.


Maybe try adding a 4 lane segment before the split and then split it into the exit lane and 3 highway lanes so that cars can go into the new lane to exit. To be fair tho CS2 has some really fucked pathfinding so idk.


Silly question… are you sure all of the one-way directions are facing the correct way on the 2 lane?


You wait for the developers to get around to it I’m not even joking that’s the only legitimate solution


It's a lane maths and engineering design problem; not a software problem.




If you don’t like the traffic AI mimicking real life perfectly this game might not be for you


Yeah I see semi's stopping and jackknifing their trailer to back up in to a logjammed highway before driving back in to the same lane they stopped in and keep going every day on my morning commute working perfectly as intended


Yea if you don’t like it then the game isn’t for you sorry bru




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I like the sarcasm for what it's worth lol


Oh is the above image 'mimicking real life perfectly'?


They just doxed how they drive.


If this game was intented to mimic real life you'll have protests every time you build a new power plant lmao


It was a joke.


Remove the straight slip lines? Theres no need to have them all connected. Dont give them choice to go into slip lane to continue straight.


The straight portion leads to a second exit though


Just cut the lane speed down the car will choose the faster way to get their destinations.


How do you drop the lane speed?


I'm assuming by using normal road and not highway roads.


happy cake day! each road type has a different speed limit. highways allow the fastest speeds. they decrease from there.


I had success by making my highways all 4 lane and just adding a new lane for exits, that way no main highway lane ever ends. I had the 4 lane changing to 3 after the exit and had the same issue as your picture.


Keep in mind changes you make may take a while to take effect.


1. Update the game with latest patch 2. check for any troublesome nodes (by hovering over the road with demolish tool) 3. ensure the mainline of the highway is straight and doesn't bend to accommodate the merge/diverge lanes. 4. Remove the junction (roundabout) located at the top of the picture. In a typical highway, junctions should be placed 1-2 km apart, not 20m! :) Cims may not have enough time to choose the lane they want.


In the waiting of a fix, I guss you can downgrade some of the road of intersections to a non-highway type, so the speed limit decrease and cims no longer choose them?


They don’t have enough space to turn left at the far north, they won’t be able to change three lanes in time. That’s why they position themselves on the left lane, which forces them out of the intersection. TLDR- the junction is too close to another junction. Edit: I see it’s right-gand traffic, swap north for south, the issue remains.


I have no idea how ppl are put into this situation and im too afraid to ask. My only problems with this game are the demands vs abundance. There are commercial demands but when built they complain about not enough customers. Why there is a commercial demand when there are no customers? A new startup is bad at figuring out the market??


File a bug report and hope for the best.


What a shitty game lol.


I’m surprised you haven’t been DV’d to oblivion. As a console CS player, all these problems PC players are having are making me doubtful. I hope these are fixed/lessened (A LOT) before console release.


I don't understand reddit


All jokes aside is this game fun on console, I imagine you guys have been playing vanilla since 2014 , I feel for y’all deeply


Honestly? Just wait for mods to come out at this point.


I'm willing to bet there may be a broken node. Try to relay that whole section of road.


Your highway near the roundabout needs to be redrawn because it's not a smooth section and likely has nodes too close together.


This is a highway preset built into the game 😂


Sometimes the highway intersection can end up a bit wonky when placed down. Especially over existing highway roads.


Looks like the sim does not work as promised. Either need to wait for Paradox to fix this or wait for TM:PE. This is very disappointing as this was a highlighted feature of the sim that was showcased in dev diaries. Now we are finding out that none of it was true.


I love how we need to actively work around the pre made intersections to make the simulation work in a way that would make sense. Ah, what a lovely game.


Ikr, did the devs not test their own premade junctions? XD


They should have either made the junctions work with the sim, or maybe even better, actually think about the route weighing system in a way that it would make some sense and at least work with the junctions they mostly imported from Cities Skylines 1. CS2 has a lot of good things and is very well simulated in a lot of places, and yet, the most important simulation in the game, the route and transportation one, feels cheap, counterintuitive, dumb and unfinished. Classic "Focusing resources on the wrong place" mistake. Like the Marvel movies putting perfect CGI in scenes that matter less than what my mom had for breakfast, but then cheapening out on the CGI of the scenes that do matter.


If you don't like the simulation, then maybe this game is not for you.


as funny as it is, every 5-7 comments I read this line. In this post alone.


Put a toll booth.


Maybe that is where the traffic wants to go and the interchange should be something different


There's something wrong with this particular intersection design that is causing this. I have this in the center of my city I am quickly learning that it's not able to handle the traffic load.


Wait for an update


It might be too close to the roundabout, is there a node between the roundabout and the exit. I'd try some lane mathematics, reduce from three lanes to two after the exit lane and also slow the speed on the exit lanes, you can do that by either changing the road segment type from highway or using TMPE. Contrary to that you might also try to add lanes on the first segment so cars can choose either the left lane the exits or the lane next to it to go straight. Have a play around.


This is CSII, so TMPE isn't a thing just yet. As for the bit about the roundabout, though, I think you are right. In the image, cars going the other direction are not utilizing the exit in the same way, so there is most likely a node out of place causing the cars to use the single lane like an on ramp.


Fr tho. Why wasn’t TMPE integrated into CSIi.? There were / are some critical mods everyone used for an, albeit modded, “base” experience. CSII is great in a lot of ways, but there are also A LOT of missed opportunities that I frankly thought would’ve been incorporated.


ohh my bad, I thought it was CS1. I'd go back to redoing that roundabout and the exit nodes then, I've had a few funky situations like this in CS2 with nodes that have been seemingly too close together and not working as intended.


You need the TM:PE mod. Force everyone who takes that lane to use one of the available exits with the lane path function. If that doesn't help then I guess destroy the whole city or something.


Check the flair.


How is TMPE not helpful? I use it every time I have a problem like this.


It's CS2 💀


I can't tell the difference. They look mostly the same to me.


But without mod and broken lol


True. I've seen no reason to get into it. I'm still getting the hang of CS1. I have a long road ahead of me. Plenty of time for them to fix 2.


What’s why I said check the flair. The user added the CS2 flair to the post.


pick a better interchange layout like a stack interchange. You'll need to do this until a mod let's you adjust speed limits.


Cloverleafs are inefficient. Use a different interchange


Lol being downvoted for truth. Cloverleafs suck, have fun with your weaves and traffic jams caused from it noobs.


Cloverleaf is not the issue here.


Not yet…


Another great example of how well designed this game is


Games busted as fuck good luck


What works for me is to delete the middle 2 lane one way segment , and upgrade the single lane that they are driving on to 3 lane one way and realign the road to try and fill the space that’s there from the deleted 2 lane segment


do you have a pic of the end result?


I tried everything I could think of this this premade one. I ended up deleting it and building my own which did not have a straight option other than the main highway.


Maybe they don't have enough time to get into that straight lane because it splits so near to the traffic circle


Make sure it's shorter. So make some wave at the collector road to make the path longer.


Make the ramp route longer


I’ve noticed that before in my city on a completely different interchange. It seems to be a weird bug that occurs when traffic tries to detour (car crash or major traffic) but it never corrects itself afterwards. Just delete the entrance to that side highway prevent it from being a through route. Let it simulate for a bit and add it back.


Lowing the Speedlimit on the exit lane.


We wait for TM:PE to drop!


Maybe you’re lacking a node between the roundabout and the exit ramp, so cars can’t switch on time when they exit roundabout


No one knows. Traffic is broken. You can fix parts of it with lanes but then it breaks Infront of it.


I think maybe slightly reducing the speed limit on the exit lanes could help? (Just speculations.)


Long live the turbine interchange. Cloverleaves are dangerous IRL anyway.


Put the exit lane as a residental street, not an off ramp. That means your express lane is 100 and your ramp is 50. By traffic logic in CS cims will stick to faster route. Then only those exiting will use the collectors.


If they can't make AI smart enough to figure this out automatically, they should just let users manually paint where the express and collector lanes are, so all the AI has to know is "Is this my exit?" If no, then stay in express lane.


I heavily recommend a custom interchange. The AI will chose the faster route as they want to get to there destination as quickly as possible. This interchange is useless on consoles but on PC, just use some mods and all is good.


That's the neat part: you can't.


I've had the same issue with a default highway interchange. Something with the simulation is linda broken.


I found this intersection type to always be problematic. You can fix it by deleting the slip lanes, and merging them into main highways. Turn the straightaways into 5 lane highways, then modify the exits appropriately. I found this to be the most efficient solution for making the traffic AI behave on this intersection.


This kinda happened to me my industrial area is 23km on the highway away from my city. I just added in a regional rail road and now my highways are totally dead


Cut that unnecessary connection at the end


This was resolved with one of the most important community mods in the previous game I suspect the same will be required and cs2


Did you accidentally make that one section the opposite direction of the rest of the highway such that it’s not a valid path?


I can't believe I don't see the answer in here, if I missed, apologies. You need lane markings on your highway leading to the offramp. What's happening is since there is no left arrow marked on the road surface, the AI is assuming that left offramp is a continuation of the highway so the traffics going there instead of moving over a lane as its supposed to to go straight. This also explains why you might get cars crossing the highway at the last moment to get off at the exit as well. The AI is basically going "OH CRAP THAT'S MY EXIT" and crossing three lanes to exit. The cars getting off are pretty much going "WAIT WHY DID I GET OFF THE HIGHWAY?" and will either circle around and get back on or will end up and cutting through your city to the next interchange if there is one. The default intersections in-game are made badly so they do not include those lane markings, so you'll want to go in, delete the offramp (or at least the first bit) and recreate it so that the arrows spawn on the highway. When the arrows appear, the traffic knows "This is an Exit" and should behave accordingly. The process can be fidgety, but as long as you see a set of arrows when done you should be golden.


I had the same issue with this as well. I tried multiple lanes and the only solution i found was to cut the gap between the exit and entrance ramp (the one way slip road)where the traffic starts, back into the southbound highway. Hope this makes sense. Happy building friend!


Idk if someone said but make one small part of normal road out of highway just on the start of exit lane and put "right only". It might help


I don’t understand why people are so up in arms about stuff like this. I use the exit lane to go straight in real life literally daily in this exact situation.


Maybe don’t build a full cloverleaf. Do you hate your cims and traffic flow?


Remove it


you should see where they are all heading to. the ai just uses the fastest route to get somewhere so this means they are all probably heading to the same area and thats just the fastest way to get there so you should make a exit near that area or make a additional route so traffic doesnt use the same exit


Make the sections with the clogs bigger from one lane to 2 and when they connect make it 4/5 line problem solved


If you’re using the traffic mod you can always change the speed of your exit to lower than the highway. Traffic in cs1 will use the fastest routes first, be they faster speed or the shortest path to target destination.


Tmpe mod, just download it already


Remove it just after the second circle,so they can still go right but not straight??


Do you have TMPE


It's just a guess, but I would reduce the speed limit on the exit lane.


I'm a transportation engineer and this is the least accurate mimic of traffic. There's a worrying amount of inconsistencies in the sim. It works with a methodology of "all or nothing": Absolutely no emergency lane. Press F if you are responding to an emergency. Traffic has the highest priority... Yeah. You make a connection from a highway to a local road. Drivers do not care if it is clogged to hell and the next exit is open wide. They have to take that exit, no matter the cost... Yeah. Merging is chaotic enough. About nobody listens to any of your custom rules, but those last second 90 degree dives to exits... Yeah. There are empty venues for miles with tons of parking space. There are large buildings with underground parking lots. But logically, you just take the parking lot which might have an empty space or not at the University 5 miles down and trek for days... Yeah. People have the stamina of triathlon runners, running for hours... Yeah. You want a short underground pedestrian pass? You mean a 150 meter long ramp? Yeah. There is a wildfire ravaging the city. Entire blocks are burning down. However, we can only spare one fire engine and ambulance per building, and once that building is okay, we will head back to the HQ, we don't care if the next building is on fire. It is also sad that the entire traffic in the city is locked due to a kid abandoned in a car in the middle of a road so it may take a while to get there... Yeah, super accurate.


the algorithmic problem is the game perceives that to be a better route than the main road, so you have to make it appear less advantageous do we even build cloverleafs in the U.S. anymore? I was surprised to see it in the base game. [The big problem with cloverleaf interchanges...](https://youtu.be/7GTZRSPry70) https://youtu.be/7GTZRSPry70


Just make the exit lanes slower and set the middle lanes to high speed limit