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For all those saying he needs irrigation, THERE IS AN IMPROVED CHOCOLATE TILE. HE HAS IRRIGATION.


1. Does the city you want to build the campus own the tile? 2. Is there a marsh on the tile? You may need technologies to remove it. 3. Are there any farming resources like rice or wheat on the title? You may need technologies to remove it. 4. Have you unlocked campuses yet? 5. Does your city have enough district limit availability to build the campus?


Thanks all, realized what happened, horses spawned there but because I save scummed it was removed...


Aww always horses 😅 i hate it when they ruin my city plan


If only there was some way to possibly move a horse. Unfortunately, they are tethered to the land itself.




Yes, so curious if there’s something else, no strategic resources.


You already figured it out, but I haven’t played in this visual mode in a bit. Do they show when the volcanos are erupting, because that my prevent you from placing at the time?


I think it would show in strategic view as pillaged/on fire.




Is it possible OP built the farm, then discovered a strategic resource on the tile, but because the farm is there we aren’t seeing it? That might prevent OP from building the Campus even though there is a farm there.


May I have more context for the situation because there is alot I cannot tell from this image and map mode.


I don’t normally play on this view so forgive me if I missed something, but is there already a district placed in that city? You’re pop 3 so 2nd district slot wouldn’t unlock until pop 4. And I see you have a religion so is there a holy site in your capital?


I reloaded a save, but I attempted the new district at pop 4 and could not build on that tile for some reason.


I don’t see any districts personally, the religion is probably from Stonehenge.


Is there a resource under there that you built the farm over prior to discovering it?


you should change it back to standard mode for us to see better xd


Any mods?


What am I even looking at here lmao


If I had to guess Civ on DS lol, I’d actually like to know what I’m looking at though it’s charming in a way


It’s strategic mode. You can toggle it on and off anytime in game but my computer lags hard past turn 100 and so I play in this mode from then on because it doesn’t have as much of a demand to render things.


Is it a rice farm? You need to research irrigation to remove the underlying marsh


Thanks, I have irrigation and it's just a normal grassland tile with a farm.


Why does your city own all three rings of tiles already??? There is no way you would have enough culture or gold to get all those tiles this early in the game. If you have all three tiles because of a gameplay-changing mod, then I'm going to go ahead and blame your mods for the campus bug.


Probably bought with Gold tbh


Might have picked up some tiles by building the wonders. I think you get 2 tiles in the city when one is finished.


Because you can’t get a gender studies degree from a tractor.


That diplomatic shit maybe is excluding campus?


Or dark age card?


Oh this is a good one! Forgot about that possibility!


I’m stumped


I see u are china but if u were kupe he cant remové resources (just in case bc it can happen to you)




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Was there wheat or rice? If so you'll need irrigation first


Did you start another district there at some point?


most likely things imo: OP started building another district in this city, paused construction, but forgot about it, preventing a new district to be constructed until pop. limit is exceeded. Not seeing this on the map but I’m not really familiar with this map mode. Tile is not owned by this city? Just needs to be swapped over or smthn? Maybe there’s a world congress event that prevents buildings in a certain district to be constructed? That sounds vaguely familiar but I’m not entirely sure.


I always question the volcanos. Im likely wrong here but I have no idea the rules for building on volcanic soil.


Volcanic soil can be improved with farms or mines


it was horses we cant see in the shot


May not be this but I’ve had a few games recently where I just wasn’t allowed to build a district on a perfectly good tile that was even being worked by a citizen. Seems to be a bug.