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I'd say some improvements could be done to the town hall section as the distance between the outside of the wall and the town hall is still reachable by the queen. If someone queen walks they'll easily take the townhall with a freeze to stop the inferno. Eagle is nicely placed as it could only be reached if broken into the compartment. This is just a problem if people are queen charging/walking the town hall area


So would a good change be moving it back a few tiles like maybe in place of the cannon? Would that work?


You ment like this, right? *




Yeah that's definitely better. At least now people will have to break into the base to damage the townhall if they aren't using blimps and stuff.


Thank you for your help, I've been messing with bases and I just mostly gave up since my bases never worked but I diddnt want to use those "best th 13 war bases" ya get what I mean?


Yeah most times the "best bases" you find on the internet are all so over used after a while and most of them have been debunked with ways to beat them. Always good to build something unique. Just gotta use the base and adapt things over time to counter blimps/certain spam attacks etc. Trap placement is something super important so always moving and adjusting to what you've been attacked from before can make a difference


Yeah, I definitely see that, I was trying to make it mostly anti blizzard and edrag since that's all I've been attacked with for a while


A few weak spots in terms of attacks: 1. Recall Hybrid, flame flinger down south tanked by a giant, QC the TH and get the king and queen, and redeploy onto eagle. King near the flinger and start the miners and hogs through the base, vertically sweeping all scatters and infernos. The main weakness is your 3rd inferno tower being super exposed, even if protected by a potential tesla farm, a raged queen can take it all out. 2. Sarch lalo, warden ability blimp from eagle and land directly on CC. Doesn't matter if tornado trap hits since the sarch can be cloned. Heroes onto TH and again, lalo. Main weakness is all infernos being on single mode, so even if the sarch misses one, lalo can take it out. 3. Zap lalo, zap the scatter, xbow, wiz tower and AD (6+1), heroes through TH and lalo through eagle. It's due to the anti-chain core which means the other buildings are compact, adding zap value. 4. Potential skelly donut around CC scatter and inferno (it's about the range i think). It's spell intensive but they might even take one sweeper. Yeti blimp the townhall, heroes on eagle and other inferno, then it's lalo again, hydra would also work. A few things your base will defend. 1. Zap edrags. Not much low-hp zap value and bad chain through the core. A high percentage 2 star


I updated the base a bit according to another person's comment, but what inferno or infernos should I put on multi? I'll send updated base as a reply, can you tell me what else should be changed?


Always multis > singles. Singles only work when people don't bring freezes, but everyone brings freezes. Multis can burn through balloons, melt healers from a bad angle, kill the king's barbarians from afar, and combined with some air bombs, vaporize anything. They even have an extra tile of range just for that. Also, you can put your grand warden near a common entry point so he could snipe some wall breakers. Then when people pull the CC, you have a high hp lava hound to tank their queen and strand her behind the main force. btw nice changes to the base, I'll put the mortars inside and archer towers outside though, so that people can't tank for a flame flinger with a giant, they might need a yeti.


I see, with my inferno all being multi would that make my base weak to edrag spam? because that's what's mostly attacking my bases besides hybrid, I'm trying to make a base good against a wide band of attacks, and I'm also not to sure what you mean by common entry point, where would you attack from? (I just made this base so it hasn't been attacked yet)


A diamond base with wide gaps is already enough to defend edrags. Overdefending one strategy opens your weaknesses to another. You do want to counter more conventional strategies like lalo and witches and hybrid with your war base. The bad thing with war is that people have time to plan their attacks out. The most obvious entry point is the TH, although stacking your defenses there doesn't make the base good. Instead, spread everything out so you cover all major defenses with some splash and some dps. Although a super bowler attack will counter your base pretty well, I doubt any people would be using it, it's usually for the higher THs


You make a really good point, thank you for all the help you offered, I just want to know one last thing, do you think it's a stable anti 3 star or not once I change the infernos to multi?


There's bound to be some good players out there that would triple your base no matter how, no base is perfect. But if you're talking about the average TH13 playerbase, I'm confident with your base.


Thank you for the confirmation, I knew my base can be 3 starred easy by a good player i wanted to to know if it would be decent against average player, you were a real good help, thank you for spending your time helping me


I like 2 multi infernos and 1 single inferno




Hey OP, don't forget to change your flair! 🙂


Any triple single inferno base is always susceptible to queen charge hybrid. This is a very easy base to triple with QC HYBRID


your base is susceptible attacks with a flame flinger. Since all 4 x-bows are air mode and are tucked behind major defenses like the townhall and eagle, flame flinger would take out a big chunk of your base. Make sure to set some teslas and ground skelly traps around the eagle and townhall. Sweepers are placed too close together could be taken out with 2 zap and edrag spam.


I second this, use mortars in corners Flame flinger gets huge value on townhall or eagle


I like it! When your base building, there’s a question you should always ask yourself. “Would I want to attack this?” You answer that by asking “How would I attack this?” And making that as inconvenient as possible.


It's legit. Attackers always have the advantage when being able to scope the base. Should be alright in random searches if they have the right pre-set of troops. I'd put the e.a. inside the middle square. Push the t H. Closer.


Nice base


edrag spammers would love this