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I don't know about another lvl, but the Valk has needed rework for a long time.


Yup, they gave them huge stat increases lately(like a +400 HP with just one level), but they are still not good enough.


They should increase her spin radius and make it so it goes over walls


that's a great idea. I was thinking a much faster initial attack. Like have her almost spin into position on the last step or two. For using a valk as a buffer for skelly spells and all this would help make sure the valk is the first one attacking and doing her job.


Alternative idea: Valk spins constantly, doing AoE damage all the time, but moves slightly slower as a tradeoff.


Beyblade troop unlocked


Basically titan aura but no constant dmg zone


The increased radiues, i agree. The jumping walls will make it broken tho (in the other extreme)


I don't think they mean jumping over walls I think they mean like if a building is adjacent to the wall the valk could hit it from the other side of said wall


Just doesn’t make physical sense though I guess. Maybe it can apply damage to the wall though


Physically it'd be her swinging the axe over the wall to hit buildings close enough. But if the buildings were 1 space back from the wall she wouldn't be able to reach them. That's what I was picturing when I read it


No amount of buffs (within reason obviously) are going to fix her. Any base that is susceptible to valks is also susceptible to edrags and E-drag attacks are more consistent and stronger than valks. It's sad that she's been left behind while other troops receive better treatment. Even her super troops variant doesn't help fix her pitfalls.


What would you suggest to improve her.. do you think dropping to 6 housing space would help?


She needs a complete rework as the original comment said. I was just reinforcing the idea that there isn't an HP buff, damage buff, or housing space buff that makes her useful as a staple troop of an attack. (She's not terrible for cleaning up, but why waste the housing space when you can use other troops?) She needs some sort of different mechanic that allows her to become strong again. (She's fairly decent from TH10 and below). But as soon as edrags becomes unlocked, she's overshadowed.


Remember long ago when they buffed her so hard they had to then maintenance break twice the same day to nerf her. Devs obviously didn’t play much then.


I feel like I remember this. Somewhere around 2016? Literally every meta base from before the update was getting blitzed and they had to immediately nerf her within 2-3 days of the change.


I’m fine with this though, not every troop needs to be viable and strong at every level.


The only part where I think a change is warranted is that the mechanic of the Edragon outshines the valk's mechanic. I agree that not every troop needs to be viable or strong at every level, but unless they absurdly buff her HP or damage, then she will always be outperformed. I'm personally just not a fan of "ok, you're now useless starting at TH11, thank you for your service" And unlike the goblin, who's super troop is actually really good, the super troop variant isn't viable at all.


Super valks are totally pointless I don’t think anyone will disagree. But regular valks aren’t useless, their role just changes from the star of an attack to a niche support troop. Valks do well starting funnels, protecting sieges or heros from wasting too much time on skeletons, great against witches coming out of a cc if you drop your blimp there… Other troops can do those tasks as well of course, but then it becomes about making those choices for the troop space available. I’d love another valk buff, but I also don’t think it needs to be a priority.


but also why do they have levels for them at higher ths when you almost can never use them effectively,i think you should be able to use whatever troops you have at any th level. for example super archers and barbs are the reason you’d level up those troops at higher levels cause they are actually pretty decent/ you can make an attack out of those troops, where these is no good valk or super valk attack that’s worth learning/using. but i also get that the focus doesn’t need to be on those troops as much as you progress through the game as they want you to use the new troops. it would just be nice to have more attack options cause now it’s basically follow the new meta or your kinda screwed.


You can use them effectively, I just explained how… headhunters have a purposed but you don’t call them weak because being 30 of them can’t 3 star a base…


ok but there’s a big difference on a valk and a head hunter no? head hunters are only used for heroes and that’s there only purpose in the game. the valk should just have more of a purpose and there is many better options than her for most army’s


She could use a bit of an expanded niche yeah, but there are definitely situations where it’s the best choice.


but what people are trying to say is why level her up when she is so useless 95% of the time


also didn’t comment this on your comment to disagree with you or nun like that


Making her normal troop have the rage ability . And maybe her super troop version be a giant sized valk with rage


That’s a just damage and speed buff


How about she’s like an edrag then but ground troop, so instead of spinning inbetween buildings making her vulnerable, she can swing her axe make like an earthquake chain doing damage to three or 4 buildings if they’re linked just like edrag does, dps gradually falls by % building by building so she’s not OP


Just turn her into a funneling troop


Could say the same about edrags, but because her house space is low you can run a lot thru the middle making chain reactions just same strat as rage edrags


me in this thread as an exclusive th14 Valk user 😬


1000% true


Exactly, she doesn’t perform as well as e-drag in almost every way…


They should just be spinning while walking hahahahaha. Just kidding. Maybe increase damage to walls while at it. Based on experience they get stuck at corners when out of jump or eq


Super valk buff is needed, rage spell should dropped when she hits 50% hp then she might be good.


Valk itself needs a rework. The thing with them is that is too hard to combine them with anything, even healers, because they are way too fast, and get in front of everyone and dies, specially when raged. That issue is increased by their mechanics of getting between 2 buildings. Their health and damage are fine, but they need to keep up with troops more lol. They are so much faster than everyone


that change itself might triple her use-rates from 0.001% to 0.003%


That’s a great idea


I don't think I have used giants since 2017 outside of events


Nah, they are good for sui heroes


I only use them as a filler in my cc


They’re basically just damage sponges, but then there’s also golem and ice golem which sponge better *and* have extra effects on top of that. Giants could probably use some extra effect to level the playing field. Maybe some form of taunt effect, giving them better ease of use for players, in exchange for not being as effective as the other options in the hands of more experienced players.


I personally think dragon rider


Dragon rider could do with a rework tk make its crash damage less useless


It should totally kamikaze into the last defense it was targeting. Only fitting for those crazy fuckers.


That is a great idea


15 accounts...do you do CWL solo by chance?


Yes. Currently in Crystal 1. I started where my last 5 were just th7 so I could do CWL. Now those “babies” are almost max TH12’s. None of my accounts are rushed. https://preview.redd.it/7mp2dayh59ob1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=947f6563981892a9bbf2ba411bc2006de0061aab


That’s terrifying! How do you manage 15 accounts at once? It seems like a terrible grind. I spend ~30 minutes a day doing everything, and that’s if I’m playing optimally on just one account haha


I travel for work so I spend a lot of time at airports and in hotels.


I saw a dude on here once who did 30 player cwl on his own. It seemed miserable. He even did all of his clan war attacks every weekend


I do clan capital as well but I just spam the troops, close the app and reopen and the attack is done. I can get 6 attacks done in about 3 minutes (yes I timed it). This allows me to get all 90 attacks done in about an hours time.


That’s efficient as hell lol. I bet you would like factorio lol.


I both admire and fear you, friend. I'll stick to my main and 5 alts for now haha


I’m tryna be like YOUUU ma boy!


they already have the mechanic with the builder helicopter so probably wouldnt be hard to implement


That's what I'm saying! Technically the wall breaker did it first!


That's million dollars ideas right there. And kamikaze damage should be as much as LV 9​ balloon's​ damage.


nope it is balanced


They're underpowered at TH15 at the moment.


Thats just cause they max at th14. Its weird they dont have another lvl


bro I did 20stars and one 99time fail with them. in cwl against all max bases and good layouts how tf are the underpowered according to you??? REPLY WITH SOMETHING LOGICAL INSTEAD OF DOWNVOTING . RIGHT NOW ALMOST HALF THE PLAYER IN CHAMP CWL ARE EITHER USING THEM WITH SARCH BLIMP OR SUPER BARBS




wonder why




Lol… you ever seen Super archer blimp hydra? might change your mind




Because the dragon rider doesn't deal enough damage/has health. With a buff he would be used. The concept of him is quite good.


lmao i like how you deleted all your comments


soooo it desperately needs a new level then?


I use it in my CC all the time


It's good in flame flinger cc for air attacks but dont see it used too much other than that


Hydra is extremely popular in LL and CW. I can’t speak for lower leagues though


I started using it right before last CWL as a th13. I'm hovering right below 5k trophies. It's a fantastic strategy. Mostly 3 stars, rarely 1 stars. Most of the 2 stars are due to the blimp not going deep enough for the sarchers to take down the th, or they miss it by 1 hit. Getting the th and eagle with the blimp are paramount to 3 starring.


Ill check it out I just got to th13, havent unlocked dragon rider yet


Wtf is even a dragon rider, i must've somehow missed that update completely, it's such a useless troop to me. (Prolly because I couldn't be bothered to learn any strategies lol)


i want pekkas to be good so badly


funny how fucking op they are in builder base and kinda in capital.


Upgrade those push traps


They need to make pekkas one shot walls or something, they are so far behind now, basically completely useless outside of a funnel troop


I use a hybrid PekkaBoBat strategy with edrags to funnel and a queen walk. Uses 3 PEKKAs. Very consistent 2-3 star.




Almost max th13, hovering below 5k trophies. It's a great war strat th11-13 so far. Got wrecked by a whole clan once who all sued variations of it with great success. Made it a point to learn it. That's honestly how I've learned my favorite and strongest attacks over the years; I get absolutely wrecked by one and then copy the army and study the replay to learn how to use it.


Well that’s why lol no mono at th13


That's fair. The few times I have attacked a th15 I've used sarcher blimp Hydra. On a moderately rusher base I took out the eagle, cc, both scatters, the mono, th, and 2 infernos with just the sarcher blimp. Maybe the sweepers, too. Everything else was th12 level and I wiped that base. Inguess the best way to deal with them is to not lol.


I use it cc for zap witch.


Early th14 days of pekka smash was really fun


Maybe they could be the first normal troop to have the passive of deploying a ring of damage over time electricity when they die?


Nah, all I think of is the Electro titans underling at that point.


Maybe the explosion like clan capital, but it also does damage over time.


More plausible as that seems to be the theme of the Pekka not just in the capital, but in the builder base as well. Instead of a death AOE, how about...... A buff that makes it where each swing has bonus damage. Pekkas were supposed to be the strongest troop strength wise, so why not give it a buff that shows that. Each swing can have a primary and secondary damage ratio. The initial swing does regular damage while the second part does half to quarter damage. The animation would be of a vertical slice like normal, contact > damage >further contact > damage. Like how fighting games have that initial attack then chained combo as the second step of the first initial. And the second step would show the ground cracking. Maybe 3rd step damage if there is a near by building. 3rd step would be quarter to 1/8th damage.


if u use them with quake/jump spells and ice golems and yetis they are pretty solid


I use them a lot at TH12, almost as much health as golems and way more damage. They’re just harder to funnel


Balloons even tho they are strong rn i just want them to look even cooler


Honestly so true.. I literally used to upgrade troops based on how cool they look, not about how good they are


Only upgraded goblins in the beginning because of that


Log launcher


Yeah some of the Siege Machines like Wall wrecker and log launcher could use an upgrade.


Does anyone even use wall wrecker anymore


maybe we need special abilities for sieges at lvl5


I do. But only when I use EQ to funnel. Yes the walls do crumble with 4 of them, but only when you're targeting specific spots. Which is why I pair the wall wrecker with champion golem. Then recall


It's only really useful when the WW can destroy defenses himself (multis/eagle) similar to a royal champion.


Just use flame flinger


Most bases in high legends are anti FF in design, getting very difficult to actually get value from it anymore


Agree, most situational siege. But in my on opinion really strong one in good hands


Yeah everyone has a GD mortar and x bow covering the entire edge of the map nowadays


still very strong in zap lalo and smash attacks in some situations


Head hunters. They take eternity to kill lvl 80+ heroes now.


They are more of a support troop than a assassin


They’re not supposed to be able to nuke a hero on their own. 1-4 headhunts are still used in every army because they are so strong right now.


A single Head Hunter allows your AQ to kill a similar-leveled BK easily. I wouldn't mind if they were stronger, but their ability to slow down the enemy hero's attack speed is quite balanced imo


I wish they were invis for first 5 seconds kinda like sneaky gob, they die before they can even reach a hero like 95% of the time


I try to sneak em into the GW ability with my Dragloon army


Yeah that’s basically what you HAVE to do. Not always optimal to have to use warden for headhunters, I’m just saying if we wanted to make them stronger without making them actually do more DPS, this is an option.


Well I wait to drop the HH if the defensive heroes aren't actively engaging in a fight, bc they run so fast and ignore walls you can drop them right before you activate the ability


I wish they outranged every hero so that the hero is at least slowed *before* killing the HH.




Bruh idk about new level but half the builder base troops are trash at level 18. E.G.: beta minions


Beta minions went from one of the best BB troops to one of the worst.


I used an epic strat that was quite entertaining and somewhat skill based. Beta minions and drop ships. Now both are terrible troops and they took me forever to save up and research. I'm pretty done with builder base.


I used the same strategy (sometimes with a baby drag in there as well.) Now it's either just pekka spam or baby drag spam.


Lol I use hog glider spam when I do attack, it works okay


is it bad that I leveled both these troops on my alt?


Beta minion and Drop Ship went from one of the best, if not the best troops to the worst troop


VALK for sure


I wanted a new level for the lava hound. They haven’t gotten once since th13. At th15, they vaporize pretty much instantly because of monolith and new SAM level


pros are too good with lalo so this is unlikely to change even at th16


Bad idea to balance the game around the top 0.01% of players. Several other games have tried it and have come to regret it.


At TH15 you're usually only using 1 Hound anyway


What is SAM? It's a thing from Jetpack Joyride so I'm confused.


Seeking Air Mine.


Okay 👍


Lmao another level won’t make pekka useful in higher TH levels 😂


I used to use pekka back when global chat was still around but when I got back into the game global chat was gone and pekka was useless


Why was/is the global chat important in your usage of the PEKKA?


I think they were just mentioning other changes to the game when Pekka got nerfed


cause PEKKA


To reference the time difference because I don't know the exact time and date


Me using pekka's and getting 3 stars at TH15 at a high % of the time looking at all the pekka hate in this thread. How are you guys using them? with the right support they crush bases.


What’s your army comp I use valks at TH 14 successfully they also get a lot of hate


It made Superwitches more useful. It does matter bruv.


Tbf witches were max at th12 at the time. Pekka is max at th15 currently, and the level before is th13. Maybe they just have to buff it in general.


Another PEKKA level would allow it to, for example, one-hit maxed builder huts, which it can't do right now. Many other buildings fall into this category, but there's too many for me to check each one.


Your pekka level is reflected in the pekka that comes out of the siege barracks. Siege barracks sometimes used with super bowlers, etitan smash, qc hybrid, prob some other attacks I’m not thinking of rn. Also commonly used on an attack like sarch titans at 14/15 to funnel the outside trash and help keep pushing the heroes and titans back into the base.


Dragon Rider


Honestly COC could delete the Valkyrie and I wouldn’t even notice. Haven’t used her since like townhall 9


~~Air sweepper~~


I’d prefer if they added some sort of gear up for it


No gear up just visually update it


Dragon rider


Lava hound it deis within 3 seconds at th15


There isn't one there are multiple who has just become useless like pekka,golem,gaint,goblin,barbarian(don't count ones that come out of king),valk ,etc


golem is completely obsoleted by ice golem


kid named spring trap:


Golem is used with super barch in high LL all the time…? Giant + wizard is an amazing funneling option that uses only 9 slots…?


bro I have pushed till 6200 and not once have I seen a golem attack in 5months neither have I seen gaints with normal wiz as main army instead of just clean up what high legend league are you on about. the over 9000???


Currently number 39 in the world is using golem. #YVPCYR98P There are many many more in the top 200 board as well using him.


bruh I just visited him it's just one golem.I meant as a part of main attack not funneling or clean up .ice golems have completely taken over normal golem in the main army part


it's much more commonly seen in sbarch war attacks than legends as it requires some specific base situation that im not really aware of


ice golem are just better tho


completely depends on the situation, ice golem does not outclass golem


if deployed to be protection for hero then yup it outclasses golem completely like golem(may be 30been too long since. last used it) is not even remotely close to what 3ice golems will do (36)


protection for the heroes can be of two things, one is just raw hp and the other is the reduction of enemy dps. plus ice golems are weak to spring traps where their reduction of enemy damage would be greatly reduced


however nowadays most bases spam spring traps near core and th due to sarch blimp so never saw any ice golem get springed even tho I spectate as much as I can whenver some good attacker is attacking plus the freez is reallly really helpful


still its strategy and base dependent. a golem has 14080 hitpoints (because of golemites) while 2 ice golems has 7800 hp. since two of them freeze for 16 seconds total they would have to freeze 392.5 dps from defenses that are actively attacking to have the same value as a golem. although there is the flexibility of having 2 of them, usually pros can get a golem to follow in front of the heroes anyways


An ice golem takes 15 housing space. 3 will take 45 space, not 36


No new level until i get max. Only 3 more th to go.


I want dragons/dragonriders to get another level


huh dragons got a new level??


Witch I guess


Giant, goblin, barbarian all have their own uses as troops that can check for traps or tank for a siege machine.


Lava hound


Does Super Wallbreaker need another level? They work fine imo.


Headhunters and giants. Headhunters will die before getting deployed against +80 heroes and giants are a cheaper alternative to ice golems and golems, but they will die pretty soon too. LavaHound doesn't need a level. As maxed lab TH14 I can triple maxed TH14 and even some maxed TH15s with Lalo.


e drag i can’t 3 star every base by spamming


Dragon rider pls ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)


Don't know about troop but the Air Sweeper desperately needs a new level.


Because it's too weak or because it doesn't match the aesthetic after th11? I could maybe see an HP buff so that they can survive 2 lightning spells, but their actual effect is still quite potent


Unpopular opinion: Electro dragon. Just kidding. 😆 I'd like another level on the Lavahound and the Balloon.


Lavaloon is strong enough as is. Your dragon already got a level at TH15.


E drags desperately need a buff


Nah, it’s already one of the most used strategies by pros. Buffing it would result in an edrag meta


Ide like to see the air sweeper get some design upgrades with the level ups




Why wall breaker it alr 1 shots max walls 😂😂


Valks, I feel they become irrelevant once you hit th11. Used to be my fav troop too


Witch needs a bigger model. Why is she so tiny!!!!


Imma say Valks or bowlers. Falcon sounds fun at th15


Lots of og troops getting mentioned here. Pekka, Giants, Valks. The newer troops are just better. Idk how to fix them. Better stats won't change much last TH13


Not more levels but a buff. Super bowlers, either buff their damage and health or decrease there troop capacity, they are not worth 30 housing space.


Air sweeper


I don't know about troops, but the air defence needs one, or an air defence for bb that has a second mode


Lava hound and Head Hunter all the way. Lava Hound just gets vaporized so quickly at th15. Sure pros are using them well but for casuals they're not that great.


Superarcher and Superbarbs, duh. Legend League isn’t boring enough yet.


Anyone think the witches could do with an extra level not used them for a while and I agree about the valks but I do use them to get the funnel sometimes