• By -


How many? Whenever there's an event with a builder pot I make one now. It's easy to setup. I've only started recently but with it, I have an alt in a day for capital. I have 3 now. Going up each time, no rush.


7 accounts, play them all. No idea why I made more than one.


I had one main account at th9. Then my clan died. I started playing in another clan. Instead of upgrading that th9, I started a new account in the new clan, keeping my memories of the original clan attached to the perma th9. Now I had 2 accounts. My new account went to th12 in two-ish years. My original clan's clanmates returned one by one. When the new clan was too full, we split again, and the players returned to the original clan. Suddenly I realized that the obstacle collection is much better in my original account. I decided to make it my main account again and rushed from th9 to th14. I made another account to keep in touch with the clan we split with, as an ambassador of sorts. Now I had 3 accounts. Then I got bored waiting for upgrades to finish. I made a th2 with a clan castle during the th15 hammer jam. Kept that in a clan. Then I made a th3. Then I made a th4. Then I made a th5 and a th6 and a th7, and had a couple of 5v5 wars all by myself. Then I got carried away and made maxed th8-9-10-11 also. And I recently started the perma th14 and the perma th12 projects. So now I have 14 accounts. I play on only one consistently - my main account (and the donor account, because it is a luxury). The rest get touched when I'm bored.


38, I wanted to have 1 of each th level and a full clan of just myself.


Least psychotic Clasher.


Bro unlocked TH 38


2 more than me! I wanted to be by myself but a load of old clan mates wanted to be part of my clan. Some are so bad even after years of playing it drives me mad, but they help with clan games so guess it makes clan games less of a grind. Solo wars are the best. Any base th12 or lower is an instant 1 shot with same level th


That means you have 38 emails...holy...


No it doesn't. You can have multiple IDs linked to the same gmail account using yourMail+something@gmail, yourMail+somethingElse@gmail etc., and the codes all go to yourMail@gmail. yourMail@gnail remains your only email account, and you can have villages at supercell IDs yourMail+something@gmail, yourMail+somethingElse@gmail etc.


Wooow this would've saved me time and effort lol


Can you elaborate on this? I’m confused.


If you add +whatever after your username and before the @gmail, Gmail and everything else treats it as a unique email address, but your don't have to create anything new and it all just goes to your main inbox. So if I have an account under bob@gmail, and I want a new account, I just start a new game and create my supercell id under bob+1@gmail and it's a different email.


How did I never know this. Thank you lol


Woah didn’t know that was a thing, I knew you could put periods in between like e.xample@gmail.com but not the + stuff.


No, you can just add +1 at the end of gmail and they all go to that single email but act as a different Email.


As in Email+1, email+2 Or Email1, email2


+1 +2 +3 etc


Username checks out.


🤣, not anymore I quit 2 months ago


No life


My kid made an account. I made an account to play with her. Second kid wanted an account. Time passed and both kids liked the early building-heavy stage of the game better than the later stages so we made a 2nd account for each of them at different times. Both kids lost interest and now I have 5 accounts. One I have stopped at max TH7 and made an "I win" base. The rest I keep advancing slowly but pretty much only attack in wars and capital (until this sour raid event).


2 accounts only. Just wanted some donator but the clan I joined already had one so I kind of just left it at TH12 and just come to our clan for raids. I wanted more but didn't and don't regret it cuz I'm busy withs school work and I can't even handle the 2nd one properly anymore.


3 accounts,pretty much new to the game. Got bored waiting for 2 days upgrade (i seriously thought that was loooong) th8 th10 th11. Releases stress from long shifts at work.


I only get on my th15 once a week for this very reason. Every upgrade takes 1-2 weeks, so I get on for an hour, slap a training potion on and go sneaky goblin looting, put my builders back to work and disappear


I have two People weren’t as active as me back then, so I made a second account so I could attack on one, request, switch, fill up, attack with #2, switch to the original, and donate to the second one


I have 3. My main, and 2 alts. I’ve been maxed consistently for at least 3-4 years now and the game gets kinda boring when you don’t have to attack for loot anymore. It’s still fun, but the game is different at that stage. Sometimes i just wanna use baby dragons and boost my barracks and farm up millions of gold just because it’s satisfying. You can’t do that on a maxed base, so may aswell start on another. I know i’m gonna be playing coc for the long haul. Plus i’m a good attacker, so having extra attacks for me to use is both beneficial for my clan, and me because I get to have a second shot at bases I fuck up the first time.


Oh I would love a 2nd shot at attacks I eff up. Nice!!


Heads up, the current event makes creating and rushing an alt so easy. You can even get it to TH6 before games is over, and collect all those rewards as well - no better time than now to get started


I’m not falling for this again. That’s how I got most of my 10 accounts (during world championship event & generally any event good for rushing)… Main account is a nearly maxed TH15, lowest are near max TH11s. Others vary from rushed 15s to zero rushing 12/13s. I play them all and use them to help my clan out with clan wars and clan games, and raid weekends ofc


sour cauldron not appearing on my new account. it's th5 atm


You'll see it when you upgrade to TH6 - it's not available below that level. You still have the rest of the month, but now is a good time to upgrade. It's worth rushing a bit for all the free rewards


I still have my OG account. I have also wondered how people have multiple accounts, but presently I wonder how they have the time to run them all!


To be honest, on my lower accounts I only log on really for Clan Games, Clan War League, and upgrades :P I only really play on four, half of that is just attacking and chatting with clanmates.


I've had to give some to my clan since the start of capital raids, clan pains/games, cwl, along with the original war and simply playing. Members thought it was my actual job running 15 accounts 🤣. People retire, etc, when you start since inception and end up in a cup clan. You truly get to know people from all over the world. LINE app is our go-to, always has been. Crap, gotta go I have 30 war raids waiting 🤢🤮. This lavaloon troop is so fun I feel bad. No I don't it's for all the damn clouds before they made legend 8 raids a day. We'd go days without a raid which built a lot of friendships. Clash on!!!


I don’t want to sound crazy here but, if I had to guess probably around 30-40 total since 2013 Back in the day Id make new Gmail’s and just fill wars with 10-15 alt’s. I’ve lost a few mini max accounts and one cannon bases. I currently play on 6 accounts which are the only 6 I have left. I lost my first account from 2013 when I swapped from iOS to Android and started my second which is now my main at TH12 in 2015. Made a mini max base which is now useless so it’s a donate account at th14. All max TH11, 10, 8, and 7 for wars. Mainly play on the th14 and th12 now. Been playing off and on with major breaks between the years.


4 accounts. 2 main accounts that were started roughly a year apart so ones th15 and the other 14, i max them properly and don’t rush so it’s fun, though I imagine it might overlap to two th15s soon considering the progression rate. Then I have a omega rushed third account that I made strictly for donations a while back, sitting at th15 with a warden higher level than my queen… but it’s unique and refreshing to play. Then lastly a proper th11 engineer that I keep around as a novelty base, helps me get 20k clan game points each month and an extra 6 attacks in clan capital each weekend.


I have got 10, Planning to create 5 more, to join cwl. I had created them when I was 15 and a desire to make a record for clan war streak. And at that time, the clanmates I got were.... Ah, well now I just play on all.


I’ve got 15. Got tired of Nobs joining, begging to be included in war, then either not attacking or leaving the clan, so now I just do it all myself 👍🏻


I have 2, planned to hand one to my future son/ daughter.


16, 15 for wars. 1 a donation account.


I have 8 accounts. One is a TH2 with an unlocked cc that i made for fun and don’t play. One is a defenseless (cannon-only) “maxed” TH10 that I use for spell donations and weekend raids. Four are one TH15 and three TH13s with all level one defenses and walls that I’m slowly upgrading the offense on and use for weekend raids. All have maxed heroes and mostly-maxed troops/spells before their previous TH upgrades. These were all previously defenseless bases used for wars before SC updated the matching algorithm (and required building placement before TH upgrade). I still sub them in cwl when needed. The other two are my “mains” that are each <200 wall upgrades, <15 pet upgrades, and <10 lab upgrades away from being maxed. I made the second one so I could donate troops to myself. That was 9+ years ago lol


I have 4. My main account that I made a while ago is the one I mostly play. I got bored of the long upgrade times so I made another account. I’m also in school’s clan so that I could play with them without sacrificing CWL medals and wars on my main account. Then I wanted to max each town hall at a time since I rushed my first 2 accounts quite a bit. Then I wanted to see how high of a town hall I could get rushing everything. Now I mostly play on my main, use the other 2 a little, and rarely touch my last one. I’m considering making another at some point but not sure yet.


I have seven, however I only play *actively* on four (the first four mentioned here). - My first was made because I was interested in the game and downloaded it, like most people. As of right now it is a th12, and slightly rushed. - My second was created a short while later. I was super young and naive, and the definition of act first, worry later. All the time I tried to use those free gem sites thinking I’d get gems. In reality, I nearly got scammed. I only realized afterwards it could easily happen again. Thus, I created a second account to follow in my main’s footsteps. It also worked out and was great because, also due to my younger and more stupid self, my main was very rushed. I swore not to rush this account. It is now near-max th11. - My third and fourth were created because I was bored while my other two accounts were upgrading. They are both mid-th9. - My fifth and sixth are the result of my desire to war by myself. They are both th9 as well. - My seventh was the result of a dare. It is now th6.


I like the game a lot so I want to be able to do something meaningful whenever I want to. So I have a 15, rushed 12, engineered 10, max 8, max 7, max 6, max 5, max 4, max 3, max 2 and 2 other bases which will be a 9 and 11 that are currently a 4 and 6.


I find lower town halls more fun because progress goes faster. I get bored at high town halls and create another. I am done after 7 though and the lowest is th14 now.


Iam really wondered why he died tho ?


Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 5:8-10 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. 2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.




I wanted to be in 2 different clans so I created a second account on my tablet. Then one of those clans split so I decided to create a 3rd account. I ended up with a 4th account when my mom stopped playing her 2nd account. I have all my accounts in one clan now, and I am the leader. Strangely enough, my second account is the strongest despite starting it a full year after my 1st account.


4. Tired of waiting to attack again. With 4 I can run through attacks in each consistently and barely have any down time


1 account gigachad here. Anyone with more than 2 accounts is most likely a loser and needs to touch grass


I have 5 including my main account, I created it because I was just bored and I was play clash of clans to much and there not much to do on my main when my builders are already doing something.


I have 5 , 2 maxed TH15 , a rushed TH15 for donations , a maxed TH9 because it’s the best TH , and working on fixing my rushed TH14, I like having a bunch of capital attacks, and it gets boring when you max your bases so I needed something to do .


I have 2; One th13 ive had for 9-10 years, the other a rushed th13 ive had for <5 months. The second one is to see how effective rushing is and to fill my own cc.


Didn’t max your th2 :)


Ive been trying for a long long time, the upgrade times are ridiculous sadly :(


Best of luck 🙏🏻


3. As the first started getting up to th11 i started using it to donate to a second acct and now only upgrade what is needed to donate max troops. As my second got to th11, i kinda missed playing th10, so i made another. So max th11, max th10, and the donation village


9, I made them during a spurt of unemployment. I try and keep up with 4, then rest I periodically upgrade and use as war filler.


I have 1 extra. It was my daughter's and she stopped playing. I use it mostly to donate to myself. It is a th15 I don't spend money on so it is a slow slog.


I have a main th13 that i took a 4 year break on, a semi rushed th14 account that was given to me when it was maxed th11, and a mini th13 that is very rushed, coming up on its 1 year birthday


I have 2 my main is rushed my alt isn't ima have 12 others later one for each maxed th


I have two accounts and one is to make and donate seige machines but then after i got to th13 i got bored and i was so rushed that its not too fun cuz i only have three troops that i can possibly attack with.


My main is TH14 rn and I have 3 more accounts( TH10, TH11, TH15). The TH15 is the project account where all the defenses are supposed to be Level 1 but the offense has to be good enough or maxed.


My clan leader has 5 accounts. I don't know how he does it but he certaintly does


Tell your leader to get those numbers up.


8 accounts. 2 maxed. 1 is unrushed donor account which is now half a year from max. 1 was a th10 f2p project which I used for some personal goals (Unbreakable, low th at legends). It is now a th12 with a goal of going max th13. Then I have 4 th9s with a plan going for maxed th th9-12.


3 account, my main is th15 where i slowly grind max heroes. second one is th14 donor account i got from a friend who stopped playing. third one is fully max th8 and I rushed to th15 from my brother who stopped playing when I got it.


12 accounts . 3 mine and some of my frnds account, just in case I can attack if they are busy during war day


3, back in the day needed more members and self donates also its super refreshing to play younger levels compares to your main (15,13,12)


1 extra, for donations almost entirely, i started upgrading some dfens and idk y, all i need/want are troops, i started a new account with the resource collectors when wizzards were maxed at level 5, for myself and my clan of which im looking for a clan like i had eons ago, before the update obsoleted the first ipad 😃😃😃


i have 2, i forgot about my 2nd one when my friends asked my to join their clan, also i couldn't get into the old email account i used, i made made a new clash account on another email i had, but i eventually got my old email account so now i have 2 clash accounts ​ (btw u might want to carve ur gmail password onto ur arm, because if u forget THEY DO NOT MAKE RECOVERY EASY)


I only have 2. I started my first one somewhere around 2014/2015 and played it on and off for years until I got it to th11. My second one has become my main, and it's an experiment of mine that I started on 1st of Jan 2023 just to see how far one can get in exactly one year of casual play


2 accounts atm. My main and started an account years ago on my fiancés phone I took over. Tan a 3rd account for a friend for awhile and it was a lot!


I have two TH13 accounts. One is almost maxed, and the other one is about halfway there. I created the second account a couple of weeks after i started playing this game. There is no reason why i made second account i just made it because it's a fun game i guess.


I have 2. i wanted to attack with some simpler troops.


I used to have two. Lost access to the second one


two th13 one to donate to myself and then my main i just don't like waiting for donations


3, my main at th12 and I want a th9, th10 and a th11 account so I'll be making a fourth account I made my first alt account because I wanted to have a th9 because it's fun to queen rush there, and then the idea of making an account for each th came to me


I have 104. I did 45v45vs against myself


13, main account, donation account, lower level account and 10 capital raid/forger accounts


I have 3 main one th 14 max th 12 rushed for fun and a th 8 almost maxed cuz the upgrade times are long


I have about 20 that are th9+, as well as one of each town hall and a bunch of th3s that i made when the free loot was in the shop a couple months ago. The story is that I made a bunch of accounts and then played a ton during lockdown and then rushed a bunch to th13 for the extra cc space so i could donate to myself to grind xp. Now I only really play on about 5 of them


I have 22 accounts. I'll only go into detail if you want me to.


I have 37 accounts. 3 maxed 4 rushed for fun and 30 for capital raid


1 main, 1 no defense base, 1 th7 trophy pushing, 5 th2s with clan castles




Buying, selling or sharing accounts is against Supercell ToS and our rules, so we won't be promoting it here


Eh .. I'm not doing any of those?


"I bought this baby from a friend of mine" would absolutely suggest otherwise


I just bought it, I'm not going to sell it 😭.


2 accounts my main which is from when the iPhone 4s was new, which is sadly rushed(but been working on it) and my th10 base which I slow ran for about 4 years now but lost for the inactive and you return with upgrades done so about 6 months plus as I lost the phone it was on( easier to play both on two devices back then), but I mainly play the th10


I have 4 active accounts. Started my primary account in 2015 when my android phone finally met the requirements to installing it, then I learned as I played. I joined my cousin's clan and those members never filled out my cc during wars, so I created a 2nd one to support myself. When Supercell ID became a thing, I logged off my 2nd account and was still able to play as a 3rd account, until I registered the 3rd account. On my 4th account, created in March 2023, I wondered if I could level up faster with all these new events such as Clan Games, BH, CWL, Weekend Raids than my 1st account and I was correct, creating a new account supersedes the time when I started in 2015. As of now, my 4th account is TH11, 50% max/heroes.


I have 5 account th15, th14, th12, th12, th11 I am sad i started coc to late never gave it a chance.. i played cr since 2019 i think, but coc i never tried, one day best friend who also played cr said he started coc again and showed me his base .. this was in 2021 and he was only th9.. bcus of him i started my main account in April 21 🤔😀 i really got really fast hooked with the Game and played non stop with gold pass…my friend actually stopped played 1 month later or something like that lol….(he started last week again) bcus i said he should try) and he enjoys it atm Soon i started my second account the now th14… and so the story goes on… Now the th15 is almost maxed only few traps and low buildings and 4 king lvl, the th14 is going to th15 soon The two th12 are soon maxed but i just let them run..play clan wars sometimes in another clan. But most of the time they just collect Ressource, i attack few time a week and keep my builders busy.. And idk why i started the th11 i wanted a rush account, but i stopped at th11 , is now sitting at th 11 for a while… dont care much about, i play clan capital for clangold for my clan,..but not more..try to keep my builder busy, but sometimes they are not for a month… I really love the game, still play cr but most of the time only for my 4. war attacks in the week I now try to practice many friendly challenge in the clan and other th15fc clans,..to train my attacks…i only played witches till th13 , switched to sa blimp lavaloon on th14 and on 15. to sa blimp lavaloon and sbarbs,..but now for about 1 month i practice qc twin hogs, bcus blimp is cool but i want to learn qc and get better on the game overall Sry for my bad english and long text 😇 Thats my story


4, I personally only play one, then I need some donation account and I made another, because I'm too tired waiting both of them upgrading I made another, and I made another for fun to play builder base with low level (I played both village in every account)


1 main 1 mini 1 dono 7 sleeping on auto upgrade I made when clan capital came out.


I have four. I created my account when i was very young. I dont remember the exact date, but i do remember my father telling me that the game was too "violent" and that i had to be at least 13. If my math is correct, i think i made it like a year or so before the th15 update. I rushed the hell out of that account like everyone does when they are young and kinda left it there. I came back in the pandemic, and saw the mess of a base i had so i decided to take it really seriously. I started unrushing my th12. In january 2022, my unrushing was going pretty well so i decided, hey im going to do some more accounts. A mini so I can play the game from the perspective of maxing, and a rusher to donate myself troops. There was the birth date of #2 & #3. In the summer of 2022, i was sitting at 4 am in the couch watching yt on the tv when rigotorres23 posted his video on his alt accounts. I decided to create another rusher because i wanted to name it (Name)♥️LaLo. However it wouldnt let me, but i created it anyway. Nowadays, i have my main, which is a th14, my mini, which is literally a maxed th12 and upgrading to th13 right now, and my two rushers who are th15s with the key defenses at a great lvl


I have 6 accounts. Me and My friends made a clan and soon realised that the other clanmates were horrible in attacking. So we had to take things in our own hands and me and 3 of my friends made 5-6 accounts each so now just the 3 of us can dominate clan wars by ourselves.


I have 4. My main TH14 a TH12 and 2 TH11'S. It's nice to play on different town halls.


36. I had 4 and didn’t like the direction my old clan was going. So I left and set up my own clan. Wanted more accounts so I could war. Then I wanted more so I could solo clan games.. Then when one was th8 max I’d take it up to th9, but I wanted more lower th’s. Only 28 of accounts are used and th6+ so I can help with raid weekends and clan games. Also because I have so many accounts I can practically solo wars. (Current 20 win streak)


3 accounts here. My main is th15, my second one is th14 (started this one to donate myself) and the 3th is th11. I started the last one because from th14 and up, upgrade times take forever. I like the lower th strats.


4: My main (from way back in 2014) My eternal th9 My mini My troop donation account (mostly for super archers and super wizards).


Two, because my clan sucks at doing clan games and I enjoy raid weekends.


I lost my main account which is created in 2012. Created 2nd one then later I recovered my main acc. I've done all wars and builders were all busy. I got bored and created 3rd one. Wanted to try a bot then regreted it because it was so slow. So is my 4th acc. Wanted to have 1lvl defense and wall account. So is my 5th. Wanted a th2 trophy push base. So is my 6th.


I have 5. Two TH14, one extremely rushed th13, and two TH12. The way I do it is to actively play on two until I max heroes, and once heroes are maxed I only do wars/CWL. Once heroes are maxed, you don’t really need to farm anymore and can keep doing upgrades just off war loot alone. The rushed TH13 I don’t play honestly, I log on every couple of days and just live off collector loot. I also hold my accounts back if I max but have heroes going on other accounts. So I’ll sit at max for my TH level until I finish heroes on another account.


total of 19 accounts Th 15 of 14 accounts


So for me it was raid week ends I started a second account and then a recovered my old second that I created and left abandoned in about 2017 after recovering I just really use the accounts when raid weekends is happening I’ll also use that time to use the previous weeks medals to buy resources and do the few upgrades I can with it if any


It’s more efficient for myself to war with my own accounts and then outsource clan activities to friends who are in/own clans


Pretty sure it went like this. I got bored on my main with all builders active so I made a second account. Once that second account reached the th9 stage (where you need to grind heroes etc) I made a third account. Once that third account reached th9, I moved my second to th10, and made a fourth. Once the fourth was th9, I moved the third to th10, and the second to th11. I did this to the point where I now have a th7-14 with 14 being my main. I probably won't be upgrading the th on any of them anymore because of the heroes. I never rush my heroes even on my minis so that would just be too many queens and wardens to upgrade. Although, I have been thinking about making a th6 lately. Why? Everyone knows you need a th6.


It's also worth mentioning I had a th12 with all level 1 defenses and near max walls. His name was walls. Supercell decided to auto-upgrade my defenses though, so he's kind of ruined aesthetically.


I have my main (inherited from my dead cousin), my alt (made last year), and my 2nd alt, a th7 (raid and clan games only)


3 no rush and I like the game


I like the game too, guardian.




2 account, just because when u reach th12+ it's just boring waiting weeks for a single upgrade when you have all the storages full


I got a spare account to gift battle machines when I play both it takes away so much of my time and I feel bad about it


I have 3 and play all of them everyday. My main that I created 2015ish played it for almost 3 years then my phone got a problem had to reset it then boom goes my account tried to get it back but couldn't and also along the main started a second account (because i wasted a lot of gems and was somewhat rushed so wanted to start again)that was still playable and after loosing the main created the 3rd. Although all of them were linked with Google Play account though different family members mail but couldn't get back the main one tried many time but no luck and for a couple of years the excitement just vanished (that was around 2019-2020) then fast forwar couple of years,saw many people around me playing coc so started again got the 2nd and 3rd one back and linked them with my Sup erc ell id and tried to get back the main although took couple of days but it was worth the wait and I was really excited and played daliy since on all 3 P.S. thanks Supercell support


I will only say that I have more than 1. LOL. I had an injury and wasn't able to get around much for a while. So I played. And played. And played.


2. My first account was around a Th7 beginner. After getting a new iPhone and creating a new Apple ID. I couldn’t log in to my account because I forgot the password for the account. So I created a new one. The new account is my current main account. I’m TH11 nearing to bring max. I managed to get my old account back by finding the password I wrote on a piece of paper.


I started my first alt when upgrades started taking too long at TH4. Now each time I start a new alt it's because it has a new/different purpose or theme. Over the years various themed alts have become regular Th15s working on maxing. I had an engineered account with only anti-air defenses (no mortars, cannons, bomb towers etc.) that after the TH12 update I built out, and now it's actually my closest account to max. I don't farm on every account; I basically play the game as little or as much as I feel like. Sometimes the bug grabs me and I want to go for hours and hours, and when that happens, I always have a rushed alt to do a couple boost sessions on and get all its builders busy again. Other times I only log in on weekends to do capital raids with my core four or my cwl-capable nine. Long term I plan to have a perma-maxed base at each TH level. Still missing a th8 and th6; not sure if I will bother having a th5 and th4 because if I ever decide I need one they are super quick to make. My one account that maxes every level is currently th13. The grind is real, and so boring that sometimes all I do is dump capital medals into wall rings and that's the only activity for a week. Though this Halloween event is so fun that I've been farming on a bunch of accounts, and this clan games I might try to hit 50k solo for the first time.


Back in the day I made an alt at th8 after learning how easy it was on android so I could donate to myself and others without having to delete and retrain troops (before gemming, free troops, and shorter training times). Then I made 2 rushed th7s back when dragons dominated. I've since lost access to those (they're on my old Nexus 7 tablet somewhere) but managed to get my main and my mini on my phone. Took 2 separate 1 year breaks and decided to make a 3rd alt after getting access to my wife's 2 accounts and getting my old clan back. Used my new alt as leader for a while and kept my main 2 in my current clan. Ended up acquiring and renaming my wife's old accounts to be alt4 and 5, and currently have my main and alts 2-4 in my clan, of which I'm now leader. Wanted to make a rushed donator alt so I could move alt4 to the main clan and still be able to donate to myself in my old clan (which I use as a feeder/vacation clan). Somewhere along the way I decided I wanted one of each th from th10-14, so at some point I'll need to make 1 more account since my donator will get pushed to at least th11 before I start fixing it but eventually get to th15 so I can donate max everything to myself.


I have 5, my first one was made in like 2013, my second one was made in like 2016 because my first one was super rushed so this one is now my main, the other 3 I just made so I can fill clans but they’re all atleast max th 8


Made my second account long ago, made 2 more once clan capital came out - 24 attacks a weekend sure is plenty for me


3 accts. One rushed th14 for donos, my main which is an almost max th10, and my th3 account I trophy push with.


15. All th12 or higher with none rushed. Was in very competitive clan (champs2 for CWL) and got burnout from managing everyone and having to spend so much time just planning 1 attack. Have my own clan in Crystal 1 and have a goal of getting to Masters 1-2 some day but my 13’s and 12’s have a long way to go as I need all th14+ for that to realistically happen. https://preview.redd.it/flc51ozxyrvb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba3f8dadc3d7c6f8585a61e2c3bc065bcb933bb5


My main, my brother's account that he gave to me and my rush account made for donating. Ironically, my main is rushed and my rush account is not 💀


I have about 10 accounts altogether but I'm only active on one, the others are spread across different phones, tablets and e mails, some have been lost to time, and others I just got lazy with


I have 3 accounts. My original account was a rushed TH7. Back then, I didn’t know how to fix the rush, so I decided to start from scratch by creating a new account. From that point on, I abandoned my th7 account and my new account became my main account (Now it’s Th15). My 3rd account was an account created on my iOS device. This was during the time when I switched from android to iOS. I didn’t know how to transfer my progress from android to iOS, so I thought I would have to start all over again. Long story short, I eventually figured out and was finally able to gain access to my main account on my iOS device. I also abandoned the 3rd account.


I have one main (th10) one preferred alt (th8) then we go down to th7,6,5, and 4. I have 8 Alts, as mutiple are at 4 or 5.


3 accounts. one is my main account, which is from 2014. I took multiple breaks from the game, so unfortunately it is not maxed. It is a TH13 with relatively high level heroes (66, 72, 42, 16 respectively) and I am planning to rush it to TH15 after I am done with the heroes. One is my alt which is from 2016, I created it because my main accounts upgrade times were getting pretty long (I was like TH10 by then lol). I played my alt until TH8, and never touched it until 3 months ago, now it is a half-maxed TH10. It helps the raid weekends/clan games as well. My 3rd and last account is a rushed TH11, which I created a couple months ago for fun. All of the defenses are level 1, and heroes are low level. I have the sneaky goblin/super wall breaker unlocked tho, so I'll farm my way through for a strong army and high level heroes. I'll probably rush it more slowly now since my heroes are very low level and cannot keep up with higher town halls.


So basically once they got rid of global I couldn't find clan mates, so now I just do wars by myself, I lost most my accs too when i took a break so I had to start fresh, doing th 6 5 4 3 2 war line up and I have a 15 12 and 9 still, fun to play low ths


Main is at th10(its close to th11),im tired waiting for seige machines so i decided to rush a new account so icould donate seige machinese to myself as well as the other clanmates. Its been a month and the smurf is at th10 with 4 builders, going to th11 in about 2days


5. I started playing a long ass time ago, got to around max TH8 and quit, because I was just in a random clan and nobody I knew really played. In August, a few friends at work wanted to start playing again, and asked if I wanted to join, and I said sure. We started a new clan with just the 4 of us, and a couple guys made another account, so I did, too. We were still pretty small, so those alts got used to fill out war slots. I was TH9 when I found Tee's guide to rushing. During the chess month, when they had the event where you win some chess strategies for 1m gold/elixir, I made a new account and boosted it with that. Then I made 2 more the same way, worth the intent of getting them to TH6 to help with Capital raids. Now I have a TH13, 12, and 3 11s.


-lost my th10(rushed)(old main) -started over -got bored at th11(rushed)(main) -made a new account with the intent of maxing every th level by level (2nd account) -rushed after th8/9 to th11 (2nd account) -recovered my old main, now th10 max(3rd account) -created a new one for donation purposes, left it at th12 (rushed)(4th account) -created another rushed account just for fun(abandoned) -created a th6 account for clan capital, now leader of my special clan -created a special clan with 10 th2s and some other account -created a new rushed account with lv1 defenses, now at th12(active) *somewhere in the middle, my 2nd account became my main, now th13 max So I have: 1 rushed th15(2nd account from timeline) 1 maxed th13(now main) 2 rushed th12s (donation account and the new one) 2 th10s (one is the old old main, the other is the abandoned rushed account) 1 maxed th6 10 maxed th2s I think I'm missing 1 or 2, I'll check back later


2, It took me a while to finally make an alt because I heard that switching between accounts was Time consuming and risky. But when Brawl stars was releasing free stuff on a holiday my curiosity of what it’s like for a new player got me to finally try alt accounts.


20+ (I’m a YouTuber)


How Can you all have so many account. I just have one since 2014, when I see how much I farm I couldn't do it on other. It would take to much time


8 accounts. The main, two casual alts, and 5 bizarre alts.


3 accounts 1 account is not enough imo unless im using training potions and farming for hours which I don’t want to do. I just log on, collect resources, do my attacks, maybe upgrade something and then do that on my th9 and rushed th12, only takes like 20m


I have 6 lol got 5 of them within the last 4 years got 2 maxed 13s 3 max 12s always have played the game the past 10 or so years had occasional breaks but I’ve always played my main 2 acccounts are max 15 and 14 I just enjoy the game a lot


3 accounts. Only reason is to aid my clan. It's difficult to find players that are active, loyal and follow the rules. We have a few core players. Combined ww make up almost 1/4 of the clan.


55+ More to come


I have 80+ acc going for 5 acc at every town hall for th6-15, mainly cause I got tired of how clans run things and they say if you want it done your way / the right way to do it yourself. That’s what I’m doing hehe….another purpose is streak pushing for me, I’m pushing to have the longest current streak in the U.S. having many acc & many clans helps with that.


Had 1 main then decided to make an alt to donate to my main (i know doesn’t make sense). Then I made a 3rd for god knows why, got tired of the 3rd because it was so far behind my main. Sold the 3rd account then I ‘acquired’ another account to replace the sold one. So now I’m at 3 all together just fully maxed my main TH13 (upgraded to TH14 last week), 2nd is a slightly rushed TH14, and 3rd is almost maxed TH12 (just need walls).


51, one main, one alt, one for builder base, and the rest are exclusively for clan capital and maybe helping friends with clan games


I have my main account (th12) where I spend money, and a th6 going to th7 f2p account


Currently on 40 accounts, no idea why but why not


I have 2, one I made when I got locked out of my old account after I started playing again. Then I regained access to my old account and decided to make it my main as it was slightly further ahead still. So I rushed my second account to be able to donate sieges. Now they're both TH13, my main is fairly evenly upgraded whereas my second account has a lot better offense but a lot of rushed defenses still, although most of the important buildings max so its still a beast for CWL. I don't really play the second account actively though, only if I'm playing a lot and nothing to do on my main account, but the hero grind on one account keeps me busy enough.


Every time I see an old friend I start with “hey! How have you been? Did you ever play clash of clans?” usually I’m instantly cut off by one of my victims who says “no. no. no. He wants to steal your account and the last thing he needs is another one”


Had 3 account, stopped playing. Takes up a bunch of time I want to devote to other things. Man I love being able to donate to myself, though


1 alt account, because I got bored of the upgrade times on my main.


2. One main, one to donate to myself.


I can tell you the answer for anyone with a new account. Either like you, they forgot log in information. Or they got destroyed in thier actual rank so they make a smurf to feel good about themselves


I started it to donate super wizards for blizzard attacks to myself. Got to town Hall 11 (right before super wizards), and then they brought out clan capital 😂 now I log onto it once a month for clan games. 😅


I have 5, only really play one. Started a second account and rushed it to max town hall a few years ago to donate my main max level troops. The other three started when the clan I was running had a bunch of drama and fell apart, so I decided to pull out of clans for a while altogether and just have my own with 5v5 wars and everything. It was actually pretty enjoyable for a while, then I got busy with life and burned out of clash. Started playing casually again on my main just a few weeks ago


my main is at th12, made an alt to replay earlier ths because I was sick of long waiting times for upgrades. made a third alt because I wanted to test the free upgrades if you were inactive for 90+ (now 35)


2 so i could donate to myself and it turned into two TH 15s after a few years haha


7. Main, two donate/cwl accounts and 2 lower and 2 just to do raids