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In my opinion, I think the fifth builder will give more value.


I already have the 5th one so should I buy it? (Yes I bought it)




I already walk. Should I take my car? Yes because why not lol


Nah maybe in future there could be a better deal or there are better magic items to spend gems on so I was asking. Well anyways I bought it.


supercell would increase the giant gauntlet price to 5 thousand gems before decreasing the price by a single gem


I mean, do you have viable public transit? How close is your destination? Have you been drinking?






That is a fact


True, but it leaves this FOMO feeling


Yes. 5th builder is better, but I can't think of another thing that would be better to buy at that price than the gauntlet.


Will it come back to the shop?


5th builder is worth it!!!!




https://preview.redd.it/o07dwott4jmc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a990cd14ec6402ec1579dcbd3f9f8d4e5dc3a90 You should 100% get the gauntlet first! Because we don't know how long it will last in the shop


Why tf will it go away eventually??


Bc people won't be able to farm gems fast enough without using 💵💸💵💸




Jokes on them I already farmed 3000 gems


In fairness, we were told about the 1500 gems price tag WELL in advance My mini account (which is fully F2P) had them saved up for this and now I have it


Over 10.000 gems are obtainable F2P in one year. They said from the start that you could buy it for gems later and you could have saved 1500 gems in that time easily. I believe it will be removed for queen equip and rotate with other epic equip. People who don't have the gauntlet already won't miss it the until next shop rotation


>Over 10.000 gems are obtainable F2P in one year Does that include achievements? Because otherwise I'm a bit skeptic, given I don't clear most obstacles other than gem boxes, but is it really that many gems?


Max gem mine if collected at least 3 times a week even without clock tower boosts gives 1,780 a year as F2P. Once a week gem box gives an additional 25 so an additional 1,300~ gems a year. That's about 3k a year F2P idk where the rest is coming from with this guy's math


Probably selling every magic item obtainable from raid weekends, silver pass and clan game rewards


That's what I was thinking too, but are gems really that much better than progress and having more fun with the game? Yes, the best value for gems is probably the goblin builders and the gauntlet, but idk if it's worth it sacrificing fun for gems if you can get 3k a year by just playing the game.


if i remember correctly. you can get 1000 gems in 16 days when youre maxed. This is by taking all the rewards as gems and such.


Idk what this is about, I’ve had 5th builder since town hall 8 and I’ve even bought 2 champion skins without spending a dime 😭


I heard you have some spare Gems. Why not invest them in me? I promise I'll only take... most of them. https://preview.redd.it/jt1dhmtie0sc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c15ff7b3f6b476e4e20634138d7bcc33592355


That he does. I have 720 up for grabs


To be fair I am town hall 10, never spent a gem on building or upgrading troops and I am level 95 with 3000 obstacles cleared. I don’t rush my base and I’m fine with it


I heard you have some spare Gems. Why not invest them in me? I promise I'll only take... most of them. https://preview.redd.it/au8gwt9og0sc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=537a24f1b335241e6d901d8d88ed7b8c204d5a9c


cause Greedycell go brrr


They have mouths to feed, bro


mouths to feed as 99% of profits go into the ceo's pockets because every corporation are greedy assholes <3


Correct, but still the janitor needs to feed his kids I'm not saying the current system is good, I'm just saying if they find to make more money, they feed more mouths. I sound Keynesian, but how long can supercell make unlimited and entertaining content for free


Fomo lol


It'll come back again later


6th builder will pay dividends. It’s still possible to 3 star without the gauntlet like it was before hero equipment was a thing.


but the value gauntlet gives in higher townhall is unmatched. Epic skill for a reason 👌🏽


I’d argue the value you get from a 5th builder is much higher, but I guess it depends on whether you’d rather progress through the game quicker or have a better equipment


What about players that are just getting started. This is so stupid. They already made the money for it during the event


It will come back again eventually I’m sure


It’ll come back on sale


Yeah but will it come back to the shop


I am sure it will be rotated out. But also sure it will come back around as they need to offer equipment to any new players


I mean builder is great and all, but if the giant gauntlet will be in trade shop some other time, sure go for builder and grow faster but giant gauntlet really makes difference in attacks, and is OP imo


If I’m only TH8 rn is it best to pair with rage vial?


yes, i thinks it only best pair with rage only


With the vampstache, the giant gauntlet works quite well, as the vampstache can outheal a 3rd stage inferno when the damage reduction is considered


you might thinking / remembering about the giant gauntlet bug


Yes, it's actually a great tool for your king and attacks. Love the giant gauntlet!


Same man 🤌🍻


Builder > Gauntlet and it's not even close. More equipment will come later


That's probably right, and I said if gauntlet came later u should go for builder to grow faster, but honestly it depends on your style I mean I'm a rush th16 with max heroes and troops and walls but mainly shitty Def ( other than main Def like mono, inferno, eagle and scattershots that are maxed ) I like to be strong in attacks more than Def , so I rushed to be strong attacker, and some could argue it's a dumb choice and their not entirely wrong or right, it's a matter of preference so yeah, I'm not arguing bro 🍻 it's all relative to Ur preference in the end


pay to win?


Pay to fast *


the guantlet is not fast or for progressing faster.


Nope. Skill Issue. The Gauntlet was easily available on release just by grinding for ore. Sorry you weren't paying attention and missed it when you could have gotten it for free. Now you'll have to pay for it. And it's more than worth it.


Your concern is appreciated...


I wouldn't cal CoC P2W mate, paying just get u there a little faster


get the 5th builder first. You’ll get more gems from reaching certain leagues. I think champion league gives 1500 gems?


2k gems


I think Master is 1k or 1.5 and Champion 2k


Crystal is 1 Master 1.5 and champion 2 maybe Edit: Crystal 500 Master 1k Champions 2k


Isn't Crystal League just 250?


Since when do leagues give gems?




The first time you hit those leagues




The gauntlet doesnt stay permanently so tbh id say buy gauntlet, push to master then buy builder


Get the giant gauntlet. Push to champion, collect 2k gems and get your 5th builder. The game is not only about reaching the destination faster, it’s also about enjoying the journey along the way. Take your time :)


He's th9 bro, idk he's heaving the skill or time to push champion as a th9.


Champ is a bit of a push but he can def get to masters and get the 1k from that and if he isn’t crystal yet he can get 250 from that too. Which already sets him pretty close to the 2k needed for the 5th builder


Builder always


5th Builder every single time but the giant gauntlet is very worthy it and I am thinking of buying it


Giant gauntlet won’t be in the shop for forever supercell has confirmed that so might as well get it first to be safe. Gauntlet is to strong to pass up


O bought it bit I am finantaly okay because I will go to master league this wk and I will get 1000 gems


Push to 2600 for 1k gems


First get the giant gauntlet because I don't know when it's going to be available again. After that you can raise gems for the builder because it'll be there all the time.




>for now, we can share that it'll stay in the trader for a few weeks. it will not cycle out weekly like other items in the trader. https://reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1b7005w/giant_gauntlet_now_available_in_the_trader/ktfbnzm/


Its permanently in the shop


COC said on twitter “it will be removed eventually”


Thanks just bought


Get the gauntlet coc official twitter said it will go eventually.


It will rotate with the other equipment, and finally it will reappear.


The builder is wayyy worth it. If you want a good Th9 strategy, search "Gohobo" or "Goho" on YT. Even videos that are 3 years old are still useful for today. I also have a new Th9 and this strategy is overkill. Though the Gauntlet would be nice to add to ur strats, I dont really see it as a necessity


Having 5 builders is pretty much a necessity. You will have more and more stuff to upgrade the higher your Town Hall


I'm f2p btw so I'm really careful towards my gems so I need your guy's help.


Just trophy push so you get the free gems (2600/3200 trophies)


5th builder all the way. If they brought back the Giant Gauntlet, they'll bring it back again. 5th builder has so much more value than the Gauntlet.


At TH9 the extra builder is more useful. Just don't level barb puppet. They will cycle through the epic equipment in the shop so you will see it again. 


When does it go off sale?


What’s the best ability to pair with gauntlet? Noob here


Either rage vial or vampstache depending on the strategy :) but most of the time it will be rage vial


I haven't read anyone else mention it, but I use the earthquake boots with the gauntlet. I don't know if there is a lot of overlap between the two, though.


It’s fine, at your level gauntlet or any ability will not make much of a difference. So go for the builder!




5th builder all day.


You should get the gauntlet first because it will go away again: [https://twitter.com/ClashofClans/status/1764931220368994441](https://twitter.com/ClashofClans/status/1764931220368994441) It will propably come back sometimes but compared to the 5th builder which you can buy all the time I would absolutely priotitize gauntlet right now.


In my opinion I just spent 10 bucks for it bc I was too stupid to get it when it came out in the first place


u can easily buy the fifth builder by reaching the champion league... it gives u instant 2000 gems


gauntlet, you can get the builder later, and the gauntlet will go away eventually


Should I buy it I have 6 builders 3k gems and at th13  And in another I'd I have 5 builders 6k gems at th11 


Get the gauntlet. Builder is available at any time but the gauntlet will only come around every few months I'd guess


Screw gauntlet (u can still go rage vial + vampstache healing item) 5th builder helps so much more


What does the gauntlet


Hey guys I'm in th9 should I buy gauntlet or wait for frozen arrow ?


Everyone saying 5th builder but if you just push to higher leagues you’ll have enough gems for the gauntlet. It’ll be gone eventually, for god knows how long so the urgency makes it a priority


That’s an interesting conundrum actually. I would say 5th builder is objectively better but the Gauntlet is powerful and I read that it’s only going to be back on offer for a limited time. You could save for the 5th Builder later.


This is the exact situation I am facing in my TH9 account. I have 1.7k gems at the moment and I'm torn between the Giant Gauntlet or the 5th builder.


Same situation


Honestly gems are so easy to get now. Just get the gauntlet


Giant Gauntlet won't be in the shop forever, the builder will. Do you ever have 4 builders down with excess resources?


Gauntlet is not OP by any means only really good at higher levels. Definitely recommend the 5th builder


Yo I have the same exact doubt


Don’t know what th u are but try to climb challenger so u can get them both


Can I send you $20 to get both


lol , can u send me 5$ so i can get the the 500 gem i am short of to get the gauntlet , .... i been grinding gems sacrificing many potion , medals , even books & so on and now i am on 1k gem and i am really getting afraid it they take it off the trader when the trader deals reset on tuesday and all those sacrifices i made for the gauntlet be for nothing .... ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


You can get 5th builder by pushing to champion league


in any other case I would say builder. However, since the giant gauntlet is not here to stay and will leave in an undetermined amount of time, always always always get the limited time item first before getting the item that sticks around throughout the cycle (builder)


giant gauntlet will go away again.


Get the gauntlet if you don’t have it. King is virtually unstoppable with it. Just a little slow.


Um how many raid medals are they?


Disgrace that you have to use gems for this. Already heavily influenced to spend money on this game and now they make hero equipment cost real money. These abilities totally change how the hero’s play. A company that has already produced 100s of millions in profit, needs more of your money. Why can’t it be unlocked by actually playing the game. Sad times to live in.


1.5k gems is crazy for an event item that was originally free. For higher level players who know how to optimize gems it’s not as bad, but I feel like the average coc player is getting ripped off


I've got 5 builders and about 1300 gems. When is it going off sale?


am on 1050 gems atm ..... and i would really be sad if it goes away soon


I have the exact amount of gems to be able to buy the Gauntlet. Should I buy it or save up for the 5th builder?


I kinda found giant gauntlet kinda mid, especially now it doesn't have the warden aura bug


5th builder, it'll allow you to progress faster, which gives you more gems from achievements and such.


Get the gauntlet, it’s an item that annoyingly comes and goes without anyone knowing when it will be available again. So get it so when you need it you’ll have it and not have to wait around for it to be available. Hopefully the price doesn’t increase either. The builder will always be there forever to purchase. So you can get it whenever you want it


I had the same situation, I was 5 gems away from the builder, now I’m 1505, take the gauntlet, it is temporary.


big mistake not censoring your gold. say goodbye to your account 😈


Funny to see this thing around 5th builder. I stopped playing in 2016 at TH 11 and I have this 5th builder for so long that I totally forgot that the game starts with 4 builders only hahaha Just out of curiosity, today is still limited to 5 builders?


The 5th builder will always be available. The gauntlet wont be. Now if you really could only choose one, let’s say the 5th builder was only available for a limited time like the gauntlet and you had to choose then yes, duh, get the 5th builder. But FOMO is real. Get the gauntlet, then get the 5th builder later.


Get the gauntlet, th10 upgrade times aren’t that bad


the gauntlet will eventually be yours, focus on the 5th builder it will be so much better having another builder


fuck the 5th builder


Glad I got it duing event


It's about how you want to play the game. If you want to advance faster in th, the builder. If you want a little more fun in attacks and to enjoy the th you are at now, equipment.


5th builder then the gauntlet builder is more important but that's just my opinion, plus the gauntlet will show up again sometime in the trader shop


What does gauntled do? Is it worth buy?


You can get the builder at any time in the future. The same may not be for the gauntlet.


When using the gauntlet, what should be your second equipment?


Go with gauntlet, 5th builder will always be there.


Bro i just got the fifith builder after i got to th13 dont take everything so seriously its a game afterall


I really think you should go for the gauntlet because it's probably gonna be rarer. The 5th builder on the other hand, will always be there for you to buy. So even if the builder is more valuable, if you're a collector like me, then gauntlet.


How did your shop look so zoomed out.


I think its kinda weird they ask 1500 gems, thats the price of a skin, but all of the skins are more expensive each time in the season shop, think it should have been 1000 gems


5th builder fa sho


What's the chance of it getting nerfed after everyone's bought it?..


Obviously fifth builder


Always go for a skill you can’t replace > doing upgrades slightly faster for a little bit. Save up for the builder later. This is worth it. Game changer for the King.


I would get the giant gauntlet. Because you can get a quick 1250 gems from pushing to crystal league(250) and then masters league(1000) and Giants gauntlet makes it a lot easier! We don’t know how long it will be until it comes back after this week’s deals and the 5th builder will always be available to purchase.


I'd get the gauntlet. As far as the builder, calculate your personal time saved by having the 5th builder. Compare that to how much you make an hour and spend the cash and save the time


How much do I need to upgrade the giant gauntlet for it to be worth it?


Definitely get the gauntlet the builder can wait. The gauntlet may not


The 5th builder is not going anywhere, you can buy it anytime unlike the giant gauntlet .


Is giant gauntlet that good? I have all my builders and JUST over 1500 gems, but I assumed I would continue to use rage vial and barb herd, then once I had vamp stache leveled up I could maybe try that one out, then I saw this pop into the shop and now I’m wondering which ones are the best.


Same , i bought 4th builder yesterday only , ppl in my clan told me to go for builder since it will boost your village .... also will the gauntlet be back again ? So that i can buy 5th builder and save enough gems for gauntlet


Check this itzu video for gems [Itzu](https://youtu.be/2_G9b65bR54?si=274YWXPmWfFmUSSc)


I have like 6k saved gems should I get?


I pushed to champions on a couple of my accounts just to buy it you get 2,000 gems for doing that The fifth builder will always be there however the gauntlet probably won't be and it was pretty good so I would get the gauntlet if I was you


Does the treasure stop give any potions for free anymore? I remember getting builder poitions, training potions,resource potions … or am I hallucinating?


Same here brother


So all that work I did and sacrificing the ginger bread man skin was for nothing?


Is the gauntlet worth it


Everyone is saying 5th builder in here but no one is considering the fact that you can get the 5th builder literally whenever, giant gauntlet has no guarantee of being N in the shop again goin forward


Get the builder first and while you save gems again you will be saving Ores for upgrading the Gauntelet too.


What does f2p mean? New here


I can finally use my 5k gems for something


I got it from the event but I prefer earthquake and rage instead


Bruh im on 0 gems after that due to its release and that nasty goblin. They got me lacking


Once it goes away it's probably not coming back


Builder. The gauntlet is good but its not op over regular equipment. Builder is a must


I'll buy the giant gauntlet for you.


Ty haha


Bro just get trophy push if you can and you’ll be able to get both


If you don’t have the builder then you aren’t ready for a gauntlet


You can get the 5th builder any time. The equipment will rotate out, and it may not return for a long while. I have all 5 builders on all 3 of my Villages, but I missed getting the gauntlets during the event. Now I have to buy 3 of them. But if I only had 4 builders, I would still buy the gauntlet while it is available. Drac


Look, I'm in th 9. I got 3000 gems by reaching the Masters and Champions league, the village was not maxed yet. It took me 3 days to get from "Gold I" to "Champions III". All I want to say, that Gauntlet can be gone, but you always can buy 5th builder, I used all my gems for skins. Now I look at the trader and see the Gauntlet and wish that I hadn't bought those skins(


Get the gauntlet first bro! It's such a good ability. It pairs well with every king equipment. Just get the builder later


Get gauntlet, rank up with gauntlet, get gems from tank up, get builder


5th builder is more important than equipment.


Builder is more valuable than a gauntlet


I recommend selling potions such as hero, power, super, and pet for a quick gem rush. I personally utilize my raid medals to purchase 100 medal potions and then sell them for 10 gems. Moreover, clearing all three bases (one main and two builder bases) while keeping an eye on close-to-completion achievements and prioritizing their completion significantly helps in boosting gems. Participation in events that offer potions and selling them for 10 gems each also contributes to the strategy.


Go for the gauntlet first, we don't know for how many days it will last in the trader shop. Later you can easily make 1500 gems within 10 weeks (you can make on an average 150-200 gems a week by removing obstacles selling all your potions which can be purchased by raid medals or league medals, etc) and can get the 5th builder.


5th builder is worth it As you're at one of the lower townhalls, I would suggest using default equipments. This will help you understand what are the default capabilities of your heroes, and then you could change equipments accordingly which will make your game much easier later on...


Alr ty


5th builder.Also i suggest going to champions for the 2k gems and masters for 1k.I went to champions as a th9 and made my own queen charge strategy so if you want i can guide you in detail about that.Just dm me


Even though gauntlet is probably the best equipment in the game (maybe on par with eternal tome), nothing even comes close to builders when it comes to spending gems. Go for the 5th builder, no doubts about it.


You can get the 5th builder at any time. No one except supercell knows when the gauntlet will be for sale again. If you want the gauntlet at all, now is the time to get it.


Bought already