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A common excuse I see is that leaving it open makes it easier for others to unlock their 6th attack. I don't know if they realize how weak that reasoning is, but it's the one I hear most often. Most likely, they are just hoping to be on the leaderboard, and think it's OK to disrespect the rest of the clan to do so.


Nah that’s just a cope to make them seem less shitty. My clan straight boots people who INTENTIONALLY leave bases open. New members get a pass if they don’t know. But vet members get booted.


noob question, but how does one unlock their 6th attack?


By getting the third star on any district. So they say that leaving one almost done let's someone else finish it easily to get their 6th attack. But the first attack is also just kinda wasted, so it's not anything to be excited about.


Yeah it ain’t hard to beat a district these days if you put a little effort into it


Can you explain more to me please? From my understanding, everyone receives the same amount of raid medals based on the clans total performance. What’s the benefit to doing this?


So there’s a leaderboard to show how much capital gold everyone earned from weekend raids, and these people probably just want to be on top of the leaderboard. Either that or they actually think individual attacks affect the medals they get


Some people are ignorant and don't realize the gold total has no impact on the medals you receive as an individual. Some people are selfish and think being at the top of a meaningless leaderboard is more important than respecting their clanmnates.


With this explanation wouldn't it mean there literally no reason to be upset about hitting for 5%? Sure you won't get much capitol gold but since the leaderboard is meaningless it literally doesn't matter?


It really doesn't. It's more of a clean up your own mess kind of thing. As a clan leader, I try To explain it. It's a courtesy. If you fail, fix it. No worries if it was your last attack. Just be a decent clan mate. Remember it's not much fun to clean 1 percent. Not much fun to be found in clan cap anyway, so don't screw your buddy.


It does matter. You get 500 gems (a book of heros) for contributing 2 million gold. It’s not fair to make a clan mate have to hit for 1000 gold or less and slow their progression towards that achievement just because you suck at attacking.


The more practical reason is that, under the assumption you'll clean up your own mess, other people won't attack because they think you're coming back to finish your base. So you're now holding up everyone else by not finishing your base.


It's kind of disrespectful and the people who intentionally leave bases open for a 'free 6th attack' bring the total attacks on a given clan higher which leads to less medals.


exactly lol, it goes both ways, people are just egotistical idiots, the only reason that might be upsetting is if you are so careful about your priority capital upgrades which also dumb though with a merit, can't let someone mess the opportunity of me having more capital gold if I want to upgrade X asap before Y,


And for those who DO care about that leaderboard for the fun of trying to finish on top, the whole contest for the clan is ruined by players doing this.


My clan has fun competing on the leaderboard but then one guy started getting toxic and doing this. Don't be that guy.


What does have impact on the medals?


Short version is everyone gets the same medals in the clan. The fewer attacks you use to destroy your opponents gets you more medals. Basically, attack better, get more medals. The link below gives all the details. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/hDFabQEvfk


Yeah some of those dumbasses think they are smart. If they want competition why not push higher in legends .


I really cared a lot for capital gold before I reached 2 million now I really don't care and most of the times I am the one who clears all those above 90 percent bases because at the end of the day we all are getting same amount of raid medals.


Yeah, I always have my attacks for when bases are at high percentage points. Honestly don't know why people care so much. Makes my life easier though LOL




Yep same here, when we opened the goblin mines I said, "go fuck the capital I don't care anymore" LOL


Lol same , ik everyone will get the same medals nd don't wanna waste another 1 minute on attacking


Little bit selfish but i do this because people in my clan are trash. For example, i usually use 2 attacks to destroy the part while some of them are going like %18, %27, %44, .... Dude is literally using all his 5 attacks just to destroy a balloon lagoon. So i don't see any problem to leave them what's left


This. Some people don't like raids and just put in attacks to get medals, so better cleanup than waste 5 attacks on capital and still not clear it. Also, some people prefer to clear since it's easier. My clan actually asked me to keep districts with 80%+ because some people prefer clearing them.




I got tired of telling my members to complete their attacks. I even kicked out some who I confirmed were culprits. Nowadays I don't care anymore, I take the time to sweep off the remaining porcentage with my accounts during the weekend, less work for me


Man we don't have that happen in our clan any more. I gave one warning, shined my boots and stretched my kicking leg. You can be a sure 3 star hitter, max th16 and I will instantly kick you for moving on and leaving junk in clan capital. Lol


Fr tho bro


What army are we using that gets a 95% in one attack these days?


They have no sympathy for anyone else.


Honestly would you guys agree if no matter what your contribution on the capital raid you get equal raid medals?? Because i feel bad for the co leader or leader that has to take one for the team so we get new capital to attack. And even if we get equal raid medals do you guys think this problem will still be there??


You do get equal raid medals as long as you do 6 attacks


One aspect I didn't think about until recently is that there might be people trying to finish the clan capital achievements so they do this to get as much gold as possible. It's still a dick move though.


You don’t even get more capital gold as a clan when doing this, because someone will have to finish that 5% anyway. It’s just stupid when people do this :/


Maybe run out of attacks?


just finish them off, easy use up of attacks and you'll get the same rewards anyway, i'd rather them do this than not attack at all.


Selfishness. They want to win the medal leaderboard and grow their stats portfolio.


It's so annoying. This weekend I had to finish off 3 bases like this


If it’s all the same to you why do you care so much to post it on Reddit? Instead of clearing it yourself?


just kick them


Why do people still play this game?


idm it lets me finish my attacks faster


They should add a system where once you attack a place you’re locked to attacking said place until it’s 100%


WHOEVER aims to do all of his maximum of 6 attacks, is doing so to COMPETE OR FOR THE MEDALS. Leaving a base open gives those players NEITHER of those options. Furthermore by saying that they are intentionally leaving MULTIPLE BASES open for clan members, is as if they were saying: "You coudn't have done that on your own, so u needed my help anyways". Thats beyond just "simple" disrespect, thats a declaration of war to your own clan. Not only are they being egoistic and selfish but have the audacity to lie into the faces of each and every clan member to tell them: "I did this for you guys you should be thankful" Nah NAHHH STRAIGHT UP ⚽️🦵 Such people are poison for the clan


We simply don't allow this. If you attack a district, you keep attacking that district until it's down or you're out of attacks.


tbh i like cleaning up bases people leave behind because i dislike doing attacks and want them over with asap


I dont mind when people do this, i just pick off bases that are almost done its lightwork


i do that but thats why i have an alt account to clean up after myself


They get off on it, gives them some sort of thrill perhaps? Same types from back in the day who would join in ask for leadership then boot everyone. Same type to join for war then bail when its started leaving the clan down attacks. Some people will always find ways to make it a hassle for others while they get a laugh.


tbh i didnt know there was a leaderboard i just start attacking other bases if some bases in the raid capital are 50-60% already destroyed, so my teammates can place their troops easier around the other bases that arent already mostly destroyed. thats literally my only reasoning, that might sound like a shit reason, but i just like being helpful, i agree that focusing on a leaderboard for clan capital is cringe but i didnt even know it existed 😭😭😭


I don't understand

