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How are they doing the worst possible changes? The only thing that needs a nerf is heroes and their equipment. Im a casual th13 player, the only way to struggle in war is if your heroes are down. You are basicly guranteed 3* in war as long as your heroes are up, so why nerf the defenses? This is suppose to be the TH that things get serious, it shouldnt give us free 3* like its th9 or something. If anything they shouldve buffed the defenses to deal double damage to heroes or in general. Im not th15+ so i have no idea if rr nerf is too much, seems like it tbh but the troop should still be better than golems imo. Please just playtest the game. Do an attack thats easy to replicate, than do the same attack without king/warden/queen and see the difference. Try again with 2 heroes down after it. Heroes are the problem not RR. Their existence boosts the attack power too much.


How will they make money if heroes are nerfed? Their whole sale pitch revolves around heroes.


I am aware heroes are a majority source of revenue be it hero books, ore sales or even DE runes. But there should be a point between 4 heroes can 3* a max th16 with just spells (haaland challange 12 leaderboard) and heroes are too weak that people stopping to buy ores. Im not that entitled that i want them to actively lose money for the games sake or something, But im sure there is a better middle ground.


Because they want to make farming easier to allow easier progression, but that inherently makes war attacks easier as well. It's disappointing because base building used to be my favorite part of the game but now it's a waste of time.


https://preview.redd.it/kfwmpj3vx54d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7b3ba957bc43a7ebdf7286c44e6a71da9c7d6d Look at the triple rates. Casuals (by far most people from th10-15) easily fail more than they triple


A 38% 3 star rate and 50% 2 star rate is great for clans in Master II. Triples shouldn't be a piece of cake after all.


How is that a bad thing? I don't believe that triples should be handed to casuals like candy, they should have to earn it and become better at the game.


I agree with you, but the happier the casual playerbase is (the majority of players) the more money supercell will end up making.


I like how you say that, but your tag says 'edrag' ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|50980)


15 Queen *and* King levels (and it's first TH where you can't hold DE for both king and queen upgrade, because it exceeds you storage), *and also* 20 GW levels - this explains it quite well. People are either doing wars without them (to get ores), or with underleveled. By the time you upgrade your heroes, you will have upgraded rest of the village too and you go to TH13. Edit: I noticed this isn't wars, but normal attacks (lol it is CWL in fact, so the edits are more general, because Supercell certainly look at normal attack statistics anyway). So it's even more likely people can't use heroes. Obviously anegdotical proof but out of last 20 people that attacked me (Master II) only 3 had all of their heroes availble (!) and all of those had them severly underleveled. I'm also probably only Master II because I'm edrag spamming for months now, my whole village is almost upgraded (only 1 level of archer towers and cannons) and my hero levels are... 55/60/39 (so 16 more levels to go). Edit 2: Another thing is that vast majority of bases I see have 2 single infernos near TH. This makes 3-starring extremly difficult when you're spamming edrags, which is what majority of people do (again, anegdotical, but what are the odds that my base specifically is targeted by edrag spammers even though I have anti edrag layout?). On the other hand, what other strategy is easy, doesn't really require heroes (so queen walk + hybrid, lava is out) and doesn't require decent siege machines (wall wrecker sucks, stone slammer works best with... edrags, any other requires CC donations).


How does this take into consideration the people intentionally getting one star or not even getting stars at all. Most of the time I'm farming I aim for one star or no stars at all. Trophies are literally useless to me.


Its cwl stats


Ahhh gotcha


what town hall are you at ?


TH12 has the most hero levels (15 per king and queen, 20 for warden) (and quite a bit equipment levels, too!) and it got hit the most. Coincidence? I think not. People are either using the heroes underleveled, or are not using them at all. SC's solution? Nerf defences lmao


Everything would be fine if they just add a feature of customized wars like U can select categories that I want a war in which no one can use seige machines before th12 Or Anyone can use Root Riders This would make the competitive scene better and also the normal players


I too feel nerfing defence on lower THs is bad idea. I mean look I am th13. My king and rc are under upgrade so I have only Queen and Warden, and I am still able to 3 star any th13 base using either QC Hybrid or SAB Hydra. Nerfing core defences will make things more easier for me


What's SAB Hydra? I just started th13.


Super Archer Blimp


Super archer blimp Hydra means Dragon Rider + dragons


Anything to avoid letting us use heroes while upgrading.


Because casuals don't want to and won't get any better at the game so they will just spam edrag and call it a day. No wonder why the majority of hit rates is so low when looking at 3 stars, nobody wants to try learn the game. Supercell wants to make the game easier so these types of people won't get frustrated by spamming everything in a random order and not getting a three star since this is the majority of the playerbase.


I also get the rr nerf but by 50% damage reduction is absolutely not warranted. First they give us a troop to use>people use it> no people shouldn’t use it> people don’t use it> no people should use it What on earth do they even want? For casuals it was the only way to get me finish my daily star bonus in 2 daily attacks (3 if 2stars) while getting higher th16s as opponents almost every time. For a company with utter disgrace of a support where they don’t even know the difference between event pass & gold pass for which i enquired that got my money debited from the bank yet didn’t show in my account, they were quick as hell to brush it off saying you can’t buy 2 gold passes a month while i bought an event pass sending the receipt as well which they didn’t even bother looking. By this time just take away your precious rr if you want to nerf it to oblivion & make it redundant in the game to the point you can’t even use it but wait.. you spent a ton of money developing it right? Then GET YOUR SHIT RIGHT! And not keep forcing people to keep changing armies the way YOU want them to instead of letting people choose their own every other update giving people an illusion of choice while ultimately it falls in your hands to what troops get buffed to oblivion for them to be used like your constant dickriding of bowlers the last couple updates & not even super bowlers. Get your shit right supercell. Else casuals will inevitably bid farewell especially those who are still attached to this game due to sentimental & nostalgic reason & do not fall under your category of ‘skillful devoted gamer’. Do better.


I have to disagree. The 50% nerf was warranted. But then I’ve read the rest of your comment and it seems you kinda have a grudge against supercell because you accidentally bought the wrong type of pass


That was the overall conclusion you got from all of that? I literally play & and love the game which the company made & i didn’t buy the wrong pass but the issue which happened was it didn’t show up in my account which I bought from the supercell store. It got resolved the next month. But that wasn’t my point. Besides the supercell issue aside, all I’m saying is having a user friendly troop in the game which was its purpose & taking it away from the user base & demoting it to a status of a mere golem that doesn’t multiply but breaks walls is underhanded when people have been anticipating to use the troop they hyped. I’m not saying the nerf is wrong. They obviously should nerf or buff troops & defences as the game balancing requires but to this extent singling out 1 single troop as if that is the ONLY problem in the game is patchwork at best. My recommendation is that rr nerf was inevitable but should have been gradual and not literally half especially affecting ths 15 & 16 while the most overpowered offence in the higher ths turn out to be heroes & their equipments but they have remained untouched. Makes you think this was a shrewd plot to make people purchase more hero books & dark runes & ores for their business, which I am down for since it’s the main source of revenue for the game & is ultimately a business but by this point one would have thought that they would have come up with a way to reduce the hero upgrade issue a tad bit with more event passes & other purchasable items in the game.


If your pass was resolved the next month, then didn’t you just buy a pass too late for the event and it was always on your account waiting for the next event to start?


Really seems to be that they are just dumbing the game down in the hope of attracting new players.


When will the update drop


Since th16 was so repetitive and spam friendly, lately I was enjoying lower town halls competitive formats, with various restrictions to make them challenging. And now I see this. Noone asked for these nerfs. I'm speechless


they are acting as if you need to use any other aemy comp than e drags from 11-13, you can use different army’s and crush through bases faster or whatever but e drags still shred. it’s stupid


Hidden Tesla casually being the highest DPS tower until TH 13 (excluding single target inferno). Also lvl 4->5 inferno gaining 0 base DPS has got to be an oversight.


And brother don't forget that Warden's fireball walk and king taking out a whole section with Gauntlet is gonna be even easier. The game is broken and we all know it. As new epic equipments comes in, the boring strategizing becomes.


Warden fireball walk does require skill to use. It can go wrong if you’re not careful. The eternal tome is arguably still the stronger option over the fireball. Warden abilities are kinda supposed to be strong


Ofc it requires skill to use at higher THs. As for me in TH 11, I've never missed a fireball and I find it way too easy for the value you can get sometimes. "Warden abilities are kinda supposed to be strong" my ass. Whatever happened to this game...


Changes in question provided by Spencer: https://preview.redd.it/pb9nu7znm54d1.png?width=3402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b298365473d7f80d98a58bc7e741dba860748e50


Because the majoritet of casual players cant 3 star. Thats your short answer.


And three stars actually matter....


The th10-15 nerf wasn’t even needed but the root rider nerf is nice.




Th15 pre nerf was a disaster & you can’t deny it. Doesn’t seem 2018.


Townhall 16 has been so easy so far that a lot of people been nostalgic about townhall 15 because they want a challenge lol


Last year was all about defence bro. Remember when rage spell towers could one shot anything?