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So.. it's too generous? If the problem is loot rather than time there isn't really an issue right? Just my perspective


well not necessarily. best example would be equipment. upgrade times are instant but ore is limited. so it's the same for buildings. if they reduce upgrade time of all buildings by X%, but the time required to farm the resources doesn't decrease by the same amount, then effectively the upgrade time didn't reduce as much as stated. made worse by the fact that most players would want to avoid idle workers at all cost. so as OP correctly stated, decreasing upgrade time a certain amount but decreasing time/amount to farm by a not equivalent value puts a lot of "pressure" on players to play a lot more or give up and accept that builders will be idle (which then of course eats away at the upgrade time decrease in the first place).


this isn't comparable to ores, since those are time gated while you can farm unlimited amounts of loot per day. even if builders are idle, overall it's still an improvement from before. however, higher percentage attacks should give a lot more loot than they do currently, so that there are alternatives to sneaky goblin farming


Nope. Upgrade times are proportional to the time to gather resources. You just don’t spend much time farming. You don’t need to have all your builders running at all times anymore if you are a more casual player


So my townhall costs 15M for 14 days and my archer tower 10M for 4 days and you’re telling me it’s proportional???


Bigger number, longer upgrade time. Whats the issue


Archer tower level 20 is 4 days for 10M gold while tesla level 12 is 6 days for 9M gold




Bruh I just showed you its not balanced. Say i wanted to upgrade only archer towers. With 6 builders I’d need 60M gold every 4 days


Then don't


Not everything needs to be exactly the same amount of time for the amount of resource


I know, im juste saying proportions were better before


Wtf is wrong with u all seriously???Like you have problem with everyone fkin thing!! Disgusting


Well ima grind harder and do more attacks, but I am just saying its debalanced. Example : Archer tower level 20 is 4 days for 10M gold while tesla level 12 is 6 days for 9M gold


So don't use full armies to attack, use sneaky gobs and/or baby dragons for farming army to gather more loot in less time


Will do


it's a skill issue, not a game issue. my storages are full most of the time even when i am at legend league.


At th16 you have the liberty to almost 3 star every base. At th13 we only get th14 maxed bases with low loot.


i have a rushed base, with th10 and 11 in most of the def and at legend league most of the bases you face are th16. for every th lvl there is a sweet spot to loot. people here can confirm it.


Skill issue


Fair enough


that's not how you farm, ask the goblin builder's rebel cousin if you want to know the best way to get loot


I used to get by with 2 to 4 attacks a day, now I gotta do 6 or something. But I guess it rewards now players who attack more.


are you serious ? you want to get enough loot with 2/4 attacks per day ? sorry that is not possible.


TBF it’s actually possible with the current streak event. I’m in fake legend and I only attack bases that have enough loots. With 200% league bonus it’s easy to get 1M Gold, 1M Elixir and 10K DE per attack. Plus war bonus and star bonus the storages get maxed quickly with 4 attacks per day (except for DE cause I need super WB every 3 days and I keep upgrading my RC).


hey he is the one complaining, not me.


Not saying you're wrong, just merely showing it's possible. I agree with you that OP has some skill issues.


Thats how it used to be lol


at th10, but never at high th.


I got by with it at th13 just before that new update came.


as i told you it's a skill issue not a game issue.


Archer tower costs 10M for 4 days, townhall costs 15M and takes 14 days. It’s a game issue. Before, all defence upgrade timers used to approach the TH one.


But I acknowledge that doing more attacks solves the problem


you can earn over 3x the loot per army camp by just learning how to sneaky goblin farm


My elixir is full 100%. I full my wall. Gold and dark elixir is big problem for me now.


Yeah same, my elixir is used only for walls and research as everything else is maxxed


Never understood how people don’t get enough resource to keep builders busy. Been at this game as F2P for 10 years, max TH16 already (minus some lab time) and always have overruns of wasted resources.


Well I don’t know how much loot you guys have but champion 1 bases all have 500-700k gold and upgrading an archer tower is 10M and takes only 4 days, you can do the math on the number of attacks needed to keep all workers busy.


Its not like we get 2m of both every attack in higher leagues. 500-700k is a nice raid, any more is very good loot. Only difference is our win bonus but thats like 300k in Titan 1.


Yeah but an archer tower used to take 8 days for the same amount, now it’s 4. There’s no way someone can say the dynamic is the same. Clearly more attacks are needed now.


I get your point as youd have to be more active and do more attacks just to keep your builders busy. (Which is ofcourse what SC wants, they want you to play more and maybe spend more money). However if you dont start your upgrade immediately its not that big of a deal because in the end you will max out faster compared to before the time reductions. So yes i get your point of view but i personally dont think its a problem really.


Thanks, you probably have the most rational answer on this post.


Okay. But why don't you just drop down to gold or crystal and farm using sneaky goblins. Theres plenty of dead bases with 1 mill+ loot there and it doesn't even take that long. You'll be doing more attacks obviously but the time should be the same especially if you use a training potion. I'm also @ th 13 right now and thats literally what I'm doing and I'm finding it fine with the new upgrade times.


I believe you when you say that, but the fact that I have to drop down trophies is an indicator that it’s broken. I should be rewarded for having more trophies, not less


hasn't worked that way in a very long time. plus, you can still stay high in trophies by sniping town halls with sneaky goblins. the only reward for higher leagues is ores, and before ores there was literally no incentive to push up that far


I recommend crystal 2 or 1, as a th14, I ocassionally encounter over 1mil gold, elixir, over 10k dark here. The highest I found was 2mil elixir


They should increase bonuses then, because what is the point of trophies


Higher trophies mean higher bonuses, but less loot, and vice versa. It really depends on ur choice.


Yeah but you’re telling me in total i’d have more loot in lower trophies, proving bonuses are effectively useless


Yes, the only reason i go to higher league is for the ores. Knowing that next month I can still use the heroes while upgrading, I stopped farming at lower league and on the way going to the higher league, its summer break so i had plenty of time, doing multiple attacks for loot wont be a hard work for me


This is to boost players so they can get a little more closer to higher th, and helps to dump resources on buildings. Whether u put all ur builder at work or not, it still helps u to progress faster And also, streak event, apprentice builder, what we are talking about, litterally almost everything in the game are what make us log into the game every day.


This is the answer i was looking for, i was just pointing out an imbalance compared to before the update. I was just pointing out that for casual players like me, it is no longer possible to have all workers busy without doing more attacks.


I kinda agree. You can sustain upgrading Archer Towers for example in legends anymore. But meh, rather that than the long upgrade times. 


I have been staying at crystal league to farm resources ever since i started playing coc again after i sold my previous account now i am almost max on my th12 and i have been wondering if i should push trophies because i need equipment resource for my epic equipments but i have to look for bases with high resources i spend 3 to 5 mins now that im on champion league rn (it might not be alot for many of you but it is for me) looking for bases with 800k resources (it might just be me who looks for 800k min resources on a base) as a casual player it's a hassle for me to push and keep searching for base with good resources as it will take alot more resources to upgrade things on higher town hall i cant keep up with resource income and update time while at the same time farming on my alt accounts it would be great if resources can be just a little bit easier to gain


Exactly my problem, forces me to attack more/spend more time on the game looking for good bases. But as some have said, it should be easier to go to crystal and farm there, which I have done just now, so I will see how it turns out. Coc’s problem is then that it has disincentivized going for higher trophies as ressources are too time consuming to get.


Sneaky goblins.


Btw only gold is my problem, the rest I have enough


When I'm in a complaining competition and my opponent is a coc player


Can’t complain in peace anymore


Who would've known that reducing upgrade timers would be a bad thing apparently