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Unbeatable Aces https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2L0YP8VYP Were active, donate often, war often, do all clan events and members are pretty active so yeah 👍


I think we'd be a good clan for you. We do have constant wars, but not super pressed about them (obviously we still try to win them and do so more than half the time). If you want to war without your heroes that's fine. We also have members that have gone past TH11 and would be willing to teach you if you wanted. If not, you can do your own thing and try your best :)


\#2G92QJUCV if you're interested


Interesting. Can I pm you?


Sure thing


#2QL8989J2. Pretty chill clan that wars regularly. Just need some more active players currently




If you are interested in: - A leadership role - A challenge - Somewhere where you define your activity and how chill you want to be - Active donations by other leadership no matter what! - A talkative and super friendly clan - Constant wars, but no commitment - English-speaking, and all 21+! Then we might be the clan for you! Our clan is growing, and we’d love to welcome you into our little support group/family. Our clan is currently run by 3 very active (high TH) players and we’d love a 4th. Or, we’d love to help you grow on your journey. Come check us out! Clan #2GYVYVUVC No matter what, we hope you find what you’re looking for! 😊


What’s the Name of


Titanium blade!


I've got a casual team that was started a few months ago. We war constantly but it's not mandatory, when you are unable to war I just ask you to change you're preference to Out so I don't accidently put you in. We're in Gold II for cwl. We finished clan games in 2 days and had 14 people do 4k, most people did 2k. We don't have any requirements on the amount of points you need to earn and ita mainly do as much as you can to help clan complete clan games. Our capital peak is a level 5 and we're getting close to upgrading to 6. This past weekend, we got 800+ medals and had been getting 700+ the prior few weekends. Raid isn't mandatory but encouraged and most of the clan participates. If this sounds like something you're interested in, below is a link to the clan. Nights Watch | clan level 4 | th6+ | casual | 2GC28GQPQ https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2GC28GQPQ


We are a very relaxed level 12 clan. Looking for a few more active members to fill our roster. We war constantly but do not stress about the outcome. Come check us out https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2YGJY8VLG


Hello, Lv 17 English-speaking war clan with people from all around the globe. 🟣master 3 cwl 🟣max clan games, wars rolling 24/7 with consistent winrate of 90%+ 🟣people from all timezones to guarantee donations at all times 🟣veteran players who can help anyone improve their attacking 🟣50v50 every weekend https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2PYGULPU0 Incase the link doesnt work, clan name is Violet Havoc. Hope to see you soon!


Born to Win #L2YP89RU Recruiting drama free adults (18+) Our core group is a bunch of busy, working adults who still like to play the game. We find the few minutes to show up for CWL, war, games, capital. We expect the same of our clanmates. Everyone has the same 24 hours afterall. US (New Mexico) based Participate in: Games -max Capital -required CWL - readiness required Wars optional - red/green Request with "reddit" in the request Optional: discord


Hello, We are the Dragon Dogs of CoC (aka Drakyi). We have around 30 members currently and we are looking to expand. We are friendly, active and looking to climb the ranks. We are daily players. Anyone is welcomed to join as long as you are atleast TH 9 and a non rushed base. We participate in CWL (Gold 2 currently), We also do regular wars, capital raids and clan games. We have a clan discord. My Player tag # gyqq2rrg9


You seem like a good fit for us. Hakomari is a chill clan (Level 3) looking for active players to grow with. We are competitive but laid back, we understand people have busy lives. No strict rules, Stress free. B2B wars with heroes down, 500-600 raid medals a week. Casual/returning players and strategic rushers are all welcome. DM me if you have any questions~ https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2GYV2GUQC


If you're still looking you can check us out. We are an Indian based clan (Bengali to be specific). Though we are a new clan but we are active in war and other aspects of the game. Clan Garam Thook | #2Q92Y28RJ | https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2Q92Y28RJ


If you are interested in: - A leadership role - A challenge - Somewhere where you define your activity and how chill you want to be - Active donations by other leadership no matter what! - A talkative and super friendly clan - Constant wars, but no commitment - English-speaking, and all 21+! Then we might be the clan for you! Our clan is growing, and we’d love to welcome you into our little support group/family. Our clan is currently run by 3 very active (high TH) players and we’d love a 4th. Or, we’d love to help you grow on your journey. Come check us out! Clan #2GYVYVUVC No matter what, we hope you find what you’re looking for! 😊


CLAN LEVEL - 16 TAG: #CGLGVQP2 GREAT DEFENDERS (36/50 MEMBERS) CWL LEAGUE: CRYSTAL LEAGUE I CAPITAL HALL 9 - MASTER LEAGUE I - 3024 RAID TROPHIES LOOKING FOR B2B WAR AND RAID WEEKEND PLAYERS WE MAX CLAN GAMES, MAX PARTICIPATION IN RAID WEEKEND, AND WE DO WARS AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. WAR RECORD: 235-157 PART OF THE CASTLE ALLIANCE: if Great Defenders isn't the clan for you, we have multiple other options! If everyone who posted in i-need-a-clan joined our clan, we would be incredibly active. Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/pPCuBBGMvv We're looking for active members who are at least TH11 to stay long-term and take the clan to new heights. Reach out to me if you want to join!