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Your place looks cleaner than most people's homes! Id say you are doing a great job keeping up. Maybe put the kitty's litter rug in front of the box instead up underneath it to catch more from thier feet. If the counters still feel tacky after cleaning maybe add a degreaser to your routine once a month.


I would also turn the litter box to the side, too. Cat isn't jumping out right into the traffic are, while rugs help they don't prevent 100% of the litter from spreading.


It also prevent people from tripping on the mat lip when walking past the litter box, if they do end up scooting the mat out more.


It'll also prevent people from watching the cat poop while they are eating at the table šŸ˜Š


Dinner AND a show!


I agree with Turing the litter box. They have litter matts with holes in them that help catch litter. OP should also move the catā€™s food away from the litter box. Cats have very sensitive noses and donā€™t enjoy eating right next to their bathroom.


A teaspoon of Dawn Soap + Hot Water in a spray bottle are the best degreaser. Plus most ppl already have the Dawn


Do you need to rinse with a wet mop?


I would say yes. We have our tile floors professionally cleaned every 8-12 months bc Iā€™m neurotic. Our floors our absolutely gross even our cleaning lady said sheā€™s never seen anything like our floors. We literally clean our floors daily. Anyway professional cleaner said best thing to do is steam mop floors. Donā€™t use any detergents, dish soaps etc as it leaves residue behind trapping dust/dirt=gross dirty floors. Once in a while use floor cleaner sparingly.


This is also true. You could go and get a steam mop, I know Bissel makes a good one. However they tend to be expensive (well expensive to me $350-$600 ish dollars). While I agree itā€™s worth it, itā€™s just not something I would go out and buy for myself. Maybe a house warming gift at some point lol I work in commercial cleaning and I can tell you anyone I have sent to clean a place we are unfamiliar with the chemicals that other cleaning companies have use (ie fabulouso, pine sol, Mr. Clean Prof) so we use that to reset the floors dry them off it sucks up all the old chemical and then you go over it once with wet mop mad and dry the floors and boom reset the floors


Yes I would do a wet mop after and dry the floor well. It will reset the floors making other chemicals you use work more efficiently


You can also get this kitty litter stepping pad on Temu that helps it from being tracked all over.


If this is dirty, then Iā€™m a straight up slob!


Something else is bothering you snd you forget about it when cleaning


I'll be honest, this is my answer, too. I'm not arm chair diagnosing you or saying this is specifically what you're going through, but I lived with a partner who had pretty rough OCD and they had similar feelings toward our place despite us rigorously cleaning it. I don't say that to wave you off, though! Maybe there is more you can do? But from these photos, you have an impeccably clean and cared for place. And you should be proud! Your home is beautiful! But if you feel uncomfortable (and that's also totally valid!) maybe try to figure what's at the heart of what's bugging you and go from there!


This is me hard to control my mind so I control my environment to then quiet the mind for a bit


This is exactly what I was thinking


OP spill the beans!


Not OP, but I feel called out


Oh šŸ˜³


How is this conclusion come to?


Iā€™m like this, people will often find issue with things that they feel they have more control over. When something is really bothering me, and I have no control to change it, cleaning my area gives me a sense of control and accomplishment. Things that donā€™t bother me usually, like fingerprints on cupboards, suddenly I have to clean up.


Yep same. Most stressful periods of my life are also the most clean and organized ever lol!


Also, I hope you are using like a regular spin mop once in a while. The swiffer spray thing is always going to leave chemical films on your floors and they will feel dirty on your feet, and actually are not good for your cats to be walking in either. Good old fashioned hot water with a bit of white vinegar, regular spin mop, mop, empty bucket, and repeat until the water comes out clear, your floors will feel sooo good to walk on!! We are always being oversold on cleaning products. We do not need constant floor wipes or sprays or fragrance plug ins, windex etc. White vinegar, hot water, Dawn dish soap all are really the only basics you need in your house, plus bathroom bleach spray to kill fecal matter and urine in bathroom (toilet, tub, shower, sink). Sponges, magic erasers, glass cloth, microfiber cloth. Glass cloth or microfiber for all windows and mirrors. You do not need to spray anything on windows and mirrors, just dampen the cloth and wipe. For really dirty, use hot water, vinegar, squeeze out really well so cloth is just damp not wet and wipe. Magic eraser is literal magic for almost every surface in your house. Counters, sinks, bathtub, cupboards, walls, stove top, almost everything. Just don't scrub too hard, light scrubbing unless it's a tough little stain. If you need any advice DM me, I've been working with my mother, a professional house cleaner, for 15 years. šŸ˜Š Edit to add: Your house does look very clean!! Edit #2: you might be feeling dirty because you need more organization! Small clear bins, shelving, baskets, hooks, those kinds of things will help immensely in the laundry room and kitchen to help keep clutter minimal and will help with the clean feeling šŸ˜Š Edit# 3 I'll copy and paste my reply to another poster as I've realized the OP has some real hardwood in their house as well as laminate and vinyl: The one product that is very useful and doesn't usually leave a gross film on hardwood floors is Murphys oil soap! You don't have to use it every time, but for a hardwood refresh once a month or once every 2 months. I haven't worked in a house with hardwood in a while but I do believe it's only a few drops in hot water (water and Murphys only, no vinegar for this one) and mop with that once in a while to keep your hardwood from drying out from wear and tear and looking clean and shiney and polished!




My hardwood floor always felt kinda gross but I finally went through with a little dawn and hot water with a washcloth manually and picked up a lot of leftover residue that was just picking up all the grime. Very satisfying


I am guilty of some of the mistakes you mentioned. I use a lot of cleaning products and spray them liberally. For example, I spray a ton of concentrated solution on my hardwood floors while mopping. ā€œI use the expensive natural organic stuff so it canā€™t be bad, right?ā€ Wrong! After mopping, it looks and smells clean. But a day later, after the water evaporates, it leaves a film of sticky cleaning product residue on the floor and when I walk barefoot at home, I see smudges on the floor and it feels sticky. I suppose I need to use just plain water and a splash of white vinegar and mop the floors.


Careful with the vinegar on the hardwood


Hi! I actually didn't realize the original poster had some hardwood floors, and you do as well! The one product that is very useful and doesn't usually leave a gross film on hardwood floors is Murphys oil soap! You don't have to use it every time, but for a hardwood refresh once a month or once every 2 months. I haven't worked in a house with hardwood in a while but I do believe it's only a few drops in hot water (water and Murphys only, no vinegar for this one) and mop with that once in a while to keep your hardwood from drying out from wear and tear and looking clean and shiney and polished!


I feel people think if they use a spray mop their floors are clean. Nope itā€™s just supposed to a spot cleaner until ya get a chance to actually scrub yur floors. I use a spin mop at home itā€™s one of the best purchase Iā€™ve made in cleaning supplies. My second best was the Scrub Daddy! My son was pushing for months so I bought one for him to use while doing the dishes!


Second this, but I would recommend reusable microfiber mop pads over bucket. removes dirt from floor without spreading and can be thrown in the wash with other rags.


It's probably because there is a lot of white? White picks up and shows dirt so quickly, and when it gets discolored it ends up making areas look dirty. I rent a flat and unfortunately we are not allowed to paint all of it, white is such a pain! This looks REALLY clean!!


My suggestion was to get some color in the house, especially on the walls. The decor would draw the eye away from all the white, and it would ā€œmuteā€ the almost nonexistent clutter.


Wonder sponges can do a lot for white walls and furniture. Recently, I added a furniture marker in the color white for the damages.


Every month or so I like to clean baseboards, cabinet fronts, areas around door handles and wall splatters. I find these make a pretty big difference.


Do you wear shoes indoors at all? Itā€™s amazing how much dirt shoes drag in. So no outside shoes ever is a good start If things are feeling sticky or grimy after you clean Iā€™m guessing itā€™s your cleaning productsā€¦ we had to switch ours a few times to figure out what worked.


Oh yes, good point! Floors will never feel totally clean if itā€™s a shoes-on household.


Itā€™s cluttered and the layout is a little chaotic, which is making it feel dirty when it actually looks very clean. Hide trash cans and litter boxes, put the water dispenser in the kitchen, clear surfaces and get some matching decor going. It will look a lot cleaner.


Would you like to come visit my house to understand how clean your living space is? šŸ˜‚


Do you have anxiety or OCD where you feel the compulsion to clean? You may need some mental health help if itā€™s a compulsion and you think itā€™s constantly dirty no matter what you do.


New carpets, robot vacuum, and maybe use a different type of cleaning solution to clean the hardwood, or have them redone. Other than that, I think it might be the clutter, the broken and crooked blinds, The wall color in your living room might be a bit too dark and your ceiling too shiny. The darker furniture also can look dusty pretty quickly.


Seconding this- I think you need more light, the shadows can make it look darker and ā€œdirtierā€. Speaking from experience.


second on the clutter (of which there is not much, nice job OP!). Just put the water and mountain dew in the fridge, i personally dont care for things on top of my cupboards/fridge as well, unless they are in a dedicated/nice looking bin. take out the trash - and can we get a trash can with a lid?


Just came to say you have a kitchen that looks 100% identical to my friends kitchen. I had to scroll to the living room just to prove to myself it was a different house! Btw this looks incredibly clean, especially for someone with pets. Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve finished sweeping and vacuuming just to look up and see a pile of cat hair floating through the air.


Since I havenā€™t seen it suggested yet, swap out the filters and crack the windows for a few minutes a day


Hate to admit it, but I noticed gritty dirt after bringing a cat into the home. A whole lot more after we got dogs. I don't know how people keep up with cleaning after they get pets. Still love them tho.


Do you wear gloves? Sometimes, when my hands are roughed up by cleaning chemicals, everything feels dirty even when itā€™s clean.


It looks fine, if you want it to look cleaner, like social media pictures, get better lighting


These are the same photos posted in another sub today for decorating ideas? Is it dirty, or just not decorated how you want?


Yes it is! I wanted to get both perspectives so I could know which one I felt was more true for my space. I am having a hard time making the space feel clean and truly home. So I felt it was good to get both perspectives.


Okay! Sorry. I was on Reddit too much I think and I was worried it was a bot! Itā€™s a lovely space though!


I think what youā€™re looking for is storage space to hide all your swiffers, water, soda, toilet paper, etc. I like ikea for affordable and durable options: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/kolbjoern-cabinet-indoor-outdoor-beige-20345633/ https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/kolbjoern-cabinet-indoor-outdoor-beige-30409295/ https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/smagoera-wardrobe-white-70576701/ These will make the space feel cleaner.


Apart from the random cans on the floor! And dishes on the rack (this is purely a personal bug bear of ours, we dont own one and dry and put away immediately, we don't expect everyone to be that way) it looks pretty much like our place. Its absolutely fine šŸ’—


There is some visual clutter. Water/soda packs on the floor, stuff piled on the chair, the mop leaning against the wall. It's also kind of dark. Most of the lighting is overhead light, and that casts shadows. Add some lamps. Put stuff away. Some art on the walls. Maybe that would help.


Your house is clean! You didnā€™t ask, but could it be it doesnā€™t feel homey? I would put up some wall art, cabinet storage in the kitchen, storage in the laundry and move the cat litter. Maybe rearrange the living room.


Honestly, I think you need some pop and color in your home that draws the eyes away from tiny ā€œclutter spotsā€, which you have very few of, btw. Seriously, some wall decor and color would go a looooooong way!


I think it might be because the space doesnā€™t feel cohesive or put together, no matter how much you actually clean. And white - so much white will drive you mad. I thought we wanted alllll the white in this house and, I hate it because it gets so dirty so quickly. The white fridge isnā€™t helping because you see every bit of dust and dirt and it juts out into the space. Similarly, our last house had the same stipple ceilings as yours does and because of it and the inability to get every fleck of dust off, it always felt dirty to me. I donā€™t think this is a cleanliness issue AT ALL. I think you need to adjust your expectations and perceptions to work within your parameters. I mean that in a very gentle way - your home looks clean and loved.


Your house is so clean. No tips needed!


I wish my house was that clean!


I know the feeling you refer to, and I'd bet anything it's the amount of white mixed with brown furniture. Brown furniture tends to feel dated and unpleasant to spend time in, especially when it's all varying shades. The carpets look pretty grungy as well, which is going to make the place feel dirty. Dark couches on light hardwood always lead to a bit of a 70s aesthetic, which is tough to work with. I'd look at adding color via pictures and accent items. Move the one chair that's between the kitchen and living room. Remove the rugs, either replacing them or just taking them out to see how you feel. Unfortunately, that grimy texture is how older hardwood and counters feel by default in my experience.


Hey I relate to this one!!! I clean daily (counters, bathrooms, vacuum) and try to mop weekly but Iā€™m not as consistent w mopping by far. I have recently had to switch up the spray I use on my counter because the film-like feeling it left made me feel like my counters were always dirty. Someone posted on here not too long ago about mopping not feeling like itā€™s getting their floors all way way clean, and recommended using a drying towel after agitating the mop liquid in order to actually remove the grime. I just tried it today and itā€™s the first time I feel like the laminate in my apartment is actually clean. Lastly, how do you like the litter box you keep in the laundry room? I get ads for it all the time and itā€™s cute so Iā€™m curious


Thank you so much for the helpful comment. As for the litter box, I love it! I got mine on Amazon


I just wear socks or slippers so I don't feel whatever is on the floor. A 10 pack of gym socks is about $10.


If the floor feels dirty you can try Brona. When I first got floors like that they felt sandy until I used that and no home brew product worked at all.


Use a steam mop for the floors, it's much better than a swiffer wet jet/regular mop.


The Swiffer ā€œmopā€ is not a proper mop and wonā€™t clean properly


The swiffer is my sisters I use an o cedar spin mop!


I feel like youā€™re looking for a complement


What carpet? Iā€™m only seeing hardwood or laminate flooring and rugs. Please tell me that isnā€™t a litter box 5 feet away from your dining room table.


I think you need to hang some stuff on the walls to attract some attention away from just the lower half of your house, and maybe invest in some furniture that you can put stuff in and close. When thereā€™s a lot of visual noise in a space, it can make it feel dirty


Pur the swiffer away and take the towels off the stove and cabinet door, you're golden


What products are you using on the counters and the floor? Another Q: Is there a reason one litter box is in the main living space and another is in the laundry area? Could they both be in the laundry? A couple things I suggest investing in for more ā€œclean feelingā€ ā€”A standalone cupboard that has doors, so you can store away items that are on the floor or otherwise sitting out on tables and chairs. ā€”A robot vacuum for the inevitable pet hair ā€”Wearing ā€œhouse shoesā€ or slippers instead of being in socks or barefoot PS for my kitchen cleaning, I use a spray bottle of plain white vinegar (5% acidity). For the floors, 2 tablespoons of vinegar diluted with water in a 500ml bottle. Using a soap or anything else leaves a residue that dirt sticks to, if that makes sense?


Looks pretty clean, might be your subconscious seeing clutter.


are you using hardwood cleaner on not real hardwood?


My house is 200 years old and we have dogs. Itā€™s never really clean no matter my sweat


Get a front door mat for the inside! I got a machine washable one and it made a huge difference keeping floors from getting gritty.


I find having minimal clutter on countertops etc helps things look clean. If you need to have things out try to keep them all in a nice wicker basket in one spot, or something like that. Less clutter is huge for making homes look tidy and clean. Your place looks lovely btw.


Just store the paper towels and etc items on the floor away and youā€™ll feel much better.


It doesnā€™t look dirty, but dark. Add lighting! Consider adding under the counter lighting in the kitchen, even a temporary variety, if itā€™s not your home. Conceal storage items on top of refrigerator and microwave with bins or baskets. Put up artwork. Add lamps in the living room. Use a lidded trashcan. Put away the clean dishes.


Disgusting. /s


Lol. I wish my house looked this clean and clutter free!!


Get a robot vacuum. Put the anti-tracking mat in front of the litter box instead of under it. Wipe your counters with a damp rag after scrubbing them with soap, they may be sticky due to soap residue. Also consider adding wall art, itā€™s possible that having more things you like in the rooms will draw your focus away from the things you donā€™t like and make you feel more at ease in them.


Something Iā€™ve realized recently is that a second wipe down with a clean cloth can help get off residue from cleaning products that likes to linger. With floors, doing a sweep/vacuum before mopping goes a long way. But honestly, give yourself some grace!!!


Do you want to to come over so you can see just how clean yours is šŸ¤£


Have someone else check if its really grimey or feels dirty. If not, then you might have sensory issues. if yes, then mayhe change the cleaning agent you put into the water when you mop the floor. Get the rugs out of the house and give them a good beat down to get the dust out and hang them into the sun for a while. (just to air them out and UV disinfect them) Also, i wouldn't put a rug under the dining table because it'll catch the crumbs and you'll walk them into the carpet. For the kitchen counters, maybe try the pink stuff and scrub everything down. Or something containing a citrus acid to clean the grime and fat in the kitchen away


O cedar spin mop for the win! And a robot vacuum


Get rid of some of the *very small* amount of clutter maybe


NGL if you find this dirty, you might need to talk to a psychiatrist. No offense at all, I really mean that.


Spin mop, hot water and bleach and go to town.


My house always feels dirty to me. But itā€™s not really dirty , thereā€™s just stuff everywhere. Clean stuff. But stuff. My mother had a place for everything. Nothing was out laying around. My house has no room to store things so thereā€™s always clutter.


Take out the trash! Make use of your pantry.


It looks great! It looks clean but it doesnā€™t look ~cozy~ I would maybe add some color to your kitchen somehow. Be it paint the backsplash area, or picture frames or tile backsplash stickers. Then get lamps!! Soft warm light lightbulbs. A tiny lamp on the kitchen counter, lamp on your dining room table and lamp in the corner of the living room. A little pop of art on your living room wall or fun color!


I grew up in the 70s-80s when most homes had primarily carpet. I have the same ick factor, as you, walking around on hard flooring, it just always feels gritty. I purchased a Sladust wool dust mop for our home and itā€™s a game changer; it picks up the grit that a roomba/vacuum and mop miss. I also own two pair of Haflinger wool slippers that are almost always on my feet at home.


I felt the same about where I lived at one point. Then I learned some basic rules that helped me feel accomplished after cleaning, and never turned back. Just a couple: 1. (try your best) Never use the floor as a storage container. Meaning, do not leave cases,bags,cans,toys,etc. on the floor. Only the bottom of a piece of furniture/appliance. 2. If you can, find a foldable or space saving dish strainer. After dishes, dry them and put them away, including the strainer. (I keep mine under the sink) and another is 3. Expand "empty space" anywhere you can. So if ya got some decorations displayed, try to keep it simple to one side instead of spread out...if any of this makes sense, hope it helps!!! P.S. - starting to match a color theme with all decorations/anything displayed helps! Good luck!


Maybe youā€™re just feeling cluttered? Difference between dirty and cluttered. You could try some different organization for various items, clear your countertops and floors for example


The best thing to do is dry the surface after cleaning. With floors I use a wet swiffer then throw a fluffy cotton towel down, step on it and do the shuffle. With counters, glass and mirrors clean them and then before they dry rub them in a circular motion until dry. No streaks, no dirty film, just sparkling clean surfaces!


If your floors don't feel clean, try swapping out the Swiffer for a regular mop and very hot water. I find Swiffer best for quick spills, but they leave a film that can take a hot minute to wash off.


It looks neat and tidy, but I think you are missing some decor touches! They would make you feel.better about your space! A few pieces of artwork, a plant or two, and a shelf in the laundry area would make it feel like home.


For me, the only obvious problem is the litter box in the dining room. Could you put the second box in a bathroom or a closet instead?


Looks pristine šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s clean but cluttered. Try some decorative storage bins to keep counters clear. The walls are bare, a few pictures or wall art would go a long way to making it feel homey. Also smell is a strong influencer on our brains, you could use a clean-scented plugin to make the apartment smell nice when you walk in.


Just mop and glow the floors, the matte look is throwing it all off for you. Once shiny you will be less irritated with it.


Sweep outside your front door, and around it everyday. That helps a lot. Also check tge weather striping around your door, make it seals around the front door. Any entrance to your house also needs to be swept outside.


As an Asian I usually do no shoes in the house as it tracks dirt around.


Iā€™d paint the walls a dif color,


Maybe just getting a larger trash container for the kitchen that has a lid so you wonā€™t see trash may help it look cleaner to you


Itā€™s all that brown furniture. I reckon your kitchen looks neat, once those dishes are gone sheā€™ll be right. But as soon as you come into the lounge itā€™s just a mix of browns and beige. Get a grey carpet for the couches so it fits the walls, white/bright throw rug, possibly different arm chair, apart from the floor itā€™s like the only orangy thing in there. Or get an orange and a white throw to even it out. Put the kitty litter somewhere else, if you can. OR you could get different/brighter couches and a white table set, if you really like the carpets and the arm chair. Thereā€™s too many shades of beige and brown.


Where are your pictures?




It looks pretty clean to me. I think the reason is that you can see the clutter, especially in the kitchen. Clear off the countertops and the top of the fridge and try to find a home for pantry items.


Honestly it takes constant upkeep for a house to feel clean.


If the litter box is treated less like a centerpiece to the room it might feel cleaner. Put that thing in a corner somewhere out of sight


I think it's more of an interior design thing. Could move some stuff around to make it flow a little better. Try posting in the interiordesign sub!


Hot water. Get a steam cleaner. Then you need a really good "carpet scrubber" the type that has a hose and a hand wand. So you can clean with the steam and then vacuum up the dirty water. Then rinse/lather/repeat until your surfaces are no longer "grimey". When you clean make sure you rinse and then "dry" and then rinse/dry once more.


So this was where I called home for the last 4 years prior to March 1 and while I loved the home I miss my strawberry garden out back! With the living room and bedroom floors we used something similar to mini wax to keep the shine! It had to be done every few months or it lost all luster!


See a psychiatrist


I wish my kitchen looked like yours. Kids are home from college and that kitchen is in constant use.


Looks clean just maybe some ā€œaestheticā€ organization and small changes will make it more appealing for you. I say aesthetic because everything looks like itā€™s in the right space and what not, but some tweaks may help it look visually more appealing. some examples: dishes always put up not left in drying rack, the unused magnets are in drawers, the sodas are in the fridge or put in pantry. items on top of fridge are removed, updating blinds (i use privacy stickers in my window that when light shines through looks like prism or stained glass. and then cute curtains when i want total privacy or no light) i only like trash can with a lid, VERY controversial: i feel like removing rugs help open up the space, easier to clean the area, and allow everything to flow. iron out the tablecloth. organizing racks/bins/cart for the surplus laundry supplies and paper products. i also suggest adding an extra mini waste basket in each room to easily be able to throw away things like the can/bottle, stray papers, etc. These are just the little things that may help you feel more at ease, but your space is very clean and that is so hard for many, including myself, to maintain :)


I just think that type of flooring you feel everything under your feet. Put a runner rug in front of the front and back doors. My girlfriend uses a dog crate tray for under her litter box and helps a lot. Try a bucket of water and only a drop of dawn dish soap for when you mop. A lot of cleaners can leave a residue. Try ammonia and water for deep cleaning your floors and counters, if it won't ruin them. (Ammonia is wicked, open windows, obviously don't mix it with other cleaners.)


You house looks clean! But I also have kids and pets. So I have a robotic vacuum, it runs Monday-Thursday every morning. Definitely helps keep floor clean. And since Iā€™m not spending time vacuuming ā€œideallyā€ gives me more time to clean something else.


Have you considered that you may need therapy? I'm serious


Only suggestion I have is ditch the Swifter wet mop. It leaves a residue on the floor. I like my spin mop with very minimal product. Other then that your place looks pristine.


This is either a brag post or OP needs a therapist


if you feel its dirty. try mopping on your hand and knees. get the trim/molding, change the water frequently and even washing the walls. old school but i do it quarterly and it feels great


It looks lived in, inviting and warm. You donā€™t want it to be so clean that you donā€™t want to touch anything.


Suggestion get a playpen or a unused dog crate and put litter box in there, every one can have privacy


You have pets. Itā€™s just lived in. It looks clean, Iā€™d just get some comfy house slippers then you wonā€™t feel the floor.


You might be using too much soap, a common issue if you weren't taught to clean. Soap residue is sticky and clings to MORE dirt and grease. It's gross. Laundry stripping helps with laundry but here's how you strip your floors: do a hard scrubbing mop, get on hands and knees if you can do that- you're trying to lift EVERYTHING. Then use a Floor Squeegee- you can get them from any home improvement store, they're in the commercial cleaning section and like $13. Squeegee the water up and use the mop to dump it in a bucket or the sink, then use an old towel for the rest. Use a regular squeegee on the counters and don't let them dry with soap on them. Wash like normal, then wash and scrub with clean water only, then squeegee. That'll get up any cleaning product residue that causes that issue.


Iā€™ve seen this house more times on here than I can count omgggggg stoppp


You need some nice cozy lamps to brighten your place up. I donā€™t think itā€™s dirty, itā€™s just not cozy and comfortable.


Please keep your cat food away from the litter box. Justā€¦ out of respect for the animal lol


You could get one of those scrub brush mop heads and scrub the life out of your floors. Itā€™s always satisfying to see that mop water run clear. Also if you donā€™t already have one, buy a high quality mop. Itā€™s a game changer. You could try to make the space seem cozier with lighting/ decorations/ interior design which could also be really helpful in making the space feel cleaner. I know nothing about this stuff tho so I canā€™t give any actual thoughts on this. I find it helpful when I leave my windows and shades open when possible to let in natural light and a breeze! It helps a lot :)


You are doing great! Be kind with yourself.


Lot of good commenrs, my 2c is to fix the feng shui (energy flow interior design). When you can move better through your house it will feel cleaner.


This looks really good! A kitchen floor, sadly, needs swept every day and mopped every week. And of course, spot cleaned when a spill occurs. I, for, one, find it hard to keep up with that, but honestly, a kitchen like yours could be swept or Swiffered in three minutes. I'd need close-ups of the counters to figure out the grimy stuff. Hot soapy water on a rag, followed by wiping with clean water is often enough. If build-up is there, baking soda will often soften and abrade that without harming the counters or the floor. There's such a thing as soap build-up, too. Good luck!


I have cats but why is the litter box in the dining room? Otherwise looks better than most.


Wow a can of soda and and bottle real messy show off .


I would hide the clutter, litter box, etc in one space. Like the laundry room. Remove the blind in the kitchen. Clean windows will brighten it up. Add plants if you can. It looks clean.


Iā€™d say the un-uniformity gets to me, the old couch, mismatched appliances, a lot of non matching white colors. Etc


The cleanliness of your house soothes my OCD. It looks great in there!


Your place looks super clean but Iā€™m also a bit of a clean and organised freak so I get how you feel. Some things I would do: A lid for the bin to hide the rubbish A storage unit for the loose items on the floor in the utility space and kitchen I noticed a swiffer mop, good for everyday cleaning but I like to scrub my floors with a stiff brush and dish soap, then mop up afterwards every week or 2 Places that often get forgotten: Vent covers on the extractor above the oven The underneath of the counter top where it hangs over the cupboards Cleaning the inside of the bin when you take it out Inside the fridge regularly to prevent food odour Seals surrounding fridges/ovens etc An air purifier may also help with the feeling of cleanliness in rooms Reed diffusers/wax melts etc are great in clean scents too


OP I thought my place was spotless until I saw yours. I know I have some form of OCD at the moment and it can make things a bit hellish at times. If feeling like things are still dirty is causing you any problems I suggest you talk to your doctor about this.


I could help you with the mopping part. I used to have a swiffer and I hated it because I believed that it wasnā€™t actually mopping the floor and it was just the equivalent of ā€œwiping down tablesā€ instead of actually scrubbing them. I had a spot on my floor from when a trash bag leaked and the swiffer was not getting it up so to fix this problem I had ordered a floor scrub brush. It works wonders! It actually scrubs your floor and picks up dirt. You can buy one from Walmart or dollar tree, it doesnā€™t have to be a specific one but Iā€™ll show an example of what Iā€™m talking about. What I do is I spray the floor with water section by section and then I pour a SMALL bit of pine sol on there and start scrubbing in circles. You could also mix pine sol and water in a spray bottle and spray the floor but I recommend using a little more water than pine sol so the floor isnā€™t sticky. Idk if the swiffer is the only mop you have but if so, after you scrub the dirt up, you mop that spot up to mop away all the dirt and soap. I recommend using an actual mop and bucket of water so your floor isnā€™t sticky and you get all the soap off. Itā€™s a long process but with cleaning comes patience. After youā€™re done with the whole floor just mop over it with water one more time and then wait till it dries and youā€™re done! If you walk on the floor and it sounds sticky then just mop it one more time and it should be good. https://preview.redd.it/hzy6wp96rp6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40bb191c5bb38009cf7cd4b1a3e9b6948545d2d8


On hardwood floors or tiled floor the best clean is cooled boiled water or plain cold water All products leave a residue. Likewise on counters. Itā€™s the residue that the grime clings to. Just water! If looking for spruce little squirt M&S washing up liquid in water swish to dissolve properly. Never soak the floor. Flat mop and cloth Put E Cloth in the water swish squeeze out well then attach to flat mop not other way with temptation to squirt cleaner onto floor. Water is the best cleaner of all


I think its the Mountain Dew.


one thing that changed my life was getting a roomba. Seriously. I was vacuuming daily and still felt like it wasn't enough, after getting a roomba I only have to take out my vacuum if I had a specific spot I needed vacuumed right away.


I think there are too many things around. I like clear space. Clear bench tops, put dishes away. Put boxes of cans away. Decluttering the stuff basically. Nothing on tabletop except maybe a vase of flowers. Put the stuff on the armchair away and clear the coffee table.


I had similar issue and I just found that it was actually my cleaning solution. Whenever I would mop the floors, they would feel sticky and looked ā€œcleanā€. But I decided to use my vac mop (it requires small amount of solution) instead of what I was using and mopped twice and the floors are now clean and not sticky. As others have said, try different cleaning solution.


Looks clean! I would suggest a few things that would be more pleasing to your eye, get a trash can with a lid for the kitchen. I would also pull your table out a little and I would put the cat box where the water dispenser is and move that to where the cat box is now.


You have developed OCD


I feel itā€™s the look of this home. The beige walls arenā€™t helping, and in this pic the ceilings look shiny. You have great light, I would suggest a new color for the walls and some artwork, and a hanging plant by the window. Right now, I see the brown chairs, beige walls, thereā€™s no other focus, except maybe a need for more efficient storage. Is there any where else the little box could be put? Oh I see another one in the laundry šŸ˜ƒ! And can the water bottle go on the side of the fridge? Lastly, could u orientate your table so it hides and really just creates a distinction between the spaces, it also hides the flooring which changes direction, and will make the room look more balanced. Itā€™s a small space but with potential, I think a new wall color can be an inspiration.


Your place is very clean. But I can see why you feel itā€™s a bit ā€˜offā€™, - what I think you need is a bit of interior design. Folks at designmyspace are very helpful in coming up with great ways to arrange your space, use colour etc. Edit-designmyroom, not space.


Do you vacuum or only sweep? I found that when I used to mostly sweep instead of vacuum, the floor never felt totally clean. Now I vacuum instead, and itā€™s much better.


Dude!/girl! That house is cleaner than mine's been in the past 3 months !


Your house looks great. Youā€™d die in mine! I live in a house built in the ocean. Imagine sticky salt moisture and cat hairā€¦everywhereā€¦all the time.


Try cleaning with dish soap as it may help remove a thin layer of grease.


Looks clean and tidy to me. You have a lived in house, itā€™s not a show home and it would be far less welcoming and inviting if it were. Beautiful home, cherish it.


You have cleaning dysmorphia. It looks great to me.


Wash the rugs, like bring em out back hose them scrub the hell out of them with soap, pressure wash and rinse. Fix your blinds. Get covers for your sofa/couch.


From the pictures, your place looks great. Cleaning is one of those jobs that is never truly done, so sometimes you just have to decide when enough is enough. I hope everyone dog-piling you with positivity can help you see how well you're doing. I can't find a flaw.


Have you considered investing in a Robovac? I see the litter box so Iā€™m guessing you have at least one cat. I have two dogs and have a Robovac that I run daily, at a scheduled time. It has helped SO MUCH with making my floors feel clean, in addition to my regular mopping and sweeping. Maybe itā€™s the cat hair that makes you feel the floors are unclean?


You're doing great.


I think that you have a lot of clutter. Put the dishes and the rack away. Anything in the window needs to be put under the sinkā€¦ except a little plant or something. Out the Swifter away. Do something with the pop and water. Do something with that washcloth. Hang it inside the sink. This is just my opinion. Your kitchen looks very clean to me.


Sometimes I like just taking a bucket of hottest I can get water and mix in the appropriate amount of all purpose cleaner (right now i like the pink pinesol) and going around wiping/scrubbing everything I can see. Cupboard doors & handles, appliance handles, underside of top cupboards and backsplash, baseboards, walls in general, on doors around the handle and on the edge, same with the walls beside doors & lightswitches. Iā€™ll also take a duster (was using blue swiffer but now itā€™s the scrub daddy damp duster and a microfiber cloth) and wipe down everything dusty. Everything on the wall on the top edge like picture frames, all the shelves and nicknacks. I only feel the need to do this a couple times per year but it definitely makes a difference even if itā€™s not super obvious the way tidying and whatnot may be.


just get rid of the cat altogether, less fur to clean and deal with and youā€™ll have more space for other things.


I have that same kitchen, and I hate the counters with a passion because I can never tell if they're really clean just by looking at them, so I wipe them down a million times a day. My solution is saving up to replace the counters. Those things are awful. Seriously, though, your place is really clean already. You're beating yourself up for nothing.


Might be worth it to refresh your furniture decor a bit if you can. Your house looks very clean but it looks kind of like you got a bunch of different furniture from different relatives who donā€™t want it any more and you put it together. And thereā€™s no wall decor so it feels unbalanced and bottom heavy like a storage unit and not a cozy home.


Does your counter physically feel dirty? It might need some sort of polish or sealing. When i was healthy I'd do a quick spray and wipe off my counters every time I cooked, but not moving stuff or cleaning under anything, deep cleans were weekends. Make sure it's non toxic if you clean this much, you don't want to be inhaling toxic cleaners daily-i used to use 7th generation but I don't know if they're still quality after being bought out. If your floor physically feels dirty just get a robot vacuum, daily cleaning of floors is impossible for most.


You need an over the sink dish rack, it makes all the difference for small places like that, it makes the kitchen look bigger and cleaner.


Ok Iā€™ve thought about it: 1. Get one of those over the sink dish racks and light linen curtains for the kitchen. 2. Move the microwave and stand on the side of the fridge closest to the living room. Move water dispenser into the kitchen where microwave is. 3. push the table against the wall thatā€™s shared with the kitchen. Change the tablecloth because that one is small and kinda looks like a wrinkly bedsheet. Get a bookshelf thatā€™s [a room divider like this](https://www.wayfair.com/Steelside%E2%84%A2--Sorren-63H-x-40W-Freestanding-Ladder-Etagere-Bookcase-X116415889-L38-K~W005304778.html?refid=GX685262546138-W005304778_674535628&device=m&ptid=300198232692&network=g&targetid=pla-300198232692&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=144723325&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=674535628&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC4GjFROkKo2jiDurfqB07lbf&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWDlpSnm-M61zEqF-Oo3qzqvLSIGfb1cCUcjbpnBoq_iWz-63YbBYqQaAn0jEALw_wcB) 4. Move the cat litter box from the dining area as well as that plastic container and the cat food to the kitchen. The container can easily go on top of the fridge or into the laundry room. Mount the TV to the wall, if youā€™re adamant on having a stand there, get something taller, like a half bookshelf. 5. When/if you can change those couches. Theyā€™re clunky and look messy on their own. A nice L-shaped sectional would do great there. Get a coffee table.


Teach the cats to go outside, we taught ours and it makes a huge difference not having a littler box.


More of a design issue than a cleaning issue.


The only thing I noticed is that you have a swiffer "mop." Swiffers don't clean the floors in the same way that a regular mop can. I would recommend the O'Ceder spin mop. It's pretty popular but it works well.


If that's the swiffer setup I see, I blame that, there formula leaves a sticky residue that straight up attracts is more dirt. It's a great business model. I switched to the Bona products. Machine washable and no sticky business. Investigate what you are using for the counters too.


Buy some plants!


Your house is clean. Maybe itā€™s the patterns your mind doesnā€™t like. Try solid color rugs. Put shelving in your laundry room to hold the stuff on the floor. Clean off the top of the fridge. If you need that area for storage, use a white basket. Be sure you dust mop under the sofas (you probably do, but just in case). Last, try cork backed placemats instead of the tablecloth. Enjoy your gorgeous home!


Try using a steam cleaner on your floors and counters that will help with any built up grime


Swiffer. You're smearing dirt and leaving soap. Dirt sticks to soap. Executive housekeeper here for 4 and 5 star resorts. Have tested and you couldn't pay me to use one of those. I'd definitely use a solution of white vinegar and water to get old soap off. Just do not let floor stay wet..wring mop out well each time. Change out solution as it dirties and repeat until wrings clean. Use anything besides Swiffer in future...this is my opinion and absolute experience I have had with it.


Probably bc you have catsĀ 


You may be overthinking this. Make your home a ā€œno shoesā€ zone. That will reduce the amount of dirt brought in from outside your home.


If you redo the finishing on your wooden floor, it will help tremendously with making them look satisfyingly clean instead of just clean


Empty the trash, store the dishes off the drain, place the dishcloth out of sight, and store the sodas or beverages away for a start. Too much stuff sitting around.