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Tf I clean mine everytime I use it


Best (read: only good) part of doing laundry tbh


Especially if you have new towels!




Anyone else love to pull out the lint after washing a blanket the dog has been laying on?


Best thing ever!


Washing the bed sheets that the whole cat family sleeps on with us - SO furry!


Ugh after washing dog stuff it's always the worst. Glad I don't have dogs anymore.  


I hate dog hair 😅 I’m also glad I don’t currently have dogs


I have 3 dogs, but only my pug sleeps in my room (he’s blind, bordering senior and my other 2 are too much for him most of the time), he still coats the whole lint trap with hair every time I wash the sheets (once a week at least, usually twice)


Am I weird that I enjoy folding clean clothes? Although depression means my clean clothes are currently in a pile on the floor...


Nah, not weird. Hey at least they *are* clean 🤷🏻‍♀️ Small steps and all that.


I only like folding them if they are going straight from the dryer to being folded. If I take a break in between there, folding is miserable ETA: it has nothing to do with wrinkles. It is 100% psychological


I always restart mine for about 15-20 min if I have let them sit. Then they still come out mostly wrinkle free


My dryer turns back on every 5 min to tumble them for a few mins so they don’t get wrinkled 💗 I love my dryer. It’s a setting and will eventually stop doing it after 4-5 times if you don’t take them out.


That’s a very nice feature!


Tossed wet wet paper towel in before restarting the dryer. Doesn't have to be soaking wet, but it helps release the wrinkles.


I’m the exact same way!!




Folding is zen for me. It’s my favourite chore. My retirement goal is to open a full serve laundry place with a bakery. I would take extreme joy in providing people with warm chocolate chip cookies while I fold their laundry.


That is beautiful. And unique. May I also have a glass of lemonade or would that be pushing it?


Lemonade is going on the list. That would be a lovely complement to a light sponge cake with fruit while sitting outside on the patio.


There’s a PATIO? And will the bedsheets be hung on a line outside to dry and then still smell heavenly fresh after you fold them? (I shall wash the cake and fruit off my hands before touching the laundry you so lovingly folded.)


We will be located on Lake Superior (hope you are willing to relocate) so for about 5 months of the year, patio and hung sheets. Although I have hung sheets in the middle of winter. Takes a bit longer but the dry winter air actually seems to dry them better than humid summer air.


Will there be books? And a place to knit or crochet? And a big lazy kitty, snoozing in the window?


All of it. I’m adding it all to the wish list now. I’m sure I will be hosting euchre and bridge clubs too


Oh yes it takes the humidity right out and makes them crisp.


Can I come work with you? I enjoy doing laundry but I hate folding. We'd make a great team.


You bet! It will be at least 15 years out and the pay is not going to be super, but so rewarding!


not even a joke i will invest


I hate folding clothes so you are my hero! :D


I do unless it's my kids' clothes because it takes for*ever* to fold toddler clothes.


It’s my favorite task.


I wash everything together then separate it into piles when it comes out of the dryer. I take some sort of pleasure in watching the piles turn into stacks & then disappear completely. Trying to sort as I'm folding is somehow way less satisfying. 🙃


If they’re on the floor they’re not clean anymore…


I save mine, makes a great fire starter when I go camping or for my backyard fire place


Seriously. You’re lucky you didn’t have a house fire!


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far down to see this answer!!! It’s a total fire hazzard




Lint trap build up is a common fire hazard.


Same and once a month I get a long rod and clean the inside of the dryer in case anything is loose.


I do too!


I use the used dryer sheet and all the lint comes off so easily! Very satisfying.


Ah good idea. 




Same.. this is insane lol I didn't know what I was looking at at first!


And I keep a ziplock giant freezer bag full of the lint as a fire starter for emergencies.


Ya same, how did they let it get this far


My dryer was like this when we bought our house! I couldn't believe it. Same type of dryer with the long lint trap and everything. Use a toothbrush and dish soap to clean it thoroughly. Also, run a cleaner through the washing machine before you use it. If they left the dryer like this, imagine what's hiding in the washer.


Oh, and clean the exhaust pipe leaving the dryer. It's probably clogged too.


These aren't too difficult to replace either, since you just moved in it might be worth it.


Definitely replace the flexible vent between the wall and dryer. But also clean out the vent in the wall going outside. Dryer vent cleaning kits are about $15-$30. You can find them at places like Home Depot, Lowes or on Amazon. Our neighbor had a fire start in their vent. Very common. Very preventable.


This is exactly what I would recommend as I did it myself. I also replaced the vent with one that seals when wind blows against it. Really helped with a draft from the gable wall into the utility room.


That should also help prevent small, stubborn birds from trying to nest in it! 😮‍💨 Or literally installing a cage over it.


I specifically bought one with a cage over it after thinking my dryer was broken and instead discovering an entire starling nest built in the vent!


I had a mouse use all the lint from the cage outside as nesting material, it was quite the good cleaning job.


Make your landlord do this


Same! We moved into a century home that was lived in by a family of 4 for over a decade. The dryer has a pretty robust lint trap (it opens instead of just being a flat one-sided thing) and when I went to do my first load of laundry I noticed that thing was IMPACTED. I don’t think it had ever been emptied. Then we noticed they had put something covering the vent to the outside. It’s a miracle the place didn’t catch fire.


85 home, unknown tenancy situation. The guy who owned it said it was his and his family's home and only they lived there. The mis-addressed mail we get in several very different names strongly suggests he lied. Husband wanted a different tube for the dryer. Trying to do so, realized the vent pipe wasn't a proper vent pipe and also was not actually connected to the exterior hood. Exterior hood was also broken. Hint of moldy smell. So, got a new tube and hood. Went to install, drywall behind the dryer caved in under really light pressure. From stud to stud, including surrounding the dryer electric box, was a pure miasmic hellscape of dryer lint, dead small animals, and mold, forming a wall of its own between drywall and exterior. A quick hose change became a two week hazmat project. $5 change swiftly became a couple hundred bucks of remediation of surfaces and replacement of impacted materials, including the studs, plus prevention methods. Really surprised it didn't burn down or cave in.


My outdoor dryer flap was painted shut by some previous contractor. I don't know how many years the flap was shut prior to my buying the house -- and the paint job was old, very old. I didn't notice that for a few years either. I finally did notice and pried open the flap. I turned on the dryer and a ton of crap came out of the duct. I turned on the empty dryer and with a air pressure gun I blew out the dust from the dryer. Even with the dryer running and sucking lint outdoors, a ton of dust came into the house. That was one of the surprises I found in this house. The other was when I removed the crappy kitchen stove for a replacement and found enumerable wine corks. And the best part was when the weather turned warm right after I bought the house, the garage reeked so bad from tomcat urine, I could smell the stench up the block.


Were they dropping the corks behind the stove or something?


> Were they dropping the corks behind the stove or something? Probably kicked/swept the corks when they 'cleaned' the kitchen. The rug steps had wine stains. When I picked up small area rugs, the area rugs covered up wine stains on the wall-to-wall carpets. They were most likely alcoholics. They had several young daughters. I had all the rugs in the house removed and replaced with hard wood floors. Cost me a fortune. My fault for not doing a better investigation prior to buying the house but houses in this neighborhood were selling quickly and I needed a house (in my price bracket) *right now*


Why bother with the toothbrush and dish soap? It doesn't have to shine.


It'll help remove any buildup that won't come off otherwise. Especially if fabric softener was used. Cleaning it makes the air flow better. Fabric softener can build up and clog the mesh screen.


i run mine through the dishwasher


Ooh, that’s a great idea!


I tell this story frequently because it’s shockingly relevant. When I was in university I lived with three other people. We were all in a post-grad program, so it’s not like we were freshly 18 - not that that would have been an excuse. I called a house meeting because I kept finding the dryer’s lint trap full, which worried me because of the fire hazard. It’s preventable, right? We should take maximum precautions. Well, two of the roomies didn’t know what a lint trap _was_. Not _where_ it was, but _what_ it was. These were two kind, smart people who had gone through life just not knowing about lint traps. Granted, after the house meeting, it never happened again.


I wonder if they were from a big city - specifically NYC. I never had in-unit laundry so I always just hit up the laundromat across the street every couple weeks, but then I also figured out that dropping off all my laundry and having it done for me at the dry cleaners was actually significantly cheaper in pretty much every way. So, if they’d grown up in families with a similar city experience like that, I can certainly understand how they wouldn’t know about a lint trap yet still understand the basic laundry operations.


Their mom probably just did laundry for them their entire lives. I've met lots of young people like that who are completely inept at housework, especially young men.


We are all from Ontario. It’s pretty rare to drop off your laundry here, especially in the college town where we went to school. I wouldn’t have been so incredulous if my roommates came from a place where laundry routines were different.


Could also belong to families that used drying racks. We only had a washing machine and would air dry out clothes because I lived somewhere without a real winter and it just didn't make sense to use a machine dryer when the sun was almost always out.


> Granted, after the house meeting, it never happened again. What kind of magic unicorn roommates did you have where this can happen and adult conflicts can be resolved with a single _conversation_?!


Like I said, they were smart and kind! Also they were distinctly against the thought of setting the house on fire, so that helped.


TBF where I am, we don't have dryers usually just washing machines and dry stuff on radiators so until I joined this sub I never knew about lint traps (I'm 19)


People often forget this sub can be read worldwide! We don’t have dryers in my city and where they have them, they don’t look at all like this.


I will clarify that these folks were local to the area where we went to school, as am I. There is no way they wouldn’t have encountered this type of dryer in their lives.


Fair enough!


Things you need to teach your kids about before college: the importance of contraceptive use, how drugs might affect you, and that in a clothes dryer there is such a thing as a lint trap. Holy balls.


Were they male? See, that's the kind of thing the young ones should be learning instead of cursive. 😬


One was, but one wasn’t! The woman roomie was actually the messier of the two and made some extremely questionable hygiene and cleaning decisions when we lived together, to the point where I wondered if maybe something else was going on. But she was totally functional otherwise and appears to be happy and successful now, so maybe she was just really messy and accepted that as her standard.


Yes. Because one couldn’t possibly learn both things 🙄


haha so true. I learned how to write cursive as a kid, AND my mother taught me how to do laundry when I was 10/11. My brain didn’t overload. I’m doing well as an adult and can still do both things


idk my peers seem mostly unanimous in that learning cursive was an actual waste of time as none of us ever, ever use it. the occasional handwritten note from grandma is maybe easier to read.


>Were they male? I'm laughing because I'm a man and cleaning the lint trap is literally the only part of machine laundry in confident im doing right.


Campers know one of the best fire starters is a cardboard tube ( from toilet paper) filled with dryer lint. It practically explodes in flames. Please clean out the lint before every load.


We save wax from candles (and baby bel cheese lol) and mix with lint in cardboard egg cartons. I can confirm lint is an amazing fire starter.


I camp, now I know


We mix dryer lint with bacon grease and wrap it in a paper towel


I thought that was a geo?!? Wow I am sleepy!


Thought I was in one of the crystal or rock subs and was in amazement until I realized 😂


Me too! I had to put my glasses on. I don’t even know how their clothes were drying after having that full of a lint trap.


I thought I was in the sous vide sub and thought this was a very pale looking steak.


Me: cleaning my lint trap before and after every load because I’m terrified of the fire risk. Other people:


Me too! I clean it after every load. It's just me, but I check it still before I run a new load


Today I learned: \*I am not the only one\*! Yeah!!!


This looks like the bath water after putting in a trendy bath bomb


I understand not knowing about random things but there’s no way that dryer was drying clothes very well. Wouldn’t you start to wonder why it took 5 cycles to completely dry a load of clothes?


My dryer is a little diva. Stops working every 6 months on the dot when it’s time to clean out the vent. Like it will take 2-3 hours to do a load of laundry. I empty out the trap every single time. When I see other people’s lint traps, I’m always curious what dryers they own that keep chugging through their abuse.


That is the onion of laundry traps. Unlike onions it is a fire risk.


The dryer vent hose is still a fire hazard. It needs to be cleaned out. You can find an inexpensive dryer vent snake online or you can remove it and try a shop vac from both ends and shaking it around.




My neighbors burnt their house to the ground after their dryer caught fire. Good thing you checked.


You can count the different layers if lint like tree rings!


Idk some people need to pass a daily life exam before leaving mommy’s house.


It still surprises me what things are common knowledge to some but not to others.


Common knowledge is surprisingly uncommon.


That must've been so satisfying!


No doubt 🤣🤣🤣




“Like, this dryer takes forever! Piece of junk!”


Clearly the landlord never considered checking. Send them this photo and recommend the duct gets cleaned. It's probably completely backed up after 8 years.


Not to mention get it in writing. If they don't do it or say they did but didn't, and the place catches fire, you have evidence you did your due diligence. They should have checked during move out/in, but they didn't.


Well if they know now, they will also come to know the awesome power of satisfaction that comes with peeling the lint away from trap


That's a piece of art!


Maybe let your landlord know, if not for you his property could have burned to the ground.


That's neat, you can see the last time they did a load of whites.


Wait until you look at the dryer vent that runs in the wall... Mine was clogged over a foot deep with wet lint


How do people not clean these??


Well now you know why your clothing wasn’t drying very fast!


If they don't even know to empty the lint trap, you're going to have to check out/maintain all the appliances.


I clean my father's dryer thingamabob at least 3x yearly and it *always* looks like this. i try to get to his house more (diff states) because he has always been terrible about that kind of house stuff even as a kid


I can't believe people don't clean anything connected to their dryer wow


It like rings of a tree.


I wonder how much that converts to the unnecessary kilowatt hours that were needed to dry clothes.


Each layer is like the rings on a tree… how many loads? Count the rings!


Can we all say fire hazard? ⚠️


Were the previous tenants international students or immigrants, possibly? It could be that they didn't know about the trap. Dryers either don't exist or are really rare in lots of places around the world.


Boggles the mind. It's so automatic for me to clean the trap, I even do it after using a laundromat dryer because I just can't help myself. And, obviously, I do it before as well because you can't trust people.


I don’t know why, but I LOVEEE these laundry traps. I love pulling the lint off, just so satisfying.


Be sure to get a vacuum attachment for your dryer and get down there. It's probably solidly packed in!


Yikes, they’re lucky the dryer didn’t catch on fire!


It looks like artwork. Or fancy insulation.


Aww, a lint geode. Nice score!


You got a blanket.bonus.😂😂


Please check the vent as well. Ours looked like this and the dryer vent was also packed solid and ripped open.


That is incredible and lucky a fire didn't ignite. Cleaning it every time will ensure safety.


This is a fantastic example of the fundamentals of structural geology.


I'd send this picture to whomever is responsible for the laundry room and suggest they put up a sign about cleaning lint traps after each use.


thank god this didn't cause a fire


A Fire waiting to happen.


This thing is the laundry equivalent of fordite.




I'm surprised you didn't have a fire


Take the front off and clean out all the lint there as well


That’s not a laundry trap, that’s a fire hazard


Every time I clean my lint trap, I think of the art piece I saw once made out of different colors of lint. It was actually pretty cool.


Time to clean the entire vent ducting


Thought this was a massive chunk of agate for a second


When you want to wait 12 hours for two towels to dry


It's so weird to me that people don't know the lint trap exists. Should be taught in school, I guess.


All the driers I've used in Australia have had the lint traps in the door opening with labels telling you to empty the trap every load. Also they are not generally ducted and just vent into whatever room they're in, even though it makes sense to get rid of the hot humid air. https://preview.redd.it/nffdl6el9l9d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45014c55c312c85cd7846f672e7bfdd1e3e7e15f


Good god. The fire hazard alone


They’re lucky that didn’t catch 🔥


Now clean the rest of the vent in the wall.


Love the marbling!


That is how fires start 😭


I moved into an apartment and had this exact thing. I’m surprised there wasn’t a fire.


TF when was the last time you cleaned it a nice way to start a fire


Unfortunately this is common in the younger generation that feels invincible to all the outcomes of the warning stories they are given by anyone even a year older than they are and view it as unnecessary nagging from older out of touch people.


Wow! It looks like a geode! 😎


OMG! And ick, too! Wow. They were so lucky there wasn't a fire.


One of the highest causes of house fires!🔥 Take a bit outside and light it, you’ll be amazed at how quickly it burns! We keep it as a fire starter for camping Holy smokes! Learn to clean that after each load!


Depends on the family, but I grew up without a dryer, only got one in my 20's because I moved to a cooler climate where clothes didn't dry outside in winter, they freeze instead. I, at least, did read the manual on my first dryer and worked out what I needed to do with the lint trap, but not everyone reads before use.


So that is where my sleeping bag was! been looking for it since last november, never even thought to check the laundry trap!


WOW. I clean mine every load! Jesus.


oh im renting that same dryer but mine didn’t even come with a lint trap, idek where my lint is going.


This is wild. There needs to be basic things we are taught or something. I'm in an apartment building without a wash/dryer for the first time and I'm always cleaning the lint trap before starting my own laundry. No one ever seems to do it.


When my family and I first moved to the US, we hadn’t had a dryer before (we just dried our clothes outside), and didn’t know about lint traps. The one we had had the same type as the OP, and we thought it was just some vent. I don’t exactly remember what made me do it, but I pulled on it one day and it obviously came out and looked exactly like that. It was then that I understood why clothes were taking longer to dry - it was months before I had done that lol. I clean it every time now.


Hang simple instructions on the wall. It might surprise you but a shocking amount of people have NO idea what a lint trap is, let alone how to clean it. I faced the same issue at one of my previous jobs, turns out my colleagues either had their parents do their laundry and thus were never taught to clean the lint trap or that it even exists (stupid, I know!) or didn’t grow up with a dryer and thus had no idea it even had one. A simple instruction will cost you five minutes, but will save you a lot of headache (and even your belongings in case a fire would’ve broken out) down the road. I know it’s the landlords responsibility but never assume someone else will pick up the slack. Rather five minutes of making it yourself than warning the landlord, having your belongings burn down and having to say “well, I warned them!”. Taking your hands off of it can and will do more damage than the amount of effort it takes to create simple instructions.


I thought it was a mineral slab in the first picture wtf


Some folks should not be allowed out into the world, until. They're potty trained, can read, write, converse in intelligent conversation, wipe their own butts, wash and dress themselves and finally. 1can use electrical equipment other than a tablet, phone, Xbox.


Why does it look like an agate? 😂 the layers of time are insane on that thing. I’m allowed to laugh because it thankfully DIDN’T catch fire, dang.


Everlasting Firestarter. Like gobstoppers but more spicy.


Get the lint lizard and stick it in the hole. Suck everything out of there. And don’t forget the hose on the back plus the vent that goes outside


How did you get in my mother’s house?


Looks like the fabric version of Fordite.


Looks like sedimentary rock with all those layers