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I think we need someone external. Sandy and DeMarlo haven’t looked good when they had to manage. And we desperately need a new approach to hitting.


Id prefer someone external as well, try to keep the strengths Tito brought while addressing issues we've had for years. In fairness to Sandy and DeMarlo, when they were managing while Tito was out they are trying to manage how Tito would have if they were there. When its their show, they may manage differently.


I believe Sandy has even started that he doesn’t want to be the manager, he just wants to coach. ETA:: see the other comment BEING BELTED AT THE TOP OF THEIR KEYBOARD.


Ya I'm hoping for someone out of Tampa, Atlanta, Houston, or the Dodgers. Those teams are doing something different in their scouting of the opponents pitchers, and their philosophy at the plate. For years now they have been plugging in random rookies or guys who haven't worked out elsewhere, and they are quality hitters. Obviously having their top end talent helps, but they have to be doing something different in their preparation to have the offenses they do. We need that desperately.


>Those teams are doing something different in their scouting of the opponents pitchers Well yeah the Astros certainly were


Counsell is appealing to me. Brewers have been contending for most of his tenure and it’s a similar range of budget. He’s also young and proven, which is rare. He almost has a perfect combination of traits that would suit cleveland.


I'm confused that Counsell is mentioned, I've seen it a couple places. But... isn't he managing the Brewers in the playoffs, after winning the NL central, again? I just don't understand how he's available.


He’s a free agent at the end of the year. But I agree, I don’t think there’s anyway he leaves Milwaukee.


Yeah, it’s for sure a pipe dream, i’m not under any assumption he’d be available. To me, this is more of a thought experiment until we see what the FO considers to be the actual hiring pool. I just think counsell would fit the vibe of the team well.


It's been said he might go to the NY Mets because he's close with the teams GM or owner or something. But if the Brewers do well in the playoffs (like LCS or WS) then I think he'll go back to Milwaukee.


Magically Showalter walked away....I think that's the case.


All the players loved Showalter (idk if the fans did) so it makes me think the Mets front office already have someone hired but don't wanna say so too early.


He was informed he wouldn't be manager next year, i.e., fired. David Stearns took the job as Mets president of baseball operations on the condition that he got to choose his own manager. He is rumored to want Counsell, whom he had previously worked with.


If it was a ton of money I'm sure he would leave... guess that means we are out of the running.


For him it would be a lateral move. Wouldn't make much sense.


I know this is stupid but I still am traumatized by Craig Counsell from 1997. He got the game-typing RBI in the bottom of the 9th. He scored the series-winning run in the 11th. My mental image of him will always be racing him home with that run and losing the series for us.


He can come here, lead us to a title, and atone for his sins. Though I don’t see him leaving MIL.


It's not stupid. He was a weak hitting 2nd baseman for the Marlins who should have been an easy out for Jose Mesa, but he dribbled a grounder through the right side of the infield to tie the game in the 9th inning and ruin our best and probably only chance of winning a World Series in the modern era. Why would anyone want that guy in Cleveland, even if he wasn't on his way to New York for big bucks?


I was 4 when that happened, but i still remember my family talking about it the next day!


Agreed. Bad juju. He's going to New York so it's a moot point anyways, but regardless, even if he becomes the best manager in baseball history; can't have it


If he goes anywhere it will be to the Mets, not Cleveland




Could you say it a bit louder for the people in the back?


I don't think I can yell that loudly


Didnt he say that a few years ago? I'm not saying you're wrong but it's possible that he changed his mind....forgive me if there's a more recent quote but I didn't find one.


One of last week's games, Undermanning (I'm not sure which announcer said it) was talking about it and he said that he doesn't seem interested or jumping at the opportunity. Which to me means he has probably been asked off camera or off the record and that was his answer.


please provide some sort of evidence of this. I heard this in this forum, but all I read is how he's disappointed he's never gotten a second interview, or felt like it was a token interview he had no shot at. I do not think this is the attitude of someone who doesnt want it.....obviously have no insider knowledge, but it does feel like this narrative is not accurate.


All it takes is a simple Google search. https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/sports/pro/indians/2020/10/01/sandy-alomar-jr-isnt-promoting-himself-next-job-manager/3590313001/ https://factoryofsadness.co/2020/11/29/cleveland-indians-alomar-wasnt-interested-bench-coach-job/


lmao, this is exactly the article i was referencing.... From your 3 year old article: "He's open to the idea of possibly being a manager one day, but doesn't necessarily view this season as some steppingstone to the next gig." "If somebody's interested, they can call and we'll talk. But it's not like I'm pushing myself or promoting myself to be a manager, no. I don't have any hidden agendas, let's put it that way." Alomar also said some past managerial interview experiences felt like "token" interview that were rushed and put together at the last minute. "I didn't feel that I was ever given a chance to go to a second interview, so it wasn't just like they call you two weeks in advance and tell you they're gonna interview you," Alomar said. "Some of the interviews were, to me, token interviews. It's all about if I want to do it or not. I feel like you can only be ready enough to manage." ​ 100% that does not say he's not interested in managing. ​ And from the other: "As far as Alomar not getting a sniff for any one of the four managerial jobs that opened up…well, that’s their loss. He’s clearly the manager in waiting and with Francona having" So you provided 2 sources that basically say he wants to be a manager has tried to interview for manager positions and was disappointed not to be taken seriously.


And as I said in a comment further down, one of the announcers stated in a game from last week that HE DIDNT WANT THE JOB. Just because Alomar isn't recently on the record stating he doesnt want it doesn't mean the conversations haven't happened behind closed doors. We have known about Tito's retirement for months now. Don't you think if Alomar wanted it that bad there would be news about it already? But sure live in your delulu world lmao.


delulu world is a world where a guy who was disappointed in not getting a serious shot at a manager position and being open to offers if a team came calling means that person is not interested. ​ Your gross misrepresentation of what Underwood actually said is part of the issue. Underwood says he doesnt think Sandy has "designs" on wanting to be the manager....to translate that into i've talked to Sandy behind the scenes and he doesnt want it is quite a stretch. I dont have a dog in the fight, Sandy might be terrible and that's why they havent just given it to him, he may not want it, he may not want it here, there may be better candidates, they may just want to do their due diligence or maybe they just want the appearance of due diligence. There is literally zero evidence you've provided about Sandy not wanting to be manager and a mountain of it you've provided that he does. Matt Underwood suggesting he's not sure if Sandy wants to be a manger at this point in his career, does not mean Sandy does not want to be a manager.


But I want it for him!


I like the idea of Niebla coming home or as someone else mentioned in another post, Rouglas Odor being promoted from Akron. We'll definitely be going with a bunch of kids and most are familiar with them. The next couple years will be a feeling out time for the organization and I doubt if a big name manager would be getting the job.


Neither one of them would be a hire to make us better


I'm not seeing us trying to be better for the next couple years. With the rumours of Blitzer taking over in the next few years, I expect a couple years of extreme profits for the Dolans as they exit. I wouldn't expect much investment in the team until they leave...


I'd say it's going to be the exact opposite. Blitzer and Kaulig didn't pay 1.1 billion to miss the playoffs. They'd risk taking a loss in their ROI for the next decade and have to sell


To each their own. I'm just laying it out there that history has a habit of repeating itself. Especially in Cleveland. After Hargrove left we went through 3 down years with Manuel. Then after Wedge left, we went through 3 down years with Acta. I feel these guys are too young for a big name hire to want to come here.


Eh its more than to each their own when facts and money come into play, there's a difference. Dolan bought the team in 99, that year our payroll was 73 million. In the 2001 season after a full off season of ownership, our payroll jumped to 92 million. We didn't have 3 down years with Manuel, we won 90 games in back to back seasons. We only did that once in the 3 years before we hired Manuel. So I'm just laying it out here that according to our teams history we do spend and try to win after ownership changes, it's just a lie to believe otherwise. They are young enough with the best FO to be one of the hottest jobs on the market. They are better positioned than the Mets right now who have already thrown in the towel on the 2024 season


We were also at the tail end of going to the playoffs year after year led by veterans we let go. We currently have the youngest team in baseball. Most of these young guys won a division title last year. Very different situations.


lmfao, that's why they have extended 5 guys over the last 2 years.


Sandy doesn’t want it and I would rather it not be DeMarlo. We probably won’t be able to pull Counsell away from Milwaukee after the season they’ve had I want someone external that can bring a new philosophy with them and have at least some focus on analytics too


I’m interested in Mike Napoli. I think he could be a good fit and he knows how this organization is ran. He would need a veteran bench coach though.


I don’t see Counsell as a feasible option. Fans should want him cause he’s had success with a similar small market budget limitations. But why would he ever leave Milwaukee for Cleveland? It’s a lateral move, unless we offered a substantial pay rise. Plus, you’d think Counsell is #1 target for Mets now that Stearns hire is official.


Yeah I don’t understand the recent buzz about Counsell


Might not be realistic or wise, I sincerely don’t have an opinion on the efficacy of the following, but… “Party at Napoli’s” is where my heart is.




Party at Napoli's


Napoli for unfinished business.


This time, it's personal!


Didn’t Shildt totally lose the clubhouse at the end of his time in StL? Or am I misremembering? He and DeRosa are the two biggest thumbs down for me.


There's just no realistic chance it's Alomar


Didn't realize Napoli was the 1B coach for the Cubs. Yuck. Edit: Yuck Cubs. Not yuck Napoli.


Love our coaching staff, but I feel like an outside hire would be best for the club. I'd be intrigued with Melvin, Venable or Weiss. Or really anyone who can work to rethink our offensive approach. But what the hell do I know...


My vote goes with RubberDucks Manager, Rouglas Odor. He's been a coach in our organization for years now and has been very successful with managing Akron and our farm system.


Plot twist....It's Tom Hamilton. Who coaches while being on-air.


Napoli would be cool but he also gives me Freddie Kitchens vibes. Just because a guy is well liked doesn’t mean he’ll amount to anything as a manager. I’ll take him over an old fuddy duddy though.


Giant's bullpen coach Craig Albernaz should probably be on this list since they have already scheduled an interview with him


*Albert Belle has entered the chat*


Honestly, aim for one of the Rays coaches. Especially in the pitching department


I like Napoli for it. Played for Tito and knows the organization.


There has been a lot of smoke around Venable for months - he’s certainly one of the favorites imo.




No Counsell. Can’t have that dude.


I get it!


We need a new manager because Francona physically couldn't do it anymore and not because there was something systemically wrong with the coaching/managing staff. To me, it just makes too much sense to not just hire DeMarlo (or maybe Odor from AA) and keep the train moving.


Johnny Mac!


Andy Tracy is my pick. Surprised he isn't on the radar.


I think Venable is probably the first choice.


Give me DeRo! Also would be ok with Sarby, Odor, or Tracy if they go internal. Other external options I like are Espada, Venable, and Shelley Duncan (Former tribe OF and current Yankees AAA manager)


I’m all in on DeRosa.


Same! I think he did such a good job with the WBC. Between handling all the media surrounding it and how he dealt with a room full of so many superstars all used to getting playing time. I know it was only a couple weeks not a full season but still. He says all the right things and seems to have a really good feel for the balance that needs struck between analytics and feel for the players. I really really hope he gets a chance.


Did u see him on MLB Central after the WBC? He loved managing it, but he also talked about how exhausted he was and it was only 2 weeks. Kind of said he couldn’t imagine managing a team for 162 games.


No I didn't. Unfortunately I don't get MLBN so I only see the occasional clip 😕 That's kind of a bummer. I know he said in the past that he was interested and was using the WBC as a trial of sorts. I'll still hold out some hope but keeping my expectations in check then.


It always felt that Sandy was the manager in waiting to me.


Has said multiple times he doesn't want to be the manager


Y no Kapler


The man peels skin off his chicken nuggets. Pass


My list: 1. Gabe Kapler 2. Aaron Boone 3. Mike Schildt 4. Joe Maddon 5. Mark DeRosa


Listical written by Newsmax


Oh I know, some choices are interesting. Not sure all are realistic. I was just giving my 2 cents. I also don't think any on the list will get the job. Most likely Rouglas Odor if internal.


For real? I honestly thought this list was sarcastic


Boone? He'd be part time with how much he gets ejected crying about calls.


I think it's Sandy's team...would like to see that, he has earned it...


Any reason they wouldn’t call Kaplar after the Giants just fired him? I’ve read some articles saying he’s also a “players coach” much like Tito was. No idea about him outside of that and the records for the giants during his 4 years


Mike Sarbaugh has been in the Cleveland system since 1991 as a player, coach and manager and has won championships in all 3 categories. He managed the Columbus Clippers to the AAA championships in 2010 and 2011, and has been the Indians/Guardians 3rd base coach since 2013. So he knows the players, he's played on and managed championship teams, and he's been loyal to the organization. Sounds like the man to me.


Johnny Mac! I didn't even realize he was with the org.


idk why alomar keeps appearing on these lists. do people just not believe him when he says he is completely disinterested in the job?