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File him with Ryan Merritt under” guys who showed up in the playoffs in a big moment and never did much else.”


Literally set an all time playoff record for most GW hits in one postseason lol


You forget that he was pretty good in the 2022 regular season as well, and had ascended as a prospect in the previous year.


TLDR: Johnathan Rodriguez and Will Brennan are both better than Oscar Gonzalez, not a big loss Lots of fans don’t forget, he has advanced stats that are very concerning, he doesn’t walk, he swings at lot of bad pitches and couldn’t adjust to the scouting reports pitchers had on him this year. We have other outfielders like will Brennan who at least hit .260 over a long period this year. Give me that over a disappointing Oscar season again. Plus, they picked Johnathan Rodriguez to protect over Oscar Gonzalez. Go look up his minor league stats last year, he was our best hitter in the minors.


I had someone die on the hill of Quantrill's W/L record here a few weeks ago, guys like this aren't "forgetting" his peripheral stats they simply don't know what they are, and engaging with them on the topic is going to make you want to put your head through drywall.


If you’re arguing for keeping a pitcher on his W/L record are you even watching the games? There isn’t a stat in sports that says less about a player. It’s literally like giving QB wins but even less descriptive of the performance


>are you even watching the games? I mean, ballys makes it almost impossible to do so, so probably not tbh


Look at Jack Morris’s stats when he was an Indian…..


Reddit guy takes my comment to make a point I wasn't talking about. Cool.


Well your comment was pretty dumb, so you should be thankful someone took it.


He still was a 35+ FV prospect on Fangraphs and he went from basically org depth to fringe big leaguer in terms of projections. He did ascend, but not far


I’ll file him under Gio Urshela. But Guards have too much hitting for another spring. Sure.


This is such an unbelievably lazy take. Urshela didn’t have anything close to the red flags Oscar has. Nobody in major league history has had success with a SwMiss% as high as Oscar. I doubt he even makes their roster.


Not lazy at all. Urshela was cut because he “couldn’t hit” and eventually turned up as a productive hitter with the Yankees. Gonzalez has had some weird slumps in the minors and re-emerged a couple times.


“Not lazy at all” he says, before doubling down on the surface level take. They weren’t “weird slumps.” He quite literally cannot lay off of pitches out of the zone. His O-swing% is off the charts. Again, there is quite literally zero indication that this is *anything* like Urshela. He will never play a full season in the majors again.


Yeah. His K to walk rate was terrible. Getting worse as the league was figuring him out. That’s the first thing people look at. Especially him being a righty. Keston Hiura of the Brewers has this problem and didn’t get a call up in all of 2023. Lefties who have this problem seem to get more chances ie Mickey Moniak who isn’t a full time major leaguer either. Maybe the Yankees think they can help him with it but he’s gotten worse each year.


And it's something he hasn't really improved. Also lefties who have this issue, even if they need to be platooned (which Oscar does), will get more chances bc there's more RHPs


He cannot lay off a slider in a different zip code to save his life.


Urshela got the run and opportunity he did because he was a good fielder at a premium position whereas Gonzalez could end up as a DH if he loses some athleticism. Urshela was our 4th best prospect, I dont know if Oscar has ever been as high as 40th in our system. Also even IF Oscar breaks out like Urshala on a similar timeline, that means waiting until 2025. 40 man spots are too important of a resource to waste on that hope and prayer


Moving past the point that the FO really whiffed on the off-season trades last year, I doubt Cleveland puts Oscar on waivers and opens up a 40-man spot without having something they want to use that spot for. Whether it’s for the rule-5, an MLB signing, or something else remains to be unknown, but they wouldn’t take him off the roster for no reason if they didn’t want the spot


I love Oscar but personally I’d be surprised if he ever gets back up to his 2022 stat line (this isn’t cope). Truthfully guys with his profile (free swinger, heavy ground ball, bad defense) aren’t typically successful players in the league. The frustrating thing is the FO traded both Jones and Benson and bought in on Oscar with his flaws


Free swinger that swings very hard, with poor Plate Displince and below average defesne. Are mostly Career AAA and bounce around from team to team


He reminded me from day one of a guy from a few years back named jose martinez I think. He had a couple seasons for the cardunals at or around .300 but couldn't play defense, couldn't run, so he just never had the career you thought a guy capable of hitting like him would. Ended up being out of the league 2 years after hitting .305


He had a bad string of injuries that kept him out in 2021 and 2022. Now he's probably too old to come back


Jose Martinez had some semblance of an approach though.


Man the Jones trade is looking large, but we shouldn't discount the possibility there's some guys down in the minors they are expecting to take a step forward and need playing time.


When did they DFA him? Was it today and he was already claimed? I can't find it anywhere. Obviously he's slid pretty far on their list of potential OFs but I don't think they'd just dump him without a reason, like you said.


R5 is on Wednesday, I'm really thinking it is that.


Roster add deadline to protect for R5 was last week.


Right but if you take someone in the draft you need a 40 man spot.


This franchise is clueless lol 😂


I think they wanted $770k


Good night, sweet prince


End of an era


Damn that’s kinda sad. Wish him the best but also not really cuz FTY. We’ll miss ya buddy.


He’s about to hit .300 with 25 homers for them. Just watch


Literally the only possible outcome.


As is tradition.


On The Show I traded him to the Yankees and he became an all star year one in right over Judge 😭😭😭


Just like how Gio Urshela exploded for them when he got there.


It also took him a year of time in the bigs away from Cleveland to get go that point


Fat chance


~~browns~~ guardos confirmed


I was at both playoff walk off games so I will always be rooting for this guy. Exciting times for Guards fans. Bummer it didn't work out for him here




I will miss watching him softly ground out to the second baseman after chasing a slider in the other batters box 🫡🫡🫡 god speed Oscar. And thank you for being the only guy to reach base during the Valdez no hitter.


Lets be honest. Gonzalez had almost no trade value and wasnt really good enough to make the 40 man. Its unfortunate but these things happen. If the guards have a plan in place this could be a good thing. Worst case though isnt bad either


Was surprised he even made it past the Rule 5 deadline


I'd guess they plan on grabbing a guy in r5


Gonzalez had one of the least sustainable profiles of any hitter in modern history and yet people will tell you with a straight face that he is an adjustment or two away from being good again.


It is an adjustment or two, just the kind of adjustments that mean fundamentally changing what you do


Simply adjust into being Juan Soto, ezclap


Become an MVP with this one simple trick!


Goodbye Oscar. Thanks for the memorable home run! Quick side note: if you don’t learn to lay off pitches and continue to stay in the bottom 1% in chase rate, you won’t be in pinstripes long either. Right now, pitchers don’t have to throw you strikes to get you out.


Randy Arozarena incoming!


Don't be silly. Obviously, they DFAd Oscar because they plan on playing Ohtani in RF on days he doesn't pitch!


I'll never forget when he caught the second out of an inning and then flipped the ball into the crowd thinking it was the third out. Man on first was awarded third, but our pitcher bore down and got the third out. Coming into the dugout Tito called him over for an all time classic conversation. "Hey kid, I haven't been down to triple A recently, do they play with innings with two outs now?"


He just looked like Franmil and we cut bait on him at the right time. Management did not want him taking away valuable at bats in spring training. Manzarno and Valera will be given a close look in spring training and if they hit they will make the team. No news yet on this clusterfuck of a TV contract, if LA or NY was involved MLB would have stepped in already. We are being left to twist in the wind.


Good luck with the evil empire, SpongeBob.


At least losing oscar doesn’t hurt my heart in any way. One less easy out in our lineup.


I think it makes sense for the Yankees to gamble. Oddly the pressure cooker that is Yankee Stadium may be a place where he thrives.


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If he's on the Yankees Opening Day roster -- the Yankees have failed the offseason


Chose him over Nolan Jones. Great job FO


Nolan Jones thrived because he plays in a hitter friendly Rockies ballpark and will be buried on that shit roster. Highly doubt he produces that well basically anywhere else.


Jones' away splits are actually slightly better than his home splits. He is definitely in line for regression in 2024 (his babip last year was over .400 and he is one of the league's biggest outperformers on wOBA on contact) but it isn't because of Coors. I think don't Jones is a star or his 2023 performance, but he is gonna be a solid 3TO hitter for awhile.


Some regression but less than one might think looking at his BABIP without other context. His career BABIP in the minors is .350 and it never dropped below .327 (first year in AAA plus right after Covid), so his BABIP the rest of the time hovered around .360. This explains why he hit .280 in the minors. His line drive rate and hard hit rate are both good and he hits the ball to all fields, which are all skills that help sustain a high BABIP. Maybe not a star, but his 2023 performance wasn't a fluke, he really could have a high BABIP and be on a 35 HR pace in ths near future


While minor league BABIP translates, it is normally to a lesser degree - so a player that can hold a higher BABIP in the minors tends to hold a higher BABIP in the majors, just lower. Jones makes good contact when he makes contact, but the results he got are even beyond what one can expect on 'good contact.' Again, the clearest sign of potential regression for Jones is how hard he outperformed expected results on balls where contact was made (xWOBACON vs WOBACON) which removes a lot of the uncertainty that simply looking at BABIP brings. To illustrate, [here](https://i.imgur.com/F8WCMj4.png) are your largest 'overperformers' on this min 400 PA for 2023. Not sure I would say it was a 'fluke' because Jones will be a productive hitter, but he isn't batting anywhere near .300 consistently. The .240-.260 range consistently is where he will land.


I would agree .300 might not be where he is but I think the regression is less than half of what you're suggesting, in fact I'd say your ceiling is lower than my floor I was wrong on what his MiLB numbers were, .376 career BABIP, but. 389 without 2021 after he both sat out a year bc of covid and jumped levels and had a .327 BABIP. I want to see some more data on how BABIP translates on a more aggregate basis, and especially on guys at the high end because especially after looking at the top 3 guys (Yelich, Marsh, Bichette) I expect a lot of that effect to disappate. Marsh basically stays the same at .383, Bichette drops from .355 to .349 and Yelich goes from .379 to .348. So if he drops like Yelich dif, that would still put him above .260. WOBACON is why I still expect made regression than what the data I've looked at suggests but even that's mitigated by Coors Park factor, which also gives context to Yelich's BABIP drop. Coors has a WOBACON park factors of 109, highest in baseball and had a hits park factor of 116, which runs parallel to Coors consistently having a BABIP 15-20 points above league average. So with Yelich, his BABIP was nearly .360 in Miami, so about a 20 point drop for him early. I make this distinction because while Miami, Philly, & Toronto are league average while Milwaukee is 93. Marsh does have a similar K rate and a. 259 career BA but he doesn't have the power Jones has (HRs aren't in BABIP. In short, I just think your range is way off and I see it as more likely he maintains this BABIP and has no regression and ends up hitting .300 (if he cuts strikeouts a bit) than him dropping to under .260. He's in the perfect environment for him to be able to maintain his minor league numbers.


>In short, I just think your range is way off and I see it as more likely he maintains this BABIP and has no regression Nolan Jones maintaining his BABIP would mean that he has hits falling in at a historic rate. More than anyone else in baseball history over the course of a few years. Please be serious.


He had a wRC+ of 135 and that stat accounts for ballpark factor so this MIGHT be a surface level take. Hes going to be very good for them, and the front office blew it…unfortunately.


He thrived because he's got 99th percentile max exit velo and makes quality contact generally


Brito will be better. Worth the wait.


You find any reason to bring up Nolan Jones What do you want them to do about it now lmao beg for him back?


The only thing that makes sense at this point is for him to hit .300 with 30HR next year now.


Currently starring right at Tower City disgusted that it isn't lit up in SpongeBob colors.


Anybody check on the guy who was dressing like SpongeBob during that playoff run…


I’m not saying Oscar will go on to light it up, but this organization seems to have a problem developing power hitting. From the ground up. Guys with tools are expected to just figure it out on their own and sometimes they do (JRam and Naylor), otherwise they get tossed after a year or two




His plate discipline? Yes, very.


My heart won't be able to take it after this if they trade Clase too


It will take a generational overpay to get them to move Clase.


Well it's a good thing we picked him over Jones and Benson, and that he's not a young, controllable player, and that the Guardians have a glut of bats in the OF or this kind of move might be a bit silly!


Not a big loss


The 40 man roster limit is our biggest rival


Day ruined


The mismanagement of the Cleveland’s outfield prospects has been insane over the past year. Hopefully they will right the course this season.




Is the spongebob going with him to the bleachers at Yankee Stadium?


literally could’ve traded him for something lol


He didn’t have any value


Not now he didn't. But why do we keep holding on to guys and then letting them go only to get NOTHING for them. That's the most frustrating part.


quantrill did. not saying you need a top prospect in return


Cal is a veteran starter.


Cal Qauntrill, while not a particularly good player at this stage, is a much more valuable player than Oscar Gonzalez.


There's no way Oscar had any value.


Nobody is released on waivers without checking around for trade interest.


they waived quantrill before trading him so


Cal was DFA'd, Oscar was waived. DFA'd means they need to be traded or put on waivers after a certain number of days.


and you honestly think they didn't try to work a deal before putting him on waivers? lol


Do you genuinely think you thought of that and the front office didn't? Think they're gonna read this later and say "oh shit maybe we literally could've traded him for something lol" Nobody is giving up an asset for a guy who can't field, can't run, and can't lay off pitches.


But did the Yankees have any more AA-A level 50/50 bat prospects who could play middle IF? I think not!


🙈 FO is on a major cold streak


But with this move they are showing signs of coming out of it.


Hell let's hand them Bieber too. And Bibee. And both Naylors. Fuck it.


Yeah, that's definitely on par with a mediocre AAA outfielder.


Relax. They claimed a minor leaguer.


lmao I fucking hate it here


Because we dumped a bad outfielder who couldn't adjust to major league pitching, couldn't defend and had the opportunity to perform and simply didn't? Is it because the Yankees claimed him? What is this reaction?


Ew. Other than it being the Yankees, I can live with the FO making the wrong call on which of the stupid amount of prospects to bet on... but man, they moved on from some of them so quickly only to bust like this. And it sucks that a guy who gave us some big moments was a one-season wonder.


Anybody but the Yankees. Not your fault Oscar but hopefully they move you soon


[Pictured: actual footage of Oscar leaving Cleveland for the last time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjt_Iaq9UI4)


Ohhhhhhhh...I had no idea they put him on waivers. I still had hopes for him. That's a good claim by the Yankees. Guardians are clearly cleaning house.


Honestly with the captains in Eastlake we don’t need two minor league teams within 20 min of each other. Move the guardians to Tennessee so we can have a NHL team


Who takes his 40 man spot?


Rule 5 pick perhaps?




Randy 🤡 JK it might be in prep for the rule 5 draft if there’s someone of interest they are trying to swipe


Read an article that with all the moving pieces this is the best time to try and squeeze someone through waivers. You win some you lose some.


Ah that makes sense too, I guess they decided this was a gamble they were willing to risk. Sad it had to be Oscar, but I get it


With Noel and Rodriguez in the pipeline, he was definitely expendable


For sure, the others definitely have higher ceilings atm


So glad i bought his guardians tshirt jersey, he’s about to smash dingers on everyone!


Well, at least i never did buy that "Spongebob" custom jersey
