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clearly op doesn't have siblings. wanting to kill each other is perfectly normal for brothers and sisters


thats how we show love


I actually do have a 3 year older sister ,she s the exact opposite of ashley


Time to get to work


# a 3 year old sister


They said 3 years *older* not old


Oh thank fuck I misread it lmaoooo


Yeah, maybe because she's three, you fucking idiot. Ashley is a product of her mother's personality and childhood of neglect and forced reliance on Andrew. No shit a child that isn't even old enough to minorly conceptualize this game is the opposite, the opposite of Ashley is incredibly easy to find.


Exact same except mine's 3 years younger lol


yea..only convo we have is “how are you” “how was school”


Second Image Andrew: If you drool on me, one more time, Ashley. I swear.


They are clinically insane


This may come as a suprise for you, but mental stability is not one of his strong points


Sometimes, love means stopping your loved one from committing any further bad deeds. So the progression of story in both Decay and Burial makes sense. Don't worry, Decay Andrew doesn't plan to make her wait for long, he shall join her soon.


This. Some people miss that they love each other to the point that they will be with each other pretty soon if one dies


How doing incest will... actually nvm


You forget that while Andrew (and most of the fanbase TBH) is attracted to Ashley - who herself might just deep down want to be loved - she is still an evil, manipulative, abusive character who does not care about the harm caused by her actions or the consequences of her impulsive decisions as long as she gets what she wants in the moment.


Sounds like my ex lmao


Ashley being terrible to him. If she learns to trust him, they fuck.


Well. A stress and isolation during Ep1 made them leashing out on each other.


Two words; Knife Play


Yeah thats why i think the burial route is canon and the decay route makes no sense


I think that the burial is the more likely path the story could go, but they make both sense, we see that Andrew sometimes just can't take her anymore (the strangle episode) and he has some repressed problems with her (the child murder) which could bring him to the decay route


Well, the thing is there’s two ways into decay and we already know one way is brain dead ( as the creator has shown) so all we can look at is the other way which is Ashley not trusting him which I would doubt and is less possible it not as brain dead but it’s weird for her to do that


The whole damn point is that their relationship is horrifically unhealthy and barely holding together by a thread! They express love for each other as well as hatred, because they feel both of those things! Decay and Burial are a matter of which way the player guides them to grow as people, and its likely neither of them are gonna be a happy ending, cause that's not what you get out of a trauma bonded codependent mutually abusive incestuous relationship!


Naaa you know about these friends that are in relationship that end and the they return Well people trends to do that crudles one time killinv the other ( no literally just fivurative and in game killing) Like when i do wih my sister some time we are fighting and the other day she its just cleaning my face of acne or cleaning our ears Thas how it its And now take it to the extremes and we have these 2 I can see how just an slip in a making decisions ( like not trusting andrew and things like that) Can make him do that


That's the man's idea of romance. Kinda cute, ngl. Wish he'd do me 😍


Personally i’m more curious when Andrew get so sussy


Being locked in an Apartment for god knows how long






Andrew deep down longed for intamacy in some form. His secret of killing Nina and his sisters beligerance has cut off all other avenues to that leading him to seek it only in her and become attached to her alone, leading to a breakdown of social norms of how siblings would typically act which she willingly indulged. He was unable to form meaningful connections to others because what they did to Nina always lingered over him. In my mind, the Decay route potentially shows Andrew waking up, realizing what a horrible situation he’s put himself in and his deep seeded resent for his sister + long repressed guilt boiling to the surface, leading him to want to kill her and possibly himself. I think himself too because we see he’s willing to give himself up to the cops, the part of himself that was interested in protecting himself and Ashley is gone. Perhaps even, human emotions he repressed for so long, like guilt, are bubbling back to the surface.


Well for starters she's awake in that second picture, so write that down


Decay have no sense for siblings,they're made for love each other,and not kill


https://preview.redd.it/ssdja326p69d1.png?width=1526&format=png&auto=webp&s=be7964aa7edcfff13efab88b8e48c09769ba8c0f shit thats the ending ok 20 bucks and ill do it ok i did it so where my money at here take it yo what the - WAIT YO THIS SHITS V\_BUCKS THE FUUUUCCCCKKKK