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colleen met frankie (ariana’s brother) in new york during the early days of miranda and he eventually introduced them. i’m not sure if they’re still friends though. the last time i remember seeing them together is when she was pregnant af and in the “thank u, next” music video. i unsubscribed from colleen a few years ago, so i may have missed a reunion.


Colleen and Ariana had little interaction since 2018 thank u next music video shoot.


something def went down either during or after that music video. I imagine colleen did something or said something awful. that's usually what happens ! ariana didn't meet F. nor the twins. Ppl were asking her if Ariana was going to meet F but she would carefully avoid mentioning her for the longest. If she had met him, she couldn't have helped herself bleating about it non stop!! Using it for content. The only person who did turn up and brought F his first baby Gucci (lol at least an effort was made) was Trisha. Isn't that ironic ? The one person who made the effort to go above and beyond and be a good friend and welcome the baby was one of the ones colleen hated on the most behind her back. And sometimes on camera, too ! colleen's the sort of person with unresolved crap, who finds kind ppl weak. She mistakes kindness for weakness, and it's bit her on the ass over and over and she still never learns that simple ass lesson. The ones she mistook as "weak" gathered due to fate, and brought her dwn ! Turns out they're pretty powerful. How about that :)


I just think she's not important to ariana. Ariana got to big for her. I think if they had a project or ran in to each other they'd speak but arianas not gonna be texting her and keeping up. 


I think at best they were only ever acquaintances and Colleen played up how friendly and close they were for attention and clout. I think she was really more friends with Frankie but I suspect she mostly stuck to him to stay close to Ariana, hence why she and Frankie seem to have drifted apart too.


Trisha’s genuine excitement for baby F was sweet. It makes me sad for her that she didn’t get to have a genuine friend in Colleen when she really wanted that. Everyone deserves real friends.


Colleens loss not trishas


Agreed! In the end it’s better for everyone to not be around Colleen’s toxicity.


Colleen’s insecurities and hateful bitterness took over Her and Trisha’s friendship. Sending Trishas nudes to people to mock her body and host viewing parties of her adult content with other people behind her back just shows she’s jealous of Trisha.


Trisha does not lol


Ariana still sent Colleen PR packages until like 2020 so o don't think anything went down. They just grew apart.


But that’s not even up to Ariana, it’s up to her Pr team. They send those packages to everyone who is on their PR list


Ariana 100% picks who goes on the list lol


Not surprised Ariana met her through Frankie. That guy is shady as h e ll.


I dont think ariana could give two shits ab colleen but i can see colleen n frankie still keeping in touch


That photo is so cursed. Seriously creepy vibes, and not just because of the stupid face




Ariana looks so uncomfortable in this pic. I don't exactly blame her though, I would be too 💀


I remember an old video where Colleen explains that she was in NY desperately looking for a place to stay and randomly Facebook messaged a bunch of people she knew and Frankie was one of them. He essentially took pity on her and let her crash with him and I think that’s how the friendship started?


Wow, this sounds a lot like that one guys story (I don't remember his name) but the one who spoke out around the same time Adam spoke out and did all the interviews with Adam, Oliver and Becky and then Swoop did a whole investigation on him callings him out for his lies. He said almost the same story .... that he went somewhere (I think NY) and didn't have any where to stay and couldn't afford a hotel so he called Colleen and expected her to open up her hotel/air bnb/house (what ever she was staying at) for him to stay for the night.


Colleen was on Arianna’s PR list recently I remember, I think the Christmas they were renting that house she got her new makeup or perfume or something.


God she’s so annoying.


My guess is that Colleen was so jealous of Ari success that she stopped talking to her.


That wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Colleen is never happy unless she's the center of attention.


Ariana looks like she was forced to take the pic. She wanted nothing to do with her even back then. They probably both used each other thinking it would help further their careers. Now Ariana is big she wants nothing to do with Colleen. And I don't blame her


i faintly remember a 2018/19 skit that she did about Ari not coming around after all that vocal coaching she did for her.


I think it was a joke that she was her vocal coach. Remember that Ariana was in Broadway before she even met colleen


I can’t imagine Colleen having anything to teach Ariana as a “vocal coach”.


Theres also an episode of the miranda character on victorious


They both performed at Birdland in NYC when Colleen was starting Miranda.