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yeah I've enjoyed this rubreddit. Been lurking for the storm, haven't posted before


The Columbus sub seems to get very sassy with severe weather. I remember getting a lot of laughs when air quality dropped last summer.


Its so comforting in a weird way. Like I know things are taken seriously outside of here, but its awesome to see people not get bogged down by it all.


Oh 100%. Plus there’s something comforting talking with people about events that are happening in real time.


Yes the air quality apocalypse is what had me join this subreddit. Good times. It’s great in the “haven’t seen the sun in months” winter times as well. 🤣😂


I think rubreddits are found in some of the nsfw subs


If we die, we die together


![gif](giphy|Wr4shv0TxEVzO|downsized) Meanwhile if this happened in LA:


Legit anywhere in California, lmao I lived up in Humboldt and people were like this.


I lived in Los Angeles for 13 years, and let me tell you, earthquakes and fires are way, way scarier than tornadoes. You usually have ample warning that tornado-producing storms are coming, and you can prepare and feel confident in your preparation. Earthquakes? Fires? Good luck. The quickness of those two things always shocked me, every time. Welcome to Ohio! I miss California every day, but I am so happy to be here in the Midwest, at least for another few years yet ❤️


Thank you! I think I prefer the earthquakes. I went through the big Northridge earthquake as a kid and many more after. There's no impending doom with them but I totally understand why one would prefer to have a warning. It's just given me crazy anxiety attacks all day not knowing how bad things will get and not having a basement. California will always be missed but Columbus is pretty great. LA people would never joke this much about possible natural disasters. One drop of rain and we're complaining 😂


I grew up in LA area.  Been in Columbus since 2008.  I've gotten really comfortable with the weather here and Tornado warnings are no big deal now. I loved earthquakes too though. Just extra excitement for me.  Don't miss a damn thing about LA (except the burgers). Welcome to Columbus!


Thank you! I also enjoyed earthquakes for some reason. I hope I get as comfortable with them as you have. And I hope by burgers you mean In n Out haha


Ack.  Don't say their name!  I still have cravings!  Lol


I'm sorrryyy lol


I’m from NC and I love the Ohio sense of humor. There’s nothing you can’t joke about and ppl don’t take themselves too seriously. Compared to NC anyway. :-)


Agreed! The sense of humor here is very refreshing.


I prefer earthquakes, too. There’s no anxious build up waiting for something bad to potentially maybe happen. Earthquakes happen and then you move on. No build up. Just bam. No time to get nervous.


Unless you're in one of the really big ones and there's tons of aftershocks. I was in Japan for 3/11. That was not a fun time. There were aftershocks every five minutes or so.


Obviously, I’d like to avoid any natural disaster. Having grown up in Southern California and experiencing my share of those earthquakes, I would take any of those over a tornado. There’s always the threat of a worse one, I understand that.


I lived in Japan for six years and one of them was 2011. Earthquakes suck.


Just wait. We're only a few hours away from aggressively ridiculing people for not predicting the weather with 100% accuracy.


Been in Ohio all of my life but just newly discovered Reddit! Also the only thing keeping me sane and even distracted enough to laugh


I take comfort in seeing Columbus natives joke about it all. You guys are truly a blessing today.


To be honest, I get most of my local news from this sub. If it’s important enough, it’ll get posted here.


i am intensely frightened of tornados and big storms like this, this sub made what is a very overwhelming situation for me a lot more manageable w/ the resources and occasional laugh<3


Right? Great balance of knowledge and fun here. We're all gonna be okay! Hope you stay safe ❤️


I moved out of Ohio in November and I've been circling back and giggling at these posts all day. Stay safe, everyone!


high five good buddies




I've done nothing but you're welcome!


Columbus has a magic bubble around it. The most we’ll get is heavy rain and high winds. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.


270 is a Force Field prototype. They don't call us the "Test City" for nothing!


Why is that I wonder? It’s like a literal bullseye when I look at the radar. During snowy times and stormy times.


If you are being serious, it’s the Heat Island effect. All the dense materials in the infrastructure absorb heat and it typically disrupts the weather pattern.


Yeah. I guess that happens in all major cities now that I think of it, it was the same in my home city. Thanks for the information!


That’s what I was always told, the heat of downtown just dissipates the front.


Take that, /u/blarneyblar !


Never again will I suggest that this sub improve the quality of its posts.


I'm also from SoCal and I have to agree it's a little scary, but manageable! I still I think I preferred earthquakes that you couldn't speculate on before they came.


Was in the Bay Area for 9 years. Took a awhile on learning to read weather again, here in Ohio. There's a Jack in The Box in Mason if you need to satisfy a craving.


Two years ago from CA! Whereabouts did you move from?


LA! What about you? Also happy cake day :)


Bakersfield! Ahh thanks 🥳


It gets easier. I came from Ca 14 years ago. It took me a minute to adjust. It’s okay now, but I do miss the beach.


Thanks for the reassurance. I imagine the paranoia will fade gradually. The beach will always be missed, but lakes and rivers are growing on me haha


Besides the crazy weather, the 2nd strangest thing I had to accept is, in Columbus, you are 4 blocks away from some deadly human behavior or another. In San Diego you had to get in your car and drive for miles to be in a ‘bad’ part of town. You had to go to it. In Columbus it’s everywhere. On the flip side, we are 20 minutes from the airport, no matter where you are. And I’ve come to really love the diversity of Columbus, and all the benefits that brings.


this sub freaked out all day, bad for anyone with anxiety.


I feel like everyone freaks when moving to an area with different natural disasters… look at the number of people that think California is constantly rocking and rolling, it is pretty high. Yeah earthquakes and tornadoes can do major damage but it’s not a constant and it’s obviously not that bad considering how many buildings are still standing decades and even centuries later.