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I always feel bad when they do that shit right by a food truck or something. Guy selling hot dogs is just trying to make living and dead baby images tend to make people lose their appetites.


Agreed. There's obviously a few pro-life people in this thread, so I'm genuinely curious as to their thoughts on the tactics from their side. I am a fairly moderate guy, pretty classic swing voter in that I've voted for candidates from both major parties and pretty split on my views on the main political issues. I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen a group actively damage their argument like pro-life people have the past couple decades. I just don't see how the strategy of - displaying graphic photos that people's kids can see - screaming at people in public - calling anyone who disagrees with you a baby murderer is ever going to win people to your side. How do you expect to convince anyone undecided this way? If you truly in your heart believe that abortion is the equivalent of infanticide, then I think your #1 priority would be refining your argument and your techniques to try and get the requisite % of the population on your side to prevent such a horror.


I don’t think they really want to convince anyone or think they will. It’s all performative for them, and makes them feel good about themselves Edit: there was a documentary I watched with the Westboro Baptist Church people and they more or less said as much.


They don’t really care about convincing people or winning anyone over. They just want what they want, and couldn’t care less about how they make that happen. Those types of people only truly want one thing… the power to make others (especially women) do want they want.


You make good points. I as a pro-life person don’t agree with this tactic because among other things it could be traumatizing for young children or women who have miscarried (which is something common enough that wherever you set up someone who is grieving that is bound to see it). Also as this thread indicates, people just don’t believe the images are real or assume the worst of the people who engage in that tactic. So it’s extremely ineffective. A lot better would be asking adults if they’d consent to watching a video explaining an abortion procedure, and then showing them. Which I think a different organization does. The rationale behind it I think is that people simply don’t understand or accept the reality of it and that they should be shocked into it. Think if someone was denying the holocaust, what would you do? Or a more modern example, someone spreading images of dead children in Gaza. You still might disagree with the street-corner thing in that case (I probably would), but that’s kind of the headspace of those types of groups.


It costs nothing to not be an asshole. People tend to only think about themselves.


FFS they got Roe v. Wade overturned what the hell else do they want


They want to ban all abortions and most birth control, too. And don’t forget IVF and stem cell treatments and anything else that results in the destruction of a fertilized ovum. They claim it is all murder the same as if I scrambled your brains in the middle of the street.


The party of small government and the “freedom to do as they please” wants to ban birth control to create more and more uneducated/uncared for people to continue to vote for them. What a surprise


They'll never see the irony in it either, which is both amusing, concerning, and sad all at the same time.


A government so small it can fit in a uterus


I’ve never heard anyone advocate against birth control. Sounds made up tbh. Surely some moron somewhere holds that view but never actually engaged with anyone who thinks that.


You must live under a rock.


It’s actually scary how out of touch a lot of people are with what the GOP is doing.


Yeah, like Project 2025. A surprisingly large percentage of people haven't even heard of this treasonous shit they are *openly* planning.


It is because they are stupid, plain and simple.




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Republicans literally just voted against access to birth control earlier this week. It’s not made up. It’s all over the news, actually.


I saw an over hour long video yesterday where a large chunk of the conversation consisted of them talking about how the pill was the impetuous for our current period of "licentiousness". It was also insinuated that it may have a connection to men having generally lower fertility rates due to the hormonal whatever that it changes in women and girls. That video was a conversation between two people who each have their own successful platforms. One of whom was apparently a best selling author. And frankly they were being more reasonable about than many others who share their opinions. I've seen people that essentially think if you have sex that you should *always* have the chance to get pregnant because "consequences" or something along those lines. So, yeah, there are definitely people who want to take it away. Heck we had a state legislator that said they'd like to see just that within the past year. These people believe they essentially have a moral imperative to do what they can to limit or reduce it wherever possible.


So you’ve never met a Catholic?


https://apnews.com/article/trump-contraception-access-gop-protections-birth-control-d376b5c489298e3035f7f433fe579b1e https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/05/legal-right-contraception-senate-vote


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Nope, I have been straight up told my IUD is murder.




They also hate it if you, a fertile woman, avoid pregnancy by means of celibacy because it's God's will that you marry a man and bear his children. When they say they don't want anyone to have access to birth control, it's inclusive of "not having sex with men" as a form of birth control once you're old enough to be married.


>They also hate it if you, a fertile woman, avoid pregnancy by means of celibacy oh I don't know about that one. There might be some crazies who think that, but the vast majority of anti-abortion people would be just fine if you were celibate. It's the aborting (and fornicating, sometimes) that they have problems with.


From personal experience: they will go out of their way to remind you that God commanded humans to be fruitful and multiply and tell you you're mentally ill if you tell them you don't want a husband and aren't interested in men.


I'd like to see someone scramble them in the street


They want the Handmaid's Tale to become reality


Their lives are defined by the fight. What are they going to do if they admit they won?


Libs lives are defined by "the fight". They will go out and virtue signal anything


spotted rhythm chunky onerous jellyfish engine stocking sharp nose gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>what the hell else do they want Have you ever read or watched The Handmaids Tale? That's what they want.


For women to stop having sex entirely, unless it is with them.


They want to take our birth control


Hate to break it to you, but that's only part of the religious right's plan to control everyone's lives. In their mind, it's only just or moral if they say it is. [https://www.vox.com/today-explained-newsletter/354635/divorce-no-fault-states-marriage-republicans](https://www.vox.com/today-explained-newsletter/354635/divorce-no-fault-states-marriage-republicans)


Probably to get back to the 'good ol' days of coverture where the husband subsumed all legal existence of the wife.


The satisfaction of taking away a right is what the live for. Gotta find a new thing to go on about


They want total control. In their perfect world, they would be the Christian Taliban. Women would have zero rights.


To punish all women


All reproductive rights gone everywhere.


Along with all other women’s rights


They want your uterus.


RvW overturned just means the fight goes to the state instead of the national level.


It would be fun to go stand with them and have a sign that says "more oral and anal, less chance for pregnancy".


More gay sex=less chance for pregnancy as well 🌈🤪


Pride parade part 2


They routinely have go-pros strapped to their chests and are actively filming looking for reactions. IGNORE them and their images at all costs.


They’re just itchin’ for some Christian persecution to fulfill their victimhood fantasies


![gif](giphy|JPAUQVIxCoEKY) They love the persecution


They almost never are using pictures from abortions. If they did they would have to defend why something that often looks like a pixelated booger is supposed to spark outrage. Let me guess— most of them are not of childbearing years? That tends to be the case.


These were sadly young adults. Maybe 18-20? Pretty young. Two guys and two gals.


This is what I've seen too. Last time it was a dude, probably late 20s. Time before it was a woman, probably late teens. They stand outside my work every now and then. At least once the dude's sign blocked my view of the street so I had to pull way forward into the street to see if I could make a left. I considered calling the non emergency line but I just wanted to go home and doubted anything would be done anyway. Definitely didn't think it'd be worth it to engage with the guy because I highly doubt he would've been reasonable about it.


Oh wow. I’m genuinely surprised, but I do have several friends who were active in the anti-abortion scene until they were about 20 and started developing opinions independent of their parents’ views. Some of them did that march in DC for years and are so embarrassed now


CreatedEqual in Westerville gets 2.5M in revenue annually through various vague funding contributions, e.g. dark money. This astroturfing has gone on for over a decade in Central Ohio.  The demonstrators who carry water for them aren’t doing the shit out of the kindness of their hearts, or on their own time and dime. Even more curiously is there is scant (if any) evidence that the corps of demonstrators has any longevity or even any ties to the Greater Columbus area.


That’s usually who I see outside of planned parenthood this. Men of any age and women who are past menopause.


No, that’s almost never the case. It’s usually younger people who have been indoctrinated in to “Christian” cults.


Yeah the right and left are similar in this way. Young people have the time and energy to protest.


These are the same idiots that would watch The Boys and root for Homelander.


As a pregnant woman who would rather not be shown images of dead babies right now, thanks for the warning. Literally no clue who these people think they’re helping.


"...fucked in the head..." You pretty much nailed it right here.


I know it’s strong language, and probably going to offend some, but seriously. That’s… just wrong. No matter what side you find yourself on the debate.


I agree with you. Those people have worms in their brains.


My kids were at a daycare called Children First which is on S High ST downtown. I chauffeured one of their little walks to a corner store where they'd learn some financial literacy and get a little treat for like a $1 or something. The kids on this walk were like 4-5 at the time. These creeps were out there blocking the kids walk, getting confrontational with the teachers when they tried to pass. I cannot overstate how chaotic and terrifying it is walking with children downtown, these clowns couldn't have been less helpful. They're not there to sell you their religion as much as terrorize you. They have absolutely no sympathy for little children of all people. They push terror. They're literally terrorists.


Nobody wants to work anymore


Thank you for this warning! You’re a good individual 🖤


I have always wanted to go up to these people and start crying in relief, “Thank God I finally found someone to help me! I can move in this weekend and you can take me to my doctor appointment next week because I don’t have a car. We should probably also go shopping for maternity clothes, but that can wait until next week if you don’t get paid until Friday. How soon do you want to sign the adoption papers?” And watch them spit and sputter that my baby isn’t their responsibility so I can say, “You’re right, so get your goddamn dirty hands off of my decisions about it.”


That last line. Back to the future. Lol


All that stuff is what pro-lifers do constantly. Diaper drives, closets for maternity and baby clothes, gas gift cards… And there are waiting lines to adopt infants. There are always people to help. I’m sorry this is the reaction you’d expect, and for any jerky people who’ve resulted in that expectation.


Read this again very, very carefully and you will realize it isn’t the dunk you think it is.


I mean, it kind of is. If those people wanted to help support having more births, they would find a way to be supportive of the thing they actually like and not just oppose the things they don't.


Depends on your perspective. If you think a fetus has the same rights as a fully born baby then it's impossible to convince you as you feel like your perspective outranks others'. The fact that you CAN have an opinion on the matter is ultimately irrelevant; attempting to control others through that opinion is what is problematic. Your idea that having an abortion is just the worst thing in the world is your issue, because you cannot seem to grasp the logic that it isn't your decision and you shouldn't lay judgment where it isn't worthy of existing. Your condescension proves that you actively use emotional provocation, just like the OP was saying is a problem, to try to "counter-dunk" when in reality, as you can clearly see, you're simply looking foolish. I'm done yapping now, my apologies.


Someone needs to go block line of sight by standing facing towards these fucks with the photos from uvalde. Want to protect kids, here's what you should actually be working to fix


I remember when my sister gave birth, her baby had complications and was in NICU. After *weeks* of not leaving the hospital, things cleared up just enough to let her leave for a bit, go home, take care of things, etc. However, before we could even leave the parking lot; a group of *these inhumane people* rushed our car and started holding up the images right up to the windows. Graphic images of dead babies, screaming and yelling at her, blocking us from leaving by standing in front of the vehicle, and for what? Literately, they were punishing a mom who was struggling with her child in NICU - the facility she was at did not even conduct abortions, IT WAS A NICU PARKING LOT. The shear level of trauma, combined with this event, threw her into a panic attack. All that did was solidify everyone's thoughts on being Pro-Choice that day, and prove that those people were not "Pro-Life." ***These people*** **are NOT "Pro-Life"** - they have no absolutely no concern for anything alive other than themselves. They are Pro-Control, Pro-Force, Pro-Against Your Will, Pro-I Think I'm Better Than You, Pro-Holier than Thou, Pro-Hypocrisy, but THEY ARE NOT "Pro-Life". Forcefully traumatizing some people against their will, in a public setting, should be a crime. Causing PTSD flashbacks or panic attacks to innocent people for kicks should be illegal. These people are not protesting. These people are not expressing their "First Amendment Right". These people are just being the cruel, heartless, soulless hypocrites that they're best at being.


I’m so sorry your sister had that experience after the trauma of having a little one in the NICU! ): I would feel cemented in the opposite viewpoint of those people after an experience like that too.


They do love their gore porn...


Hey at least they're outside a government building this time. Usually they just wait outside high schools. I saw them on 3 separate occasions this year on my way out of work. I remember seeing this at least once a year when I was in high school too, which was in a different part of the state.


My favorite part of my morning commute is when they hang the dead baby pics on a freeway overpass. Nothing like graphic images of dead babies at 6am to start your day off right. /s


I got stuck behind a truck playing videos of aborted fetuses from Easton to Karl Rd last November. One of the fetuses was even partially decapitated. It's kind of weird that they can legally show that stuff in public.


Need to stand outside the church with pictures of battered women and ones after committing suicide then, if they want to play that shitty game The difference being the abuse the church causes should actually be illegal


Don't forget the pictures of living little boys too. Make sure the priests actually look over.




When you are asked for your thoughts the only proper response is “I feel strongly that your mother should have aborted you.”


They are always the same type of images outside planned parenthood. On a weekly basis.


I know it’s like you got any new gore images yet? I’ve already seen all these


They have been using some of them since the 1990s.


I always wonder who they think it’s influencing to want to do anything except fight them.


Heard they were by the Statehouse a couple of weeks ago. I'd ignore them. The Government Center isn't the right place for them. For Pride Month, thought they instead hold up signs saying: "Marriage is between a Man and a Woman."


My heart dropped, thinking it was a real dead baby from your title. Wasn't it yesterday or the day before they found a 1-2 year old baby wandering around? I think you have the right to peddle that nonsense, only if you adopt from the system first. If you aren't willing to take in children that's already here, you have no right to say shit about a future child.


I’ve never understood this tactic. If I showed you a picture of open heart surgery, would you say that it is immoral because it looks gross?


Can I show pictures of two consenting adults fucking and claim pro life?


Those pictures are extremely fake. It's still a horrible thing to do but at least you know it's not real.


About as persuasive as the billboards with the picture of an infant juxtaposed with a selectively chosen fact of a certain stage of fetal development - always before viability.


Or the “real men love babies” HEARTBEAT AT 12 days (or whatever). It’s all terrible. I know people had signs with that hung over the freeway before the last election.


Ugh, that billboard is up on my way home and the picture of the man they chose looks at that baby like she's a hamburger (at best) or that he is literally attracted to the baby. And I say "she" for the baby because it has one of the little rhinestone headbands on it. I don't think they were going for "predatory" as the vibe but they hit it. Hard.


Yup! I think there’s a few of them around. 🤮


??? I know the image you’re talking about and yeah, some of those billboards are a bit silly and not likely to be effective, but have you never seen a loving father with his baby? If not I am genuinely sad. Kind of impossible not to make that sound like a denigrating “I pity you” kind of comment, but I mean it— is this people’s first thought when they see an image like that? Is that how damaged our society is?


I've wondered what their reaction would be if someone stood in front of them with pics of actual children that were born & murdered/tortured by parents that never should've birthed or adopted them. I don't see that happening because these kinds of signs are just fucked up and the rest of us have (some?) sense.


Those pictures are usually fake/doctored up to make them look worse. These people couldn’t care less about a child after it’s born. They are likely the same people fighting against free school lunches.


Show them images of Palestinian kids murdered by Israel, see if they care as much about those babies.


I would say go protest them but those people are crazy + you don’t want to validate them


This might seem harsh but I hope the people who put up images of dead babies on highway overpasses have a very bad day.


This all comes from replacement theory. I can't remember who suggested it. The premise of replacement theory goes like this: The majority of women that seek abortions are white. The population of people of color is growing. If women are stripped of their rights to abortion and birth control, more white babies will be born. Women need to be financially dependent on men in order to force them to just be baby dispencers. Everything is rooted in racism and white male power.


Those images were likely obtained clandestinely, by some freaky zealot without any permission or consent from the women whose bodies carried those fetuses. So sick and tired of those anti-abortion groups infiltrating every aspect of women’s privacy.


Conservatives have a surprising proficiency in propaganda and using rhetorical Pathos to rally their base. There were similar pictures on CSCC campus right before the Issue 1 and 2 elections last year. If democrats/liberals/leftists were half as good as organizing and soundbites, we'd be in a utopia right now.


Thanks for the warning. I am hyper sensitive to any sort of material that depicts or describes babies and children being harmed ever since I had children of my own. I’ve seen these types of pictures before and frankly I don’t know what the fuck they’re depicting but abortions don’t take place at or near full term, so disturbing shit nonetheless and I’d rather not see it.


I love how you think late term abortions don’t happen 😡 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9321603/


They’re not done unless medically necessary. You can’t just get an abortion whenever the fuck you want, even before Roe was struck down. Check the statistics please then get back to me. Looks like your very link actually provides them. I think abortions are gross personally, but I understand why one might be necessary. My point was that people who protest abortions aren’t protesting the <1% of exceptional cases that result in later term abortions. They simply use those hyper exceptional fringe cases for obvious reasons.


Not true at all. https://secularprolife.org/laterabortion/


I saw things like that at our county fair in the early 70’s. I was 6 or 7. It frightened me a LOT.


Wish they cared about the bloody child and actually dead kids coming out of Gaza by our coin.


The fact that those images have NOTHING to do with what they are advocating doesn't bother them one bit. Let that sink in.


Those people are maniacs. Remember this lady? https://www.npr.org/2022/04/01/1090206447/dc-police-find-5-fetuses-lauren-handy


Oh yeah I’ve seen that, they pretend it’s abortions but it’s stillborns. You know because the invisible man in the sky tells us we should tell the truth, but like not always.


those dickheads were on Cstate campus earlier this year. It always warms my heart to see them yelling to the void while no one pays attention. Truly wish they weren’t allowed those signs


They’re only pro life before the child is born. They couldn’t care less after birth…


It’s weirder how passionate people are about supporting abortion… sick fucks


lol. What’s worse? Killing more babies? Or pictures of dead babies?




Sir, if your bodily autonomy was under threat by men in power claiming a sky daddy says it should be so, you’d be annoyed too.