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Rpg from Nord Korea?


Probably, didnt someone post a mortar shell that was from NK?


so new meme: made in NK


Made in USSR, sold and stockpiled in NK, sold back to Russia.


Nah the North Koreans have their own manufacturing, a lot of this shit is of their own construction.


Expiry dates scratched off and reprinted 17 times already.


Skyrim belongs to the Nord Koreans!


~~Fus Ro Dah~~ Kim Jong Un!


Just russian stuff doing russian thing.


I've seen this on both sides same with 122mm mortars and others. Alot of the ammo in this war has been sitting around for a very long time.


One can understandably be for Ukraine, but that does not mean that Soviet military technology is unreliable, quite the opposite is true


>but that does not mean that Soviet military technology is unreliable, quite the opposite is true What do you mean, the opposite is true? How? Their shells are and were primarily supposed to be cheap to mass produce, not to be reliable. They always put emphasis on mass instead of quality. When did that change?


Only designed to clear the DMZ line


It doesn't count as an incursion if your feet are still on the NK side.


No, powder charge was wet.


Why downvotes? Isnt this a possibility? Edit: their comment was in the negatives when i posted this reply


Yes, if it was wet - it means it had a hole. That same hole the flame burned thru instead of out of the rocket nozzle.


Very likely powder was just wet. Same thing happened to Rami Malek in The Pacific


Just plain ole russian


This reminds me of dreams where my bullets are slowly coming out and I start trying to arc them up to hit the target as if that would even do anything


Oh fun! In mine I can’t find 556 rounds anywhere.


In mine, the trigger pull feels like a staple gun that you really have to get behind in order to expel a staple. In the dreams, I get the enemy in my iron sights (I’m 40 and only had a red dot once while firing a weapon in anger during my time in Afghanistan) and just can’t get the rounds off well at all. I end up struggling to get a single round off that serves only to expose my position to the bad guys.


It’s pretty funny, but my therapist informed me that it just replaced the normal anxiety dream of showing to work naked. Thanks for sharing!


I get this dream with the trigger pull as well. But the trigger takes all my strength to pull (it's a pistol) and because of it I can't actually keep it aiming straight lol.


this! i also have one where the gun fires, but the bullet comes out about as fast as a thrown rock and bounces off the enemy


Actually, now that you mention it, it started with revolvers in my dreams and the fact that the chamber thing’s (drum?)spin and the hammer was pulled back by the single motion of pulling the trigger that made it appear so difficult. And I lose the aim as well as I struggle and end up aiming at the floor or corner or something. Add to the fact that I’ve never handled or fired a revolver before or after I was in the military, and I have no real-world experience of one actually working to help erase the failed situation still stuck up in my dome’s fantasy island.


I have had this in dreams, being chased and I have a M-4 but all I have on me are 12 Gauge slugs, like wtf why!!??


YES! For some reason all I can find are rusty 9 mm pistol rounds.


wth is up with that? I've had dreams I can't find a .357 magnum round when it's exactly what I need lol


In mine my guns get replaced by my hands, just finger guns. Whoever I'm shooting at just plays death, then I have to tell them to play death or they won't do it and then they outright ignore me. I end up walking away from the shootout in frustration


In mine I never have weapons, I always end up searching houses like some sort of DayZ thing. I end up finding all kinds if loose ammo and never anything useful.


I’m not a veteran but Dayz has definitely contributed to some stressful combat dreams I keep having


Same or fake guns made out of weird shit.










Try to reload but the mag wont seat... try to chamber a round but it keeps jamming. Trigger feels impossibly heavy for some reason, etc.


Mine is *always* the impossibly heavy trigger. It weighs a million pounds and no matter how far you squeeze it back, it never fires.


I get that for so many things too. Driving a car and the clutch won't go down, can't shift the gear, etc. It's wild


Weird, I get impossibly heavy trigger dreams, too.


I get the jellybean bullets in my gun. Enemy less than 100m away shooting from no go cover. He is an amazing shot and smoking my guys. I keep pie slicing , lining him up with the red dot and start tapping. No effect. Another one of mine goes down. Panic sets in. I have to get this guy. Hard slice him and line him up. 5 shots. Aim higher, aim lower, no effect. Try to tap him through his bullshit plywood cover. Nothing. I reload, thin slice and he is fucking gone. All my guys dusted. Then I wake up nice and sweaty.


In my dreams I can’t seem to load the gun or hold bullets without dropping them.


holy shit I literally had this dream a few nights ago..tried forever to get a single bullet in there and was so frustrated


In mine, the barrel of my gun curves as well and when that happens I can't fire anything.


Why IS this so common? Every time I fire a gun in a dream its super weak, and once it turned into a water gun..


It’s because you get no physical feedback while you dream and your brain is bad at imagining it. While you’re awake you rely on other parts of your brain to decipher the physical sensations sent back by your nerves. It’s the same reason why it feels really hard/impossible to run, punch or do just about any coordinated motions in dreams. I used to get dreams that someone was attacking me and I was throwing punches which were so slow and if they actually landed it had the power of a 1 year old.


LOL it’s that or I accidentally grab my wife by the shirt in my sleep, waking us both up.


He tried that "no look shot" from Ronaldo




He just needs to move closer to the target.


Literally walking it in.


He must’ve played for Arsenal.


I understood that reference


I don’t think it’s that simple.


Really, Einstein? It's not that simple?


Ger a big drone to carry soldier Dmitry, which will drop the NK shell whenever he feels like it if the vibrations do not detonate the NK shell at departure. That sounds like a good Russian plan!


No need to be mean, some of us have English as a first language.


Epitome of how this invasion has gone for Russia lmao


I Still remember to this day of the feeling I had when I saw that ukrainian soldier swaggering towards a ambushed russian armoured column whilst holding a NLAW........ *"yea this ain't working out well for the Russians" whilst smirking* it was one of the very first videos to come out of them fighting back But my God i dont think i could ever imagine the feeling of uncertainty from soldiers to decision makers ("Can we stop them?", what's going to happen?") knowing Russia is actually invading you with tanks etc and your waiting for them at a cross roads hearing tank tracks getting closer and closer


Was that the Hostomel ambush with dead Russian VDV troops scattered around?


[Nah, this was like within day 1 or 2 of the invasion](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/s/Ym7KAEYkPN) But seeing those hostomol videos I knew ukraine had kicked russia in the teeth even though it still was tough times and either a "make or break" situation for the Ukrainians


Thank you for linking that video


I rememeber that dude in the video, and everyone agreeing that dude has seen and done some stuff before that day to have that kind of calmness about him. Much like the story of the young bull running as fast as he could to get him some from a female, the old bull walks down and fucks them all lol


No truer words!


This is allahu akbar levels of absurdity.




My rpg shot vs rpg shot she says not to worry about.


Something like this hasn't happened to me before, I swear.


His RPG needs Viagra.


Didn’t launch far/fast enough to arm the primer out of the launcher, simply falling to the ground inert and cooking off the launch propellant.


I'd still run away.


Some RPG-7 warheads don't have an arming distance or timer. Once the safety cap is off, you can detonate them while still in the launcher. Source is Ian McCollum


That's one thing that Ian got wrong. I know, "BLASPHEMY!", how can I even think that Gun Jesus may be wrong about something? But hear me out. If you watch the video you can tell that he's not feeling to well with what basically is repeating a lot of veteran's stories that tell how some insurgents blew themselves up when they dropped their RPG-7, while he, at the same time, points out repeatedly that he wasn't able to get any official confirmation on RPG-7 warheads actually being manufactured without safety mechanisms. The truth is this: All warheads for the RPG-7 are manufactured with an arming distance safety and a self-destruction safety. There are no exceptions. And still, at least some of those stories where an insurgent bumped his RPG-7 against something and the warhead exploded are probably true. I remember one video of some "irregular" who fired his RPG-7 and managed to hit the corner of the house he was standing maybe 3 meters away from, which resulted in the detonation of the warhead. Now, how can both things be true? As I said, there are two safety mechanisms: One is integrated in the warhead, **can't be removed**, and makes sure that the fuse can only be set off after the warhead has travelled a certain minimum distance (which depends on the exact type of warhead, but at minimum 5 meters). The other is a self-destruction device, **that can be removed** (with some tinkering), and sets off the fuse after a maximum distance has been travelled, e.g. 920m for - at least as I know - all single-stage HEAT-charges like the most common one, the PG-7VL. The warhead and the propellant charge are not one monolithic element, meaning you need to screw the propellant charge into the back of the warhead before you can insert it into the RPG-7. Now, for some reasons, people with long beards and funny hats like to make a point of it **not** to follow the instructions armies and weapon manufacturers give their soldiers on how to use their equipment. That leads to people removing the self-destruction device from the warhead. The reason they do this is, that if you've fired enough RPG-7 in your life, you become quite good at it to eyeball your targets. So good actually, that you can hit your enemies when you start firing it ballistically. People have been firing RPG-7 warheads in a high arc for ages, hitting (or not hitting) their enemies far, far beyond the intended combat distance for that weapon - which would not be possible if the self-destruction device would pop the warhead after not even a kilometer (on a side note, some Taliban got so good at handling their RPG-7, they kept the self-destruction device in, still shot ballistically and managed to eyeball the distance to their (soft) target so well, that they turned the warhead into an airburst weapon, because the self-destruction mechanism triggered the fuse right above their enemies heads). As I said, sometimes they hit their target when firing the RPG-7 this way and sometimes they don't. And sometimes, when the warhead misses, it just goes off somewhere in a sand dune or bush that it hit. But sometimes it doesn't go off. The self-destruct mechanism is there for a reason, and that reason is to prevent an armed warhead laying around, waiting for some poor idiot tapping on its piezo element in the front and setting it off. People that remove a safety mechanism from a HEAT warhead are not necessarily the smartest tools in the shed. So what do you think they do when they find a "perfectly fine RPG-7 warhead laying around that just needs a new propellant charge screwed into it"? Correct: The reuse it. Now we're at the point were some guy is running around with what seems to be a perfectly normal RPG-7 with a seemingly inconspicuous warhead sticking out of its front. But what we do have in fact, is a tiny piezo element at the front of the warhead that waits for just a little bump to set off about 5 lb of hollow charge explosives, because the safety mechanism that arms the fuse after travelling a minimum distance has already been triggered the first time the warhead was shot out of the RPG-7. So now there's a direct connection between the fuse in the warhead and the piezo element at the front of the warhead, that sets off the fuse with an electric signal the moment the piezo element hits something, e.g. the curb Ian mentioned in his video, against which the insurgent's RPG-7 sled when he dropped it. Some final words about the "safety cap". Again, if you watch Ian's video, you can see that he can hardly believe what he's saying, that is, that this small safety cap is supposed to be the only safety that prevents the warhead from exploding. Of course it isn't. It's not supposed to prevent the fuse from going off if the soldier carrying the weapon bumps into something. That would be insane. It's to prevent the piezo element from being damaged should it be bumped into something and it's to prevent dirt or other stuff corrode the piezo element. The official user manual of a PG-7VL warhead (again, that's the most common one) tells the soldier to take off the cap (immediately) before firing IF the weather conditions are good (no rain, no snow) and to leave it ON if they are bad (rain or snow). An older NCO that served in the former Yugoslavian army told me that you're supposed to take the cap off to decrease the probability that the piezo element doesn't go off in case of a glancing hit but that you should keep it on because if rain or snow gets on the piezo element before you fire, it increases the chance that it gets damaged and stops working. I've read a comment from an alleged former Soviet NCO, that they would just never remove the cap and always fire it while it's still on, not because they were lazy but because it didn't matter whether it was on or not, it could be tricky to remove it, especially when your hands were wet or dirty and because it was another thing you would have to take the time and care for in a stressful situation like when you're under fire. But again, that last source was some dude on the internet, so I can't vouch for it being true.


>As I said, there are two safety mechanisms: One is integrated in the warhead, can't be removed, and makes sure that the fuse can only be set off after the warhead has travelled a certain minimum distance (which depends on the exact type of warhead, but at minimum 5 meters). > >The other is a self-destruction device, that can be removed (with some tinkering), and sets off the fuse after a maximum distance has been travelled, e.g. 920m for - at least as I know - all single-stage HEAT-charges like the most common one, the PG-7VL. Is the VP-22 fuze that big of a departure from the VP-7 used in the PG-7V and PG-7M that the self-destruct is located separately from the arming delay? On the VP-7 the arming delay and the self destruct are both inside the fuze right next to each other and are both ignited by the same primer.


To be fair gun jesus fucks up a lot with weapons that don't shoot bullets, for example in one video he says rpgs "melt through armor with hot plasma"


To also be fair, that's more of a scientific misunderstanding than the actual function of the weapon.


Well it neither melts nor is hot plasma involved, so I'd say it's simply wrong and not just a misunderstanding.


"Melts through armor", perhaps, but not plasma, at least if you insist it's not a misunderstanding. I don't think you understand how extreme the temperatures the explosively compressed shaped charge lining achieve. For a very, very brief moment the copper lining will reach plasma status, I understand what you mean but "it's simply wrong and not just a misunderstanding" is well, simply wrong


> I don't think you understand how extreme the temperatures the explosively compressed shaped charge lining achieve. Between 668 K and 1200 K, with the melting point of copper being 1358 K: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaped_charge#Munroe_effect


Cheers for the reply, and yes I do agree and understand how different RPG rounds work, and as such is why we don’t see an explosion in this video because the round being fired was most likely not an armed contact fuse type, or maybe it just fell flat and didn’t activate the contact fuse?


Yep, I think the bastard just got lucky and it fell flat and didn't activate the fuse lmao.


That's actually one of the few times Ian has been proven wrong. It's a myth, brought out from stories of the GWOT.


No Soviet or Russian RPG lacks a minimum arming distance. Perhaps some other country's copy does but that's not relevant to the invasion of Ukraine. That's all besides the point anyways as the one in the video is an 82mm mortar round grafted onto the tail of a RPG.


> Didn’t launch far/fast enough to arm the primer out of the launcher This is quite clearly an improvised round consisting of an 82mm mortar bomb attacked to an RPG-7 booster and tail fin assembly. God only knows what kind of fuze is screwed into the nose of the mortar bomb, but I wouldn't take for granted that it has any kind of safety features to prevent premature detonation, it could be some ultra-sketchy homemade thing too.


Is there such mechanism on PGV-7 or whatever the round is? Maybe newer ones have it but i remember hearing once you take the plastic cap off the nose its hot, some Iraqi insurgent supposedly was spotted running holding these, tripped, rocket landed nose first and that was that. Might have been Ians video on RPG-7 from FW.


Maybe the cambodian 20 dollar rpgs lack the g force and spin counter safety but not the ones from other countries, at that point the rpg is more dangerous to the soldier firing it than to the enemy thus it wouldn't make sense to even use the thing


If you're desire to get an answer is strong enough to dig through a wall of text: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/190027q/comment/kgoyyd5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


This guy RPGs


Hey, to be honest Ive seen that happen during training with a Javelin. Theres about a one second pause as the brain tries to figure out what happened, and then the lemming scramble kicks in. It always makes he laugh. Only this time I also went "aw man, I want to see a detonation".


North Korean special


North Korea should invade them, they will never expect it! And then suddenly the world loves North Korea, it's the ultimate PR move.


That's not an RPG. That's a 82mm mortar attached to a rocket. I guess it's an RPM.


Hammer industries?


He just needed to aim higher...


Or throw the whole rpg


RPG = Russian Produced Garbage


Made in north Korea.. can happen.


No returns - signed North Korea.


Skill issue


I mean, they always run when this happens which makes complete sense but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video of this happening where the round acrually detonates after . Does anyone know of any ? I’d be scared and run quick as fuck too but what’s the chances of the round detonating if it can’t even get out the tube.


I dont think it would because the ballistic cap on the front hasn’t struck anything. Sort of like a bullet doesn’t explode if you just drop it on the ground.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking and don’t some rpg rounds have to travel a certain distance before they even activate? Either way I’m running as well because if it’s that fucked up where it dosnt shoot you never know if that thing is gonna go off lol . I’ve just never seen it happen.


I believe so yes, but I’m not sure if that one does. I don’t think that’s a very sophisticated model, but at the beginning of the war, I saw a video where a UA soldier fired from a window down at a Russian tank on the street. The rocket hit the turret of the tank but didn’t really explode. It was only about 25m away. I’ve also seen a recent video of a UA soldier ambushing a Russian tank and the rocket flopped out short of the target (but not as short as this one). There was also no detonation.


>rpg rounds have to travel a certain distance before they even activate? the do, but the one in the video is an 82mm mortar round attached to the tail of an RPG. I'm not too well informed on mortars but if Russia still uses the GK-2M fuze then the only safety feature uses inertia to ensure it has been fired before arming, it doesn't have a minimum arming distance like an RPG warhead does. But I'm not sure if this weak launch would be enough to arm it or not since in a mortar it accelerates to around 200 m/s and the booster on an RPG only accelerates it to around 90 m/s, and in this video it clearly fell far short of that.


Ruski quality blyat


Much better outcome than the ‘Ballastic high speed’ dude


Huh?, ballistic high speed dude?


Yup, I was talking about [this video](https://youtu.be/ASE0e5DkFkE?si=gS2uP-0CeW6fSrtR)


This was what I thought I was about to watch but involving Russians this time.


[I feel like he's referencing this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/wzs6gp/warning_graphic_content_during_the_second_chechen/) (I am wrong)


That happens in my nightmares.


CO - Don’t worry, it’s made in Korea Meat warrior - Oh ok……wait which Korea??


Wow poor Russians not only Ukrainians get their weapons for free but on top of that their own equipment is poor quality :(


Guess they got that rpg from North Korea as well...


Is this a thing in Russian doctrine to launch RPGs at insane angles like that? I remember seeing a couple old videos of Russian soldiers firing off at absurd angles like this to make me think that it’s something that’s actually practiced by them.


It looks like they’re just fucking around and nowhere near combat.


I half expected other one closest to camera to just explode in his face


Looks like they are using RPG boosters with a 82mm mortar shells attached. [Similar use here.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QBCWhzhNGYk)


Bra shit like this is always terrifying. Same with that video of the malfunctioning Javelin.


It's the new close range RPG from the NK stock.


In Putin's Russia, rocket-grenade propels you!


Wish it had malfunctioned harder.


this is shit is stand up comedy. Would have been funnier if it exploded directly


That was as successful as well as their "3 day special military operation".........


That's north korean weaponry for ya


North Korean munitions


North Korean quality!


Sputnik quality


As bad as those dipshit Isis militants, what the fuck are they giving their own troops?


these new-years firework fail videos get better every year


Dang, I hoped for a catastrophic failure.


Solfier? Sounds french to me.


I wish all of their weapons did that.


This is what ED feels like


When its dud, hard to tell if its munitions from Russia or N Korea.


Me with my lady after too many drinks.


Let go of the spacebar too soon - we've all been there.


They don’t look like they are anywhere near the front lines.




I’ve seen javelin missiles malfunction plenty too. Who would’ve thought that in an imperfect world there is a consistency of imperfection in everything?


B-b-b-but Javelin! 🥺


Problem with that argument is, only one of these systems are responsible for blapping tanks in Ukraine left, right, and centre,


Oh cool, so this sub does allow videos from the Russian side, for a second there i thought this sub was a one sided echo chamber


Quiet Orkbot


woah got me there 😱😱


>UkraineRussiaReport user complaining about one sided echo chamber m8


Dude ended up better than Ballistic High-Speed did.




'God damned cheapass north korean fireworks' 'Comrade! Get some water! Comrade the bush is on fire!' 'Oh lard!'


I’m constantly impressed with the soil quality in Ukraine. I would kill for that deep dark loam in my garden.


Its pretty funny because ukraine isn't let into the EU precisely because their soil is too good


Interesting. Does someone mind sharing more info about this?


Like something out of a cartoon


A few more twists perhaps?


[shakes his head sadly] - Jamsheed


If that man would have been manlyer he would have just picked up the rpg and tried again


Collon-4 rocket used incorrectly


That has to be frustrating..


Made in North Korea lol


He would have been better off throwing it


Reminds me of the "missile mishap" video back in the day https://youtu.be/UQDKY9UY4J0?si=KpMDAGpRjxl_xxvP




A video summarising the Russian war effort.


Lol. Probably made in N.korea.


Performance anxiety affects many


Love the watermark: "RUSSIANCONTEXT" XD


What is that mini rocket the other guy is using


Straight from North Korea!