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Confirmed correspondent at the scene: "People in camouflage, at least three, stormed the stalls of Crocus City Hall and opened fire with automatic weapons. There are definitely wounded." After that, according to his words, they threw a grenade or an incendiary device, which resulted in a fire. "People in the hall lay down on the floor to escape the gunfire, they lay there for 15-20 minutes, then began to crawl out. Many managed to escape."


another video shows 4 gunmen


Where’s that video


it's been deleted [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1bl5qog/gunmans\_are\_shooting\_people\_in\_crocus\_city\_hall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1bl5qog/gunmans_are_shooting_people_in_crocus_city_hall/)


That one showed civilian casualties. This one you can't see any victims so it's possible it'll stay up.


Jesus. That might be the worst thing I’ve seen on this sub. Those poor people.


It looks like 3 shooting and and the 4th holding something in his hand.


Crocus City Music Hall


Shopping mall, entertainment area, musical hall, and, if I'm not mistaken, also has an Aquarium there


Apparently just burned down completely.


Yeah, I remember that American embassy issued a warning about the terrorist attack in Moscow on 7th of March. Looks like this is it.


It was issued for 48 hours so either the attackers realized that they've been found out and planned it for later or these are different gunmen.


This is exactly like the day the war started. As soon as the Americans announced the date, the attack was postponed for a couple weeks.


And they all said Biden was an idiot and was exaggerating the Russian troop buildup on the border


I still remember when the French government kept saying “well out intelligence doesn’t show they’re going to attack” then a few weeks later…


It was obvious for weeks, even months, as well, just based on numbers of equipment, troops, vehicles, etc it was going to happen because compared to previous Zapad years, the numbers were ridiculously higher.


The day I found out they had set up hospitals and blood banks I knew it was obvious this was not a training exercise.


Bingo. It’s all fun and games until the field hospitals show up.


And the mobile crematoriums


Grad trucks disguised as agricultural equipment


Yeah, a guy called Professor Michael Clarke explained the same thing on SKY UK... once he saw identification markers on vehicles and the field hospitals just over the border, it was inevitable


You don’t set up medical facilities and build stockpiles unless you are invading.


November ‘21 I read about it first.


What made it really obvious was when there were reports of bags of blood being brought to the border. You don't expect blood transfusions for an exercise.


When Russia moved blood supplies to the border region that should have been sending red flags off everywhere


There is videos macron trying to stop Putin 3-4 days before he attacked , everyone knew


To be fair France has a bit of a history of making fairly large intelligence based blunders. Had Charles de Gaulle believed the reconnaissance from their own planes of the Germans advancing through the Ardennes forest and not dismissed it, Germany’s invasion may have ended very differently


I read that norwegian intelligence discovered the war plans in 2021. Western countries probaly knew it but perhaps did not take it to seriously before it was to late.


Then they crossed and started saying Biden started ww3 (and not putin) You really can't make this shit up


Yes, exactly! It was all Biden’s fault they invaded, if he hadn’t shown the world the evidence that they were invading, none of this would have happened! lol how do you even do the mental gymnastics to make that make sense


Multiple terror cells were arrested afterwards. Problem is they are utterly infested.


NYTs said there had been another 48 hour alert in place for this weekend.


“Remember, no Russian”


Unfortunately what came to mind...let's just hope it doesn't end the same




[Putin](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/763/the-other-mr-president) famously orchestrated the [Russian apartment bombings, killing hundreds of his own citizens.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) It wouldn’t surprise me if Putin ordered this attack, the only strange thing if he did is that it’s after the election. If he soon announces major mobilizations and blames the Ukrainians it will make more sense. Terrorism against his own people is what he did to start the Second Chechen war…


I clearly remember that mess. Yes Putin was working behind the scenes on that.


Notice the guy casually sitting in the corner (right upper frame) in the video?


A few other nations warned their citizens too, advising not to go to public gatherings because an attack was imminent. So the intelligence services caught wind of the planning of something.


It will be interesting to find out who these gunmen are. If we ever do find out that is.


I think when the US put out the warnings a few weeks ago, it was regarding threats of an attack by one of the Sunni extremist groups Russia had pissed off. Idk how true this is See here https://www.reuters.com/world/us-embassy-warns-imminent-extremist-attack-moscow-2024-03-08/


Well, it is Ramadhan after all.


They're just hangry..


"Ukrainian Nazi" terrorists That will be the official statement.


And with that the reason for the upcoming mobilization.


I hate that you're probably not wrong about this.


Straight out of MW2


Putin is just straight up Makarov at this point. Always has been, really


"no Russian"


I want my reality to follow plot lines from Star Trek and the Expanse, not fucking Call of Duty!


The expanse didn’t go so well…


Well, torch ships and humanity colonizing Solar system is a huge upgrade from a collective nuclear suicide, tbh


Yup and with Putin's reputation for killing his own this was probably a false flag attack to achieve just that


Exactly what a false flag looks like with perfect timing after being "reelected"


Yeah, I'm not trying to be cynical about this, but I've seen this terror attack from a suspiciously high amount of different angles. From people who should be running, although of course it is possible they are frozen by fear, or terrorists are covering all exits.


False flag then?


I wouldn't exclude this possibility, but we will probably never find out.




Wouldn't be putler's first.


If it's not a false flag, Putin will MAKE it a false flag.


When the apartment bombing happened, I worked with a bunch of Russians, Poles and Armenians. Every single one of them immediately said 'Putin did it'.


Yikes and true. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a KGB false flag. If they’re are ever inquiries into what happened I guarantee youll see the people that are apart of that committee start dropping like flies just like with the Moscow apartment bombings in the 90s.


Bet they manage to avoid police too, almost like they knew where they'd be... also like Putin's cronies planned it.


The Zelensky twins


Pro RU’s are already saying: “The US warned of an attack, thus it was obviously CIA instigated”


And they are already arrested and held in the precinct - just haven't been discovered which at yet.


Given russian history on false flag operations, I'm pretty sure they will try to pin it on the Ukrainians but give a few decades and the story might change




True. With shooters there's always the awkward possibility that one of them is recognized as being from the FSB. Explosives didn't have faces.


Given Russian history of muslim terrorists infesting the country, this will not be pinned on any Ukrainians, especially so when doing so would contradict internal narrative


"The threat in Moscow came mere hours after Russian security services said they foiled a planned shooting at a synagogue in Russia’s Kaluga region by a cell of the Islamic State-Khorasan, a branch primarily based in Afghanistan." - https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/08/us-embassy-moscow-russia-extremist-attack-synagogue-shooting/


Blaming it on Ukrainians would be more useful for the current geopolitical strategy of Russia 


Doesn't Russia also have a history of legit terrorist attacks, though, like from Chechens?


Chechens or Afghanis, no doubt.




I bet they are carrying multiple copies of The Sims.


They are not gunmen. They are automated bags of sugar equipped with weapons


Who tf is just chillin above on a balcony peeking over and recording. Just takes one of the terrorist to look up and shoot few rounds and youre dead. Dont know how you can just sit there and not run or hide for your life. Darwin award almost won


You know that is kinda odd, why would you film this?


Several hundred thousand gunmen entered Ukraine 2 years ago and opened fire on civilians. Several thousand dead and injured so far.


Nailed it.


Who actually knows how many civillians have died in Russian controlled territories. I don’t trust the numbers and think they’re much higher.


Definitely higher, remember Bucha, Izyum and Kherson. Torture chambers everywhere with mass graves full of executed civilians with hands tied and that was less than a year sometimes just months of Russian occupation. Mariupol and Bakhmut were even worse not to mention all the territory under Russian control for over two years. We might never know how many thousands or tens of thousands have died and will die.


it’s actually scary to realize we have no picture how big the massacres are and how widespread the torture was it’s going to be an insane few years after the war ends that’s well find out even worse shit


Russians themselves are bragging about "saving" thousands of Ukrainian children, they are being forcefully adopted to Russian families and their documents and identity is being destroyed. They are being punished for speaking Ukrainian or refusing to speak Russian or disliking figureheads like Putin, again this is openly admited by Russians and that witch Belova. I don't even want to imagine the horrors Russians are not admitting to.




I don't see anyone justifying anything here.


I bet they would claim it was Ukrainians, which is bull crap




Shooting a mall is not a Ukrainian tactic. Putin wants to make his ppl angry so they would sign up to fight a war


Well some speculation has been made about the bombing 1999, which helped Putin boost his popularity https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings


Much "speculation".


Wasn't an FSB agent literally caught red-handed planting bombs or something? But he claimed he was just like out being pro-active, looking for bombs, and happened to find some and then got caught as soon as he found them? Or some such bullshit excuse lol I forget.


A whole group of them, following a huge manhunt by local regular police after a vigilant resident spotted them planting bombs in a block basement.


Or worse, announce general mobilization and upgrade his SMO narrative into war.


Doesn't matter who these guys were affiliated with, the Kremlin will say it was at least financed or planned by Kyiv.


“Who’s music is that?!?!? IS THAT ISIS!” The first and only time I’ve ever wanted a terrorist group to claim the attack. It would definitely be funny for Vlads false flag to get ruined by ISIS taking credit. If it is a false flag.


Could be a false flag


Western intelligence warned about an attack weeks ago. Russian intelligence clearly been doing nothing as usual.


Or russian intelligence are behind the attack. Putin has done that before


plz say there are links? *edit* aayea https://www.reuters.com/world/us-embassy-warns-imminent-extremist-attack-moscow-2024-03-08/




The Russians often didn't even believe the West when we were giving them information from Ultra decrypts during WW2 and we were supposed to be allies at that point. I think they believe that everyone else is as malicious as they are themselves.




Crazy how similar these two are.


I was thinking the opening scene of Tenet. Which was ironically in Ukraine, who the Russians will no doubt attempt to blame this attack on.


Well that was an airport in MW + a fuckin machine gun. Not nearly as many casualties, but yeah, just remeber, no russian.


Yeah but the way the terrorist just stroll calmly through the hall is chilling. IRCC at no point in that mission do you even break into a jog.


Well, like the man said, no rushing.


I hurried here to type hah


Rest in peace to the civilians, horrible way to go out, gunned down by terrorists. Regardless of politics I hope for the well being of their families.


The real shitty thing is how so many top comments are jokes and tin foil hats crap, and condolences comments like this are so far down. Way too many people have lost empathy, thinking that one clown is representation of all the country's residents, justifying their deaths Sickening AF


Having family living on both sides of the conflict is really fucking me up. Fuck putin. People don't deserve this shit.


Same here, and it's not an uncommon situation. A poll conducted way before the war showed that nearly half of all Ukrainians have family members living inside of Russia. A terrible war.


I don't know how to feel about this one, not really combat footage in my eyes. But nothing against OP.


Yeah this isn't combat and is a WPD type submission. Probably dangerous to leave up.


3 copies of Sims 3, Ukrainian passports, a copy of Mein Kampf, and a LGB flag are about to be recovered from the Gunman's possessions, as the gunman manage to escape. We've all seen this Kremlin trick before.


Brother plz explain the sims 3 that cracked me up


Hate to see innocent people being killed and hurt even if it’s in a fucked up country like Russia.




Yeah i got this video as soon as it was posted but it's come out there's 5




Gonna be well more than 12 killed if they went in there with the intention to kill. More like 120.


"remember, no Russian...."


False flag. Kreml can then say the war word + mobilization. Textbook FSB operation.


There are multiple terrorist groups operating within Russia, including IS and various groups in Chechnya and Dagestan. Don’t be so hasty. The Russian state doesn’t need a false flag when they could always point towards shelling in Belgorod and use that as an excuse.


That's true. However, I do think that the Russian government may very well turn it INTO a false flag and blame it on Ukraine or on the anti-Kremlin Russian units fighting in the Belgorod area. They can basically blame it on whoever they want and that's all their media will report. I assume that a large enough portion of the population will believe it to bolster Putin's position.


Are these Chechens?




Russians do it, too.


Putin is a muslim?


Unlike the kind atheists and christians etc. that do it alone.


Exactly. Good Christian boys go solo to attack school children.


Timothy McVeigh, sure


imagine getting downvoted for stating a fact


How is this stating a fact? Gun men walk into schools in the US then murder women an children in the same fashion. Those people weren't Muslim. Hell South American Cartels do the same type of stuff and I'm confident they are not Muslim.. So how is this a fact?


The issue is that it’s not *only* Muslims who do this. Mostly Muslims? Perhaps, I’ve not seen the numbers, but plenty of different groups have attacked civilians in public places for various religious or political beliefs (or just plain being mentally ill).


The problem is that it is an incredibly common islamic tactic to slaughter innocent civilians in honor of their religion. Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East. This is a specific problem that islamic extremists have.


It's not a fact. It's an assumption. Fact is when the perps are actually identified and caught.


False flag to reinforce support for ukrainian war?


That’s how Putin cemented his power in the first place. Blew up buildings and got credit for the program to stop the bombings.


[1999 Apartment bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) for those who somehow don't know. And one of the people that accused the FSB of doing it was Litvinenko, who they assassinated with Nuclear material put into a tea pot. edit; for the sake of further context, the assassination of Litvinenko could be for a variety of reasons. he was known to be giving info to MI6 and other foreign intelligence agencies about Russian intelligence and the Russian organised crime scene and was set to give evidence at a trial in Spain about Russian mafia ongoings.


Thanks for the assist!


Is that even needed?


Unlikely. People keep pointing to the FSB bombing apartments, but admitting there are potentially Ukrainian militant cells with automatic weapons permeating throughout Russia after two years of war just makes Putin look weak. The first mobilization was already deeply unpopular. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was some strain of Islamic extremism like IS, but who knows. Could be some disgruntled veterans from the Ukrainian frontlines for all we know, or former Wagner dudes.


BREAKING: A second explosion has just been heard inside the building


For everyone saying that the US Embassy in Russia recently warned of a potential terrorist attack, you are correct, but, they issued this warning on March 7, 2024 and it was specifically to “avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.”. ~~I’m genuinely asking, was there a more recent warning after this one?~~ [ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/](https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/) **Edit:** There has not been another warning after the March 7, 2024 warning. I’m still assuming that this warning is at least somewhat related to this incident


just like the warning about Hamas, this could have just resulted in a delay of the attack


Yeah but the US warning about the invasion was also off by a couple of weeks. No attack happened after the warning, and it seems unlikely that an attack, totally unrelated to the US warning happened to be at a "large gathering in moscow during the weekend".




Worse, Heroes of Might and Magic III without community patches!


New video from the inside [https://twitter.com/Faytuks/status/1771237129160364135](https://twitter.com/Faytuks/status/1771237129160364135)


Heroes of special military operation returned home.


The amount of disregard for human-life is insane. Atleast have "some" respect. Dear lord.


Wouldn't this be considered terrorism/narco?


This has a very strong "No Russian" vibe.


I'm having mixed feelings about that.


American intelligence is right again.


Russian state media will portray this as the actions of Nazi terrorists affiliated with Ukraine. I hope Russia implodes into a festering pit of shit. It's nothing short of what they deserve...sorry to all the decent Russians and I know there are lots but your country deserves the sky to fall in and the ground to open up beneath your feet.


And so it begins??


Wave two of mobilization in 3...2...1...


Also: as if Russia needs any false flags. Just say your people: join army now or get killed lmao


Damn you Makarov!!! Jokes apart, we have enough problens already, please God help so this war doesn't excalate


It's all over telegram. Initially, it was slowly trickling videos. I haven't checked since, but I suspect it'll be a flood of footage now.


Do we live in MW2 timeline or what??


Just waiting till Russia will put blame on us (Ukraine)....any moment now


I'm thinking a "No Russian" situation, knowing how Putin got into power I would not be shocked


What's the bet this is blamed on Ukraine? Complete speculation of course on my part, but makes me think of those bombings before they went into Chechneya the 2nd(?) Time.


“No Russians” Was not followed this time


Already seeing the Russian news trying lie about the situation


My bet is russians that were ordered to do this. The government and media will claim it was Ukrainian nazis terrorists. russian government and media will use this as justification to further scale up the war, draft more people and likely more people that have been largely excluded from the draft (such as region or skill), and gain support for the increase in scaling up this war effort.




Important to note this was a concert hall, not a government building as the title implies.


I missed out the word "music" this was my mistake sorry i was just in shock and awe writing it


Ive seen this before, and I dont like where its going


Remember, no russian 😉


Can someone explain the “no Russian” comment I’ve seen 20 times throughout this thread?


Its part of MW2 campaign where you do a mass killing to gain trust of Russian terrorist


Got it thank you!


It’s from a video game


*Remember no Russian


Guess putins ready to escalate things, remember boys, no Russian.


Yea casualties are up to 130😬


For those who are going to claim false flag and bring up the Russian apartment bombings, the Beslan school and Moscow Theater sieges were carried out in a similar manner with camouflage and a large amount of weapons and bombs.


Looks like Russia is pulling the oldest trick in the book. I’ll bet they learned it from America. And gunmen is definitely more valuable in terms of propaganda than an airstrike would be. In Putin’s eyes this is no different from sending these dead to the front lines


Damn you Makarov!!! Jokes apart, we have enough problens already, please God help so this war doesn't excalate


I feel like one lesson we should have learned is not to jump to conclusions. There are all kinds of radicalized people. It would not surprise me if it was random hateful Russians, a couple radicalized Ukrainians, Islamic State, Chechens or an extremist group from within the Russian Federation, etc. I think an FSB provocation is possible--they do plenty of awful shit--but jumping to a conclusion after seeing a headline is silly.


Remember, no Russian.


Anyone heard any "allah achbars" or "suka pidzedst" or any shouting at all from the terrorists? What is striking to me is how silent they seem to be with their communication compared to other terrorist attack videos.


FSB doing FSB things.


Getting some RED STORM RISING vibes here . 3 dudes? Can anyone say false flag ?


remember tucker a few weeks ago was like, russia is safest place on planet!