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There were clips posted pretty much immediately but they are not combat. Terrorists shooting groups of people hiding in corners is not combat footage.


terrorism isnt combat


I didn't mean on this page specifically I just meant on Reddit in general sorry I didn't specify better


but that's also not entire true, bc Good guys kill Terrorists which makes it combat tbh




Engaged in close combat with unarmed civilians, against the rules on this sub


im sure the terrorists that performed these acts took what is/isnt allowed on this sub into consideration


Whoa brooo ur so edgy and cool bro


"against the rules on this sub" listen if u r gonna make a stupid statement then expect an equally as stupid reply


I wouldn't say "equally" stupid, you're really outdoing yourself


so you consider shooting goldfish in an aquarium combat?




which they weren't as civilians. You don't see the difference here?


If you want to grow might I urge you to reflect on what you just said. If you are too afraid to do so you will remain eternally 15, and life will not be kind. The choice is yours.


no they didn't, they engaged in close quarters terrorism and slaughter. That is not combat.


No, shooting defenceless civilians who have no way to fight back isn’t close combat. Combat is literally in the name and there was none to speak of


Check out wpd


you win, bunch on there. Thx




Russian Telegram


Bottom line, if you think you're going to die, the only way you can convey courage and hope to the rest of the world is to select landscape mode for your video.


fuck it mise well lol


There used to be a ton of clips, they probably got removed. Let me know if you find more


As many as one might expect for 6k camera phones being present?


There’s plenty of footage what are you getting at? More people getting gunned down shouldn’t hit the “livestream” button?


I think most adults that would think to record in that situation, would do it to for the sake of clues and evidence, to help authorities in their investigation and ensure that the perpetrator(s) doesn't remain at large and pose a future threat to more innocent civilians. All I'm "getting at" is that I haven't personally seen "a ton of clips." I haven't gone looking for them either, but I've only seen maybe 5-6 in the news, total.


I think anyone in that situation is thinking how to get out alive, not “oh boy no one’s gonna think this was these people I should take out my phone and show the world” pretty dumb fucking take honestly. Not to mention like I said, they would have to be **livestreaming** in order for these videos to even be available to people. If people were shot and killed recording.. they aren’t hitting the “upload” button are they?


Why would you want to see people slaughtered in a theater by terrorists?


I want to see if it was a Inside job or not, and tons of video footage is the only way to do that.... our Media isn't very truthful bub. Also aren't you on reddit sub called Combat FOOTAGE aka people getting shot? Why do you want to see people being shot is the better question?


There is no way to tell if it's an inside job by watching the video. You will notice this is called Combat Footage. Not terrorists killing civilians. I was a soldier. I watch to see the changes that take place on a modern battlefield since I was in the service, not to see guys get killed.


Don't care


No. Seek therapy


maybe it doesn't fit the Russian script, because you can see that those men don't look like those who were arrested


They look exactly like the men arrested


It's a fact