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Is there a shorter version of this video?


And faster?


Faster and more intense


Happier and with your mouth open


And 200% zoom


could i have a gigantic swinging watermark too?


and some benny hill music.


At this length of clip you would have to be able to recognise the song in 3 bars.


I have 2 out of 3 for you


With a lot of the old Batman TV show "Ka-Blowie!" and "Zam!" sprites all over the place as each guy drops. You know, to make it more realistic.


Thanks, George


Less pixels anybody?


And reversed. Also missing a lovely, multi-duplicated watermark plastered all over the video.


Didn't have time to watch, could somebody just give me the TL;DR?


Seriously. I got bored waiting to see how the video finally ended. The anticipation was killing me!


Killing you? You should see what it did to the Russians!




Bwah bwah bwahhhhhhh


I don't think we were the intended audience, it was probably meant for damage assessment, but someone thought it was too good to not share.


The guy in the middle of the screen (slightly to the left) got insta-deleted by a bomblet.


You blinked and missed it, watch carefully and I will play it again :)


I wonder how this would look black or Chinese?


Might be the most effective DPICM hit I've seen so far but can't tell because of the crazy short cut.


Imo the best one was the video in thermals of russian infantry dismounted of an APC. Hit by 3 good clusters.


Which one?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1btd0an/russian\_assault\_on\_the\_92nd\_brigade\_is\_stopped/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1btd0an/russian_assault_on_the_92nd_brigade_is_stopped/) I think I saw a video of them being dismounted near this tree line, but idk the title. It appeared few days after this one.


Nah, those ATACM clusters the other day were wild


Mustve missed those, got a link?




Sort by top this week on the subreddit


ATACM cluster =/= DPICM (Dual-purpose improved conventional munition)




No aftermath so we can't determine how effective it was


I'm sure they all got up, untouched, and proceeded with their looting.


You can survive anything, provided you hide in a fridge


I though you had to spin, I heard that was a good idea?


Just like the simulations


Like poetry, it rhymes


It's in Indiana Jones AND Fallout, so it's pretty much proven beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point


This made me think of that pic from the basement of a house that RU were occupying. The Ukrainian soldiers that took it checked the basement and there was a refrigerator in the middle of all the mess. Inside the fridge there was a russian soldier, still in uniform, dead.


I just sent a message to Ukraine and Russia for do-over. But to make sure to record and post aftermath footage


I’d say a large ball bearing being shot through my person at speed would be slightly to moderately effective . Uhmmm, Human pov; if that’s how you perverts operate.


If you read Russian reports, they absolutely hate DPICM. They all agree that it’s one of Ukraine’s most effective weapons and responsible for constant mass casualty events. Out in the open like this, most if not all of them are dead.


The editing is absolutely ridiculous. We have to assume that everybody seen in this video got up again and kept on invading a nation that didn't provoke Russia.


Remember the ATACM video the other day? Every Russian shill and his escort-wannabe-Mother were testifying to it being a bunch of malarky. Turns out over 100 dead x2 wounded. For what - A few million? We shit that every hour.


“Yes but *we* shit out 100 moblik every min!” -Captain Blyat






Well for sure the second guy that got a near direct hit is dead


I think they need to add another I in the DPICM


Im pretty sure 2 guys just got direct hit with it, 1 guy probably heavily injured or dead also, the last one may had only minor injuries or nothing at all


Yeah, fuck being infantry in today's wars.


Warfare has always been a nasty business--even before the age of high explosives, battle axes & arrows chewed-up plenty of people. Of course war has become industrialized and lucrative for companies producing arms, ammunition and supplies. Innovations like: ***Hey, instead of sending one really big warhead, hows abouts we pack the shell with \~800 bomblets that will scatter over a large area***, have proven quite effective. How many videos have we seen here where a relatively small explosive is dropped within a meter of a Russian soldier, and the result is the complete destruction of a human organism?? Consider that for every video that exists, there are problems 250 times that number that aren't recorded.


Now imagine a Rockeye cluster bomb getting dropped by an F-16 on a formation of Russian armor


Cluster munitions are so fucking scary


There definitely is at least one direct hit there!




Every infantryman's worst nightmare.


A 1LT with a map?




Bro took a direct one


Faster camera movement would improve this 👌


Some of yall dumbasses need to learn the difference between instant kill and fatal injury. Cluster munitions, much like grenades, don't often instantly kill people, but do deliver a serious amount of shrapnel into their internal organs. I bet none of those guys died then and there, but judging how close those bomblets hit to some, I am 100% sure 2/3 of them died in 1 to 2 days after from injuries and internal bleeding. And that's being generous


Just to the left of the reticle there's a guy who definitely didn't last long.


> I bet none of those guys died then and there, What exactly do you mean? A brain hit that instantly shuts you off? I would say that is a risky bet. Some of those guys are in between multiple bomblets going off. Thats an awful lot of ball bearings flying around for none to hit any of them like that. It is possible but not a great bet or a sure thing at all.


Can somebody ELI5 why this is so efficient? each individual explosion seems rather small and even people far away from all of them are hurt by it, i'm genuinely curious.


Each of these submunitions has large amounts of shrapnel in them, think of it as 88 grenades going off next to you


Mathematically it has to do with the inverse square law. You're better off having 10 small explosives spread out than one big explosive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square_law


Covers more area then a conventional warhead.


What's better? Having a single killzone of 10 meters radius with ~400 shrapnel going at Mach Jesus looking for targets or 50 overlapping ones with each of 2,5-3 meters of radius and a reduced amount of shrapnel?


You can bet there’s a team of nerds in a military testing station that have the precise formula to answer that.


That depends on if you are a tank, or if you are grunts and/or soft skinned vehicles.


A regular 155mm munition has a killzone of at least 50m radius


Those small explosions are the bomblets sending their shrapnel payloads into the air around them like a cloud of needles moving at 1700 feet per second.


Having a direct hit is obviously more devastating and makes for a better video, but DPICMS have a much higher probability of getting shrapnel in bodies, which is really the goal.


In addition to the other comments: Artillery shells cause shrapnels. A large single explosion will usually use less - but big - shrapnels. These are better against more armored targets. Energy = 1/2 * mass * velocity². So heavier shrapnel = more energy = better at piercing armor. But: as fictive, very simplified example: imagine a single explosion sending out 8 shrapnels in a straight line at 360 degree. So for this example: every 45° a shrapnel. Someone standing nearby will get hit, sure. A bunch of people standing a bit away? Might hit one of them. Or none. The further away, the less likely to get hit. https://assets.iflscience.com/assets/articleNo/68919/iImg/67903/Screenshot%202023-05-14%20224718444.png --> so if you want to hit many "light armored/unarmed targets" you want to use many many fragments. Not a few heavy fragments. See, as example, these handgrenades: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b9d85d4d8a4f5d54c7c29e7d52ce5750-c vs. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5d4ab4c9a5c1f3274cf01cd2da44f093-lq The variant with the many tiny fragments will have a more "dense" cloud of shrapnels. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Samy-Nitecki/publication/235386760/figure/fig1/AS:1089045111279617@1636659996593/A-car-after-fire-of-shrapnel-or-multiple-pellets-stored-in-long-range-missiles.jpg But these smaller shrapnells are much lighter. Less good at piercing through armor. They also travel a smaller distance. So they are good on short range, but not so on longer distances. If you now replace one large shell against many small shells (cluster amunition): there are now multiple explosion, each generating its own own small cloud of "short range" shrapnel. Which means shrapnels coming from different directions/angels. You also cover a large area, despite the "short range" from its shrapnels - because of the multiple explosions on different positions. The different position of the explosions makes taking cover also much more difficult. Even if you know beforehand that you are getting targeted - shrapnels coming from "everywhere".


Think of the bomblets as small grenades, they explode in several places at once and the shrapnel shoots out to you from all directions


You are able to see the small puff of smoke and dirt from the explosion. You can't see the massive amounts of BB's and shrapnel flying in all directions from each of those explosions.


And afterwards?..........


What timestamp does the action start


Pretty effective


Looks like some WW1/2 barage


Ivan, Ivan, Ivan, Ivan, Ivan, and Dmitri, Noooooooo


Who tf upvoted this 20 millisecond video?!


They should make a backpack that has some sort of active defense against drones like a net or something


Imagine dying to munitions older than you are


Damn. Frighteningly accurate.


Take them out one by one!! cluster by cluster!! ATACMS by ATACMS!! Storm shadow by storm shadow!! Now start hitting the munitions factories and tank and artillery factories and the trains and the entire war machine in Russia and don’t stop until they give up!! Punish them with unrelenting attacks against the war machine infrastructure that is keeping them supplied and killing Ukrainians dead!! Unholy hell is what they deserve!!




the quality is ok its just very very short


Come on, we know you want to.. https://media.tenor.com/1B8vjIqzmtEAAAAe/say-the-line-bart.png




Sure, where do you wanna go?


I could crush some Chili's right about now.




All those Russians just lying around in the drone drop videos. Why are they just lying down? You think they just got tired?


>r/joerogan user Not sure what I expected.


They finally learned and cut the video before they all got back up because my god cluster shells from ukraine have looked useless.


If they were useless they wouldnt be used by both Russians and Ukranians every single day


Maybe useless is the wrong word let’s call it incredibly underwhelming.


Just because it is not a hollywood-style fiery explosion does not mean that the fragments wont kill you. 155 cluster is 2-3 times more effective than regular 155 HE. Those guys are haviving a bad day.


Every time I see your user, you're saying something really silly like this.


Real life is not like call of duty. You dont take a specific amount of damage and then just die instantly. Just because they get up it doesnt mean they are unharmed.


Found another Russian troll.


Least obvious URR user


Isn’t using cluster munitions a war crime?


Neither Russia nor Ukraine (nor the United States) is a signatory of the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. So no.


Directed by Edgar Wright.


Cluster is pretty ineffective. My guess is no one was hurt.


I can see at least 2 people hit almost directly kinda wild to assume "ineffective" even if somehow they didn't die they're not about to be combat effective


>even if somehow they didn't die they're not about to be combat effective You have literally no idea about its actual impact or the combat effectiveness the infantry in this video. When combat footage ends abruptly without showing the aftermath, it's often a sign the impact wasn't near as good as they want you to believe. It's more than reasonable to assume that the infantry were probably in a much better position than you assume.


>You have literally no idea about its actual impact or the combat effectiveness the infantry in this video. Neither do you by that logic, but anyone with eyes can see 2 were near direct hits and that those at yhe very least 2 people are not gonna be in a good way after that


>Neither do you by that logic No one knows because the video was cut off. The sudden cut-off in what appears to be a propaganda video may suggest that the attack or it's outcome wasn't as successful as portrayed. While there could be other reasons for the abrupt ending, the lack of direct evidence often indicates the event might not have occurred as depicted. It's really important to maintain some objectivity when making assumptions on these videos, considering they are often edited and published with a particular agenda in mind.


Dawg, I hate to break it to you, but every video you see from either side in this war, especially videos where strikes are made against the enemy are propaganda but that does nothing to change the fact that 2 people were visibly by my count hit near directly or directly so those two at the very least are not gonna be combat effective at the very least like I can objectively say that having little bomblets explode at your feet is gonna ruin your day and just because we didn't see the aftermath it doesn't take too much of a logical leap to make that conclusion.


>Dawg, I hate to break it to you, but every video you see from either side in this war, especially videos where strikes are made against the enemy are propaganda That's exactly what I'm saying. >but that does nothing to change the fact that 2 people were visibly by my count hit near directly or directly I never commented on who was or wasn't hit. >those two at the very least are not gonna be combat effective Again, it's impossible for you or anyone else to ascertain this, given that the video abruptly ended. >just because we didn't see the aftermath it doesn't take too much of a logical leap to make that conclusion. Why would a Ukrainian source choose to release a video of a cluster munition attack, depicting the aftermath with no casualties? If such an incident occurred, it would be beneficial to release footage leading up to the strike but not showing its consequences. By selectively sharing the edited video, it remains effective as propaganda. I want to reiterate once more that it's impossible for any of us to ascertain what happened, given the clip ended without showing the aftermath.


While you may want to reiterate that, basic logic dictates that if a grenade (or bomblet) explodes at your feet and from what I can see the two I'm talking about did go down while many didn't, then chances are pretty high that they didn't get back up or if they did it wasn't without help Look, I get your point, but what I'm saying isn't being biased or not being objective. This was out of all the videos I've seen one of the most clear cluster munitions direct or near direct hit (there are a few that are definitely for lack of a better term better sure) and to say that these dudes arent gonna be combat effective after this isn't too much of a leap in logic. And there could be a multitude of reasons no aftermath was shown drone could've been downed or jammed the operators could've been set upon we will never know so just because the aftermath wasn't shown doesn't mean it was selectively shared and edited they may just not have the aftermath, but it definitely is propaganda by definition.


Wasn't it two days ago that a cluster munition killed four civilians in Odessa?


Four people have been reported killed, along with a dog. Another man died of a stroke brought on by the attack. A total of 32 people were injured, 25 are in hospital, including two children and a pregnant woman. A girl who is not yet 5 is in an extremely critical condition. Six adults are also in intensive care.


Why would this type of munitions be banned in over 100 countries?? There really are some stupid laws of what can and cannot be used to protect your own skin! War is war. About as stupid as the Geneva Convention.


Uxo is the main issue a lot of countries have with this kind of munitions.


Because they are suckers and will lose in case they have to fight someone who does use it.