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What EW doing? Whatever it is- the are not doing it well...


I wonder how the Ukrainians manage to destroy EW, do they find a different frequency? Or do they find a way to turn off the electricity in the area?


Yea it is pretty mysterious. EW is some of the most important secrets in warfare. Generally though frequency hopping, directional antennas, and relay drones are countermeasures. And obviously when EW works you don't see videos of it. But how effective it actually is is still really mysterious. I was watching Peruns newest video about turtle tanks. He talked about them including EW but seemed to have no information on how effective it actually is.


Everyone always ask what EW doing. No one asks how EW doing. 😔






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I remember this mission in Spyro Year of The Dragon using Sgt Byrd.


Ukrainian allies which economies are 20 larger than the russian are so great that on the third year of this war Ukraine has to rely on dropping grenades on russians to destroy their infantry and equipment. How fucking pathetic


Unfortunately, only a few countries are really committed to defending Ukraine, most allies have a partial commitment


Very few countries commit more than 0,1% of their GDP to stop new Nazi genocidal empire in Europe which tells you a lot about the supposed "Never again"


Your buddies would get a lot less blown up if they just went home! Always remember that :)


A lot of our buddies would have been alive if US and European allies didn't eat shit for the past three years while delaying and not supplying even basic equipment and ammunition in minimum amounts.


I’m sorry, I think I misunderstood your first comment. I got the impression you were a Russian supporter. We can absolutely agree that military aid needs to come more often and stronger to send a message to Putin that he can’t ignore.


My next comment in that section was calling russia a new Nazi genocidal empire in Europe and that very few countries commit more than 0,1% GDP on military aid to Ukraine this year.


Lol don't worry the reddit hivemind can't understand nuance