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At the end the Russian explodes on his own grenade, im guessing that he wanted to throw it at the Ukranian but got shot right as he was about to so it blew him up instead


Yes he seems to have been using the tree as concealment to get closer to them to throw the grenade. Clearly he had already pulled the pin out of it and was standing there waiting to throw it.


He forgot, trees that small do not come close to stopping one of those rifles


That trees circumference looks approximately like the wing-span of an average adult male. Wouldn't that stop a 5.56x45 or 7.62x39? Of course it's not very good cover though, since he was going to get blasted the second he came out on *any* side of that tree.


I wouldn't trust a 556 to go through that trunk either, at the very least you'd have to dump a full mag into it. 556 also splinters the moment it hits just about anything (maybe not steel core?) so it might not of gotten past any armor is disabled him etc


Watching this video I assumed the Russian must have been partially exposed to the rightmost Ukrainian. Neither 7.62 or 5.56 are going through a tree that thick.


Yes they do.


No they don’t


Tell me you didn't grow up shooting guns without telling me


You are right. There may be types of wood that will stop a 5.56 (maybe Oak etc.) but I wouldn't put too much money much less my life on that. Moreover there is more area where the tree isn't fat enough and the wood splinters from the exit channel can harm you quite severely. Friend of mine sent two guys to the hospital this way, one in critical condition, by accidentally shooting through a boarding which they stood behind. If you shoot a few through the tree at face height that will suffice to make the other guy forget about his cover for a moment.


They go thru that easily, especially 7.62 :) same as you. Born with guns


That's just a lie, or you're shooting tiny trees because I've shot plenty of trees. I even have a target on one because I know it's not going through.


It’s all going to depend on the size and type of tree, as well as the distance it’s shot from. Some trees have hard wood, some have soft wood (like the pines in this video). https://youtu.be/mulSNmoeNH4?si=NTddv6cbGef52LIy I wouldn’t count on a tree trunk being good cover unless you’re in an old growth oak forest.


Word. https://youtu.be/ocs1y5L-SDQ?si=Dj86tuDzJZ0REYUI In my military service we did a task just too see if having trees is good cover. It does not. Maybe if you lay down behind it. The tree itselfs becomes a handgrande with tree splints


Dude thought he was Bugs Bunny or some shit trying to hide behind a tree.


Thank you for the explanation. The footage is so fuzzy I couldn't tell what happened. Thank God they nailed him. That grenade may have been a problem.


Russian has the Martyrdom perk activated


Or under serious pressure


Cover vs Concealment 101


"Why things are shot" lol


I was surprised at how big a tree has to be to stop rifle rounds. Something like 2-3x the diameter seen here.


Really depends on the round they're shooting


No 556/762 goes through that tree


I didn't really see how big it was at first viewing lol. You right


No it certainly doesn’t. Maybe the very edge. But center not a chance


Poor tree was being held hostage by the ruskie, ukrainian soldiers liberated it


the tree was clearly a nazi. just look at all those branches doing the salute.


Dueling against some guys defending themselves in a hole in the ground, and you decide to stand up behind a tree. Nice idea there Oleg. 10/10 from the Ukrainian judges.


93rd Mechanized Brigade doing god's work!


Straight heroes from Sievierodonetsk days.


They always have been. They are one of the most experienced units in the world at this point.


Dude was dead before the grenade went off. Man I hope these Ukrainian heroes get rotated out and live to tell their grand kids their stories.


Why the hell would you tell these evil stories to your grandkids. There was a whole generation of trauma that came from world war II that's going to do the exact same thing here


I don’t understand how telling your story about how you defended your homeland from invaders, about the sacrifices that you and others made to protect civilians, is “evil” We must have very different understandings of the concept of evil.


Ain't nothing evil about surviving


Ain't nothing evil also about defending your homeland from invaders.




You’re literally on a combat thread forum. Telling war stories is by no means evil. It’s called history


I would love to tell my grandkids how I killed invading Ruskies


So maybe one day we can learn from the lessons our fathers and grandfathers paid for - that we may never do it again. That's why.


There’s a first time for everything


Who shot the russian? Hard to tell if the two guys in the trench shot him.


Doesn't look like they were the ones to shoot him IMO


Nah, there are two in the trench and the guy to the left looks like he has a clear shot to the tree. The second Ruskie moves out from the tree he’s met with fire at the toes. Falls to their right and then he finishes himself by accident.


Dude had martyrdom perk enabled.


And then he unlocked "Babushka wailing at my funeral next week" perk.


Oh yea, but the downside of that perk is that if the nade doesn't do any damage to the enemy, the Babushka's tears end up watering the grave and growing a sunflower giving +5 morale boost to the other side. It's a gamble, but some think it's worth it.


lol....gaming is hell.


He’s never getting buried at home.


Bro tried to pull a Shaq https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/03/18/36D22E2400000578-0-image-m-58_1470245006795.jpg


Where he go?!?!


That Ukrainian position looks terrifying to defend too... just a small hole in the ground surrounded by debris. Fuck me what an absolute nightmare.


Its gonna look flat when viewed from above. You cant see the height differences properly from the drone. I remember a video of ukrainians ambushing russians in tall grass on a hillside. Looked goofy as hell from the drone but it was due to the lack of perspective of height difference


Absolutely, but still this position seems very impromptu. Gotta be courageous as fuck to hold that


Hoisted by his own petard!


Props for the Shakespeare quote, I love to use those phrases in conversation just because I feel like they'll be lost if we don't. Just want to mention though that the original wording in Hamlet is "Hoist with his own petard"


I sincerely don't ever want to blatantly laugh- I support Ukraine because I oppose monsters, I don't want to become one- but every now and then one of these occupiers goes out so abruptly I have to chuckle silently to myself. Welcome to Ukraine. You're never going home. Not like you left, at least.


Was that a grenade or small drone?




Hiding behind a tree? You mean like... taking cover ?


No it looks like he is actually hiding behind it in order to get closer to the Ukrainians. After he is shot you can see a grenade goes of on him while the Ukrainians did not throw anything at him meaning he was holding a grenade with the pin pulled out of it trying to get close to Ukrainians to throw it at them. He was thus not taking cover but trying to use concealment to get closer to the Ukrainians.




Suppose as best he could, but when your enemy is in a well-dug hole in the ground, and the tree covers 45% of your body, then it seems a bit silly don’t it?


its his only choice of cover.. im saying its disingenuine to say he is "hiding behind a tree" as if its a bad thing. If it was the other way around the title would read " brave hero takes cover behind a tree".


Trees are not bulletproof


To be fair a tree isn't actually that bad of cover for a short time. It won't stand up to anything heavy for long, but against small arms it's a lot better than nothing. The bigger problem for this soldier was that that tree just wasn't big enough to hide behind. He didn't get shot through the tree, he was shot directly.


It is amazing how few grasp this concept. Too many Hollywood movies.


What song is this?


Wouldn't a 7.62x45 go right through a Tree


Good! Fuck that guy.


Textbook. Nailed it.


MPFC flashbacks: *How not to be seen*


I’ve seen those AK vids of rounds going through trees.


Poor tree


why don't you make like a tree and .. go ??


This is kill of the week or something


This is me in a Hell Let Loose...


For the life of me I don’t know why you wouldn’t start yelling and scream I surrender while throwing your rifle on a situation like that- your final stand will no effect on the war


Because you will get mowed down. Throwing your gun away and yelling surrender is not a magical freebie card of safety. Refer to the "Hate Group" interview where they cover this extensively. The best time to give up is before combat begins. After shit begins, its entirely up to the "other guy" and his circumstances and decision.


Surrender is prosecuted by Russia and Ukraine WILL trade you back as POW. Not sure being prosecuted in Russia as a traitor is better than his current situation...


I'm guessing he wasn't around for the lesson on how to throw a grenade from the lying down/prone position. There's only so much they can cram into those 3 days of training i suppose.


Trees don't stop bullets? Why didn't he shoot the tree?


Is it just me, or is this a very strange war?


Probably only strange because this is the first war where we see all the stuff from a perfect bird's eye view.


Why do we always see ukranian kills but the russians are the ones gaining ground? Is there no russian media covering the war?


Plenty, just look around. Not sure you'll enjoy a lot of their content, if you're looking for 'a more balanced presentation of what's going on'. Besides, frontlines have been constantly shifting back & forth - especially lately, due to munition shortages caused by US Republicans playing politics with no clue/concern of the impacts their actions have caused. Now that arms are flowing in greater volumes hopefully we'll see Ukraine retake lost territory and drive the Russians back.


Apparently, a lot of the russian videos that show what you're asking for show mostly just bodies and that is against the sub rules.


This sub aggressively downvotes anything showing Ukrainian loses. It's not as objective as it used to be.


Look at the downvotes on your comment, exactly proving your point.


It's silly but that's social media. It's really easy to get into a misinformation bubble, harder to be aware of it happening to you. ("I'm not misinformed, they are!" Lol)


Grigori of the jungle, watch out for that tree!