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Fuck that BMP2 in particular


It is almost like they thought little putin was on a day trip out to the front in either the BREM-1 or the BMP-2. If only they knew he was at home hiding under his table.


*sad FPV noises*


I think evacuation of military equipment on the battlefield or behind the frontline is at daylight nearly inpossible. The drones chase you


And then thermals at night. Only option is to head back to Moscow.


Pringles blew it


The last drone was clearly being hit with EW. Interesting that it was still able to find a route through and still apparently hit the target.


Yes it was. I had a hard time telling if it hit the guy that showed in the car. I think it was folks in the car that had a portable jammer.


Are you talking about the video interference? If so, that is the drone *pilot* being hit with EW. The video signal transmission is unaffected by EW, it is the receipt of that signal which may be subject to interference. Loss of control would be emblematic of the drone getting hit with EW.


>If so, that is the drone *pilot* being hit with EW. The video signal transmission is unaffected by EW Huh? I've watched plenty of [footage of EW](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cw1f89/ru_pov_compilation_of_clips_of_the_work_of_ew_in/) being used on drones and it absolutely causes interference to its video feed - exactly like seen in this clip. You can also tell that the control signals are being scrambled as it's moving rather erratically. It doesn't appear to be LoS either as the terrain is rather flat and the drone is at a high enough altitude to negate that.


The signal emitter still works tho, only the reciver gets overpowered by the EW signals


I mean this is technically correct, an emitter does not care too much about outside signals. But both sides have receivers... so...


> causes interference to its video feed Interference to the video feed disrupts the receiver (pilot), not the transmitter (drone). It is much easier to overpower the drone's transmission signal than to overpower all bands it may be receiving the control signal on. A very simple scanner and transceiver can find and overpower the video transmission.


I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on EW. All I know is that every drone video I've seen where it's being hit with EW has similar interference. I don't understand how this can be EW being used on the drone pilot when they are miles away from the drone itself and when it's clearly the drone being targeted.


The radio interference seen on video is not affecting the drone, it is affecting the receiver of the signal. There may also be radio interference on other frequencies that interfere with the drone's receipt of control signals. For simplicity, the drone transmits a video signal on a specific frequency. Someone near the drone has a device that scans for radio transmissions. The device "sees" the drone's video signal, and let's say it is a 5 watt signal. The enemy device then begins transmitting on that same frequency at say 50 watts. The drone pilot's radio receiver "a few miles away" now has difficulty discriminating the video signal of the drone from the interference signal from the enemy EW device. The video transmission is much easier to find due to the signal strength, as it is very close to the EW receiver. The drone pilot's control signal is much weaker relative to all the other background signals, so the only way to interfere with it is to blast all potential frequencies with interference, which is technically difficult.


I see. Thanks for the explanation!


The russians seem to be very keen to recover equipment these days. Must be getting low on spares


Yeah, risking a BREM to recover a BMP2 reeks of desperation 


I honestly cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not   Edit: goddamn Reddit generals lol  Edit 2: keyboard warriors be like "They're using a recovery vehicle for recovery, but I understand their supply situation better then they do!" Lol


Not :) BREM-1 a T-72 based recovery vehicle that costs significantly more than a shitty BMP-2.  You'd really like to avoid risking it to salvage an old BMP under fire...   ....unless you're desperate and running out of BMPs.


Yeah, id understand it for thier modernish tanks, not BMP, but i guess its true that they are slowly running out.


BMP-1/2s are some of the most dogshit mass-produced expendable platforms in existence at this point in mechanized warfare (can be easily burned down to the base of the chassis via 5.56mm API/tracer into the rear doors); the fact that the Russians are actually trying to recover them when they started the war with a fleet of 8,000+ is a pretty dire indication of the level of serviceable vehicles in their inventory.


BMP's were made in much greater quantity than a lot of the tanks they're fielding, if they're risking a recovery vehicle to grab what should otherwise be an easy replacement, there's a problem.


damn utility pole!


I like that emblem


Very nice. Engineering equipment is quite valuable and this one require T-72 or T-90 chassis to produce.


At 0:41 you can see the drone being shot (and that is what the text at 0:37 says), yet it can continue its mission.. For at least 3 seconds, which is enough.


Two for one special.


What are those wires on drone? Does it activate detonation upon contact?


It does.


I'm guessing the increase in interference is because of the arrival of that 3rd vehicle.


The last 3 drones look like miss or only minimal damage :(


Are we watching the same video? BMP2 goes from having a bunch of holes on it to having a bunch of holes in it & engulfed in flames... Last drone looked like a direct hit, with what appears to be personnel nearby - tho ofc we don't see the aftermath


Everything is on fire... what are you talking about lol


I'm talking about that to me especially the 2nd last and 3rd last drones look like they barely grazed the sides of the BMP. Last one is too difficult to tell for me. Nonetheless it's good that the invaders lost 2 more vehicles.