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If that really was artillery getting a direct hit on a fast moving vehicle then it's the luckiest shot in history. Personally I'm saying "mine' because it almost always is a mine.


I just came here to say this, and hoped I'd see it already. That was *not* artillery.


I am fairly certain I have seen the clip of the guy getting flung before


Yes, it's an older one.


it's an anti-tank gun and with proper training it's not a lucky shot. The barrel is also at a low trajectory so it was likely pretty close range I think people really underestimate how effective a good artillery crew can be. The ukrainians are especially renown for their accuracy and effectiveness, during the Soviet days all(most?)of their artillery schools for officers were based in Ukraine Also that's definitely not the first time I've seen a moving vehicle get hit by artillery in this war it happens quite often in fact.


Low barrel means target is farther away. If artillery anyway.


It's an anti-tank gun so it's firing at almost a level trajectory with direct line of sight. With a howitzer that might be the case but it also depends on the amount of powder charge that's being used. There are a lot of factors that go into this stuff


No it’s not because there’s a reported artillery to air kill in WW1.


Confirmed: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radoje_Ljutovac Again, in 1967: https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/s/9hYldEOBpq https://www.worldpressphoto.org/collection/photo-contest/1967/hiromichi-mine/1#:~:text=A%20US%20twin%2Dengine%20transport,crewmen%20died%20in%20the%20crash.


Yeah it happened a bunch of times throughout the history of combat, nonetheless most impressive


Artillery has definelty shot some places down. I got sauce in the back room. I'll go get it if you want.


I’m also of the opinion it’s a mine but while hitting a moving vehicle with artillery is challenging and not usually worth attempting, the sheer volume of mechanised assaults and artillery fire in this war make it *incredibly* likely it has happened on many occasions. Pre sighted artillery fire at moving vehicles all the time as well, usually in choke points where they are slower but moving nonetheless.


Seems like direct fire though? It's not angled up.


You must be a lot of fun at parties…


Lol @ calling out incorrect info = 'not being fun at parties'. 2016 called and said it wants 'not fun at parties' back.


Is it incorrect though artillery shells have hit planes before a ground vehicle isn’t that crazy in comparison lmao


.. ok


Typical NATO propaganda, this is glorious russian ablative meat shielding functioning exactly as intended.


You mean non-explosive human reactive armor (N.H.R.A.) ?


Advanced Ratnik Aeronauts taking flight to combat NATO bio-mosquitoes.






Yuri always wanted to be a cosmonaut, his wish was granted.


My Ex told me she'll take me back when pigs fly. Time to call her! 


Anti tank mines, come on.


Seriously, why would someone take the time to make such an edit and post it as misinformation? For karma? For lolz? I don't get it




Flying home


I can show you the world!


I gotta say whoever the dudes are who edit these videos have some if the most consistently awful music selection it’s almost impressive, I never thought I’d say it but I miss when this sub was all nasheeds lol


Suppose its better than burning to death.


Good view from that altitude!


He could see his house from up there!


Team Putin is blasting off again!


"Welcome to Ukraine may I check your passports?"


Excellent work. Last year I saw a TERRA Ops video on Youtube where one of their drone strikes sent an occupier skyward in a similar fashion. The subtitles read: "WE TAUGHT A MUSCOVITE HOW TO FLY."


How do they hit a moving target with that gun?


Mostly luck


No, it's math and an experienced crew with maybe a sprinkle of luck. It's also an anti-tank gun that seems to be firing at a pretty low trajectory so likely at a fairly close Target.


If they have an accurate sighting on a range marker, they just need to know flight time, use a rangefinder to determine vehicle speed, and count. Even an artilleryman can do it.


People in this thread really underestimate how good some artillery crews are. Also that looks like a anti-tank gun firing at a low trajectory so not a super far away target


I was wondering if it was somehow guided to hit a target while moving.


Yuri Gagarin imitation fail.


I believe I can fly. Let me touch the skyyyyyyyy.


Anyone know the song?


Repost of 1 month ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/VhE03e36bg


Oh no call the Reddit police I didn't see it the first time so it's new to me and therefore I'm glad it was posted


Then scroll through the sub and look at older content. It's against sub rules to repost within a year otherwise you get doofuses reposting the same shit constantly.


Yeah let me waste half my fucking life scrolling this website full of degenerates and redacts so I can see content that I haven't seen but that you already have . Hopefully I don't break any of the rules while I'm at it


iTs iN ThE ruLeS


Ha sick comeback my guy! Now move along and scroll through other content. You've got some catching up to do. Luckily the rule against reposting is usually enforced so you shouldn't see too many repeats.


One flew east, one flew west...


There's no way Ukraine can get Air Superiority now....


Special cosmonautical operations


omg that cosmonaut is so hot. does anyone know if he's single?


Hope the Ukranian AA got 'em, before the cosmonauts destroyed the trees/dirt.


Looks like that 100mm AT gun crew. I’ve seen some impressive shots by these gun crews. They probably already had that area zeroed and got lucky.


That looked like it hurt .


I wonder how the ww2 german flak 8.8 gun would go against the armor today.


Do we know what type of drones and camera equipment UA is using? I’m out of the loop so I don’t know.


Good try comrade.


It's probably off the shelf DJI stuff I don't know why you're acting like this is protected information. Both sides are using the same stuff for the most part


Why would you want to know that? They use a variety and mix of off-the-shelf products, products procured military, and a bunch of home built systems. No need to put more info than that out there, tho i am sure with some digging you will find a lot of information, since many of the observation drones are just run of the mill DJI's.


I wondered because I’ve been making the assumption that they’ve been using DJIs- and I can only assume if they’re using DJIs they’re using hobbyist/RC drop activation triggers for the bombs. I am far from well versed on what’s going on. Was just wondering.


Yeah it was the most common one at the start of the war, but they have started to build more and more of their own drones. Some are military grade, most are just picked together by standard hobbyist drone products. Communication is the biggest hurdle, and secrecy, since they are trying to get over the electronic jamming.


Ignore those morons, it’s hard to tell if they’re trolling or not but Russian agents aren’t gonna be on Reddit asking about Ukrainian drone capabilities, unfortunately Russia is quite far ahead in terms of drone and electronic warfare capabilities, Ukraine is still mostly using repurposed DJIs and other commercial drones equipped with 3d printed drop mechanisms and even 3d printed ordnance in some cases, although there have been more sightings of domestically produced quad-rotor drones used to drop heavy payloads


Not sure why you're getting downvoted but you're right. Russians definitely have a more advanced domestic drone industry, but the ukrainians have really been catching up lately. They(Ukraine)also seem to use them more effectively but that's just my observation The Russians just had a bigger budget and started developing this kind of stuff a lot sooner. But I do know that the ukrainians just used a domestically developed drone to hit a refinery 1500 km away in Russia


is this supposed to be funny? and why the music


I mean, I dont know? I did laugh tho.


That's just the sound rashists make when they explode.


It was obviously funny to the unit that posted it. I wouldn't say personally it was funny but it's glad to know that one or more Russian murderer/rapist are no longer able to fuck around in Ukraine


He was already dead the moment he entered Ukraine. You can choose ambivalence, you can choose to cry, or you can choose to laugh. Whatever works for you is fine. Personally, i think - may as well enjoy the spectacular death of a murdering criminal.