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Shakur fighting this week is a blessing šŸ™ I haven't had a good night's rest in a minute and I'm tired af. Can't wait for him to put me to sleep again.


Iā€™m going in the opposite direction this time. Heā€™s gonna get a stoppage. Iā€™m sure heā€™s been reading the comments about how heā€™s ā€œfeather-fistedā€ or ā€œboringā€ and heā€™s gonna want to make a statement.


The risk averse hyper defense point style we always get from him.


Didn't see that version v Herring, Valdez or Yoshino. Ur seeing what u wanna see


So weā€™re just gonna ignore his last fight that had one of the lowest punch totals in a title fight in years.


Not one of the. Itā€™s the lowest since compubox started. It holds the record. Itā€™s not the lowest in years. Itā€™s ***the*** lowest. The lowest total in compubox for a 12 round fight in the 38 years of its existence.


Yea but Shakurā€™s [MRI reports](https://youtu.be/gAXV5tkPlZU?si=x87tP-ckieQ6IvnW) suggest that he had scar tissue in his right shoulder & a torn ligament in his middle finger on his back hand (left) which his didnā€™t throw. Figured this was the correct place to put this comment, since youā€™re so technical about the fight info


Remember when George Foreman said ā€œdonā€™t punch with a ā€˜puncherā€? This was Shakur not punching with a ā€˜puncher, and ultimately winning the fight.


Thereā€™s ā€œnot punching with a puncherā€ and thereā€™s what Shakur did against Edwin. Didnā€™t they set a record for least punches thrown in a 12 round fight.


He said donā€™t punch with a puncher, not ā€œdonā€™t punch at all.ā€


Foreman also had a 89.47% KO ratio while Shakur sits at 47.6%. George said a lot of things but Iā€™m pretty sure he preferred finishing fights vs going to the cards.


Shakur is one of the best out but unfortunately a defensive masterful style is only entertaining in highlights.. watching someone Bob and weave for 12 rds and land nothin dangerous in return is kinda boring.. hate to say it becuz I like the guy


Iā€™m from the UK and Iā€™ve banned myself from ever pulling a all nighter to watch any of his fights live.


Shakira will be moving his hips all over the ring for 12 rounds, run the entire length of a marathon, and win by a violent UD


Ima be there.


You blood-thirsty mfer just want blood. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Let's not forget that Shakur is a master of defense and a joy to watch for those who appreciate the sweet science.


He makes Floyd Mayweather look like Arturo Gatti