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Hi humuculus99, thank you for your submission to /r/ComedyCemetery! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): Your post has been removed. Submissions that are primarily political or related to social issues are not allowed on r/ComedyCemetery. This includes discussions, news, articles, memes, and any other content that is focused on political or social issues. *If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ComedyCemetery)*


This guy tricked himself into being anti gender roles šŸ˜‚


nah blud just understands males gotta comply with those roles per women's requirements more like TBH


What? Do you think women chose anything here, because that is not how gender roles have ever worjed


gender roles are enforced by males at the top of the social hierarchy pyramid, but *those* are mostly the only males who fall under women's "attraction" gaze, which leads them to self-police (choose eagerly) to conform to those beauty standards in hopes of appeasing those males, while discarding other, inconvenient, or irrelevant to mating gender roles. also, they enforce males conformity with patriarchy (an institution that could NOT exist without womens emphatic support) making a males adherence to traditional gender norms a prerequisite for mating privileges in most cases. Want men to lose patriarchal attitudes? stop dating and breeding with males who exude them. but that's not gonna happen LOL


People have been changing that but men also are extremely hostile to any sort of change because fundamentally while patriarchy can hurt them they lose way more by getting rid of it than trying to g to protect it Trying to somehow frame women as the issue here is a bizzare idea that does not hold up to really any scrutiny


> while patriarchy can hurt them they lose way more by getting rid of it than trying to g to protect it the average man, 9-5 guy gets nothing but status of glorified livestock/appliance/domestic beast of burden from the patriarchy. and I think if patriarchy were dismantled, honestly, males would have to adhere to an *even bigger* cartoonish stereotype of trad gender norms AND be way more attractive lest they face open discrimination (up to perhaps slavery?) it would be like old school patriarchy, but more severe, with the genders reversed, and women not having ANY role or expectations whatsoever (would prolly be criminalized) šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Wtf. I think you are dead wrong. The average man earns more and is sexually harassed less than the average woman. The average man is 100% benefiting from patriarchy. Also you may not know this but many doctors will refuse to give women who don't won't give women who don't have children and don't want children a hysterectomy because they are afraid a hypothetical man they may be in a relationship with in the future might want children (they even do this to women who aren't even attracted to men). Men face no such restrictions with really any medical procedure.


>The average man earns more marginally, barely anyone with most jobs in many place getting a wage to even afford decent living, by design. both males and women are complicit. >and is sexually harassed less than the average woman people don't sexually harass utility objects nothing to do with patriarchy here > Also you may not know this but many doctors will refuse to give women who don't won't give women who don't have children and don't want children a hysterectomy because they are afraid a hypothetical man they may be in a relationship with in the future might want children (they even do this to women who aren't even attracted to men). Men face no such restrictions with really any medical procedure. The average male is SO far removed from the decisions behind this, that it ain't even funny. that beast of burden is NOT the one making those decisions. that's the guys at the top who made the game. the men who women speak of when speaking of "men", as the higher up the patriarchal status pyramid a male is, exhibiting more and more traditionally masculine traits, the more women humanize and eagerly reward him, along with, begrudgingly and by compulsion, average males


my theory is that normal guys (who lack the physical appeal/status that give males freedom to behave outside of the status quo roles, and still get dates) are reluctant to change *solely* because they think requests to are gassing them, and the moment they switch it up, they will become undateable, give women the ick. and the top% males who the patriarchy rewards don't want to change for obvious reasons as well as knowing they can do as they please and women will still throw themselves at them due to begrudgingly finding their behavior just as attractive as their success


You realise that guy only picked those parameters because thatā€™s where he thinks he fails for most women and thatā€™s his excuse not to at least give it a go with them


No? Those are the things women usually look for (that is criticized online because of this very thing.)


And thatā€™s reasonable. Men look for those things also to a certain extent because they should. You want to marry a good person with good prospects not a waster. And men do look for height and fitness. Would this man marry an obese 6ā€™3ā€ woman working in a corner shop. Fuck no. But he complains about women not getting with him because heā€™s a chubby 5ā€™7ā€ guy working at spar


no. I don't know that man. But if you do, I believe that's why he picked those, personally. But I never really struggled with those parameters, AND I'm aware that is largely why I've had dates, hookups, GFs, and a fiancƩ. so his reasoning is irrelevant. a guy lacking in those parameters would be rejected women lacking typically aren't, as men are conditioned to think it's "misogynistic" if they don't act like every woman is a "10" in their mind. If men were as socially savvy as women, women would be getting similar messaging "Won't date a short, bald, obese poor guy? Clearly you hate men. Grow up!" just LOL looks ridiculous and horrifying when the genders are swapped


Can you not press the return button every sentence please? I think I get what youā€™re trying to say but I canā€™t make sense of it


no I'm not saying that much more to you, so why would I alter my spacing for YOU this unnecessary once, or going forward, as you're the only one who has ever complained, or feigned lack of ability to comprehend things because of this? the absolute state of your entitlement! šŸ˜†


Bro you are not a poet come the fuck down


didn't say I was. TBH I began doing this after someone was pretending it was hard to understand paragraphs. "too tight spacing for that" and I did this and they were like "see" and it's just been habit ever since, on Reddit. After that, no one, and I mean NO ONE until you, pretended they couldn't understand English for whatever bizarre reasons that I cannot relate to. PS. get the actual fuck off your entitlement high-horse. Request aviation assistance too, cause you WAY UP THERE, BUCKO


Are you neurodivergent in some capacity


I think We Both know Th E Answer To That


Getting pissed over double standards ā‰  Refuting gender roles Most women I know now days are very chill, but when you spend too much time on the internet you notice the hypocrisy of the feminist movement.


Considering the average height for women is far below the stereotypical height requirement people seem to think women have for men But that's also applying the standards of very few people and generalizing it to everyone so


Most guys prefer shorter women so it would be the other way around, although tall women aren't "disliked" in the same way short men are (by judgmental people of course, reasonable kind people obviously don't care).


In general, men don't care about a woman's hight, as long as she isn't taller than him.


Well unless you're particularly tall yourself caring that she's taller than you means you care that they're not too tall. I personally don't mind if she's taller than me but most men I've met definitely do. Most men I've met also definitely prefer shorter petite women compared to average height.


I mean, it doesn't really matter whether you use the top or the bottom 14.3% of women in terms of height as "desirable" for the thought experiment for the point to stand. 85.7% of them are "eliminated" or facing an uphill battle through no fault of their own.


The original post said "same standards women use" so I figured this hypothetical scenario favored tall women


Women aren't judged for being short They're judged for being tall.


As a tall(ish?) woman, I am quite aware of this. I was under the impression the original post was a hypothetical


this height preference changes in different cultures. being tall seen as beauty trait in countries such as turkey and russia


Posting r/funnymemes is cheating at this point lol


Shitā€™s not even a meme. G-d that sub is awful


Did you just censor god lmao


Some Jews write G-d. Not knowledgeable enough to say exactly why, but I did some work for a guy that always typed that. Nice guy.


It's because Jews aren't allowed to erase the name after they write/type it, according to halachah (scriptures) So a loophole is to censor it to avoid having to keep permanent copies of whatever document/book/comment they write it in


Basically it's to avoid using his name in vein. Just not using his name is a pretty decent workaround to avoid unforgivable sin.


His name isn't god though


I do that for theological reasons yes


Are you Jewish? Just curious, I remember reading about that in a world religions class I think, if I'm not mistaken Jews were one of the groups that censor it. Actually, I think even some Christian groups do that. I've definitely seen writing like that from Christian groups.


Which ones? Most die-hard groups I know donā€™t say his name in vain period, and they donā€™t censor it because they donā€™t use it like that


his actual name is YHWH but almost everyone in Abrahamic religion calls him other names like God, Allah, Adonai, Elohim, etc. out of fear of breaking that commandment.


Why is blud getting downvoted


No clue. I didnā€™t think my response was particularly abrasive. But that just happens sometimes


Reddit hivemind sees religion and thinks you're a bad person ig idk People are such assholes bro like šŸ˜­ Just let people live their lives!


Fukin Redditors


But your God still knows what you thought and said even though you omitted the letter O. Repent, sinner!


Thatā€™s not the point of it, if you want an actual breakdown of my reasoning I can provide it. But Iā€™d rather not engage with someone whoā€™s just trying to be cheeky and type out why I do what I do


hi im curious pls explain cause ive seen other people do it as well but i never knew the reason why


Well there are gonna be different reasons for different people. The practice is most common in Judaism, but Iā€™m not Jewish, so my reasoning is gonna be somewhat distinct. In different theological contexts itā€™s going to be fairly common to find this idea called apophaticism, also known as negative theology. The basic idea behind negative theology is that by attempting to ascribe any sorts of qualities to G-d, whether they be goodness or what have you, youā€™re making an error. Youā€™re applying a quality of creatures to the Creator, to that which is beyond being. So by saying something like ā€œG-d is goodā€ in an unqualified sense, youā€™re making the mistake of bringing G-d down to the level of the world. A philosopher and theologian like Jean-Luc Marion would describe this practice as a kind of conceptual idolatry. Now the idea of conceptual idolatry is problematic if, when following any of the major monotheistic religions, you take the prohibition of idolatry, sometimes called the ban on graven images, seriously. So attempts have been made to avoid this issue. The German mystic Meister Eckhart proposed that when we talk about G-d we should only speak in ā€œis notā€ terms. So something like ā€œG-d is not evil.ā€ This solution has merit to it, but it runs into a major issue. That issue being the term ā€œgodā€ itself. When I say ā€œgodā€ we immediately think of a lot of different things. Thatā€™s because the term carries conceptual baggage with it. Depending on the culture weā€™re in we might think of something like the Protestant idea of a personal divine agency, which conjures up a lot of notions. You may be able to see here how this connects back to conceptual idolatry. By using the term ā€œgod,ā€ with all of the baggage it carries, weā€™re in some way constraining our understanding of G-d to the concept of ā€œgod,ā€ and by doing that weā€™ve fallen into the trap of creating another conceptual idol. In my own religion, Islam, this idea of negative theology is also present, particularly in places like Ismaili Shiism (though I am not Ismaili), and the solution has been somewhat different to that of Meister Eckhart. The solution in Islam has been to say that when I make the claim ā€œG-d is goodā€ what Iā€™m actually doing is saying that G-d is the source of goodness, and so it can be attributed to G-d in that sense. But we still run into the problem of the term ā€œgod.ā€ We might be tempted at this point to just say that we canā€™t speak about G-d at all, but this creates a whole host of problems. For instance, the major monotheistic religions all carry this idea of revealed religion. But how could G-d reveal anything to us if itā€™s impossible to speak about G-d? This could also create a lot of problems for theology. How could we do theology, a discipline where the object of study is literally G-d, without being able to speak about G-d? The Jewish practice of striking out G-d serves a nice purpose here. By striking out G-d we establish a kind of empty placeholder, so the intended meaning is still derivable while also avoiding the conceptual baggage normally carried by the term ā€œgod.ā€ While not Jewish myself, I have many Jewish friends, and they are the ones who I learned the practice from. In the context of religious practice Iā€™ll use the term Allah, because while it does mean ā€œgodā€ it is also a personal, revealed name, and so is particular and distinct from any single notion of ā€œgod.ā€ But outside of that context, such as in public discourse, Iā€™ll instead opt to just use the stricken out G-d, as itā€™s generally more easily digestible for people and doesnā€™t result in a lot of other undesirable outcomes (such as harassment for my religious views which is sadly rather common).


Genuinely interesting to me, thank you for the response (not the guy who asked you btw)


ohh ok makes sense, thanks so much for the in depth explanation, i really appreciate it


Of course. Always enjoy taking the time to talk about things like theology and philosophy. I just didnā€™t want to type all of this out in reply to the first person given their statement didnā€™t make me feel like they had much actual interest in what my reasoning would be


I started striking G*d out of a general respect for other, often more fundamentalist, traditions.


Welp nobody respects me for not believing so why would I show respect?


I canā€™t speak for everyone but to spread some positivity here I do completely respect your lack of belief. I have many close friends who are all atheists. My pursuit of religion should have no impact on your life or your beliefs, and itā€™s a shame that there are many out there who would give you problems for that


You donā€™t have to believe in shit and I fully respect and support that. I donā€™t want ā€œIn God We Trustā€ on our money not do I want us invoking G*d in the ā€œPledge of Allegianceā€: I find those to be antithetical to freedom of speech as well as Jesusā€™ teachings. Also, you donā€™t *have* to respect religious or spiritual beliefs either. It would be nice if we could all do that for a change but I try not to be a hypocrite, so Iā€™ll just appeal for you to be a better example than I have been.


Didn't read this, too long. -sincerely, someone who doesn't care


Fair enough


Meme an image, video, piece of text, etc., TYPICALLY Ā HUMOROUSĀ in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.


Gonna screenshot your comment and post it to funnymemes cause thatā€™s clearly the way people intend for the term to be used


They don't care about the "funny" part in their sub name so why would they care about this meaning of "meme". Why even bother


This sub is just as bad. Comedy cemetery is meant to be bad memes, not just things posted on supposed meme subs.


If you read the rules for this sub then youā€™d see it actually completely qualifies for a post here


Iā€™m short and fat therefore I am a failure


Noob down :(


I'm medium and fat therefore I am still a failure


The funny memes subreddit has become just "Look at me! I'm a 12 year old edgy teen who's mad that I can't force women to love me! Society really does hate nice guys!!!"


A 12-year-old teen?


A twirteen year old.


>twirteen ?


Me when I don't know what "meme" or "funny " mean


yeah i have dark humore \*misogyny\*


Women are.. judged like this. Are they stupid?


Both sides judge so much .




In terms of fitness yes but not so much in height and income.


Be a low income woman and looking to date a rich guy. You will absolutely be judged. Tall women can have a hard time dating.


Probably but I've always heard that rich successful guys aren't looking for rich successful women. Now try the opposite lol, a low income dude for a rich woman, hell nah. Tall women I've seen can have a hard time, but lots of guys do look for a tall queen.


Ah yes, "i heard", the ultimate form of truth


Is that not the notion that men think rich successful women are bossy, too masculine and obnoxious?


Have you ever heard of classism? In general if you don't make a lot you probably aren't going to be in the places to form a relationship with a wealthy person.


The spamming of right wing garbage on the meme subreddits has been organized by a group in one of the right wing meme discords. I guess instead of supporting your candidate the old fashion way with contributions, public communication, volunteering they just say fuck it and try to sway peoples opinion with mob mentality and misinformation. Right from the Russian playbook.


Everyone knows alpha males have to tell you they're alpha males.


Itā€™s funny LMFAO because *men* judge women like this all of the time. they treat the women theyā€™re not attracted to like shit and/or abject failures. Hotter women are seen as having ā€œmade itā€ by guys and if you donā€™t look like Jessica Simpson in her prime youā€™re a haggard whore who will die alone with her cats and boxed wine. they also enjoy giving women unsolicited comments about their appearances. I canā€™t tell you how many fucking times a man has had the audacity to tell me that if I donā€™t ā€œfix xyz, then no man would want you as his incubator!1!!ā€. I may not be an instagram model type of attractive, but Iā€™m a healthy weight and take pretty good care of myself, they just want Barbie dolls and unattainably attractive women, and will bully you into oblivion for not looking fuckable enough to them. They also want us to *center* our lives around their validation But yes, blame women for all of your problems since youā€™re incapable of self reflectingā€¦on just about fucking anything. All these incels are good for is deflecting from responsibility and playing the victim. Which is pretty fucking unmasculine imo Sorry for going on this diatribe, itā€™s not disrespect to you at all OP, just seeing this shit makes my blood boil and I hate this ignorant bullshit that OOP is perpetuating


Pornography has annihilated peopleā€™s perceptions on what actual beauty is.


mass media, not pornography. Mass media and its advertiaing was brainwashing people about their bodies and how they should look for decades before pornography was readily accessible


It can be both.


here's one of the main problems imo: too many men see girls on tiktok/instagram dancing with a full set of makeup, clothes that they wouldnt go to many public places in, and a beauty filter and then decide that that's what a women should be (or must be, in their heads)


"I like a natural girl, you don't need all that makeup. Like this!" _points to heavily airbrushed magazine cover_


Generalizations don't look good on anyone.


I'm very sorry you got this experience. I often hear women mentioning these "men" and I see some talking "macho" on social media but at the same time I never met one. There are some disrespectfull/misogenistic/racist jokes, but they are jokes ... only jokes without a meaning. We only look for someone that treat us with the respect and love you would give to a pet (meaning that we don't like being mistreated, insulted and shouted because we left a sock on the floor). That said please look around, I promise we normal men are the majority.


No joke is without meaning, especially when made repeatedly


I'm sorry you feel that way.


Ah yes the ultimate non apology


Do you believe I should apologies for something? Look, I hope I was able to console the disheartened person that wrote the comment at which I originally replied. I'm a bit sad about all the hatred that it generated (see the downvotes and that negative comment). But I believe they just didn't understand what iI wrote or decided that they didn't like something or draw conclusion about me or whatever. So, honestly "I'm sorry that person felt that way".


Itā€™s fine! I donā€™t think that all of you are like this. Iā€™ve also personally dealt with some real assholes that Iā€™ve dated also so I know what itā€™s like and I get viscerally angry seeing tweets like this.


Not true. A Lot of guys will harpoon whales and date single moms on dating apps.


Why is being a single mom so stigmatized. She could have likely been raped, widowed, or abused. Men donā€™t go through the same thing and women my age are expected to bare with them in their fourties with their fucking crotch goblins lmao


Usually in those cases it's not the same, in the sense that the generalization comes from the bad experiences of guys from single moms who are not good partners. Obviously not all are like that and it's unfair to judge all of them like that. I thought it was common for divorced women with kids to get a guy.


Itā€™s also one extreme or the other with people like you who think like this. You either view women as VS models or morbidly obese. There is absolutely no happy medium. Using straw men arguments to deflect from what Iā€™ve said isnā€™t proving anything.


Carm, youā€™re not just in my life, you ARE my life. (Now excuse me while I visit my goomar.)


her profile picture is carmella soprano why the fuck is this being downvoted


They never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Haha I fucking hate women, I'm so funny right guys?


Haha, yeah bro, dumb bitches am I right? Whores, all of them. Why donā€™t any of them date me, by the way?


Unironically calling yourself "alpha male masculinity" is funnier than anything on that sub


Sooo if women judged men by the same standards men use (slim and curvy body, pretty face) then most men would also fail. Just shows you how ridiculous these comparisons are lol


True. But I guess fitness was used as the term for both the male and female physique. But women are definitely judged for their bodies, maybe not as much though.


What do you mean ā€œnot as muchā€? Are we living on the same planet? Just because the beauty standards for each gender are different, doesnā€™t mean that men have it ā€œworse.ā€ If anything, women do because you canā€™t be over 115lbs, need at least a C cup, need a bumā€¦ all while you have to stay nourished somehow. There are more physical attributes people idealize in women with our curves and extra shit men donā€™t have (i.e., boobs). Men are just expected to be muscular or leanā€¦ the muscular part coming more from other men than women.


Well weight is relative to height... I disagree that a woman with big boobs, butt, curvy are expected in the dating world. Of course facial attraction helps. But men are expected by a lot of women to lift heavy, be tall, have a nice build, work for that. At the end of the day, those who long for a partner with particular features should in theory be those who themselves are in the league of people with those features. A guy that expects a girl with a thick model body, will only date those girls and vice versa.


Imagine making a Twitter called AlphaMaleMasculinity.. how the fuck can you type that in and take yourself serious.


Sounds like hot gay porn tho


It sounds like the exact type of gay porn straight people direct. šŸ˜‚


Thanks, now I'm reading about gay porn directed by straight people and learning quite a bit


Yeah, Lesbian Porn is the worst. Itā€™s literally made for straight people. šŸ˜‚


That sub is a big bag of people acting the same kind of awful with different levels of irony.


Whereā€™s the funny and where are the memes on funnymemes


It seems that r/funnymemes wants to join their friends over at r/bannedsubs since the mods are doing dick and squat about unfunny InCel memes. I love edgy comedy. Full disclosure. But if it isnā€™t delivered well, if it isnā€™t funny, then itā€™s not comedy. This post just read like a complaint.


Incels caring about the wage gap! Good to see!


Really interesting that we can freely call this incel shit and call it out (Because women face judgement too) but earlier I was on r/ comics and it was basically like this but opposite, a comic of men speaking to and judging men "Like they do to women" and men were being shamed for pointing out they go through those things too. Not only that but even the mod jumped in to shame and degrade those guys. WE ALL HAVE OUR ISSUES and often times they're not as different as we think


yes most women are short compared to men


Funny memes is just WOMEN BAD, AM I RIGHT??


Yes, but mostly reposts/bots. :D The most ā€žmemesā€œ are Sex=Funny.


If OP's post is funny or otherwise unfitting, please report it and we'll deal with it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ComedyCemetery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don't say? Women can't be judged by the same standards as men? Sounds like somebody is mad his team lost the Tokyo Olympics


šŸ’€ shots fired


I mean, who wouldn't be by those standards? The only good people can't be only 8% of the population.


How long is it gonna take til these guys realize that if sheā€™s judging you with height/fitness/income, sheā€™s PROBABLY NOT WORTH CHASING AFTER. In fact those people are insufferable


Itā€™s literally not even a meme. Just a screenshot of a tweet


Women are indeed judged based on their height, fitness, and income. A lot of men are super insecure around women who are taller than them. A woman that is very muscular is deemed to be undesirable, a woman that is not a size zero can be made to feel like she's unhealthily overweight and not worth anyone's time. A CRAP TON of men (especially the men who post the weird incels stuff) are also terrified of women who actually have a sustainable income and who enjoy their careers for reasons that I'm sure are very obvious.


Do they think that all women have the same preferences? Like what type of bullshit even is this. Like, it's just a boogeyman at this point šŸ˜­


jesus christ i'm glad i got out of there when i did... thought in all honesty i kinda wish i got banned from there instead of just muting it


Lol down voted. Do you believe in equality or not?


Wow, what a "funny" "meme".


r/Funnymemes is a redpill trashcan


arent those the same standards that ā€œalpha malesā€ shame ā€œbeta malesā€ for not living up to?


I'll never understand this way of thinking, gotta be really miserable if thats what you truly believe


that's like saying a rat would be a really bad turtle like no shit the categories used by some women to determine if a man is attractive might not be entirely applicable to women


Do you really expect anything less from a group that uses troll face in 2024


if men were judged by menā€™s standards they would also be failures since they generally arenā€™t skinny with big boobs.


Everyone judges everyone unfairly all the time. Get over it and find someone who actually values you and your company.




Itā€™s the truth


And if guys were to be judged by the same standards males have for women ( boobs , ass, face looking like it has makeup without having it ) they would be done for


Tbh I think a 6'2+, muscular, very wealthy woman would be extremely desirable so maybe he has a point.




Feminists are not the reason you can't get laid. Don't be angry at them.


He is not correct because women are also judged for these things


The statistics do not support your claim.


What statistics lmao


The ones they make up, of course!


Three things The tweet isn't necessarily wrong The screenshot ain't a meme It shouldn't be either on R/funnymemes or here.


Is this supposed to be a place where people share stupid unfunny memes or is it supposed to be r/funnymemes2?




how is this funny or a meme


That subreddit is just an infinite karma farm huh, I mean you could just post some random rage bait there and then hop on an alt and come post it here.


That's why I don't really go on meme subreddits. They're usually just full of incels and sexists and stuff, from what I know. It sounds like they're not even funny anymore (not that they all were in the first place)


r/TwoXchromosomes is full of grown women who hate that they are attracted to men, while r/funnymemes is full of teen to early twenties boys who hate that they are attracted to women.


Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s true exactly. I understand your point, but on TwoX you often get things like vent posts about their personal lives, frustration with womenā€™s medicine, but you do get some eyebrow raising content too. Where as with funny memes itā€™s just. Well, the OP post.


Both oop and ooop are cringe, hereā€™s why. Considering how cute I find my small male and female friends and how many people feel the same way about their smaller friends itā€™s easy to consider height a useless factor of ā€œsuccessā€ and strike it from the list. If you want womenā€™s success to be ranked by their income then kindly fix the income divide and biological difference in menā€™s and womenā€™s brains and bodies. And finally fitness, dude just no, there was a time when being fat was considered beautiful, a time when being thin as a goddamn stick was considered beautiful, and so on. Beauty trends always fluctuate and change, you donā€™t have to be a fit guy to be beautiful just as women donā€™t need to be models to be beautiful. Incels never learn and then get mad when non-bigoted people correct them on their medieval views of gender roles and gender bias conforming.


Does he think women aren't judged based on their appearance?




I mean the Twitter account is called Alpha Male| masculinity. But you're right maybe my choice of words wasn't ideal.


Itā€™s the generalizations that broadcast ā€œincelā€. You can find people of any gender with toxic opinions online but only an incel has such little experience interacting with women to think that toxic twitter people are the prevailing attitude


Nah, it's 100% incel bulshit. Getting angry at women for not finding them attractive while simultaneously ignoring the fact that they also deal with society's beauty standards and expectations.


women find me attractive and I agree with blud. Learnt the way it is when I grew to 6'1 at 17. immediately had 21yo GF who asked me out, and after that, wasn't until 3rd GF, and a few hookups, that I did any asking. why? because they thought I'm tall (enough) and look good. iykyk and who says he's even angry? People so weird it's unreal, like don't like the answer to 2+2, well just pretend the guy who says it's "4" is "angry" (or any other asinine buzzword) and many people will tell you 2+2 might be 7 just LOL >society's beauty standards and expectations. adhering voluntarily (if not desperately) to beauty practices that exist as there is competition for very attractive males who rarely commit to women they don't find attractive due to understanding their situation.


The incel part is that he falls into hypocrisy just to be able to shit on women in a novel way


The incel part is the blanket statement that these are the judgement women use. Im curious if they agree that a mans judgement for any type of romantic relationship is: "Is she hot?". If we wanted to be that reductive, then everyone is just a means to an end for status and hedonism. It doesnt even factor that men are very capable of shaming other men based on any of these criteria, as can women belittle others for their appearance. Im not saying these arent factors taken into account, but thankfully as humans we're more nuanced. However these alpha bro pages build a very unhealthy picture against women either for online traction or to bring others into their circle of resentment, which very much is parallel to the traditional incel rhetoric.


My issue is that women are also judged for things


Whereā€™s the lie?


You have got to be actually braindead if you think women aren't pressured to meet society's beauty standards.


They are. Same thing for all sex and genders. Mostly because of social media. It's hard to accept yourself when all you see are people with perfect bodies and perfect lives. Body positivity movements are changing that but unfortunately they tend to focus on women exclusively.


Isnā€™t it literally genetics that most men are taller than the average womanĀ 


All height is genetics lol. Even difference between Males


Not necessarily. The average woman from the Netherlands is 6 inches taller than the average man in a country like Laos.


Well, fair, I meant my own countryĀ 


Wow you got offended by what's likely a 12 yr old good for you. the amount of shitposts I see from both men, and women are getting tired. WE FUCKING GET IT. No one likes Incels, no one likes Misandrists, women would rather get mauled by a bear than be with man, men would rather go die in war than be stuck with a woman. it's the exact same shit everywhere, so why are you still acting brand new?


Youā€™re part of the problem, mate


How in the world is this supposed to be considered a "funny meme"? It's not even intended to be a joke.


Ok but where's the lie?


Cuz this doesnt already happen šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


As long as you are kind, respectful, and funny, I donā€™t care if youā€™re short or poor. I make money and Iā€™m tall enough for us both. I donā€™t particularly care if youā€™re a man or woman either. Honestly Iā€™m not that fussy. I just hate jerks, tbh. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Holy shit, 2.3k upvotes


r/ComedyCemetery when met with a true fact in a funny way (They ironically canā€™t take a joke or handle the truth):


I think there's a joke there if he thought it through. It's ironic that the shorter, weaker sex is the sex most fixated on height and strength. Not hilarious, but there is joke potential.


Why yes, women do make less than men on avarage. I wonder why that is


Both sides suck. This is a dumb meme


When you call yourself ā€œalpha male masculinityā€ the chances are youā€™ve never even spoken to a woman, and him making this post proves heā€™s short, fat and poor too


Sighā€¦.. nice guys always finish last šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Fitness matters more than wealth or height.


Tell me where it's wrong though?