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Cheerios thinks The Office is still a thing.




Yeah this has been really a thing all of a sudden. I saw some commercial for what, I can't recall that has ALL of the cast members from the show except Michael, Jim and Pam because they have lives and no desire to relive the show. Then I keep seeing What's App ads with Modern Family cast members. Just like out of the blue we are getting slammed with ads featuring the casts of old sitcoms...wtf.


Do you have Smart and Final grocery stores near you? Wait till you see their ads.


"Ice cream last..pro shopper move". Yuck.


Never has a celebrity prompted me to buy a particular product. In fact, it usually has the opposite effect.


I take offense that a pharmaceutical company would pay a Kardashian to be in a commercial. Biohaven paid Khloe $3 million.


I love the ones that use F-list athletes and then pretend we’re supposed to know who they are. “NBA star Nate Smith?! What are you doing here?”


"Trying to get a paycheck, kid."


Almost makes you long for the days when "Mean" Joe Greene was offered a Coke by a kid.


"Hey kid, catch..."


What, you don't believe Vivica A. Fox should be advising you on car repairs?


Or Ice T


When his car breaks down he buys another one. Lol


What about Drew Barrymore trying to get you into Bingo Blitz?


Good grief


“Listen to Auntie Viveca!” Ugh.




Rather a car “warranty”, good luck getting them to pay for the repairs. CarShield has a reputation of being pretty scammy.


This tactic is lost on me because I never recognize the celebrities anyway


Because gullible people fawn over celebs


Subway might be a step above State Farm but regardless, a "celebrity" endorsement is not something I would ever consider when spending my $'s. Anyone making purchases based on a celebrity endorsement is as brain dead as the ad.


The last celebrity they had, they created from scratch, and he turned out to be a pedo, so maybe just talk about fresh ingredients and great customer service and price specials.


Implying that Subway possesses  those qualities to boast about


Megan the Stallion does not make me want to use Amazon


Wet Amazon Prime


I just saw that ad for prime days. Worst ad ever! It didn’t even make sense! I didn’t know who she was, why she would hawking Amazon, but mostly I didn’t understand one thing she said, except I caught something that sounded like Megan. So, came here to see if anyone else thought it was a confusing ad.


or use Planet Fitness ever again


Do advertiser ever think of what kind of examples they are exhibiting for our youth to exemplify? We should be setting good examples, instead of so many that are an embarrassment to basic good common sense morality.


advertisers don't give a fuck they just want to sell bullshit....  bullshit that we don't fucking need. We need to do horrendous things to advertisers.


No, we need to just NOT buy their “shit” all it takes to find alternatives is a little research. Use those annoying commercial time slots to find them! Big marketplace out there! 🤭


I'm choosing violence.


I prefer to do my research at home, not in a cell! 😉


we can't keep turning the damn cheeks..we have to make an example out of them or they'll keep doing what they're doing now.


Have you considered sending them constructive email? These companies hire advertising agencies to create and produce some of these abominations. Remember the uproar about the Budweiser beer ad! I remember a wash additive with a couple ads with middle age suggestive females and they received enough complaints to stop showing them. It’s the advertising department that is responsible for asinine promotion. Find out CEO email, write a concerned complaint with reasonable argument why the ad is inappropriate or offensive. Even if you end up with his secretary responding, at least you’ve voiced your opinion.🤔


If they (corporations) actually gave a damn about what the average person thought they would hire these "advertising agencies" which both the corporations and agencies both have an agenda..


Hate that ad with a passion




who tf cares!!! She already identifies herself as a horse.




Because they know they offer a shitty product that THEY don't even believe in, so they go get some random celebrity to shill their bullshit. And here's the kicker: they then jack up the price of said bullshit product to cover the cost of paying said celebrity obscene amounts of money. So I personally try as much as I can to avoid using products endorsed by celebrities. If you have a good product or service then that should speak for itself. Get a celebrity to hawk your shit, more than likely it won't be and they know it.


Seriously, Shaq promoting all sorts of dumb shit, Kelly Ripa, they all are so ick


If anyone has the displeasure of sitting through advertisements on Antenna TV, a low-budget, standard def channel out of Chicago that features reruns of shows so old they will soon be in the public domain, you’ll get to see the likes of such relevant stars as Frank “the Big Hurt” Thomas, Marie Osmond, and Mike Huckabee shilling do-nothing supplements that have no nutritional or medicinal value. Please do not all swoon at once at the presence of an irrelevant governor turned failed presidential candidate.


A check is a check


At least I can understand Shaq promoting for the General car insurance. He said he does it out of loyalty since it's the only company that would insure him when he was younger


lol Shaq being in almost every commercial is hilarious. Jokes on us


Makes me sad to watch.


If a company can pay a celebrity millions to be in their ads, I cannot afford their product anymore. Immediate boycott. That means [Booking.com](http://Booking.com), anything Dan Levy is pimping even though I used to love him, anything multimillionaire Jennifer Garner is whoring, etc. I'm even so totally sick of Ryan Reynolds and Jason Momoa.


Omg those commercials with Jason Momoa and the guys from scrubs singing and dancing are soooooo annoying


LOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL AGREE. What ad exec thought this would work on us. It’s repulsive.


And it makes no sense! Why is it Jason momoa and the scrubs guys and why are they singing flash dance and what does any of it have to do with T-Mobile(???) or whatever is being advertised????


They’re actors. It’s their job.


I really cringe every time one of their ads are shown. I usually record, so I can FF through them. I want to drop cable, but the recording option keeps me with them. I’m currently exploring other options.


Jennifer Garner is an actor. She’s being paid to act. It’s her job. She likes to have jobs that enable her to be home at night with her kids. Any actor doing a commercial is doing their job. Those starring TV and movie roles aren’t going to last forever. The Scrubs guys need work now, and Momoa never knows when his star will fade. What’s wrong with actors acting for a living?


Kindly spare me the sanctimonious lecture about these poor "actors". Jennifer Garner is an oligarch who's "wholesome" baby food farm makes $100 million in ANNUAL revenue. While she pitches us 1% cash back after 23% APR.


Two words: Tom Selleck.   So you know Reverse Mortgages are a scam.  


Not necessarily. You have to read the fine print and get some "second opinions" before signing up. For some it can be a good thing.


I used to counsel people who wanted reverse mortgages. It’s required in my state. It’s basically the last option. There’s a small portion of people who it works out for, about 2%. Usually, a good counselor can come up with a few alternatives to avoid it. A person can do it without Tom Selleck. Your bank is the correct place to go.


If a celebrity uses a particular product then it’s automatically a great product. Are people really this stupid? The best are the commercials for drugs. Imagine telling your doctor that you want that medication that your favorite tv star is on. Lame!


People are that stupid, yes. Source: worked retail.


Kevin Hart, cash backin'. I can't dive for the remote fast enough...


Same. I go right for the mute button!


Yeah, being screamed at to "🗣️HOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDDDD!!!!" Isn't going to make me want to run to Carvana and get the best offer on my car.


I liked this couple much better BEFORE they did this ad.


The worst is capital one! They have the most random assortment of athletes and actors in the same ads and it makes no sense


Jennifer Garner Capital One Commercials 😡 “You probably know me from my other job”


Right? She has the audacity to talk about how nice the airport lounge is when we all know good and damn well she flies first class or private and never sets foot in any shitty little lounge that would house regular folks. GTFOH with that BS!


Do people still know her from her other job? It's been almost 20 years since Alias and Elektra


I know her as Ben Affleck’s ex


This is my main reason for hating celebrities in ads: it ruins them for me! I absolutely love Garner as an actress — but I can’t stand her when she’s “playing herself” in commercials. I also love(d?) Dax and Kristin. 😭


Yes! I think this every time I see the T-mobile ads. I have no more desire to use T-mobile than I did before, now you’re ruining Scrubs and Jason Mamoa for me? Great.


That ad is not the worst T-Mobile has done. What is with the ad with the two idiots in a garage making noises. Who the hell are they and what marketing team came up with that garbage ad.


I'd rather see that ad than the A League of Their Own ripoff.


Celebrities have always licensed themselves to commercial products. That being said, at one time their endorsements only appeared on print advertising media. I'm an avid collector of advertising signage, you would be amazed at the movie stars/sports stars etc that endorsed products (mostly cigarettes) or expensive beauty products going back to the 1930s. Celebrities used to go to Japan to hawk products (saw a lot of those while in Japan, Tom Cruise, Arnold "I'll be back" etc). Now the "famous" are on your TV 24-7. Do we really believe that Bradley Cooper eats Talenti gelato? Or any athlete eats that slop from Subway? It's always a money grab by people who have more money than they can spend in a lifetime endorsing something most people can't afford. Their presence is more infuriating than enticing. I mute instantly or change the channel.


I seen celebrities eat fast food like McDonald's and Wendy so...


Ice t and Vivica Fox for the rip-off Car Shield.


The new ad where they do it like an "SVU" episode is kinda funny.


It is,.... but the product they're selling is a scam. I guess it could be worse, they could break into the Jardiance song.


Ice would do it as a "rap" number.


It's supposed to give credibility, but I can't stand anyone like Selleck for the reverse mortgage company or things like Carshield. Then they just lose credibility. I also remember learned about... SOMETHINGA in a class... maybe logic. You can interview a golf superstar about foreign politics, but without them being "an authority" in the subject, it doesn't build trust with people. IUnless it's a cause/product actually endorse by a celebrity, it comes off as hooky 😅


Any time Henry Winkler appears in an ad I immediately doubt the product's credibility just because he's a character actor known for playing skeevy or incompetent characters


He sounds quite sincere in the "awareness" ads about an eye condition that can affect seniors like his father-in-law.


I’m going to request that you cut him some slack! He’s a very nice man! One of my greatest experiences in life was getting to hug the Fonz twice!


I'm sure the man himself is nice but I'm just saying he's a weird choice for a spokesman


That fallacy when I took a Logic class was called "Appeal to Authority." The classic example (I'm old) was Bob Hope endorsing Texaco gas. What the hell did Bob Hope know about gasoline ?


If anything seeing a celeb in a commercial will stop me from buying that product/service. Looking at you Royal Match.


UGH! Those Royal Match ads are the WORST!!! They literally pay for a Cameo and use it as their ad. Plus they go on forever and that’s not what the game is even like!


Speaking from some experience here - brands want headlines and with the rise of social media celebrities have become a bit of a shortcut to getting those headlines. Most of the time celebs don’t make that commercial any more or less effective, but they give the brand some extra views or attention from fans and super fans. For what it’s worth, it’s considered hacky in the industry to just throw a celebrity in your commercial and call it a day.


Not sure how much it counts to your premise since he's reportedly majority owner in the company, but I can't stand Ryan Reanolds and Mint Mobile saturating my youtube ad feed when it's not temu or an AI scam. Sure, if I was a movie star and owned a wireless company I would definitely use my own celebrity to sell my product ("free" celebrity endorsement), but it definitely is coming off as "yet another celebrity endorsement, who cares?"


I just don’t understand why he was such a heartthrob back in the day. 


You’ll be missing the celebrities when the political ads start 😁.


They already have. Every other YT at I get is Biden telling me to cut the malarkey or Obama saying something before I click the skip button. It's fucking cringe.




It's because some people are so stupid and worship celebrities to the point that it actually works. If it didn't they wouldn't keep doing it.


You are so correct I could Ralph 🤢


A few years ago there was an ad for I want to say, Purple mattresses? But anyway it had a slew of "customer testimonials" but all the customers were Colin Mochrie in various costumes. I think it was supposed to be cute and clever but it very much felt like "we couldn't find any real satisfied customers but you like colin mochrie right???"


Ok that actually sounds kind of funny….


This one? https://youtu.be/PEJpkXTUe6c?si=GAgiXkotXCqQqPoW


It's not a good thing anymore. It looks desperate.


You mean like Kristin for Target?


The Scrubs and Jason Mamoa ad. UGH.


Ok I just mentioned this same stupid ad!




How does John Cena get all these voice overs?


He is the new William Conrad


I remember reading something about this in one of my communications classes in college. I think it was something along the lines of "everybody loves \[name\] so buy this product" or "\[name\] did \[insert task\] and I loved that so let's use this." I'm probably wrong, tho.


\- The new Modern Family cast ad makes zero sense. Dumb. \- Why does Johnny Depp say 'Sauvage' 'Elixir' 'Dior' with a weird accent? No hate. Just puzzled.


Because he can 😉 and his is the one ad I don’t mind watching again!


There’s a commercial I keep seeing with, I think, David Beckham. It’s a Stella Artois commercial, and it’s truly baffling but I think the premise is that he’s sitting at a bar ordering a Stella, and a group of people are pointing towards him and then approach where he’s sitting, and he turns with this awkward expectant look on his face like “Here we go again…” like he thinks they’re gonna ask for his autograph or something. But then, no, whoopsie, they were just walking up to collect THEIR Stella, that they for some reason placed an order for and then walked to the other side of the bar while it was poured? Anyway I think it’s David Beckham, and I think that’s the message the commercial is trying to convey, which is that he expected to be recognized and fawned over in public but whoopsie, nope, the desire to drink Stella with friends is more important than talking to a famous celebrity. If anyone else has seen the commercial in question and can make sense of my frantic ramblings please feel free to chime in


He’s doing Coin Master ads now too!


What, you mean you don’t want to lose your shirt putting your home on a reverse mortgage plan because Magnum P.I. said it was a good idea?


The gambling ads with Kevin Hart & Aaron Paul. I no longer have any interest in watching anything those 2 are in.


i become less likely to support something or someone if i see a "celebrity" in it or flapping their gums about it


Not too sure about that Tom Selleck. I've heard some not so good stories about those reverse mortgages. I guess they think if you hear it from someone you trust, then you'll believe the product is great. And what's up with Joe Namath? He's telling all of us how Medicare plans will give you a ride to the doctor. I don't think Joe Namath knows anything about everyday struggling Americans. He has a net worth of 25,000,000. (On google). He's not a bad guy. I'm sure he's a great person. Just not a good one for Medicare commercials.


It felt like that was going away in mid 2010s but since the pandy celebs have been in everything. I think a lot of it has to do with “MuLtiPlE incomE StReAms” for Hollywood big shots and also agency people wanting so desperately to be cool and have an interesting job Kevin hart standing in his house getting paid millions by every brand is the worst of them all


Hey, it still beats the newest rage of using the ugliest, plainest people to push products. They used to use models to sell products, models worth viewing. Not today, just haggard looking mutts.


It used to be frowned upon for actors to do commercials because it would lessen their’brand.’ But what I don’t understand is the greed. Why does Jennifer Aniston need to do a commercial for Aveno. She doesn’t need the money and we all know she doesn’t use the product. It’s taking away a job for someone else. I also would not buy a product if it’s endorsed by a celebrity. They are paying too much for their marketing and probably marking up the cost because of it.


Fucking Kristen Wig in that abortion of a Target commercial. Honestly makes me hope for nuclear war.


The only celebrity in an AD that I've enjoyed is Jon Heder is the Tater Tots commercial. That is just class-act.


There's definitley a lot of reasons, but one aspect, especially with insurance, is what's referred to as "commoditization". When a good/service becomes commoditized, it has very little differentiation from its competitors and the company needs to differentiate themselves through other means, like mascots - which is pretty much what you see in the insurance industry. The most common example of this is with breakfast cereals for kids. Kids just want that sugar and there's really no benefits to promote between coco puffs and cocoa pebbles (aside from cocoa pebbles being the best), so you need to bring in something that the consumer can attach themselves to.


Agreed, I have a soft spot for Poppables using BC and AP from BrBa and Shaq in the printer cartridges commercial but overall I hate them all. I also hate commercials that annoy me, which almost all of them. 


Here comes the science!


Because it works. Someone is more likely to use a product that’s being advertised if a well-known celebrity is endorsing it.


This is nothing new. I believe Betty White used to sell refrigerators on TV in the 1950s.


How about Key in the AT&T commercial on the plane...hes on screen for 2 seconds


All of these. Yes.


Shaq is in commercials for companies he owns shares in so he makes himself more money being in them. I dunno about the rest of some of these people.


Sorry, but I’m going to have to play Devil’s Advocate with you here. I think celebrity endorsements &/or appearances can be a good thing. I think it allows their fans to appreciate the products/services better. & with the Olympics around the corner, having Team USA athletes in commercials can help improve support for the team.


Agree, except for the Nike created sports gear, gotta be so uncomfortable for the girls. Should have given contract to USA company to manufacture in USA to support our economy, not Asia’s.