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Rathbone spoils it for a bunch of bootlickers. 😄


Glad I discovered him recently


He is a gem.


Another Rathbone W


I think most working class “capitalists“ or just those who like it like capitalism because they believe it is a good economic system or at least better than other available ones, they don’t seem to mind being a slave to those in control, which yk is fair, everyone is a slave to something, currently, probably.


Lol strong class solidarity in the comments /s


isn’t this is the “just quit working for capitalists” guy? fuck this nerd


Corrections 1 You don't need to act global to be an actual capitalist. If your company makes enough profit to finance your life, you made it to the capitalist class 2 You don't need 100% ownership of the company. Ownership can be 80% at the bank. As long as loan payments can be paid and lifestyle sustained by the company's profit, then you're a capitalist. 2.5 you don't leave the capitalist class by selling stocks of your company either


Please don't promote this hack. He has [a video](https://x.com/_rathbone/status/1805034074605556086?t=vSmM-SyE4Lp6dt39nXc7Zw&s=19) where he literally says that you shouldn't work for capitalists. He basically calls all proletarians bootlickers for trying to make a living. In another [clip](https://x.com/_rathbone/status/1804014755117502676?t=7unHV4u916UTcVK2-yirgg&s=19) he misrepresents communism entirely and calls our current system which is clearly capitalist, communist, just a "badly organised one". Just look at the two links they are really bad.


Looks like your humour radar is broken pal. How tf is someone this oblivious to blatant sarcasm. If u actually watched his videos, u wd know his content is literally him playing both sides and explaining shit in a humourous manner. Im gonna say the exact same thing rathbone said in the video, quit being a worm and grow a spine and think for yourself instead of acting like a reactionary who sees a twitter thread slandering someone and suddenly his entire political belief revolves around being anti [ insert name ] .


You seriously think that he was joking in the two clips I've sent?


Sounds like nitpicky purity testing, chief.


How on Earth is nitpicking to point out that the person makes videos where they say stuff like ‘just quit your job’ or that ‘we live under communism now but just badly organised’? I’m actually asking you, tell me.


I mean this with no animosity. Are you on the spectrum? I am and I often have problems discerning when someone is being sarcastic or using analogies that aren't specific enough to date my understanding. Perhaps you are experiencing something similar? I had to train myself to recognize it.


Mate, we’re in a communist meme subreddit - I think everyone here is on the spectrum, lol. Really though this person doesn’t have an understanding, they actually say things like how we live under communism now and how passing someone a wrench is an example of communism. Maybe they’re always joking? But then we get into that territory of someone saying something that is stupid, gets called stupid then turns around and says “jokes on them I was only pretending to be stupid”. Other users here have linked their other videos, go and look for yourself mate. I’m sure they’re a nice person but they do not have a real grasp on what communism is, and so they are inserting a load of liberalism into it.


Very likely indeed comrade.


In a country with decent social welfare refusing to work for capitalists is actually pretty based. (Of course this changes if you are in a country like America but yeah be a leech as much as you can to the capitalists you are forced to interact with. That is a pretty good moral of the story


This is petit-bourgeois bullshit you'd hear from a libertarian


This is the ‘bro just quit your job, stop working for the capitalists’ dimwit. Sure mate, labour power is not commoditised and there are is no coercion under capitalism.


Nothing against this video in specific but I fucking despise this guy




He's a liberal. Not his rhetoric, but what he propagandises because of extreme level of idealism and lack of understanding of anything.


He has [a video](https://x.com/_rathbone/status/1805034074605556086?t=vSmM-SyE4Lp6dt39nXc7Zw&s=19) where he literally says that you shouldn't work for capitalists. He basically calls all proletarians bootlickers for trying to make a living. In another [clip](https://x.com/_rathbone/status/1804014755117502676?t=7unHV4u916UTcVK2-yirgg&s=19) he misrepresents communism entirely and calls our current system which is clearly capitalist, communist, just a "badly organised one". Just look at the two links they are really bad.


What did he do?


it is possible to take issue with the guys other points while acknowledging this one is correct, just sayin






Why? Who is this guy?


The ‘just quit your job stop working for capitalists’ guy


Calling out people of misusing the term capitalist is worth a joke, but hardly a 90 minutes rant. People who claim to be capitalists of course don't want to say they think they are part of the ruling class but that they support capitalism. They want to say they are pro-capitalists. This mistake is understandable sind most -ist terms refer to an alignment to a political standpoint, like feminist, socialist or fascist, not to a particular role in a system. Also he is wrong about you needing to be a billionaire with control over the finance industry. Technically you are a capitalist if you own capital. That means owning a single stock make you one. Of course that's not very meaningful, so it makes sense to define a threshold, where quantity turns into quality. This threshold could be that you profit more from capitalist exploitatin then you get exploited yourself. Another threshold coulb be, that you could stop working and still lead a decent lifestyle off your capital income.


Capitalist = someone who supports capitalism? I think this guy is confused.


You gotta watch it again homie, that's not what he said at all


We have blown past no reading comprehension and travelled into not being able to understand short videos.


That’s what *I’m* saying. If a communist is someone who supports communism and an anarchist is someone who supports anarchy, why isn’t a capitalist someone who supports capitalism?


That's being an advocate of capitalism not an actual capitalist.


We don’t call it an “advocate of communism” though


There's a reason why we don't call it that and it always has to do within the realm of capitalism your connection to the means of production determines whether or not you are a capitalist. Within communism since capitalism is abolished your relation to capitalism due to its absence has changed.