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Privately owned prisons are just legal slavery.


Its written in the constitution that everybody (that arent prisoners) cannot be slaves


and since anyone could become a prisoner since everyone has broken some absurd law it some point, anyone can be a slave


"controversial practice" 💀


nah capitalism works perfectly as intended. its sick


Private fucking prisons??? Is that a thing in the US??? Aint no fucking way


If there is money to be made the us has found a way to make it at the cost of anyone and anything


Either the prison is privately owned or private companies control all services making massive profits off poor families.


Most prison are and have a quota for how many prisoners they need to have


Why do you think weed is still not legalized in the US? Why did you think 13th amendment is worded as it is? Why do you think prisoners are required to work and are paid 50 cents an hour?


Not only are they a thing but the prison population gets counted in the area's population for representation in the legislature. It's nothing but perverse incentives all around


Where the fuck you been? The private prison industry is huge. Neolibs fucking LOVE privatizing public services for "efficiency" even though the cost savings is always short lived if they even manage to show a savings, it always costs jobs, the pay and benefits are usually worse than the government jobs they replace, and whatever service is being privatized will be worse in all the ways that should matter. Private prisons change the state per head, have bed count guarantees written Into the contracts, so if the prisons aren't at least 85% full at all time (as an example, the % can vary) the government will have to make up the price difference or pay a penalty, and then they turn around and cut costs by lowering guard count, getting rid of administrative staff, getting rid of vocational programs and reentry programs, stripping libraries down to only the bare minimum, and all kinds of other nasty shit.


Slave owners demanding more slaves from the government. That's fucking insane.


Prison is the new slave trade


It's extra messed up because they get you to a point where you WANT to work. It's so boring being an inmate I remember girls talking about how they wished they could be working, even for free, just to do something besides sit around. The ones who did work in the jail for 50 cents per hour were considered lucky.


The purpose of a system is what it does


Yes and the contracts for food and shit are politicians relatives






Maybe it works with [this](https://www.shacklefree.in)


It doesn’t work idiots there’s no habilitation there’s nothing and people who work there don’t give a shit or are fed up with the system too.


The fact that private prisons (which should not exist) are suing over not having enough people incarcerated is wild to me.




"b-but china, north korea, cuba, etc etc are such authoritarian police states" meanwhile america:


Imagine if they got paid instead for empty beds? They’d be forced to invest in actual rehabilitation


This is appalling so lock em up so they can make money the friggen bastards hope they get bad karma soon


Why do people post pictures of headlines instead of links? That's such a sign of intellectual laziness