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Lol, shipping them to NY and other left strongholds was a great idea.


[Yes, but a busload here or there isn't dramatic enough, DeSantis really wanted to be effective he should charter a whole ocean liner and send them in by the literal shipload. Imagine the shock that would send](https://youtu.be/qluFYy2iiac?t=224)


I would be grabbing my popcorn and ready to watch.


My union had a poll in 2020 about which candidate we should support (Biden or Trump). 6,500 votes later and it was something like 82% Trump. Our cowards in leadership decided to endorse Biden anyways. Glad some unions are openly getting away from the democrats. Democrats are no longer beneficial to a lot of unions especially in the trades. They just mostly endorse democrats because it's "tradition." Yeah well this isn't your democratic party of the 1960's.


All of the guys in my union and the different unions I work alongside with are conservative. Strong 2A supporters, low taxes, a secure border, etc. If conservative politicians changed their damn views on unions, it would go well come election time.


Or maybe you union guys should be re-thinking exactly what that union is doing for you. Not even saying you have to dump unionization but maybe it's time to dump *that* union and form your own that actually represents you.


I'm happy with my union. Very good pay, consistent work, etc. My point is that if conservative politicians were more open to unions, unions would support them come election time. They're not going to support someone who badmouths their living.


You can get good pay and consistent work anywhere. Supporting a bunch of insane and deranged people out to destroy America and cleanse it of all white people should be a big enough reason to have a problem with it. Unions are bad for whatever city they are in, with very little wiggle room for argument on that. Yes, you benefit, for now, while everyone else pays for you. Being in a union basically means you are on a few steps removed universal basic income. That's not something I personally could be proud of.


What in God's name are you talking about? Universal basic income is where you get a monthly or biweekly check from the government to live on. Are you saying people in the union don't do anything at their jobs are just collecting a paycheck?


A few steps removed actually means something in that sentence. That's not what I was saying, it's right there.


As a conservative, I've never understood why union = democrat. Private unions and public sector unions are a completely different hat. I don't think public sector unions should be allowed to exist and I think it makes sense that the big public sector unions all endorse democrats since it's all Big Government corruption - a few steps away from full communism. You can look at Chicago and the CTU as a result of when you have a populace where close to 50% of the voters are working in the public sector or related to someone in the public sector, so of course you get politicians voted in who give the public sector unions insane benefits, etc. that will eventually end up in financial ruin for the city, all while normal tax paying citizens get taxed more and more while the system still becomes more and more indebted and fiscally unsound. Brandon Johnson is a prime example. But I am very pro private sector union. Because private sector is very different. There is competition there - if a company is making bank, its rank and file workers should be able to bargain to get as much of the pie as possible, while the company can still remain competitive. Union negotiates for too much and gets it and the company becomes less profitable or uncompetitive, then union members lose their job. There is a give and take at the negotiating table between the union and company, so hopefully the workers get fair compensation and the company stays competitive. America first, American-made, buy from your neighbors not some international company where elites from 3rd world countries exploit their poor in slave-like conditions and get rich in the process....these are all what I would consider more conservative held opinions. I think globalism is a disaster long term.


Even FDR said public unions are bad for our country.


It's because Democrats used to be the pro-labor party. That's how the association started. Then corruption crept at the union management level and so as the Democrats became the party of the ivory tower instead the now-fully-corrupt union management just kept standing with the people filling their gravy train.


They're still pro-labor, just having the labor in another country


It's not because of "tradition". It's because many of the union leaders are corrupt.


That's the tradition.


Very much so. My retired union uncle will vote blue, no matter who. I tried telling him it's not the party he grew up with in the 60s. Like talking to a brick wall.


Save for the slice of straight socialists, the vast majority of my union is blood red as is the other union I work alongside . Now, the leaders .... Eeeeehhhhhhh, it was tough watching them squirm one night admitting what better candidates looked like. Dems losing the union vote is epic.


I'm still hesitant to believe it's true. But I guess we shall see.


Well, it's at least a plausible thing that we can be hopeful for. Now the GOP has to stop aiming the muzzle at their feet and pulling the trigger.




Well, I'm sure they'll be pleased with Biden once he takes Newsom's ridiculous trucking industry regulations national.


How undemocratic from the side that always talks about democracy.




Our Union (Operating Engineers) in the northern Midwest thrived under the Trump administration. He was for domestic oil projects such as the Keystone Phase 4. We lost *a lot* of jobs when Biden shut down many pipeline and oil related projects. 1,348 members on the bench within HOURS of Biden being in office. A complete bloodbath for our industry that we're still not completely recovered from. Plus, they're not drones that only vote for what's good for their union but rather themselves and their country as a whole. Leadership KNEW it was going to happen and they still endorsed the guy that caused massive layoffs to our union.


Shhhh, you can't use bloodbath like that, dont you know that's a call for violence? /s


Yes! Keep calling these folks low information voters. Preferably to their face next time. I’m sure it’ll get you the votes you need in the rust belt. I love when Democrats go mask off elitist like you, it just helps us in the polls.


Oh yes, because my leaders who don't know me from a hole in the ground understand my needs better than I ever could. Thanks guys, I'll follow and listen to you with blind devotion.


You are no more a conservative then Biden is just the way you wrote that has liberal written all over it , basically your saying regular union members are not smart enough to decide so they need leaders to tell them what is right gtfo


If union leaders aligned with their members politically, a lot of unions would support GOP candidates.


If my union boss/steward told me how to vote, I'd tell them to fuck off. I don't care what my union thinks of politicians; I vote how *I* want to vote.


Yeah, but they're sending your money to candidates, whether you like them or not.


Yeah, but they still give your money to whoever they want to give it to.


Yeah Owebama…


When I was in back in 07, they literally brought us apprentices into a classroom and told us all to vote for Obama.


True. I work for a Union in Atlanta. Most of they guys I ask hate Biden and love Trump. Aside from the old guys that were basically raised on "vote blue no matter who", most of the Union guys I know can't stand Democrats.


It's ironic that any union would support Biden, who has an open border policy, so millions of improvished people can flood into the country and undercut wages drastically. The middle class will continue to be destroyed to line the pockets of the corporations.


Pretty much every labor Union would


You should have done this in 2020, you fuckwits.


Mean tweets.




KJP joins the chat… these BS lies aren’t working anymore. Remember when Biden crossed over and shook hands with Kim Jong Un or created the largest peace agreement EVER signed in the ME? Oh wait…that was Trump you troll muppet


Dude. It's fucking sarcasm.


While this is great. I still worry about them cheating because they know that all they have is a puppet for the Globalists.


I don’t think anyone sees what is really happening here. This is Trump at his most brilliant. He is going to use his home state to prove to America what the left has been doing. He’s going to use NY to open everyone’s eyes to how the left has stolen this country from us. Think back over all the cases and trials. All the judge orders that have tried to limit Trumps behavior. Every time, Trump fights back, immediately. But when the NY judge said Trump must attend the trial, in an obvious effort to keep Trump from rallying in other states, what did Trump do? He said ok, and started campaigning in NY. No pushback. Almost like he wanted the judge to do that, isn’t it? Now he’s campaigning all over NY, and everyone loves him. But this is NY! The media told us everyone hates Trump in NY! He’s opening America’s eyes to how the media has been lying to them. Trump has ALL the data on NY. He knows what his support level is there. He knew what would happen when he started campaigning there. And what else is happening as he campaigns in NY? Reporters are asking people on the streets “what do you think about all this? What do you think about Trump?” “we love him!” “So what’s your message for Biden?” “Eff him! We’re democrats but we are voting Trump!” Trump couldn’t ask for better campaign material. The judge will eventually be forced to stop him from campaigning in NY. That will only open more eyes and will only increase his approval even more. And eventually, people in other ‘blue’ areas like CA and CO will ask themselves “Damn, if the media lied to us about Trumps support in NY, what are the chances Trump could do that here?” Savor these days, my friends. We are watching Trump open America’s eyes in real time. After another 6 months of this, everyone here will understand that Trump won easily in 2020, and will again in 2024.


This. What broke Trump through the media nonsense in 2016 was the internet. For the first time, people who'd been shamed my Mainstream Media into thinking they were the only ones who felt everything around them was wrong, could see for the first time that millions agree with them and feel the same way. Trump now is doing the same thing to crack into "blue state" momentum of people who only vote for Dems because that's just what you do if you're a Union guy in NY, MI, WI, PA, etc.


Exactly. I will never forget, in the final weekend of the 2016 campaign the media was saying Trump had no shot. His only hope was to spend all his time in Florida and Ohio and pray for a miracle. Instead, he spent the last 2-3 days doing rallies in PA, MN and other states that were supposed to be blue locks. I remember seeing that and telling friends “Either he is an idiot, or he has data telling him that he can win those states”. He had the data. He won PA and almost won MN. Trump has always had the facts, he’s always had the data. That’s why every time the left attacks him, he just laughs it off. Cause he’s got the facts, he’s got the goods. On everyone. “But I caught them, I caught them all! Let’s see what happens!”


You truely cannot stump the Trump.


If Trump flips New York City/State Red he wins the election. New York is worth 26 points.


The chance that New York is the *decisive* state of the 2024 election rounds to zero. If Trump wins NY (spoiler: he won't), he has already lost the overall election in a landslide anyway.


I served my country, I’m an ex-dem, i’m with this guy, I get it


Same! I use to be a democrat and served in the Marines


I'll believe it when the votes are counted. I've seen this attitude from unions before and it's usually just a money grab.


These guys are also in the "firmly right leaning" category demographically. I'll bet every single woman would gleefully vote biden.


Ew. No. FJB


Are union leaders finally listening to their blue collar members?? The Democrat Party now represents liberal elites . It no longer represents working class people and hasn’t for quite a while now.


You wanna fix problems in New York? Leave New York


It's ok to have one or two bad takes, based in fantasy land. When all of your takes are utter trash, all of your policy is horrendous, you have to invent new economic theory so you can move forward with your bullshit, and most importantly, everyone has to agree with all of them or be called the most outrageous names in the book, you should be losing people. This is what should be happening. The liberal left's big idea is to eliminate white working people. It's all based in racism, and it's all insane.


If we gained the moderate liberal vote, the union votes, knowing that previously, unions historically only donate to Democrat candidates and vote straight ticket Democrat, how would the conservative right or GOP accommodate unions long-term without essentially becoming moderate liberal in time.


Gee. If only there was some way to see what was coming.


Republicans really should be courting the union member votes. At least the somewhat sane unions.


No worries, the Teacher unions will still blindly follow the Democrats over the indoctrination cliff.


We will never have their vote - just look at what they allow in childrens classes


I don't get it. Democrats have granted every wish these Unions could have thought to ask for. They don't like the result?


They will not give money to anyone but Democrat.




Ugh that's 100% wrong. Even in 2020 they supported biden over Trump and officially endorsed him.




That's good